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Posts posted by Cephalon_Blue

  1. Just now, Helios1414 said:

    oh okay is the damage going to be scaled by level of mission or by whatever melee weapon your using? or some other method?

    Just a flat bonus on top of melee combo multipliers. A helpful bonus all the same.

    should mention his exalted weapon has a longer combo duration than normal, because its ability to use the combo counter for AoE requires that. 

    Or I could make those mods affect it, or just simply make it not use the combo counter.


    what do you think?

  2. 14 minutes ago, Helios1414 said:

    I guess it wouldn't bee too OP either way now that I think about it, though doing level 100 sorties I would rather have the damage thing but seeing as how enemies armor still increases at level 100 it wouldn't be doing as much damage anyway, the only thing that would really make it OP, weather its damage or kills, would be how long it lasts before you die.I'm sure you know your numbers so it should make for a great passive lol.

    Its only lasting as long as normal bleedout (like 15s), so it isn't gonna be too OP. Plus, its a dangerous game to play, getting yourself killed to get more damage.

  3. 10 hours ago, Gossoking said:

    Loose Concept for a Legionnaire themed Warframe, comments/feedback/etc is of course welcome and appreciated

    • Name: Victor (from latin for conqueror)
    • Stats would be somthing along the lines of hp 150/450(?), shield 150/450(?), armor 400(?), sprint 1.00(?)
    • Powers are based on the classic tower shield of the roman army
    • The shield would fold up to form his left forearm and would get extended on ability use. The shield has an opening that allows Victor to use a weapon but would be large enough to allow for headshots against him even with the shield extended (thinking about conclave here, sustained abilities will immobilize/slow him so you would have to be careful not to rely too much on it since enemies could still target your head,)
    • Passiv: Upon using an ability Victor taunts enemies in a 6(?)m radius into attacking him, also gaining 200(?) armor for 6(?) sec
    • 1. Power: Arguere (latin for charge)
      • Victor extends his shield and dashes a short distance forward. Enemies at the point of impact take moderate impact/blast dmg and are knocked down. Upon impact Victor releases a short shockwave that deals low impact dmg and staggers enemies beyond the point of impact. For the impact/shockwave to activate a target needs to be hit.
    • 2. Power: Testudo (latin for tortoise)
      • Victor plants his shield in the ground before him becoming immobilized but gaining immunity to dmg from the direction he is facing as well as an immunity to knockdown/knockback and stagger (also only from the direction he's facing). Victor also spawns 1/2/3/4 copies of his shield to his left and right for as long as the ability is activated. Copied shields are translucent and while blocking enemy projectiles and movement allow for allies and their attacks to pass through. Every 3(?) seconds 3 vertical spears would be extended  from the gaps between the shields, dealing moderate puncture dmg, with a small chance for a puncture proc and also pushing enemies back. Since through mods you could get a duration that would only get you halfway to another thrust there could be a guaranteed thrust upon end of the ability. Ability would be sustained. Victor can fire his weapons and reload but not move, use melee or use another ability as long as Testudo is active
    • 3. Power: Vexillum (latin for flag)
      • Victor plants his flag in the ground granting him and allies a buff to armor, reload speed and a small chance to resist knockback/knockdown. Victor can pick up the flag and carry it, doubling the bonus for him but could only use melee or secondary. Upon activating another ability or switching to primary the flag would be dropped at the current location. Picking up the flag or dropping it triggers his passiv. Flag could be customized, kinda like you can tinker around with octavia's mandachord
    • 4. Power: Invictus (latin for undefeated)
      • Victor extends his shield, losing the ability to sprint but periodically gaining a stacking buff to armor and reload speed and reducing incoming damage by (? really no idea how to do this regarding the mechanics of the game, I was thinking about a flat percentage like 30% or something) as long as the ability is sustained. Enemies attacking the shield in melee will be staggered and set up for a finisher attack. Attacks on the shields will trigger Victor's passiv. Allies moving beside Victor while Invictus is active will have a translucent copy of his shield created in from of them while gainig half the current buff on Victor as well as half his dmg reduction. Copied shields behave like the ones from Testudo. Position of copied shields depends on the direction Victor is facing.

    That's pretty much it, everything with a (?) is simply just something i came up on the spot. My idea behind this character is to create a frame that is well suited for locking down strategic points and bottlenecks as well as promoting the squad not only to stick together but also to advance together.

    Victor? Thats a name you could give to a person. How about Leigon? 

