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Posts posted by NaeRyda

  1. Before anything else, forgive my bad English, that said..

    Lets see if i can describe this, Wisp`s noble or agile animation and firing from the hip (not holding the mouse button to aim down sights) don't align with the reticle, the shots are hitting the mark but visually they are going to the left, meaning, in the direction that the (bot aiming) animation has the weapon pointing at.
    On the screeshots i am pointing dowards to be able to show the position of the weapon, Wisp is to the left.

    Volt and Umbra both are shotting  straight forward, (well.. as straight forward as warframe normally is)

    Wisp in both its firing from the hip but the shots are visually going left

    Again, pardon my bad English

  2. 12 hours ago, ---.DonChi_ said:

    Sorry for the late response but I may kindly ask, Is it alright for you to leave your current clan by joining us-leaving your invested contributions?

    No Problem with the late reply, we all have our own things to do ^_^


    Well, yes, I loose what resources I may have invested, and it’s a bit of a pain saying bye bye to that ^_^ but at least this way I won’t be the only one doing everything, new things keep being added to the to be researched list and I, with the time I can play this game can’t keep up with that. About the people in the clan… its only 6 with plenty of leaders that havent contributed anything… not like they can with being offline for 600 days!

    Take a look: https://imgur.com/a/dkZJm

    And the guy with only 83 days is my nephew and he has no intentions of returning any time soon, all he sees now is overwatch and PUBG

    Like I said I can’t afford much time to warframe, I do log in often but not for long, and I do contribute with what little I can, witch isn’t much because fo not being able to farm for very long and/or because I don’t have a build that can steamroll everything yet. This is why I asked if it would be ok with you guys before actually leaving this one-man clan.


    Thanks and sorry for the bad English as it is mostly self taught + MS word spellchecking ^_^


  3. Greetings people, I am looking to join a casual clan as wile I can be online often, it can’t be for long, cutting in what i can contribute to the clan or do with clan mates, I am currently part of one (the ruler actually, as everyone above left the clan) but its literally a shadow clan, as in everyone is form 200 days to 600 days without logging in and I can’t do everything on my own, the only reason for not having left the clan myself its because at least have access to the research and not wasting everything I already invested in it.


    I would appreciate if you guys could reply, either way thanks, and sorry for my bad english.

    PS: Only MR9

  4. Greetings people, I am looking to join a casual clan as wile I can be online often, it can’t be for long, cutting in what i can contribute to the clan or do with clan mates, I am currently part of one (the ruler actually, as everyone above left the clan) but its literally a shadow clan, as in everyone is form 200 days to 600 days without logging in and I can’t do everything on my own, the only reason for not having left the clan myself its because at least have access to the research and not wasting everything I already invested in it.


    I would appreciate if you guys could reply, either way thanks, and sorry for my bad english


    IGN: NaeRyda
    *Mastery Rank: 9
    *Location: Portugal
    *Other games I've played/genre: BDO, SWTOR, Skyforge, Destiny1/2 ^_^, PoE


  5. On 02/02/2017 at 10:32 PM, [DE]Mark said:

    Fixed Clients gaining invulnerability when using Transference from Warframe to Operator.

    Again? you guys have been saying that for quite a few updates and hotfixes now, are you, what, fixing operator by operator?

    Relics giving random rewards other than the one you selected on the reward screen its still a thing.

    Now on a unrelated matter, i would like to ask if your support team has come from the new years vacation yet? 

  6. 1 minute ago, hawkess said:

    Source on this because all Ive found is that they decided not to. Havent seen it mentioned in any patch notes either.

    i second that, all i heard in the devstream was that there would be no changes and that the derelict was a good place to farm mutagen not that it was buffed

  7. 36 minutes ago, sulusdacor said:

    that baro has new weapons to "show case" might seem like a good idea at first, but it defeats the whole purpose of relic and ducats. and makes the system pointless.....please remove/rethink/tweak this ....

    i'm farmign relics to get an rng roll for the right relic and then roll to get then the rng roll for my prime part i search. or just to get ducats to buy stuff from baro ("mostly" rng free in this case). with this change i farm relics to roll hopefully high ducat stuff, to buy relics for ducats to roll again for stuff i actually want? not to mention that 50 ducats means usally 3 runs to get one relic (if i get 15 ducat stuff most times). so i triple farm relics to rng roll?  not to mention that stuff i actually want is rare, meaning i need at least 10+ relics (500+ ducats). so i basiclly invest 500 ducats to get a shot to get what i want. emphasis on chance to get x. no guarentee. should the ducat system not be the fallback for people how get bad rng rolls? so you can "invest" your prime scrap into usefull stuff. the introduction of relics to baro defeats this, since it simple adds rng.

