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Posts posted by Kharaz

  1. We are the Voidwalker Society, born in the Void to keep its secrets and to protect the universe from its influence.




    Right now, we're a Ghost Clan with only a few active Members and me as the Warlord am looking mainly for an Alliance for all sorts of shenanigans. But If you really want to join us I am willing to upgrade the Clan to Shadow Tier.

    We have a fully upgraded Dojo which I built all by myself when I started the clan back in 2015, with every possible Room built at least once, some heavily decorated and everything researched except for the Hema (I hate you, mutagen samples). We're helpful especially towards newer players (A mod you grind for won't drop? Here have it for free) with Items, Missions and Questions in general.


    We're all pretty mature (None of us is younger than 28) which doesn't exclude goofing around and trying out funny stuff or excessive hilarious swearing.

    Even though we all come from Germany and thus mostly speak German, most of us are proficient in English, so if you would like to communicate with us there should be no language barrier.

    I own a Teamspeak3 Server that is used mainly for a Mechwarrior Online Clan where I was a Member and Officer for a long time and still help them out this way, but the Sever can be used for Warframe as it is by us right now.


    I'm looking for an Alliance to expand our horizon and for future opportunities.

    I play this game since beta, with on and off times, back when you had Stamina, but haven't played one of the raids because I like to experience this stuff with mates and voice, chaos madness and rejoice. The whole package randoms can't deliver.

    Most of us are >mr20, but some of our friends recently started playing to thus only being mr12.


    So what sort of Alliance am I looking for us:


    • Friendly mature player base

    • Different types of activities like Raids, Eidolon stuff, endless missions (just for the lulz and challenge)

    • Decency towards strangers


    What do we offer:


    • Basically, the same as we are looking for in an Alliance, we are open-minded and friendly, even though we sometimes swear a lot via voice (not directed at somebody, just the funny swearing in general)

    • Various skill levels for different activities

    • Veteran Gamers, a lot of us play a lot and for a long time. Doesn't mean we don't have work or private responsibilities.

    • I'm a theory crafter and willing to invest time to offer in-depth answers in case someone has specific questions



    So if you're either a leader or officer of an alliance or you are just a member of one and you would like to know us, just contact me Ingame.

    Cheers fellow Tenno and remember,

    Rey, div tu mukler oot of klos!

  2. I still wouldn't put Corrosive at the top though. Won't do anything against bombards, nox or napalms for example which are more feared then heavy gunners for a reason since its wearing alloy and not ferrite, and corrosive only gets its damage amp against ferrite and not alloy.

    All of the elemental damage types are highly situational IMHO. I won't pick corrosive for an infested sortie ie and rather take gas, or radiation/viral.

    That's the sole reason why DE gave us 3 mod profiles per equipment so we can utilize the proper damage to specific targets.

  3. 1 minute ago, TVictorian said:

    Ah, must have gotten it mixed up in my head about how much of a percent corrosive reduced armor by.

    OP has been updated, thanks for reminding me.

    Also, due to armor scaling in this game, two CPs still leaves 40% of enemy armor intact, and due to armor scaling in long runs that will leave a lot left over. On fast status weapons like the Akstilletto Prime, Lesion, Sybaris Prime, Kohm, etc. lowering their armor further will be a DPS boost over viral on those long runs.

    This will result in less efficiency for Corrosive procs though since they reduce the net armor and not the targets max armor. So the efficiency of a corrosive proc against an enemy under the influence of 2 CPs is only 10%. As you can tell It will be even less with 3 CPs, so only a armor reduction of 7.5% for the first proc. 4 CPs would be overkill though in terms of the damage bonus with Corrosive since you strip the target of any armor then (except for sortie armor augment) thus losing the 75% damage bonus since the target no longer has armor to deal that bonus to.

  4. Imho, the whole problem behind the damage 2.5 situation is part slash procs fault and part the other status procs are just bad.

    Just an Idea that I had, a possible solution for this situation. If you read any number I throw out here, they are not ideal numbers nor well thought through. It's just to give you a general idea of where I want to go therewith.

    First of, that may sound drastic and to get the elephant out of the room, remove the slash proc from slash. Make it a general status finisher proc that can proc of from all IPS, depending on what you fight. IE Higher Chance for puncture to proc finisher damage against grineer (armored), higher chance for slash to procc finisher damage against flesh et cetera. And with that I mean like a 90% to 10% ratio, so a puncture proc is 90% more likely to proc finisher bleed against grineer then slash for example.

    THEN give IPS meaningful status procs besides the finisher damage.


    Slash could debuff the enemy to take x% more damage from all sources (or maybe just abilities), stacking multiplicatively. The % value could scale off of your total weapons damage so that this proc wouldn't have a clear advantage on faster-attacking weapons. Maybe at max 5% per proc. Give it a max multiplier, like 20% or a max duration that cant reset the timer so once you proc you have something like 5 seconds to stack. Once the proc has run out, maybe a sort of proc invincible frame (X-6 seconds?) could occur, so you cant apply the proc again for a few seconds. (Is irrelevant against low-level enemies and important against tougher enemies)


    Impact could Stagger enemies in an AoE for x Seconds and let them drop their weapons because the impact of your attack sends out a supersonic wave punching them right in the stomach. Either the range and or the time of the stagger could be effected of your weapons max damage. The same thing as slash, give it a max duration and invincible frames so you cant just infinitely stagger a whole room of enemies. Could potentially help a lot of squishy frames without real hard CC.


