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Posts posted by FrostyNovaPrime

  1. 6 minutes ago, SinKershel said:

    What is not clear in what I'm saying ?

    Most players don't visit forums/have no idea that Onslaught is broken.

    Join games, lose loot, try again, lose loot.

    This ain't about me.

    I have stopped playing it until they fix things up, but removing it would prevent players from suffering the eventual pain.

    also Valk : the trade chat is filled with people buying Vandal parts, it's super easy to sell. Also, people have sent tickets and they don't give back the lost loot since the game doesn't "save" your drops until the end of the Onslaught.

    My bad, then. I must've took your initial post to be you frustrated for losing your loot due to a bug that is probably very well known by now. Region chat is always talking about how broken public Onslaught is from what I've seen.

    I played a few pubs, host migrations nullified those runs. Despite the 'bad spawns', I was able to farm for Khora with a couple runs with no interruptions once I went solo.

  2. Disabling the game mode will not give you back the "2000 plat worth of drops". If you send a ticket into support and give them the information they need, that will.

    Public Onslaught is still really bumpy due to the issues they believed to have fixed but haven't. The best you can do is go into recruiting and find a squad to ensure no host migrations, or set your matchmaking to solo. A decently built Saryn alone can keep the efficiency meter at 100% for the typical 8 zones in regular Onslaught.

    The most foolproof option, however, is to just not play Onslaught until the major bugs and glitches are completely ironed out.

  3. 19 hours ago, safitorius said:

    It's okay! Any evidence is not necessary, especially they are similar only in 1st skill and the topic bubbles. But it's a little surprising that people on different sides of the planet think almost the same way :) Maybe we should unite for a complete refinement of the concept. Can my model match your concept? Or do you have another vision for your warframes concept?


    Thank you for the offer, but I have another vision for my concept's design that's much different from Meryl.

  4. 4 hours ago, safitorius said:

    Dude! Are you real? You took my idea and made it yours? 


    I've been working on this concept for a few weeks now and I had never seen your concept before until you replied. I'm sorry she uses the same theme of bubbles like yours.

    If you need further proof, I can provide my google doc I made back in March when I started to develop her.

  5. I've always wondered what a Warframe centered around bubbles would be like. As a result, I created Iris; a delicate Warframe who creates beautiful bubbles that prove deadly for enemies enamored by their iridescent appearance. The fate of those bubbles, and anyone unfortunate enough to be trapped inside of them, is solely in the hands of Iris, the Iridescent.

    Feedback is greatly appreciated as I continue to develop her more.


    Name: Iris

    Health: 75 (225 at level 30)

    Shields: 150 (450 at level 30)

    Energy: 150 (225 at level 30)

    Armor: 10

    Passive: Iridescence - Iris has 4 energy colors. Active bubbles have a 50% chance to swap between the selected colors every 5 seconds. If an enemy is within 7 meters of a bubble when the color changes, they are charmed towards the bubble. Alternatively, allies within the range receive a 25% boost to power strength for 15 seconds. This power boost cannot be refreshed until the timer on the current buff runs out.

    Ability 1: Bubble - 25 energy

    Iris deploys a 2 (+ range) meter wide bubble to a target location for 10/15/25 (+ duration) seconds. An enemy that passes through the bubble or charmed by Iridescence will be trapped inside the bubble, rendering them immobile. Allies that pass through are given a small barrier that blocks 75 damage, stacking up to 3 times for a maximum of 225 damage. When unoccupied bubbles or bubbles with enemies have their timers run out, the bubble bursts to deal 60/75/90 (+ strength) damage in an area double the bubble's size. The bubble can be shot in order to rupture prematurely.

    • Only 1 enemy or ally can occupy a single bubble
    • Bubbles attached to allies cannot change colors
      • Barriers can be refreshed by passing through more bubbles, but the health cannot go above 225 damage
      • Bubbles will not stick unless barrier health is below the cap
    • Bubbles containing an enemy cannot charm, but may still grant the power buff

    Augment: Bubbles can hold more than one enemy, but limits the number of bubbles Iris can deploy to 10.

    Ability 2: Fizzle - 15 energy to cast, 10 energy/second drain

    When toggled, bubbles with enemies deal 30/40/50 (+ 1/4 bonus strength) corrosive damage to their prisoners. Unoccupied bubbles instead split to form an additional bubble for every 10 seconds the ability is active.

    • Bubbles serving as ally barriers are not affected
    • Cannot proc status effects
    • Energy drain is affected by both duration and efficiency

    Augment: The damage type is now determined by mixing Iris's first and second energy colors

    Ability 3: Foam - 50 energy

    Iris commands all active bubbles to converge on a single area, moving any enemies trapped inside and creating a mass of Foam. Empty bubbles that pass by an enemy as they converge will trap them. Ally barriers are unaffected.