    is there not enough rng punishment in the game already? did we not do enough relic farming with the new system? do we need a new farm loop? (you can get only forma keep that in mind). not to mention that the whole axi line is deluted anyway with relics no one needs. so it's already hard to get relics by farming not even mentioning the fact that it is nearly impossible to get people in your squad with the same relic. (yes recuitment chat is dead in some regions). so please rethink this...

    ...kinda speechless....

    fight on tenno...

    dont forget about having the misfortune of having the item you want finely showing up on the reward selection screen for you to chose, you select it but it gives you some other random stuff instead

  8. 1 minute ago, sinisteran said:

    I made many radiants and i lost them after the selection screen broke wth?! Got message with a lex prime BP when I didnt even get a choice to pick this is ridiculous

    Relics and their rewards are all messed up and its not just from the servers being too busy, but more ridiculous is getting a lex P BP from a relic that didnt even have a single lex prime related item in it

  9. 1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Fixed Endless Void Fissure reward screen always showing you the Relic you cracked as your every-five-rounds bonus Relic. You actually get a random Relic of the same tier (that may or may not be the type you cracked).

    what about when in a squad the relic rewards giving the player something else instead of what the player selected from the available choices? or is this one of those pretend it doesn't exist kind of problems?

  10. 1 hour ago, The_Sharp_Demonologist said:

    This is just a little venting exercise for me, don't worry this won't be a library wide rant just a few suggestions about what NOT to do when releasing the new frame with a small touch of contained and controlled rage and frustration.


    So Glast gambit, worst quest ever? probably, frankly I'm divided between this and the Atlas one, both are frustrating and monotonous in their own unique way. But I hate these two specially cause both have a great story and great characters behind it, not to mention both reward a really cool frame.


    All I want for the bard frame is to have a nice, fun quest. I'm not asking for the War Within (even through that had its own problems) with big cinematics and bit sweeping arcs but I want a quest that feels unique, and that doesn't mean it need brand new locales or gameplay mechanics. I always said that Warframe have a lot of cool mechanics that DE can play around with, alter an old mode that can make a completely different experience.


    For example the first mission of the Glast Gambit had you go into a colony where you had to defend people as they close the doors. When you get right down to it the mission is just another mobile defense mission but by changing the terminals for people, setting up a cool looking locale and giving these people some personality it feels completely different. Then the index happens. Is not that the index is bad but repetition and the fact that Nef rigged the matches in his favor, you know he did it and your forced to go along anyways is what ruined the quest for me. Shame cause the index itself is really fun and Nidus is an amazing Warframe.


    All I ask for the bard frame quest is that remember to make it fun, even if it's a bit grindy just make it a fun experience, make it so frustration comes from a fair challenge and not from repeating an endless barrage of samie boredom with brain-dead AI. Here I got an example of a cool idea:


    The main character is a virtuoso, a magnificent musician, an artist, but he is also kinda creepy about it. Think of him like Jhin from league of legends, but kind of a good guy, maybe.


    One of the missions (maybe one of the last missions) It's a defense, but you have to defend a machine that musician is in, said musician will play music during the match and the music can change and affect the match in different ways like making all enemies much faster, healing your team, giving you 80% power efficiency, or -80% power efficiency. As the match goes on suddenly a beast wakes, attracted to the music and it's your job to take it down as the music gets darker, more... dramatic, apocalyptic even. The floor cracks in a way that your team and the beast fall but the musician is safe up above now you get a boss fight with accompanying music and different status effects.


    There a fun weird little mission that fits the theme. You can play around with this by perhaps an earlier step of the quest is gathering rare materials like Argon, Tellurium and Cryotic to make said masterpiece. You can explain that the machine attracts, absorbs and manipulates void energy to enhance the music tunes and give them the effects that it has, furthermore that explains that the Bard frame uses a much more refined version of his machine incorporated into the frame. Does that mean that the artist is also a Tenno? maybe he made the Frame himself and we are in presence of one of the first non player Tenno AND a Warframe crafter. Maybe to craft the Bard frame you have to visit him in the relay and give him the materials to craft the frame cause he doesn't trust you with the knowledge, yet.


