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Posts posted by --RV--LadySpiderwick

  1. 1 hour ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

    I don't understand the mutagen sample thing. I have a shadow clan and between my boyfriend and I, we had plenty of samples plus a bunch to spare after we split the cost between us. We were able to start research on the Hema immediately.

    The issue is that not everyone in a clan may have an abunadance of mutagen samples, clans may have people that are more casual players. I'm in a moon clan and it's about half a million mutagen samples. Currently at this time we're still needing 399,638 mutagen samples to complete the research. 

  2. I've also had issues with host migrations and the amount of "open squads" and made a post about it months. No one seems to care that host migrations and open squads have gotten worse, especially when I sometimes rely on public groups to do certain sorties.

  3. Just now, lodoubt said:

    This is not. Though I despise interceptions, and was frustrated I had to sit through it for Phoenix Intercept and Ogma Elite, it would net me about as much sympathy.

    Then we're both neutral then, you don't like interceptions I don't like conclave. Honestly if they had tweaked the alert I might've found it remotely enjoyable and wouldn't be annoyed by it but I've had enough bantering for the night thank you very much. I'm dropping the stupid subject.

  4. 2 hours ago, Heckzu said:

    No one is forced to do the tactical alert, as its reward doesn't have any influence on gameplay unlike weapons which give mastery exp and in some cases are weapons players will actually use instead of discarding as fodder.

    The argument that players are forced to play in the Conclave because there's a reward they don't already own is flawed because the Conclave features 16 exclusive sigils, 3 armor sets (2 of which are exclusive), 1  exclusive (and renowned) syandana,  and 31 exclusive weapon skins (most of which are considered the best skins for the weapons they apply to). If you really needed to obtain every cosmetic you can, then you would have already voluntarily participated in the Conclave. For the same reason you don't have a Celestia Syandana, you don't need to have the winter sigils.

    I have participated in every tactical alert as far I've been playing, also I really don't care if you think my argument has any merit. Other people aren't pleased with the implementation of this tactical alert either but honestly I don't care if you disagree. Quit talking to me.

  5. 4 hours ago, lodoubt said:

    I'm just really tired of people scolding DE any time they try to put rewards on content that has more intrinsic complexity than "Play cookie clicker on this survival mission for 20 minutes".

    I like to collect the sigils and participate in the tactical alerts as I have when they've previously come out. I don't care for conclave, it's not my thing so I don't really care if you think that. Don't reply because some people aren't worth replying to after a certain point.

  6. Ten minutes for one round is too long, and three times doing this that's 30 minutes for some getting wiped, ganged up or camped over and over again isn't fun. For once I do complain about this tactical alert because I don't have those sigils but spending 30 minutes in conclave gamemode an aspect of Warframe I strongly dislike being pushed to do and it's not fun. 

  7. Just the sigil honestly, having to spend ten minutes in a round just to get pummelled over and over with clunky weapons is hardly fun. What's fun is that if there was an option to verse npcs to appeal to the pve players which I am. 

    Ten minutes is too long for this, it's hardly a tactical alert and whilst it has taken the effort for DE to do these in light of the Christmas spirit pushing non- conclave players to deal with this three times per event is less fun I'd rather farm for relics honestly if that reward wasn't there. 

  8. 28 minutes ago, Andrakax said:

    So, first off, DE, I love the work you do normally.  I like the idea and intent of this Tactical Alert, however the implementation is AWFUL. 

    • I agree with the original poster: PvP (suggested or forced) in a PvE game (or the PvE player base) is just plain wrong. 
    • To those who say this is like the index, you're wrong.  The index allowed your own gear where you could wreck the enemy with the gear your comfortable with.
    • The "weapons" provided (albeit neat in design) are clunky and uncomfortable to a major of the player base (ie, those who normally don't use slow as *!&# melee weapons and slow as *!&# throwing "pistols").
    • The movement speed is slow as *!&# to anyone who as invested anything into any warframe.  Hell, my rhino moves faster than that...
    • To those who say "its not supposed to be serious, you don't even have to win", I say this "It won't be fun if you are dead most of the time".  I don't want to bother spending 30 minutes dying most of the time....
    • 10 minutes of this mission is WAY too long.  Index/Rathuum was never this long, so why is this alert taking so long???
    • IF (and I still wouldn't play it for above reasons) you really wanted to provide a "fun" alert like this that is PvP, do not offer special rewards for completing it.

    All in all, this alert is a flop as far as I'm concerned and its nice to know I'm not the only saying this.  Please don't do this to us again.

    Awful implementation for sure! The weapons, even the mint scythe are clunky and slow and the snowballs are quicker than using the scythe. If it was around 5-7 minutes I wouldn't feel like it was a waste of letting people kill me to get it over an done with. Movement speed for sure isn't very fun, even when I bothered to want to go snowball crazy. I never liked conclave in the first place, and not having the sigils (naturally I like to get them) was a form of motivation but otherwise I'm not interested in the conclave side. I don't care what people think, I just let the other team gank me cause I don't like having to stay in for ten minutes. 

    Another thing about conclave that is utterly offputting is people camping a zone or ganging up on you, for even casual conclave matches what fun is copping either of those?

  9. 13 minutes ago, lodoubt said:

    AKA you just arbitrarily decided that you aren't going to let yourself have fun because you self-identify as someone who hates conclave.

    I have never liked conclave in the first place, the only motivation to do it is for those sigils because I don't have them. Not everyone is a pvp nut like you, so yes I do hate conclave because I am not into pvp but the pve part of this game. If Warframe was purely pvp I wouldn't have bothered picking it up.

