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Posts posted by (PSN)bad_dreams

  1. Nothing wrong with the build. If your happy with it all the power to ya. I personally run only both armor mods for snow globe and no health or shield mods. I run efficiency rather than flow, and stuff as much strength in as I can. That gives me a spammable globe and avalanche that is still very strong. It costs me 20 to cast a globe. I also have a low power high duration build for running lor for cc. It's not the best cc by any means but much better than nothing.

  2. 47 minutes ago, (PS4)UltraKardas said:


    We calculated all of the factors already, You just won't admit when you are wrong. You are trying to be the hipster of the forums dissing multishot when its the perfect mod. Multishot makes every mod stronger as more bullets crit, More bullets do more damage and more bullets add status effects with multishot. Add multishot to a sonicor and you get a larger blast radius every time you fire and more damage and it seems like enemies get sent farther if hit by two or more blasts (As i was forma-ing it in draco) Your sonicor should have multishot on it as the lethal torrent mod adds multishot and fire rate. There's literally no reason not to use multishot. Your gun magically fires an extra bullet that costs no ammunition and has no downsides.

    Multishot should be on every weapon if you want that weapon to:

    A. Deal maximum amount of damage Ex: sancti tigris firing double the amount of pellets and destroying everything in front of it.

    B. Have the highest status chance/crit chance possible. Higher number of pellets means more pellets will crit/apply status procs Ex: Boar Prime having every pellet fired apply a status effect. 20 pellets applying corrosive procs can very quickly strip enemy armor. Lex Prime shooting 2-3 bullets with each bullet having a high crit chance.

    C. Maximize the effect of any weapon. 

    If you like the sonicor, get a mirage and put on as much multishot as you can (maximum 180%) and use hall of mirrors. Enjoy firing 6 to 12 sonicor shots every time you fire the trigger. You will destroy anything within range of the sonicor with the barrage of blasts. The same mechanic works with the angstrum or the atomos as multishot and mirage will fire a large amount of missiles if using the angstrum and will melt any enemies nearby with a stream of flames from the atomos.



    Oh god...... please stop and someone give someone a trophy? Or both parties a trophy? I feel the bomb with the nerf word on it is being built as we speak. Op, use one configuration with and one configuration without and choose the one that you like best. Please sweet cream jesus, everyone repeat with me, it's a good mod but not op. It's a good mod but not op, it's a good mod but not op. Did you hear that? BRB guys, gotta go check on my bless trin......

  3. 20 minutes ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

    I completly understand the mechanics, but still asking why. From where got the extra bullets Energy to deal same amount of Damage as bullets from magazine? Maybe i forgot its a just a game. But while DE try to be more real, this will definitly change.

    Are you really stretching your brain trying to figure out the reasoning behind where the extra bullet the mod produces actually comes from? In a game where an operator in a temporary stasis operates a surrogate alien being with special abilities and space weapons, in space? Let's move on ppl. Just play the game. Those of us that love the multishot mods will be rather displeased if you get something else..... n worded.....

  4. The differences in all of the damage types makes a difference. Only because the different damage types have different multipliers for shields, armor ect. The only real advice I can leave is to say that you are really missing out if you can't mod for what a certain weapon is geared towards. With shadow step and my nikana I can stay invisible indefinitely from critical hits. Im not a huge advocate of "red" crits because in my experience they are wild and unpredictable on damage output. But regardless the critical hit to refresh ss is predictable as anything. I can honestly say I don't believe I've ever saw it take more than 3 hits to produce a yellow number, and after blood rush kicks in they are all crits. Red about 50% of the time. 

  5. Good advice here, madurai is the damage dealing school, and grants 30% buffs to each physical damage type. Unairu, in my opinion is kinda useless. The others all have their place. Just remember focus is hard to get with the small lenses, and they can't be taken off once installed on something. They can be replaced, but it will destroy the lens currently installed on said item. If you format that item it will dissappear until you reach rank 30 on said item again, then it reappears back on said item. Each lens will only gain focus for that school, but you can activate any school as your active ability once you have unlocked them. 