    And I love this, it would fit super well with the Centuria Syandana (because Obvious reasons)

  4. 48 minutes ago, Helios1414 said:

    I'd have to agree the passive could be a little too OP, killing 25 enemies in any infested missions isn't very difficult, perhaps something a little more similar to inaros' death passive, dealing a certain amount of damage for the self revive. it would also make it useful when fighting bosses, but maybe this idea would make it even more OP I don't know lol.

    I want it to not be OP. And at higher levels it will take longer to get kills, and lower levels will not kill you often... how about just reduced to melee only. 

  5. 19 hours ago, (Xbox One)Madness103 said:

    I like this. Good move for a tank class, it should really be a mod for the other tanks too. But i feel like the enemy damage that isn't directed at him should be restricted to those 5 leaders.

    This should change a little bit, I feel like allies are going to milk the hell out of this to the point of just not reviving you by accident. I think it would be better if he went into a rage state, he would be restricted to his melee, damage bonus of course, small speed bonus to you and weapons, and he should have a way to self revive, maybe by getting several hits? (15 secs to get 15-30 hits? depends on the weapon.)

    This is just Atlas' Rumblers + buffable. Here's an idea:

    Ability 1: Overshadow

    Shogun turns an ally into a shadow warrior, giving both increased speed and and attack power (How much? I'll leave that to you.) if not casted on an ally, it will be casted on self.

    Augment?: affecting an ally with overshadow can also give the buff to other allies for the rest of the duration by meleeing them (warframe with overshadow for 30 sec hits an ally, giving them over shadow for 30 secs)

    Yes, I like that! Shogun's Will would be my name for it.

    I also finished my redraw, so I will edit the post. 

  6. 1 hour ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

    [Support/Tank/DPS Frame]

    Lmao, you could've just said Jack of All Trades and get it over with.

    I kid. Nice concept btw. The art and the passive are wonderful.

    Thanks! I am redrawing the art to give the Japanese style longsword and some revisions, which I will post when I'm done. 

  7. 10 hours ago, General_Durandal said:

    If he is a Shogun, then, why a great-sword/clay-more?

    A esteemed Shogun General would wield a Nodachi, which is the great-sword equivalent of a Katana.
    Although, the Nodachi wasn't really meant for fighting, it was more, a symbol, to inspire troops, and spread fear in the enemy.
    If you saw a guy wielding a giant sword in battle, you would want to avoid him.
    And seeing how his ult is Shogunate Symbol, it would be a much better fit.
    An affect I could see, is every time he kills someone with his Nodachi,
    allies become invincible for 2 seconds, and enemies nearby have a 10% of becoming fearful.
    Image result for Nodachi
    Image result for NodachiImage result for Nodachi
    Zodachi - The biggest katana i've seen.
    Image result for Nodachi

    Ok, I will have to redo the sword a bit. I did this with no research, so i had no idea. I have a weapon I will draw specifically for him.

    Thanks, BTW.

  8. On 2/4/2017 at 5:40 AM, General_Durandal said:

    Name: Genbu

    • Gender: Male
    • Style: Winter Warrior, Black Turtle With a Snake Tail,
    • Size: Large
    • Speed: 0.85 (Below Average)
    • Jump Height: 0.95 (Below Average)
    • Agility: Clumsy
    • Unranked
    • Shield: 0
    • Power: 70
    • Health: 300
    • Armor: 500
    • Rank 30
    • Shield: 0
    • Power: 105
    • Health: 900
    • Armor: 500
    • Passive: Shell
    • Immune to back finishers.
    • All damage that hit's his shell is reduced to 0.
    • All status and effects that trigger on his shell are ineffective except corrosive.
    • (so if a bombard shot him in the back with a rocket it wouldn't hurt or stagger him)

    Power 1: Taunt

    • Cast on self AoE
    • Enemies in range only target Genbu.
    • (Agro)
    • Cost: 25 energy (power efficiency) 
    • Range: 7/14/21/28 meters (power range)
    • Duration: 10/20/30/40 seconds (power duration)
    • Augment: Goad
    • Enemies agro-d by Genbu are less accurate and do less damage.
    • Enemy Accuracy: -8/16/24/32%
    • Enemy damage dealt: -7/14/21/28%

    Power 2: Squall

    • Cast on self lingering AoE
    • Dark clouds fill the sky, (and/or hang around the ceiling if inside a building)
    • and it begins to snow heavily.
    • Cost: 50 energy (power efficiency)
    • AoE: 25/50/75/100 meters from cast point (power range)
    • Duration: 15/30/45/60 seconds (power duration)
    • Damage: 12/24/36/48 Cold per second (power strength)
    • Cold Status Chance: 3/6/9/12% per second (power strength)
    • Augment: Whiteout
    • The snow is so thick in the air you can't see anything more than a few feet away.
    • Enemies have trouble seeing too, and are easier to sneak up-on.
    • Enemies are open to back attack finishers.
    • Enemy sight range: 20/15/10/5 meters
    • Nullifiers can't see things outside their shield.

