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Posts posted by (PSN)CL_Poloboyzz93

  1. Hey there! This is our dojo submission from CELESTIAL LEVIATHAN moon clan on ps4!



    My name and role : CL_Poloboyzz93 / Role : Clan founder

    Platform : PlayStation 4  / Moon clan!

    dojo tour from one of our warlords Cake_1_2_3_4!

    Featured image is our new and improved clan emblem, arriving next update ! 🙂 the new emblem really reflects the relationship between our Lunar Wolves / Leviathan statue in our dojo, as Lunar Wolves is the alliance we are part of!



  2. 23 hours ago, -TSA-warramssie said:

    talking about arbitrations , effective farming ( THERE IS only excavation and to some extent defection) and the people's Sandboi (o boi)

    Inaros .... when I see an Inaros whatever his MR or gear I leave the lobby as he does nothing , absolutely nothing to help me achieve something. just saying kiddos

    Just a few years ago the complaint was "damn randoms, all they do is spend half the match dead on the floor and provide no team synergy" well at least now with inaros, half that issue is resolved, they may not have any crazy cc or synergy but at least when they're on inaros you can have peace of mind knowing you won't spend all match on revive duty... glass is half full bro, not half empty 😂😂


    My role: Clan Founder

    Clan Size : MOON

    Platform: PS4

    - Here is a 3minute dojo compilation, Showing some of our best / favorite areas in the dojo, there's much more, However not all can fit. Really hope you guys take the time to view this in 720p and enjoy the tour 🙂 Final Copy Created By Our Dojo Warlord, Cake_1_2_3_4 !


  4. 1zbaydk.jpg


    Clan Tier: Moon

    Clan Platform: PS4

    Clan Role: Founding Warlord

    Hey there! CL checking in just dropping a small feature photo and a quick 2 minute youtube tour of our Dojo! Our dojo was / has always been a constant work in progress as times / seasons change for the last 3-4 years, but we have some truly beautiful minds in the leadership team / clan who have worked hard together for quite a while, and really always just strive to make our dojo just another great part of CL!



    Spawn room Skypost





    Deep multi Floored Dojo, Fun, Creative secrets to explore at every corner!


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  5. On 2018-10-05 at 9:23 AM, Atekron said:

    On his 100th visit Baro bring Harkonar Wraith Cloak, reward for participating in Pacifism Defect event. It was not to hard get it, but..

    Why not make new, Ki'teer style, reskin of this syandana, or even make new one? I would be okay if they repeat Pacifism Defect event. It just a little sad that this piece can no longer be tied to some memories and can be just bought like any other.

    Clan operations dont usually return (besides the dreaded plague star...,) been months since pacifism defect, all the while, we've seen raids taken out, content droughts, so the veterans or a big portion of people who were there for PD to get it have quit, meanwhile, hundreds and thousands of new people have arrived so how can they get it? That's probably why they did that, 100th visit definitely coulda been different but im sure DE thinks the amount of players that dont have it outnumber the amount of players who do, which from a casual standpoint (As we know DE getting more into a casual place) is unfair. Tbh i understand that 100th visit should be special , and for new players it was, as for vets idk lol  we'll never know

  6. 1 minute ago, (PS4)kfrancis902 said:

    Thank you for your Feedback my comment on Gambit mode is a bit misleading, I dont want DE to rip off Destiny 2 lol but lets be honest the PVP side of Warframe needs some help lol.

    What Gambit shows is you can provide a PVP experience while hiding it behind PVE which is quite ingenious. Think about some of the pet projcts like Happy Zephyr and Frame Fighters It shouldnt be a complete rip off but you can be inspired by other content. With the lore, weapons and characters Warframe has it amazes me that a PVP mode doesnt hit off.

    That's no lie, Warframe PvP is terrible, but tbh most 3rd person PvP is terrible  (well i wont say terrible because games do definitely definitely pull it off) but 3rd person PvP will always be UNDER 1st pov PvP, due to the fact you can just stand behind a wall and pop up n cheese camera views, now add abilities & powerful ass weapons w/ mods,and a serious parkour system, its so cheesy... until a game proves otherwise, Im not sure how DE can really get people into this sorta PvP , i agree with the other points you made but not sure conclave will EVER Take off in a 3rd PoV co op game. Division just got lucky lol

  7. 3 hours ago, stormy505 said:

    I get the revenant part. But how in anyway does limbo look like a vampire...

    Tall hats, long suits, long stringy body frames, there was a time where Interview with a vampire / queen of the damned epitomized how a vampire should look ,plus i think vampires were pretty serious in early 1900s - 1940s & that was the time that most people did dress that way, he proves a point

  8. Moon2_Resize.png

    Abels Vengeance - Hello_Kitty_CC                                             |Cybernetic Cerbus - GiraffaCleopta

    Angry Hermits - Greasemonkey285                                            |Dark Oblivion Chronicle: Solcott

    Beyond Knowledg - Srid + Dunny_Candela                                |Empire of Shirataka: MrSmerDaFler + Loto-Drandel

    Celestial Leviathan - Poloboyzz93 + Grtf798 + Cake_1_2_3_4  |League of Dragons: C_Y_A_N_187 + Thebamboozler777