  6. It's hard to tell, I only use the In game builder to work on builds, but you may be overworking the range a bit. It also depends on what you are building the particular volt to do. But try your build out and change as necessary. It's your volt bud. As far as forma goes, what I personally ally do is when I try my builds out for the first time, keep in mind what you definitely can't do without, and what you need more of. Once you know what you definitely need on the frame, drop a forma for that mod, rinse and repeat. Don't forget the drift mods, they work great for topping off a little extra something. I personally haven't played volt since the update so it's hard to give input. You always have the drift mods if you need to nerf range for more strength ect. I always pick an ability out to mod for, then prioritize mods in order of importance for that ability. And btw, Draco is an interception mission on ceres, and an ev stands for energy vampire trinity build.

  7. 1. 2

    3 4 

    They are in an order, and will activate in that order. I dropped regeneration on mine because with the new bleed out you will get it back if you die. I use vaccum, medi ray, guardian, whichever you choose. I noticed the player above questioned his sanctuary mod. I haven't researched that but mine works every time. If your trying to revive in the middle of a firefight it won't last real long. It is a fixed health globe like frost and ranking it up will raise it's health. Other than looter I have the same build on mine. Tough to beat. 

  8. I honestly think that people are overreacting a bit. I say a bit because a lot of this is way past due. Mirage blind is the way it should have been from the start. Exalted blade will be fine, that makes perfect sense. The main problem is as others have said the timing. I'm getting afraid to drop a forma into anything. The changes to the frames will do nothing if the real issue isn't fixed. There are several things that need actual work before the frames. I hate to complain. Warframe is an amazing game and I've played it exclusively since I downloaded it. The devs work does not go unnoticed, the notes and all the crazy small fixes is insane. DE actually seems to value the opinions of the community enough to listen. But instead of nerfing frames and draco etc, let's spend time reworking drop tables, adding something to the derelict missions, another tier in the void. There's no reason for the farm to be that strong. I have always hated the repeating aabc then guess what? Aabc. I'm bored to death at 40-60 waves or minutes trying to farm a part. There has to be a better way. Aabcbcbcbc? Spread some of those parts around or something. 1 planet in the universe that drops neural sensors still? I have to run the SAME mission 3x in a row to get 1 fieldron, really? Put that on a points system, or make a kiosk in maroos bazaar for rare resources that you buy with points from doing invasions. Kind of like ducats from the different factions. I don't get a whole lot of time to play, but when I do I loathe having to spend an entire night running the same crap over aND over. It's torture for the higher Mr players who have the game figured out, but are mainly crafting mastery fodder and formaing frames and stuff.

  9. 1. Range 2. Strength 3. Nerf your duration as low as you can. Vampire is a must in my opinion. Just my opinion but I don't run any flow because why worry about how large your pool is when you have an infinite supply through the ability? I think I run rejuvenation aura. If not corrosive projection is always welcome. You can make a pretty tough ev trinity with zero forma.

  10. I'm not going to rephrase everything above because there's no need to. I will share with you what I did, and how I chose syndicates. I am currently in Suda and hexis because I wanted the telos and the simulor. I also wanted to grab up the large shield and energy tanks offered first. I stress these to new players because there is NOTHING in my opinion more annoying than jumping into a lor or a high level sortie ect, with several other mr10+ players and being the only one with them. Im being a little dramatic here but it's irresponsible lol. Now granted ev trin, blah blah. Whatever, my point is by the time you start reaching double digits in mastery rank you should be able to carry your own weight with your own frames all the time. Now after my soapbox is gone, any of the choosing between higher tier weapons is mostly going to come down to your choice. Some people spazz out and look at raw numbers only. While numbers are important to an extent I have to laugh at pis sing matches. My hek does 5 more damage than your vendor hek, blah blah. Either gun is going to do a ridiculous amount of damage so why does it really matter? The vaykor has the proc, which is what is great about ANY syndicate weapon, already built in. To have the same proc on the regular hek, requires you burn a mod slot. Don't get me wrong it's a very useful mod and well worth it, but automatically puts it at a disadvantage for me. What I personally do is keep myself in Suda and hexis, level them both quick, and either trade or sale augments or weapons to other syndicate users. My experience on ps4 the primaries go for 30 and the secondaries 25. A lot of people will flat trade you. Quick, easy and simple. Then that just leaves your easy road to getting the large health and ammo tanks. That way you run as efficient as possible. Just my advice.

  11. All the tips xia said are solid. As a new player you are going to want to spend a lot of time in the void. When I was new I almost immediately started farming everything in the void. Now you will have to get on recruiting and find someone willing to carry you through the chart so you can at least get all of the planets unlocked. Then you can farm any keys you want. You will want to keep your party type public so you will have some help farming t3 t4 keys. Once you have your keys jump back on recruiting and host the void missions. I highly doubt anyone is going to have a problem carrying you if your burning your own keys. Farming the void heavily will serve you a lot of good. 