    Power 3: Serpentine

    • Cast on self, toggleable
    • The snake detaches from Genbu and fights alongside him.
    • (it's animations would be similar to the Maw's)
    • Shield: 0/0/0/0
    • Health: 300/600/900/1200 (power strength)
    • Armor: 100/150/200/400 (power strength)
    • It's main attack is a bite, which deals,
    • 100/200/300/400 puncture damage, (power strength)
    • 2/4/6/8 toxin damage per second (power strength)  for 20/40/60/80 seconds. (power duration)
    • It can also wrap around an enemy, for 5/10/15/20 second, (power duration)
    • preventing them from attacking or moving. (works on bosses)
    • While holding an enemy it doesn't just hold them with it's body,
    • but it's mouth as well, dealing one bite's worth of damage,
    • plus 40/80/120/160 puncture damage and 2/4/6/8 toxin damage per second, (power strength)
    • for as long as it is holding them.
    • Duration: Till it dies, or is cast again.
    • Augment: Snake Pit
    • The big snake spawns forth several smaller snakes.
    • Small snake stats,
    • Shield: 0/0/0/0
    • Health: 50/100/150/200 (power strength)
    • Armor: 50/100/150/200 (power strength)
    • Bite: 10/20/30/40 puncture, 
    • Bite Toxin: 1/2/3/4 per second, for 10 seconds
    • Snake number: 2/4/6/8

    Power 4: Doze

    • Cast on self, toggleable
    • Curls into a ball in his shell and rolls over enemies crushing them into the ground.
    • Enemies become fearful when he rolls near them.
    • Fear chance: 20/40/60/80% (power strength)
    • Fear range: 2/4/6/8 meters (power range)
    • Impact Damage: 300/600/900/1200 (power strength)
    • Impact Range: 1.5/3/4.5/6 meters (power range)
    • Impact Status chance: 20/40/60/80% (power strength)
    • Drain: 30/25/20/15 (power duration and efficiency)
    • Augment: Quake
    • As you roll, the ground shakes, making movement difficult.
    • AoE: 3/6/9/12 meters
    • Enemy Stagger chance every second: 4/8/12/16%

    Quest: The Four Corners

    Quest Description: Hunhow has escaped confinement, and is directly assaulting Earth.
    Hunhow cannot be stopped directly, so the guardians must be woken, and used to seal him away, again.

    Part 1: Guardian of the North
    Tile Set: Snowy Mountain Temple
    Mission 1: find and defend the Winter Shrine from sentients.
    Mission 2: wake up the winter guardian, and fight along side him.
    Reward: Genbu Blueprint
    Unlocked Mission: Defense
    Defend Genbu from sentiants
    Reward: normal defense rewards, and Genbu's parts.


    If a Ninja Turtle can make it into the game, then My Shogun Themed Frame concept surely can as well. 

    Nice concept, btw.

  9. 31 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

    Way too obvious in the inspiration but i like very much the spirit.

    Would not say the passive is OP, it's a great idea. But maybe you have to balance it. I don't know, his movements could get slower when the countdown is near to death.


    27 minutes ago, GoHardLikeNiksyn said:

    It's not the passive that is OP, it's whole concept that is. IMO that would be the most unbalanced frame in the game (except Nidus, he's literally immortal). I think it's not possible to have all classes in one frame as per: Tank, Support, and freaking DPS I mean how would you possibly image that?(except the one and only godframe Nidus)


    15 minutes ago, residente said:

    Well base stats are way too high too, to begin with.

    The stats were just a placeholder. I am perfectly fine with them being toned down significantly. It was just for show. If the ability stats were toned down, would it be good then?

  10. Armor: 300

    Shield: 100 (300 max)

    Health: 150 (450 max)

    Energy: 100 (150 max)

    Sprint: .915


    Passive: Honorable Warrior

    Shogun will continue fighting even when mortally wounded, gaining added damage, but losing Parkour and ability usage. He will die when he bleeds out, granting the same damage buff to allies for 15s, but he can be revived while in this state, if an ally uses the prompt near him, or he kills 25 enemies. 


    Ability 1» Shogun's will: Shogun forces a single enemy to fight for him, granting increased damage. Casting on allies will increase armor and weapon damage. 


