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Posts posted by MXXVI

  1. To be fair man, in spite of your indignation there, you did say such things as:


    "So what you're proposing is that DE blatantly come out and say something that basically amounts to "we know we sold you this product for these two benefits, but because of "reasons" we're going to make one of those officially available to public free of charge."



    Thus placing your emphasis on the notion that you paid for perks and privilage, and if your privilaged status were to change, M/GMs would feel cheated.


    And as much as you're telling someone to calm down, you did rather rattle the cage by saying:


    "If people don't want to "risk" having leaked information "colored" then they can just buy a master pack."


    Which is tantamount to saying "Suck it up"



    To clarify, judging by your own words, you do give the impression that you're treating the status as an extra product in itself, whose potential change in nature would anger people on a consumer basis.


    And that perceived product, this privilaged status, is... put crudely... an elongated epeen. It is power, plain and simple.




    Besides, you got a pile of plat and unique items. Are you really saying that your status is worth that much of what you paid?

  2. This has probably been said before by others, but personally... my only issue with the design council is that it is entirely limited to those who have paid the most.


    Not to people who have paid. Not to those who have supported the game by paying.


    But to those, exclusively, who have paid almost £100.


     I shouldn't have to prove that I wanted to support the game.


    And we shouldn't have to be classified as "not supporting the game, and being undeserving of design council access" just because we couldn't afford to blow almost £100 on a single game during its beta. Because that's what's implied by the current system.


    I have 7 Warframes, and 4 pages of weapon slots. I've played the game for hundreds of hours, and I have showed my support by buying as much plat as I could afford. Yet, players like me are deliberately kept out of the loop, even though the purpose of the design council is player feedback, and player feedback from any experienced player is valuable.


    Now, don't get me wrong; I'm not hugely worked up over this. DE have demonstrated that they do listen to the wider Warframe community, and have a presence on the open forums... which is impressive, considering how small a team they are. But the current system is a bit wrong.


    And, human nature being what it is, it does create feelings of entitlement and resentment, and this aint healthy.

  3. the entire British army's arsenal of weapons, artillery and tank brigade just to kill them.


    That's probably not much DPS, since the government decided to cut military spending during an active conflict...





    But certainly, I'd have to agree in some respects - I think Warframe in general needs a bit of adjusting, during these high-level encounters - huge health bars doesn't necessarily make things more "challenging". It just makes you wish you'd bought some ammo packs.

  4. We should embrace the Stalker's religious adherence to the art of griefing low level players, and give him a suitable theme tune:






    The horror...

  5. You know what's kinda mean of them though?



    The old Latron Prime sound is used in the fancy new cinematic E3 trailer (when the Frost fires his Boltor lol)



    It's like "Hey, remember that awesome PEW PEW sound effect? It was so awesome we used it in a trailer. But you can't have it anymore. Because you smell funny."

  6. Something people need to remember about Bladestorm (and that is often forgotten) is that, while not necessarily helpful to the team, it does serve to save you from all damage, while simultaneously doing some damage.


    Given that Ash is supposed to be an "assassin", this fits pretty well. It's self-serving and violent, just like him.




    That being said, I really hope they fix the age-old Bladestorm bugs. Soon. Yesterday, during a mobile def mission, I had to sit on my own and wait for my team to finish the mission, because I got stuck.


    And they got really pissed off with me, because I couldn't even type anything to let them know why I was standing perfectly still.

  7. Whatever you think of it, it needs fixing.


    The ragdoll effect applied to it doesn't work properly; when you move quickly, it just freaks the hell out.


    I think it needs its attachment point freed up a bit, so that it can actually trail behind you when you run. As it is, it looks like a demented worm-genital-monster having a fit.

  8. Speaking as someone who now spends 90% of his time playing Frost, I love the bubble... but it's a bit dull.


    What I'd kinda love (though it would need to be balanced, or it'd be a "nerf", technically) is if Snowglobe didn't block ranged attacks... it merely slowed them to sub-Max Payne speeds.


    Like, you put the bubble up on a Grineer def mission, and suddenly you see bullets sliding slowly through the storm, leaving an icy trail in their wake.


    This would essentially turn Snowglobe from a lazy god-mode shield, to an opportunity to dodge projectiles that would normally be too fast, and also give you a clearer indication of where the bullets were coming from.



    As part of balancing this, you could also add a sort of "refraction" to the effect, so that the course of incoming projectiles would be adjusted, drastically reducing their accuracy.



    I mean, let's face it; at the moment, people just expect the Frost to sit on the Cryopod like an eggbound chicken, and the awesomeness of Snowglobe rather encourages lazy team behaviour.

  9. I love that they've released new models... but I kinda wish they'd made them a bit less alien, and a bit more disgusting.


    Something I liked about the old giant Corpus ancients was that, if you didn't look close, they looked like a giant mass of warped flesh on two unstable legs. They looked more... hefty.


    The new models look a bit too aquatic. Like they're straight out of HP Lovecraft (which would be awesome, if this wasn't Warframe).