    1. You will get a crapload of forma bps. Your gonna need them.

    2. You will end up with extra parts for either ducats for the void trader, or to sell for platinum. Do your research on parts pricing. Learn what to advertise. Chances are if you have a bunch of something, no one is going to buy it from you with plat. That equals ducats or save to make a set.

    You will end up with a bunch of weapons and several frames in the end. As far as your platinum goes, there's no easy way of getting it unless you buy it. With you being new to the game, a prime access pack is never a bad idea. I purchased the frost pack when they brought it out of the vault. I used most of my platinum on slots for frames weapons ect. If you go this route DO NOT go and blow it. Save it and grind your tail off. At the end of the day learn the game. Mods are the most important part of it in my opinion and are far more important than any weapon or frame. Do some vault runs. If you don't like grinding your not going to enjoy the game and or will need very deep pockets.

  12. The soma is a crit weapon. My soma build looks exactly like geckos except I don't have fanged. I look at what the base stats are on a stock weapon and build it's strengths up first. With the soma it's strength is its critical chance and critical multiplier. So start with base damage, then do critical chance and multiplier.

  13. My personal advise is to work on obtaining the better mods. Specifically the frame mods from the void. Once you have your streamline, flow, etc maxed, you have (in my opinion) mid level mods. To make most frames end game, you will start shedding armor shield health mods in favor for beefing up your specific frames abilites. For your valkyr for example, hysteria build, you cannot make a god mode build without these mods. My valkyr has no shield mods, r7 vitality, aa. All the other mods are focused on beefing hysteria so I can run longer than I really care to in hysteria. Of course barring nullifies etc. I have no flow on her and I think she's around 150 or so. I ran the 3rd sortie the other day filled up energy on spawn, went into hysteria, 10 waves of level 90-100 enemies and I don't think I ever dropped below 100 energy. It's not a matter of frames or weapons you have. There are some that are just better than others I'm not arguing that, but the mods are what this game is about more than anything as far as I'm concerned. The difference between mid game and end game is your ability to adapt and mod for what your trying to achieve. Also, you are never going to be a detriment to a group unless you either actually try to be, or you continue to need to be revived all the time. Once it gets too hot for you, stay out of the fire. Bring a frame to help your mates.

  14. As far as importance many on here have already stated several of the must have frames. A lot of people ask for a frost, slow or fast nova, vauban, effigy chroma, trinity, ect. As far as what you should do first is where I am going to differ from what I have read so far. I personally farmed everything that currently drops in the void first so that now I have no worry about the vault rotations. In doing that you will end up with all kinds of extra parts and sets to sell. So I would sell what I had for Plat and ducats after building my own set. This also allowed me to eventually purchase a mag and an ember prime as well as the weapons that were in the vault. That is my personal opinion, its a rough grind, but I'm very glad I did it. I'm sitting on a lot of sets now to sell cheap for easy Plat when I need slots ect, as well as a bunch of ducats for the void trader.

    As far as what frames in order of importance everyone's list will be different. I personally love my ivara, equinox, and I have a ton of fun limbo. I would recommend working on dialing in one frame you like the most to fall back on, as well as a set of weapons and a companion. My set that I currently use for sorties or trials ect, frost prime soma prime sonicor broken war and my carrier prime. Just start running down the list working on your frames, have fun.

  15. A lot of people will send you to the interception on pluto. It's true you can get a lot there. But you need a group unless you have some heavy hitting gear. I've proven a lot of people I'm not crazy so give this a try. Go to the defense named io. Stay 20 rounds. I do it solo with a frost easy. You can rank a weapon, gain at least around 100 oxium a run, and bank neural sensors pretty well all at the same time. This is what I consistently get. Much easier level enemies allows you to smack the ospreys so much easier than on pluto which equals more oxium. If you go in with a group don't take a quake banshee because they will charge. Make sure your group knows how to kill them.

  16. At work at the moment. Ps4 at home in rest mode installing update. The new build notes said that it was added. On a mobile defense. Which one though? This is so great because this is my off work rotation to work on archwing. I already farmed all of the parts from everywhere except the interception and defense on Neptune and uranus. So anyone have any luck finding that handle so far?

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