    Ability 2» War Rally: Shogun lets out a battle cry, increasing allied morale (upped damage to allied melee weapons) and temporary armor buff to allies and a debuff to enemies, at the cost of upped aggro from enemies for a short duration.


    Ability 3» Warrior of Honor: Shogun calls a personal battle with the enemy, taunting all enemies to fight him. This increases Aggro for the duration of the ability, and also reveals enemy leaders highlighted by his energy color. Allies receive some health regen during this time as they rest. Shogun receives full health when he kills enemy commanders, (max of five) and 2 seconds of invulnerability when he kills a commander (which hang back).


    Ability 4» Shogunate Symbol: Shogun Draws the weapon that signifies his leadership, an Exalted Nodachi that extends range in the stance combos. Paired with a Wakizashi (auto parries when not meleeing), he fights Honorably. Upon reaching a combo multiplier, charge attacks will have him sheathe his Nodachi, before quickly unsheathing it with a spin, at an extended range depending on the multiplier, dealing the multiplied damage. While charging, he is immobilized, but takes no damage. The charge costs as much as casting, and consumes the entirety of the multiplier. 


    The redrawn Shogun and his weapons are here: 


  11. 4 hours ago, (PS4)varas2110 said:

    For some gosh darn reason no matter what, I join a game and all I get is a collective groan from at least 1 or 2 people who then become pretty salty towards me, I mean I usually can never use stasis without a quick "F U" (take this as a side note)  and having them turn into keyboard warriors against me 




    Why tho? 


    I wish that Limbo could be less annoying. The fact that you can't hack if you get put into the rift or pick up items (save Cataclysm) is already annoying. Stopping enemies is fun, I love that.

    I do agree that its bad to label someone a troll simply for using Limbo. I have a friend who mains limbo, for as long as he got him, I believe. He encounters plenty of salt for that. Recently, he mentioned getting called useless despite the fact that he got the least damage, most accuracy, most kills, most headshots, etc. he obviously contibuted a lot to the team, but the players didn't seem to get that. 

    When i play Limbo, I don't encounter those salty insults. Probably because as soon as someone complains about it, I try to stop spamming cataclysm. Stasis, I will use at my disgression, but I won't keep opening and closing cataclysm, I know how annoying that is. (Cataclysm spam for he week after the buff). 

    Limbo is really fun. Makes you feel super powerful to be able to halt everything that stands against you in the middle of combat. He is much more playable and fun enough for any clunkyness to be forgiven. And then Rift Torrent is absurdly powerful too. 


  12. 11 hours ago, Unus said:

    The funny thing is. . .the Zor. . .kinda sorta made it into the game already in the form of the Zar. . . . .a little grumpy about it, but, i'm just happy I thought of something at the same time as/ for Digital.


    Anyway, you can if you so desire, i'm already on the Discord meself in the form of a fellow by the name of Rambling Hominid. Ship an invite if thats what ya want.

    Here is my Discord: https://discord.gg/DsxdKH

    see ya there.

  13. 2 hours ago, Unus said:

    6B) Ah, a color based designation, not unfamiliar to me.

    7B) Hmmm, a Pre-Orokin firearm that's survived the ages up until now, no idea what the origins are, just that it works? I could swallow that.


    Also, oh, really? Wow, that comes as a shock to me honestly. Well, if you ever feel an itch to just make something out of the blue, you can hop on over and take a peak. I swear I'll link ya as the creator.


    Personal preference on my end would be something from the featured section, but, you can pick WHATEVER one you want.


    If you want, I could invite you to my personal Discord server to talk more in depth about those weapon concepts of yours. And show some of my concepts as well. 

    That Zor (which may need a rename) made me think of a rocket launcher that fires multiple missiles that explode, and release small bomblets that also explode right after, for massive area coverage and death. Which has a lot of explosions. And death. 

    I love explosions. 

  14. 8 minutes ago, 4ever4gotin said:

    I have the odd feeling that I've seen this before... What inspired you to create this design?

    I find that it doesn't look very Destiny-ish and more Warframe in essence, if that amounts to a compliment, and I for one cannot draw well in the physical medium.

    But I got the gnawing feeling....

    I did see some Assault rifle images, and I took inspiration from two and blended it together, adding my own bits. None of them were orange and yellow, though. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Unus said:

    Daaaaannnggggg sir/mam, you have the Grineer weapons aesthetic covered quite well, to say nothing of the spectacularly clear sketches layout. I know it's meant more to be Tenno, but, it almost seems like a Soma was blended with a Hind to make some manner of hybrid. If I was a pompous arse, I'd ask for your help on one of my own designs that I'd like to sketch.