    Personally, I'd love to see an Ancient design that was more grotesque - like, you could see that they were formed of multiple mutated victims, with random limbs dangling from their body etc.


    Especially for the Toxics. Like a Warhammer 40k Nurgle follower merged with some kinda mutant spawn of Tzeench.

  10. "Anything you can do on a keyboard, you need to be able to do on a controller."


    And that'd be why gaming in general "forgot" how to lean, or go prone, or in many games, even crouch, as consoles became more of a dominant force in the gaming market...





    My general disgust at the dumbing down force of consoles and their gamepads aside, I think you guys should keep the faith and hold out - Warframe is hitting PS4, right?


    You gotta assume that when that happens, DE will also figure out better gamepad controls for the PC version.

  11. "Its never been "shot down" by DE, and they are the only ones that have the power to actually change anything."


    DE has also never "shot down" the idea of space unicorns that shoot particle beams outta their butts, but since the players haven't started requesting space unicorns, that's a moot point.


    As it is here. The majority of players do not have an issue with Disruptors. They are not game-breaking, and this notion that they represent some major gaping wound in the game's basic design is entirely contrived. As is the notion that only "elite" hardcore players think Disruptors are fine. As is the notion that Disruptors are the highest priority target.


    I have seen far, far more people get wtfpwned by Toxic ancients and crawlers than any other enemy in the entire game. 90% of the revives I've performed during infested missions are the result of toxic damage (which bypasses shields, thus rendering the Disruptor's ability irrelevant).



    You can wriggle around this issue as much as you like, and try to re-label the problem as one of game design flaw... but what it all boils down to is: you weren't paying attention, you didn't avoid the Disruptor, kill the Disruptor, CC the Disruptor, or even ninja-kick the Disruptor in the face, and it annoyed you.

  12. Fair enough, I stand corrected. But I still don't like the name.


    Also, what do you mean by "Second, make ALL destructibles targetable(keeping with size proportion to limit)"?


    What limits are currently present, beyond bosses?



    Personally, my biggest concern with my Loki is the Ult - radial disarm is a bit... lols.


    I do like the non-solid decoy idea though. I think that would be a good change, without drastically altering the nature of the Loki.


    What would also be funny, is if melee enemies would run through the decoy and fall over, or bump into each other.

  13. It is true that the Furis and Afuris really suck right now.


    I tried to use that gun. I really tried. But it just carried on sucking as I levelled it up.




    But yeah, 90% is fine. Doesn't need changing. There are issues with the guns, but this aint one of them.

  14. "As in Chess, call it Castle."


    Er, castling? Seriously?

    I fail to see the connection. Castles (or "Rooks") are like tanks. They plough straight into things in a straight line. They do not swap positions with the target >.<

  15. Technically, there is no difference between an "Alternative Helmet" and a "cap" or "hat".


    If they were not cosmetics, they would not have a unique appearance. DE have spent a lot of time and effort designing new models and textures for these helmets - the primary draw for the items is cosmetic, and as such, this is what they are.



    While it's true that the actual stat changes are small... as other people have said, the presence of any stat change results in these helmets giving penalties for anyone whose playstyle or mod build is at odds with the tradeoff.


    Personally, for the sake of diversity, I'd rather keep the stat changes (but improve them significantly, in terms of their synergy with the host Warframe)... yet the current system does make me wonder if it wouldn't be better to simply render them fully cosmetic.

  16. I like Ice Wave too.


    With Stretch and Focus, there's nothing so satisfying as to blast a mass of Infested with a single line of frosty spikes.


    That being said, the damage could use some sort of buff at higher levels... or make the slow-down "cold" effect from it last much longer.



    As for Freeze, I think the 50% damage tradeoff for an unbreakable version is a good idea. But my main problem with it isn't that it breaks... it's that it's so freaking hard to hit things with! I mean, not only does it not auto-aim, but it has travel time too.


    I'd say buff Freeze by simply adding multiple projectiles at higher ranks (so 3 or 4 at max rank) with the extras shooting out in a 45 degree cone.


    Alternatively, replace the projectile-based Freeze with a DnD-inspired "Cone of Cold" ability, that just blasts a 45 degree cone of... you know, cold.



    Also, how about this for a possible Frost buff - make his cold effects stack. And by this I mean: if a mob already chilled by Ice Wave enters a Snowglobe, he freezes solid.

  17. While I have to agree with the general grumpy consensus that "this game is too easy, stop whining"... in this specific case (that of enemies spawning in rooms you've just cleared) I think it does need some work.


    Simple solution would be to force spawns to only happen in the rooms ahead of you, and +1 room behind you (so enemies would have to actually travel through the room you've just cleared, thus making it a bit less... artificial)

  18. Yeah, this is Warframe feedback >.<


    Anyway, I don't understand the hate for Super Jump. I love it. Sure, in a direct combat sense, it doesn't do much... but it grants you so much mobility, it's really liberating. And its energy cost is so low!



    That being said, if the OP's bug report is accurate... then yeah, this needs looking into. I'm gonna check it out in a minute (if I have a spare Super Jump card lying around).

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