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About [DE]Saske

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  1. Hello @girzhik54. We have a Zero-Tolerance policy on hate speech, please contact the Support desk and create a ticket for further assistance, nobody on the forums can help you.
  2. Hey MarineDawg! I can not check on console, but I believe it is called Compact Damage Numbers if you scroll down to HUD options.
  3. Hi Tenno! This was not intended, we have disabled the ability to purchase the Jade component blueprints from Dagath's Hollow (in a future Hotfix we will remove the items from the Clan research). If you have purchased her component blueprints you are free to use them. The intended place to farm Jade is from the new Ascension game mode on Brutus (Uranus) or from Ordis’ “Release Vestigial Motes” Store in the Larunda Relay.
  4. The Ember rework is not out yet, it will release next Tuesday.
  5. Hello Bastian218! I am not seeing 2FA enabled on your account, please try enabling it again on your cross platform save PC account. If the error keeps occurring please reach out to Customer Support: https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us
  6. Hey HunterDigi! I can not seem to reproduce the issue you are describing. For me holding the ability 4 button collapses Bastille into Vortex with Invert Tab/Hold Abilities enabled on Vauban. Do you use keyboard or controller, any custom keybindings?
  7. Hey Tenno! We have released a serverside fix on all platform and you should be able to claim your Excalibur Umbra now.
  8. This was fixed in this Hotfix: Fixed Clients playing Dante not dealing full damage from Final Verse’s Tragedy.
  9. Hey Tenno! For players that bought a physical ticket the fine print says **TennoCon Digital Pack links will be delivered via email in April 2024.
  10. Hey Tenno! The "Y" keyboard binding canceling a mission vote was intentionally removed in Abyss of Dagath: Update 34, but it was sadly missed from the patch notes. We updated the patch notes to reflect this change:
  11. Hello -Kramer-! As one of the people that has been adding buff descriptions to the 700+ buff icons we have in the game, which buff is this? 😵‍💫
  12. Hello IRONLASER! I passed along all the information collected in this forum thread to the programmer, but they are still having a hard time reproducing the issue/finding the cause why the chat is moving. Like you are suggesting it most likely has something to do with game resolution temporally resetting for clients while they load into a mission, we are investigating.
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