    Now, for the critique.

    1. That accuracy for the automatic seems a little. . . excessive, might I reccomend bringing it down to the Brat's dead-eye aim?

    2. Same applies to the Burst honestly, might wanna make it Tiberonic.

    3) Your fire-rates are quite well-adjusted, well done in that regard.

    4) That magazine size. . .hmmm. . . I'm torn whether to say it's excessive or not honestly.

    5) Personally, I feel like the critical Chance and the status chance on both sides needs only to be knocked down by 5% to be optimized.

    6) Got a reason behind the name? Genuine curiosity here.

    7) Got any backstory for it?


    Thats all I got currently.


    1) yeah, I could tone down the accuracy, I don't really know how much it would need, but I don't need the auto mode to be super accurate.

    2) I think that the burst could be lowered too.

    3) Thanks!

    4) It fits for me, its 10 trigger pulls in burst and then about 4 seconds of fire for full auto. Nothing seems wrong with that.

    5) Yeah, probably.

    6) The name was something I found as a synonym for Amber/Gold/Sunny sort of colors, which I came up with after drawing it and also randomly choosing Xanth in the name. 

    7) As for backstory, I was thinking of it being a future version of the M4, or any standard issue weapon today. 

    And as for asking for sketches, I am perfectly fine with that. I love to draw, and I got plenty of art supplies and sketch books recently, so I'm all set. 

  16. I came up with a concept that I finished a few minutes ago, and I have to say its one of my best that I have done (as far as art is concerned). 

    But basically, The primary fire is a crit based mode that can deal with large crowds, as it has some punch through at base. The secondary fire uses silenced three round bursts with good status chance to pick off single targets. It deals an equal amount of all Physical damage types, so it remains most viable for all factions. 

    Rivens would be needed to minmax each fire mode, but thats fine. 

    Here are the Exact Stats and the image:

    If it looks like something from Destiny, thag was not my intention, the colors I chose were what looked best to me. And most of the silver stuff is grey PBR, just FYI. 

  17. 1 hour ago, (PS4)CaptainIMalik said:

    Would we ever get Fan made cosmetics for Warframes that don't have a cloth on their waists? Like Loki, Ash etc. 

    By cloth, I mean like loincloths, capes or skirts like Volt, Inaros, Oberon etc. 

    YESS!!! I want this feature so bad!. Giving frames waist level cloths/items would be so appreciated!

    I put these things on my Frame concepts because I love the idea.

  18. 10 hours ago, ALOEDA1 said:

    take out the loincloth and make ivara thiccer


    the reason people fashion into ivara is because of her thicc. i'm not kidding here.

    We know. 

  19. 2 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    How does this exactly work with regular Efficiency? You know, it should be optional to run with Fleeting Expertise and/or Zenurik, not mandatory.

    How does this work in Conclave without being woefully weak to the point of uselessness and neither broken strong to the point to autodelete any opponent nearby with no effort?

    How does this avoids being "Press 4 To Win" ?

    Conclave is already broken. You just parkour around and melee a lot. Warframe is simply not a good game for PvP. The excessive mobility of warframes make them hard to hit. If the Stamina system could be implemented into Conclave only, that would definitely improve things. 

    Conclave needs massive changes to avoid being so harsh.

  20. 44 minutes ago, KillerMemeStar3 said:

    But... Cernos prime is entirely different from its other varients. They completely changed the mechanics of the weapon.

    Giving a base of 3 arrow multishot is not a complete change. 

    A complete change is having the Euphona P being the Pyrana's prime. Completely changing the animations, fire rate, damage distribution, etc, is a complete change. To date, that sort of thing hasn't been done. Some Primes do get some added mechanics, but nothing that makes the weapon another one entirely.

    The Cernos Prime needed something to be relevant considering the Rakta and Mutalist variants (quickfire and Status versions). So it fires three arrows to remain relavant and useful, as a CC bow. 

    And the Mutalist Cernos is much more different than the Cernos P is compared to the regular. There are Four Cernos Variants, after all. Already too many. 

    Point is, complete mechanic changes are only needed if the weapon being primed has too many variants that fill the other roles.

  21. On 5/11/2017 at 11:24 AM, fulcrvm said:

    So someone posted a gif of Zinogre in the comments and I didn't have much to do so I tried my hand at frame by frame animation since i just got CS6 the other day, it's nothing big really and the resolution dropped kinda... note that each frame had to be drawn separately so it may not be as smooth, i think this is about 30 frames or so total 


    Link to gif:


    Original image:

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