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Posts posted by TitanInDesolation

  1. has anyone else noticed that sprinting with melee is bugged? when you attack or even slide attack with melee at all when sprinting it turns off sprinting immediately it has never done that before you where always able to melee sprint and attack while sprinting with melee or even slide attack and still keep sprinting not sure why its not allowing that now

  2. I was not sure if there is a forums for this already so I will post it here cause i am dumb, but anyway I want to get rid of these and sell for plat because I don't use the weapons they are for.

    If there is one please link it.

    Make a offer!






  3. 11 hours ago, Xzorn said:


    Chroma? Yea.

    Most of the damage eaters in the game have pros and cons.

    Inaros and Chroma are highly susceptible to Puncture, Toxic and Bleed procs though Bleeds can be mostly taken care of with a mod. Mesa is very durable with 32k - 50k eHP but she can't deal with radial damage so a single Napalm will ruin her day. and other frames like Nidus, Rhino, Nekros and Trinity who don't have these direct weaknesses rely heavily on buff management. I just tend to think of Armor damage reduction as unreliable because it's weaknesses are something the player has little control over.

    not chroma i mean the augment for iron skin

  4. 55 minutes ago, Xzorn said:


    He can. Chroma can break 100k and with a functional build.

    Thought both are armor based so the eHP is unreliable to certain damage types like Puncture which halves their armor values.

    Rhino actually has the highest eHP values right now sitting between 70-130k depending on the number of targets he charges.

    yes but don't it run on duration?


  5. ok never mind all skywings are useless in the plains as it takes one rocket to destroy them what is the point of a skywing that cant take one little rocket you really messed up skywings for plains i was really hopeing to be a sky sniper and fly around snipeing people on my skywing or going in closer to the fight with my Zarr and bombing the enemys below 

  6. @[DE]Saske

    Calm & Frenzy Augment

    So as i was this augment for Equinox and i noticed that the sleep does not work every time i use it or when it spreads to other enemy's at first i thought i was just a weird thing that happened and shrugged it off then i start seeing it happen more and more so here i am now reporting this bug as it is making using Equinox not very fun to use sense that is a big part of Equinox and the fact it is part of her spider Equinox build.

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