    Well that came longer than I expected... sorry it  just the way my brain works, I get an idea and that idea rapidly blooms into much more detail. Sometimes blessing sometimes a curse. Hope you enjoy my rant/suggestion/daydreaming concept. Tell me what you guys think in the comments down below.



    EDIT: Fixed the grammar

    but thats probably the point, more frustrating/repetitive and down right lame quest equals to more people just saying "F### it" and buying the frame with plat than a engaging and fun quest would

  11. i just think that its splinting clans instead of creating teamwork, wile i cant talk about mine (im the only one doing anything everyone else as been off line for 200+days and i dont have rank to kick out anyone) but with some of the people i play with or from other the groups im seeing a lot of childish fighting about it, with arguments that go from "i donated X amount and guy1 only donated Y" to "i did most of the research for A now its your turn to deal with it!"

    On the other hand, im not even bothering with hema. period.

  12. 9 minutes ago, quebirt said:

    That's what I'm screaming. Where is the logic. Even if it did enable some people to make crazy amounts of credits with their exploit squad, where is the harm. Credits are trash to those people. It was just enough to make credit farming less painful for most of us. IF it was somehow a problem that those people were able to get so much, could all the minds at DE not come up with a way to nerf that without making it trash for us? And yes, it IS trash now. An extra 2-3k credits for a quick dark sector run doesn't give it any real value, and keeping it going in endless missions will never start to pay more than restarting the mission first chance you get. Better off to move to the faster dark sector missions and use weapons that can nuke everything fast, or one of the many frames with stupid overpowered exploitable skills that DE should be spending time on fixing.

    DE MO (Modus Operandi) seams to be going in the direction of fix what is not broken and pretend what is broken is fixed
    PS: your idea about the index? probably right, they did give us quite a feast of it in The Glast Gambit

  13. DE

    What about the relic reward bug where it rewards you with some other item rather than what you selected on the reward screen?, are you guys even bothering with that or should we consider it a feature instead? you have the tendency of fixing what doesn't really need to be fixed and pretend that what does need to be fixed is fine.

  14. @[DE]Megan I know that you are not in charge of these things but....

    When the heck are the random relic reward bug/feature/glitch being fixed? Its being reported since July 2016 (at least) and it still the same, the first time i thought that maybe i did choose something else by mistake, as it kept happening i thought that it was somewhat related to some items in the relic or the relic itself being vaulted wile i still had those relics, but it keeps happening with other relics vaulted or not. Why having different relics with different possible rewards to choose from if its going to reward you with stuff that isn't even on the list?

    Today i was playing in public with 3 others when this happened once more, in chat we decided to do another run, but this time all of us with the same relic, its was 4 lith V1, first run with that set up, no problem, we tried again with the same 4 Lith v1s, at the end i selected a forma and surprise surprise i got a Lex Prime Blueprint that ISNT even in  a V1 list, its on a S4 and no one was using one of those!!

    How? Just how?

  15. Im helping with nekro-"ing" this.

    This bug is being reported at least since July 2016 in various forum post and support tickets and im yet to see even a "we are looking in to it" whats the point of choosing a reward if we are going to get whatever? why waste void traces for radiants IF we are getting a random reward? because we aren't even getting what was in OUR relic EVEN if its right there on screen, im starting to wonder if its a bug or a intended feature.

    DE why do you fix things that aren't in need of being fixed and leaving what needs to be fixed untouched? This is not something that goes away if you pretend it doesn't exist!

  16. 55 minutes ago, Dousei said:

    I could just be being nit picky, buy why should a new stance mod for a Corpus themed weapon drop from high level Grineer enemies?

    DE logic at its best, like nullifiers somehow eating curing mutations stacks (not against the "nerf" but more like "where is the logic in that!")

    the voracious grineer blunts (the inflatable defenses) also eating the larva ability from nidus




  17. Im not entirely sure if this his the right place for this nor if its a actual bug or even if its as it was meant to be (lately with DE i cant tell)

    Anyway, are blunts, you know the inflatable greener defenses, not the other ones, supposed to "eat" the larva ability from nidus?

    well this explains better:




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