  10. 7 hours ago, Fraxim said:

    I think the problem is not the conclave itself but the mentality people have with how to interact with the conclave and by default the tactical alert.
    I've tried a few random fights and for some god forsaken reason there are players that just idle through the match. They literally go to a hiding spot on the map, and wait for the timer to go out doing absolutely nothing, even when they get found out by the enemy team.
    If you're this type of person, or with a similar way of thinking then of course you will not enjoy the match, it will be a literal waste of time because you're hell bent on not giving it a chance and by proxy just being baggage for your team.

    I get it that the conclave is not perfect, being a weird option on a centric PvE game and having several issues with connection due to the lack of a dedicated servers hell i've never got into it before this, but to be so obstinate will only ruin the experience of those that are trying to give it a chance.

    So far of the matches i've seen the most active players are around rank 0-8 and in SEVERAL cases the people that go into hiding and such are well over rank 20, is that really the kind of image you guys wanna give?

    I'll admit I pelt a few snowballs but don't bother but you know what? If this event wasn't conclave it'd be more fun and I'd participate more.

  11. On 17/12/2016 at 1:27 PM, Zamio said:

    Who's forcing you? You don't have to do it you know. 

    If you want the sigil (and you don't have it) you have no choice but to do this (bleep) conclave tactical alert. I personally strongly dislike conclave and am quite pissed that DE hasn't given pve people much choice.

  12. 4 minutes ago, BaIthazar said:

    because riven mods take up more storage than the regular mods.
    so essentially DE is limiting the amount of Rivens you can have for your own good

    20p for a warframe slot is more beneficial than for a mod. This riven system yes has it's good things but I'd rather getting a limit of 20 over 15 without paying for more slots.

  13. I don't believe weapons like the soma, simulor, paris, dread etc should have gotten a riven even with a faint riven disposition, it makes those already OP weapons even more ridiculously powerful. And 60 plat for THREE slots for rivens, why the hell should we pay for a MOD SLOT when there's no cap on primed mods, or regular mods. Very bad decision on DE's end.

  14. 13 hours ago, Ext3h said:

    It's not about making the damage, heck, there are enough builds which can outperform Mirage with Simulor by magnitudes.

    It's about the ****** annoying graphic effects, and the S#&$load of bugs the Simulor is causing. Mostly due to that stupid gravity effect, which often launches loot completely out of the map for other players.

    Loot has been bugged even without the simulor for a long time. Also that's the problem with the simulor not mirage but I've seen enough people crying spilt milk over mirage+simulor being "OP" that I'm done hearing that pathetic excuse. There's always one frame, or frame and weapon combo people complain about being too OP, now ash isn't the one people can whine about they start on the mirage+weapon. No wonder people don't like the forums sometimes.

  15. On 08/12/2016 at 1:58 PM, Bostyan said:

    What is wrong with ASH? It was ok frame but they made him the worse frame. Player can be on top without ASH there is a lot of frames that can kill enemy in sec even Frost with Avalanche. ASH is now useless in high lvl missions and need a lot more str than before. ASH with 130 str did kill enemies lvl 100 now he can`t kill enemies even with str 180. Before I mark enemies 3x I can kill them faster with weapon :P So where would I use ASH now ? In missions lvl 20 I can use there any other frame. ASH was very good in support for high lvl missions, but now is useless before I mark enemy 3x, if is 20 enemies I will die before I mark them. Not only that  Rising Storm mod doesn`t even work and Blade Storm is reseted every time not every kill but every time is really pointless using ASH.

    Have you been in a round where bladestorm spammers just locked down an entire map of enemies? Or downed by an ash in a radiation proc sortie? Or been abused because people assumed you were a bladestorm spammer (I was using fatal teleport augment at the time)? I'm glad they made ash's bladestorm no longer press 4 to win because it takes NO skill to press 4 on your keyboard. Now you have to pick your targets and you're not locking down the room stopping allies from actually KILLING THE ENEMIES. Bladestorm still needs further work done on it, but now you can't mindlessly spam 4, or stop your squadmates helping take down tough enemies because they were invulnerable whilst being attacked by ash. 


  16. 2 hours ago, Oranji said:

    Still no fix for:

    • Bladestorm still playing boring animations.
    • Smoke Shadow still unaffected by range mods.
    • Mirage Simulor still causing cancer.

    Dude mirage makes any weapon strong with Hall of Mirrors people like you just sook because you can't whine about ashhole players anymore.

  17. 1 hour ago, GoneBlank said:

    My primary issue with the new system is that I found myself spending more time in recruiting than playing the game. There are so many different relics now that I feel fragmentation is an issue. Match making needs a lot of attention.

    I actually feel a bit sorry for new players who are trying to form squads to farm for the old 'rare' items. That can be quite challenging as most people are focused on the new prime items. If you can't form a full squad then the value of the new system is severely diminished.

    I agree, matchmaking 2.0 needs to be started on to make public matches bearable

  18. Just now, Icarican_Justicar said:

    My first improvement would be don't give 2 types of forma in one relic, it improves the drop table a little more if you replace the second forma with something else, and boosting rad values a little more, too many stories are surfacing like mine, the other day saw a 4 man rad team got 4 x forma too choose from. 


    I'd agree with something like that, having had some crappy rng chances myself I've been able to see the good, the bad and what needs to be worked upon the fissure system, one thing I missed was endless missions and DE brought those missions back in a new way. The new fissure system does unfortunately burn more relics but we all know that the grind is real with this game and if making everything drop at our keytips was that easy you'd complete the game and get everything in a matter of time and burn out. 

  19. Nullifiers aren't exactly "sound" but they make you stay on your toes. The null scrambas are more perfected idea of the nullifiers the way I see it and with that change to making frost's snowglobe able to pop when a nullie contacts it  keeps the challenge in the game. They're not hard to defeat, just like bursas and null scrambas have a way to be taken out. This game wouldn't be much fun if you cheesed through everything without some opposition.

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