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Posts posted by Frenrihr89

  1. do anyone remember when devs released the first version of survival, and everyone played it in that popular tileset "Kiliken" in that time? it was fun, survival mission was meant to be in small maps in the first xD

  2. 27 minutes ago, viperveteran said:

    Give tenno multipliers on the DOT of the status. It is quite odd that a crit chance over 100% benefits the player with red crits but the same cannot be said for status chances over 100%. Who knows it give status based weapons a better rap especially in higher levels

    dude against high level stuff status its better than crits... the procs do all the job...

  3. 6 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    Geez, how much Kuva are you using to be burnt out on it  already? I have tons of it and I roll my mods just for the hell of it sometimes. I only do flood missions too.


    well i have 37 rivens, of those... i'm pretty comfortable with the stats of 25, working on 12 now..

  4. 6 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FISTO ROBOT0 said:

    I rather enjoy it. It's a new little mechanic during the mission that utilizes our operators rather than the standard "move to this object and interact with it. 

    but they could adress similar mechanics to new gamemodes, like using the operator energy to open a storage... with enemies trying to defend the thing could add the co-op factor to the situation

  5. At least for me its getting exhausting doing the same over and over again, i know the missions may vary but its always the siphon thing, its the only way we currently get so i think we need another way to farm it, a game mode similar to excavation would be good or maybe a gamemode where do u go to steal kuva from Queen's fortress warehouse or something like that,
    would like to know the opinions of other players..

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