    Augment: Once converged, all trapped enemies have their armor reduced by 70% (+ strength)

    Ability 4: Burst - 100 energy

    With the snap of her fingers, all bubbles and barriers pop to deal 400/500/600 (+ strength) damage in a 10/15/20 (+ range) meter area. If bubbles were made into Foam, the area of the burst is increased to a single 20/25/30 (+ range) meter area.

    • Individual bubbles not made into Foam can have their burst areas can do extra damage within overlapping Burst radii

    Augment: Popped bubbles leave behind residue on the floor, slowing enemies and granting movement speed to allies.

  6. The Day of the Dead Igaro Syandana seems to sit rather high on some warframes. In some cases, it even floats or is barely connected to the frame's neck, not back. I wasn't able to verify if it was the same with the normal Igaro Syandana or some non-primed frames as I do not own it. Frames that it is misplaced on are:

    Ash Prime, Atlas, Banshee Prime, Ember Prime, Equinox, Frost Prime, Harrow, Hydroid Prime, Inaros, Ivara, Limbo, Loki Prime, Mag Prime, Nekros Prime, Nidus, Nova Prime, Oberon Prime, Octavia, Rhino Prime, Saryn Prime, Titania, Trinity Prime, Valkyr Prime, Vauban Prime, Wukong, and Zephyr.



  7. With the current unvaulting of Ember, Frost, and Loki just reaching the 1 month mark back on the 6th, I've seen a couple issues that some players have with the system of acquiring the relics for their parts. Namely, the fact that those relics are limited to the Plains of Eidolon. Some players don't like the Plains while others are unable to go to it due to their computer, which has them resort to hoping the relics drop from syndicate packs or the 5th rotation of a void fissure. Then, there are players like me whose RNG for bounties is the absolute worst, so no relics for me after 5 bounties.

    Another issue I've seen myself is within the relic system as a whole when it comes to unvaulting. Loki was the last Prime Warframe to be vaulted before the relic system was implemented, meaning that the next unvaulting will be for a prime that already has existing relics like Nova or Nyx. By the time that frame gets vaulted, avid relic farmers would have saved up hundreds of those relics to where it doesn't feel like the prime went away, or even still have those relics by the time the prime is unvaulted again. At the same time, those vaulted relics would have no way of returning due to the mix of other primes that could have been or still are vaulted when one specific part is unvaulted. For example, when Ash, Carrier and Vectis become unvaulted, the Meso V1 relic with Vectis Prime Receiver and Carrier Prime Blueprint could not come back due to the Spira Prime Blueprint also being in the relic, and the Spira would still be a vaulted item as it came with Saryn Prime. To accommodate for this, new relics for Ash, Carrier, and Vectis would have to be made so we don't have the chance of getting Spira, further increasing the pool of relic which contain Ash Prime.

    I thought of a system that has the unvaulted Prime gear be secluded in a specific area to not dilute the relic pool, yet removes the hassle of creating new unvaulting relics.

    That system is the Void, or rather using a similar structure to the old Void Tower system we had before star chart 3.0. Instead of having new relic become available for a limited time, the unvaulted gear would have their parts scattered between the different nodes in the void and the completion of that mission could possibly reward you with a part specific to that node for the promotion's duration. For example with the current unvaulting; Ember Prime's blueprint could be found in the survival on Mot, Frost Prime Neuroptics drop from an exterminate on Teshub, and Loki Prime Chasis is found in the sabotage caches on Stribog. With endless missions, the parts could drop from any rotation, increasing the rate slightly as the rotation goes from A to C before resetting. The rate at which the parts drop could be entirely up to how the dilution of the droptables for that node would be affected, whether all parts are considered rare drops or vary from part to part. At the end of the unvaulting, the primes would be removed from the Void's droptables and the rates would go back to normal.

    With unvalted primes being in the Void for a limited time, the area would be separated enough to have a dedicated farm for the parts. And with the next unvaultings being of primes with existing relics, it gives one the choice of using the stash of relics they already have, or heading to the Void for a chance of getting the same specific part they want of the Vault. Granted at times void fissures do appear within the void, so that could be even more profitable of running a vaulted relic with the same part for more of a chance.

  8. 17 hours ago, [DE]George said:

    Unfortunately the Mesa Presidio Skin and the Perla Skin were never intended to replace the weapons' sounds.  Doing this caused a lot of issues because currently there is no way for us to be able to swap different sounds onto a given weapon and to make sure it will always sound correct.  With fire rate mods and reload mods, etc, the weapon might sound broken.  Weapon sounds aren't designed to be used on weapons other than the one they were originally designed for.  Maybe something in the future will allow this.

    Will there be any way for the sound to return to the Presidio skin at least? I personally felt like the popping was more fitting to the musket-like regulators, and it made the deluxe skin feel much more unique like how Nova Asuri has the arm effects on casting and Oberon Feyarch has the lights floating behind him as he walks.

    Could it be like the Dominion heavy blade skin when equipped on the Zenistar? Not intended but if enough people like it it could stay?

  9. This happens very frequently for me since I'm always going to my dojo to contribute to research. Also, when I am back in my ship I cannot move from a kneeling position using normal WASD controls.

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