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Posts posted by TheyreFood

  1. 18 hours ago, HiMeToEu said:

    So it seems that my gear has fallen off meta (or maybe even nerfed, I havent read patch notes in a while) My destreza was barely able to bleed stack the ambulas as Rift torrent Limbo. My Synapse with a crit riven installed did worse than a burston prime.

    i mean i never understood why people liked the destreza, it never felt like it did enough dmg for me, and the synapse IMO isnt even worth looking at, which makes me sad since i LOVE infested weapons

  2. Limbo+really strong melee weapon
    Valk+strong mellee weapon
    Loki+hushed invis+shotgun

    or recruiting chat and set up a comp, me and a friend 2 manned it, i personally thought it was a blast, first time in a while a sortie has mad me go down (last time it happened was in the ambulas sortie when the event first launched lol) 


  3. On 5/5/2017 at 2:19 AM, NinjaZeku said:

    It appears once your Clan has reached the required total Animo score.

    yeah i noticed this really late, not really sure why they did it this way when no other op has been like this but no harm no foul, thanks for the reply

  4. On 3/21/2017 at 9:24 PM, (Xbox One)JON789 said:

    Now think about what you tried to convey in this sentence and read it back to yourself

    well since i wasnt talking to you in my first post, and you chimed in with some jerky boy reply that had nothing to do with anything i said but quoted me anyways, so.....yeah

    like i said, get butthurt if you want buddy, there is a LOT of things you wont have, if you feel the need to complain every time you dont get something you want you are going to be very busy :)

  5. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)JON789 said:

    Is there something wrong with how i choose to play the game?

    as if it's any concern of yours..

    not sure how you got that from what i said m80, but if you want to go on the def and get ur phany sore then you are welcome to

  6. first was a bit annoying simply because it was just carrying people while they afk (literally the sortie are the only time i care about that), second was nothing, third i went titania, duked on her, and we left, no problem... i dont get how people are struggling with these things

  7. 28 minutes ago, (PS4)ElementalLeaf said:

    Does anyone know of any tips or tricks to make this faster or more efficient.

    • Who are you playing
    • Are you doing this with friends or randoms?
    • What frames do you like to play?

    I loved this game mode and would like to help you learn to like it, or at the very least help you get through it. xD


  8. 6 hours ago, PakkiTheDog said:

    There are 2 types of grind. One type which is reasonable, might take you a while, couple of hours, but with determination and a couple of tries you can get what you want. And than there is the second type which intention is to force players to spend money to buy plat to buy weapon/frame. Hema and nidus are nice examples.


    You could, as you said, sell prime items and buy the frame with that plat. So ,depending on your luck, you'll have to buy nidus, hema, octavia and other new items and frames if this trend continues. So this will either effect your wallet or your plat spending priorities.

    Got Nidus within an hour and a half, had Hema ticking down in my dojo day one, and I'm sure without a problem I will have bard frame day one too...

    Like in all honesty I see people come on here and complain about the most random things, like Hema I could understand to some degree, not to the degree people are band-wagoning at, but still. Saying the Nidus and Hema farm was insane, is in itself false.

    Nidus was a very easy farm, could be done solo if you wanted or with clannies, the hema, is a bit different but if you are in a clan that is storm or higher and you do not have enough active members to get it done, then the leaders of your clan are dropping the ball. Outside of that a single player could fund the Hema, I put all but a couple hundred into ours and a friend finished it off, and we were a shadow clan.


    TLDR: I have literally everything (outside of the founders pack), and think people saying these types of grind are to force a pay-wall are fools.


  9. 22 hours ago, Sarge_Tarmus said:

    -after The Glast Gambit, we received only the Nidus' main blueprint and we were forced to play this boring infested salvage, to get more parts.
    -Do you think DE will force us to play the Pacifism Defect endless mode to get the blueprints for Octavia's parts?

    -We aren't ever forced to play a game mode or farm for a thing, also I found the game mode fun, I mean at first it was bad but that was because of spawn bugs and was fixed very fast.
    -Again, you aren't forced to do anything, you either want to farm them or you don't, Also I would love the PD game mode as an endless mode in game, so if that's how they choose to do it, i'm fine with it.


    Also if you really don't want to farm them you can farm relics, sell the prime parts and buy them with plat, pretty easy.

  10. a small growth attached to any thing could start throwing out spores and turning the troops there... pretty easy

    Just now, (PS4)ATreidezz said:

    A grineer cargo ship just returned from tikal-earth, the cargo was a bunch of infested meant for some grineer experiment. Then it went south pretty fast.

    or this ^

  11. 9 minutes ago, Noamuth said:

    We're a very supportive community.

    Unless you're whining about weird things, throwing blame at DE or the community when it's unwarranted, or lashing out in general because they're just...special.

    Other than that, we're supportive and understanding.  

    i have seen people get attacked for being like "ayy i like duration inaros!" i mean the community is good, the community is pretty great in game its just any forum for anything... *cringe*


  12. 49 minutes ago, LabMan95 said:

    Thank you. I'm done being a whiny ***** now. I'm just sick of putting effort into things and getting no returns, both in this game and life

    <_< i mean... if you want someone to stroke your hair a forum known for being super non-supportive is probably not the place to look.

  13. Just now, Simonb53 said:

    It's bandaid patch that's all ^^

    not really, they could have removed it but it would have made rivens insane common or made something else from the uncommons common, this way you have a chance at a cool (i love the style) ayatan in place of what some people were complaining about getting effectively almost doubling the endo you get from it (not to mention a lot of people were complaining about 2k endo were lying about how often they were getting it in drops lel) if anything it is directly an upgrade in everyway 

  14. 19 minutes ago, Jobistober said:

    So a full Anasa is only worth 3450 endo? You grind out an entire sortie for that? You can find an Orta in any other mission and it's worth 2700 endo. Doesn't seem to me like the effort is worth basically 800 more endo.

    Would you rather have the 3,450 endo, or the 2,000 endo it replaced?

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