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Posts posted by (PSN)UmbraCthulhu

  1. I came here for this very reason, i was playing earlier today around 2pm EST time just fine. Now same issue as the rest of you:

    ("There was a problem communicating with the "Playstation Network"

    You are required to have a Warframe account in order to play Warframe on your Playstation 4 system.)

    Yet it is showing the last Frame i used.


  2. Ok I am a bit stumped here maybe someone can answer this. I have 3 Murmex Emblems, 3 SS emblems but only 2 Condrex Emblems. I have run more Condrux missions than Murmex missions so why am I missing the 3rd Condrux emblem? I am on PS4 any ideas?

  3. What are the chances that DE does a Prime Revenant? From a Lore perspective it might not make sense as its description says "Rise from the broken remains of the Eidolon". If I am reading that right some how a warframe created itself from Eidolon remains. Possibly an effect of the Void energy the remains? What are your thoughts not so much on a Prime version but Revenant in general.

    After using him a while I must say he is a lot of fun to use.

  4. There are 2 infested tumors in the codex, one is at max and the other has been at 1 scan for a very long time.

    Not a bug but i still have never seen a Corpus Reinforced container in my 3 years of playing this.

  5. On 2/12/2018 at 10:08 AM, ---EG---Kramer said:

    Bailiff Eximus confirmed as described here :

    1. Spy mission on Kuva Fortress (with Loki) ;
    2. Set off any alarm before the first spy vault ;
    3. Triggered all of the 3 spy vault and retrieved all 3 data ;
    4. Don't kill higher enemy in the spy vault (bombard, heavy gunner...)
    5. Kill everything outside of the spy vault.

    First try = first scan :)

    this guy and the Shield Hellion Draygon Eximus are so rare it is crazy.

  6. Shield Hellion Darygn Eximus:

    According to my research this guy shows up randomly on Caelus, Uranus yet I have never seem this one appear. I have seem the regular just not the eximus. I usually go to stage 4 or 5 before extracting with no luck. Is there anywhere else this guy will appear?

    Kuva Eviscerator:

    I have run every mission in the Kuva fortress and I only have 1 scan for this elusive enemy. After re-running every mission several times I have yet to see these again. Any ideas on the best mission for these?

    Bailiff Eximus:

    Last one, every thing i found says activate all alarms in the Kuva fortress Spy mission to make these guys appear. However after running the mission dozens of times these guys seem to refuse to appear.


    Any help on finding these guys would be appreciated, Thanks in advance.

  7. Not sure if this would be considered a bug or what. I completed Mastery Test 25 and as my Frame was kneeling the Mission Failed  screen popped up and Lotus said she was disappointed in the performance. I had 10 sec on the clock when i killed the final enemy.


    Anyone have any ideas on this? Bug? glitch? network error?

  8. i do not mind the plains but they are for the most part un-fun and just feels tedious. I am all for change, i do not mind having to use both the Operator and Warframe to fight the Eidolons, the fishing and the mining are not bad either. The "sandbox feeling" is just tedious though so it makes things feel disjointed. I do think that it can be streamlined just not sure how and since it is a new update they still have room to work out the kinks.

  9. On 4/19/2017 at 2:21 PM, AzoreanEve said:

    Security camera and infested tumors are still messed up afaik. Fully scanned but the entry never completed.

    Grate and Grineer Large Exploding Barrels are from Kuva Fortress and I cannot tell if they are bugged at the moment as I was able to complete them prior to U20. Might be either a console or an U20 bug if they are indeed broken.

    thanks i will check the fortress. i managed 1 infested tumor scan before it stopped scanning.

  10. still no fix for the security camera?

    Also i have noticed a few things:

    Infested Tumors, Grate, and Grineer Large Exploding Barrels have stopped increasing and seem to be locked for me.

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