    Give puncture, well punch through maybe in a 60-90° AoE cone behind your primary target or in relation to your position to the target (AoE Melee and or Firearms) for x meters with a 1.X damage multiplier. Sounds less fancy but could sure be really viable in a lot of scenarios.


    As it is right now, Puncture, as well as Impact, have no real benefit at all and slash will just get nerfed on a lot of weapons. Who cares if AN enemy deals 70% less damage if you're surrounded by them. And the ragdoll impact sounds more tedious than useful.



  5. Just now, (PS4)xXDokingXx said:

    Thats what i mean. No need Range if you aim good enough. So why dont go fur Durabilty and strength instead of durability and range? 

    Sorry but I wasnt following the whole thread, just your OP ;)

    I go for Duration and Strength on my Mesa only using a maxed vitality most of the time. It all depends on what sort of missions you take her. Your best friend is not being too stationary for too long, nn to stay in an infested vomit puddle just to press out extra dps ;)

    Mesa loves fighting against grineer. Corrupted or mainly corpus due to youre being unable to shoot into nulifier bubbles thus having to cancel peacemaker, shoot the drone just to get back into it is no fun for me.

  6. Just at the top of my head, I would say not much.

    +Recoil is no good statt to have on a weapon that already has poor accuracy. Fire rate is ok though it hurts ammo economy, you won't notice this though to much unless you start to play long missions. Multishot is really good.

    You need a player who loves to use the braton and even then, he will more likely already have a better Riven than that. 

    You could use Kuva to reroll it, but that's up to you. I wouldn't do it personally because I find the braton pretty boring in any form.

  7. I take Zeph on almost any Sortie that's not melee heavy like any infested tilesets or if I just want 100% gunplay and ignore that I have abilities to begin with except for her 3. Zeph is my go to frame most of the time even though her 2 and 4 feel odd. I only use her turbulence and tail wind if I can afford it (helps against raptor for example). But thats fine, I like her the way she is.

    And I don't see what you mean by "master race". Warframe is a PvE Experience. What do I care what other people use in terms of Equipment if it doesn't ruin my fun? (Yeah, Im looking at you Sound Quake Banshee players).

    Don't get fooled or blinded by the term meta. To be fair it has no use in a game like this. To counter that argument you can ask yourself the question why "everyone" has started using opticors with 1.8plat Rivens just to deal 99% overkill damage all the time. If a weapon or frame is fun for you, play it, forma it. Heck, even 6 times formad Bratons are sortie viable, so who are others to judge what you should use or not? That's all part of the beauty of the game.

    But whatever floats your boat man.

  8. Greetings,

    I'm not really sure if this is a fixable bug or if its just due to the engine.

    I recently made the decision to completely overhaul the main hall of my clan dojo and since I like the trees and the shades they cast I went overboard with it. I made a video to showcase my "problem". I really like the shadows, they look great from afar but once I get closer, they blend out and it looks extremely bright. Is there something I can do in my graphics options to reduce or fix it entirely or is it just something I have to live with?

    WARNING: For some odd reason shadow play decided to flicker as hell, that's NOT something I experience in-game.
    Tried to recapture but its still flickering, so I hope you can overlook the flickering and just focus on the thing with the shadows. TY!


  9. So after Ive finished the Quest,



    I entered the infested room on my liset with Nidus, since it wont work with any other frame right? So I thought to myself, what happens if I try to enter with my Operator? So I parked Nidus IN the doorway, switched to operator via 5 and walked into the room. Turned out I got a special soundfile for this (the infested voice Helminth?!?). But then things got weird. I tried to leave the room but then my operator switched place with nidus in the meditating stance, wich I couldnt leave. Esc, arsenal, back again and I was free to move, but with the movement behavior of my operator. But It got weirder. My operator chair was empty and.. well you've got to see for yourself. I Made a Video about this:




  10. I would be more interested in the scalling / base statts of her ulti.

    We know that the dmg of both primary and melee scale with the respective mods.

    The base dmg of x gets multiplied by ability power, but how does the dmg gets affected by the mods?

    What are the raw statts for dex pixia ie? Critchance / critdmg multiplier, status et cetera.

    Do we have any data for that?


    Ive read something along the lines of raw soma statts wich would be pretty broken, considering the basedmg is pretty high.

    So whats the real deal here?

  11. @CaterHowlett16 I get your general concern in terms of tattoos. But this thread was not about the approval nor was it to push a discussion about should one get a tattoo or not. At the end of the day I'm old enough (born pre 90s), so I know what I want and what I'm doing. Just to give you a quick insight, for me a tattoo has little to do with what others can see / understand for wich I dont care. Its a kind of art wich I want to admire in the first place. Plus it wont effect my career since tattoos are culturaly widely accepted where I live.

    @KaraOgata Thank you very much :)

    @Momaw Thank you for your detailed explenation and correction. I will most likely use your version. :)


    Everyone else thanks for the quick responses and offering help on the subject. Remain as you are and keep a positive attitude.

    A fellow humble Tenno,


  12. Greetings fellow Tenno.

    Since I'm not that good with linguistics I need some help.

    I would like to get a new Tattoo, the song title of one of my favorite bands Gojira, but in the Tenno / Orokin Language.

    The Title of the Song is "The gift of guilt", how would this look in a written version using the Tennobet?


    Every help is much appreciated. Greetings from Germany! A fellow humble Tenno.


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