    Clan Demolishers - Bigguy51178                                               |Noble Division: WEAPONOLOGY1

    Predators - Grvedngr + Darth_Iska + Lordmarkusss                  |Reapers Last Rites: FenrirDaWolf + F34REDBEFORE

    Str8 Jokers - Serestgille                                                             |Vanguarda Orokin: xDJANGO_VIDALOKA

    Zero Prime - BrockBrockwell + TheBigDIz                                |Knights of the Orokin - Vertigo-365

    Angel Breaker: FR3EK_X_J3ST3R                                           |Elusive Council: RImaCone

    Darkside Mafia: Heatherrshaw                                                  |Fatal Fury - TokinBandit

    Maniacal Egos - diebetic06                                                      |Voidfire Leviathans - Young_Pablo321

    Killing Team - Vampl1fe                                                             |Primed Corportation: HashtashblameFoxy

    Shielders of the Void: Caiojaremczuk                                       |Project Morpheus - Wamble88

  9. 30 minutes ago, hcwhitewolf said:

    It gets a bit annoying trying to complete bounties to get the new relics and half your squad decides to Cetus Wisp farm or mine or just sit near the entrance instead of participating. It's really not fair to people who actually want to play the game and complete content when others just decide to AFK and get free rewards for no effort.

    That's what recruiting chat is for, or clans, or alliances, get a more specific team instead of matchmaking into randoms and you won't face this problem, that's why most people advertise hunts/bounties/EVERYTHING even XP farms in recruiting over just random queue'ing into a mission..that's kinda what these sorta chats are for … at least i'm sure it was partly the intention

  10. There should be other accolades achievable by players who started after founders, yes. I agree, after all, The "Accolades" Section of player profiles ingame is pretty barebones besides for the two I've seen, Founder, and Guide. No 5k hours accolade? 10k Hours veteran Accolade? No Quest master Accolade? Credits accolade?A generalized completionist accolade with a set of pre-requesites? They can all be stackable aswell...Not to mention, A lot of the hate towards founders doesn't stem from behavior if we're all honest lol, it stems from things like advertising those founder/guide accolades, giving them that sense of power regardless, it's not wrong for them to flaunt the power you've given them DE lol, But it's something that 90% of your players won't have... humans are jealous or envious by nature, and you've played well off that lol, but it causes hell for them, so give that other 90% a set of achievable completionist accolades aswell that they can flaunt about, Or keep your founders under direct fire constantly...DUH

  11. 1 hour ago, OriVerda said:

    I'm proud of being a Founder, I'm happy with what I've received from DE even if it isn't something that will win me fights against level 100+ enemies. I wouldn't reverse my purchase for anything.

    But sometimes, well, a lot of times, I wish I could hide it from my profile. Sometimes it's a badge of honour, most times it's the mark of Cain.

    So, point is.. ; You wanted to show your grand master badge off on a rather Rhetorical post.. lol 🙂

  12. Sounds petty, but on PS4 the new UI has blocked you from promoting anyone that is unlucky enough to either have a username that starts with XYZ (if you're scrolled to "name") also blocks you from promoting anyone at the bottom of the clan list in general, the entry rank promotion is not available (or visible) to select when you get past a certain point in the clan list... lol not sure why. It seems as though it's just completely blocked out because the UI is too big and the new promotion selection menu is too big aswell,

  13. I disagree, but also agree at the same time..... But remember, It's still a game, this is how things work man, they gave the fair warning..... Multiple times too. I pity your friend, but this is what happens, and you have to accept that. Games are made to be played, if you go away, you lose out, good games don't play favoritism, good devs don't play favoritism for situations like that, they have to appease to millions of players still...

  14. On November 10, 2017 at 8:04 PM, --Q--Voltage said:

        Konzu has a Plague Star Specific Bounty for you. Completing the series of Bounty Missions will earn you continued OPERATION STANDING to shop for all the Event Rewards! You should to speak to Konzu at Cetus to begin running the Plague Star Bounty!

    No Leaderboard as well? Why not just make this an alert then?

    R.I.P, O.P meme

  15. 2 hours ago, Imniscor said:

    Disclaimer : I plea to the players who die a lot to read this not as if I want to be rude but as if I'm trying to be constructive to the best of our community.

    Hydron - Objective : Leveling
    We want to finish waves faster and dying makes it go slower because we have to stop killing enemies to ressurect team mates, while also risking living team mates into a death chain.
    If you want to level your frames, its best to have your weapons already leveled.
    Try to use Vitality or Vigor mods.
    Bring means to heal such as Life Strike mod (1 click and you're back to full), syndicate weapons that proc heal, Hirudo, Arcane Guardian in both syandana and helmet...

    Mot - Objective : Testing your build OR Farming Argons
    This is a tricky map, best suited to tanky frames such as Inaros, Wukong, Nidus and Chroma, CC heavy frames.and support frames.
    Eventually you will be one shotted unless you are tanky so you need means to heal back to full.
    In this map, the chance of team mate death chains is high because enemies can outnumber you fast and theres always the chance a nullifier will come out of nowhere to dispell your Vex Armor or Invulnerability.
    If you cant survive on your own, it's best that you don't play this map but if you still wanna play it then stick together.

    Sorties - Objective : Riven mods, valuable prizes.
    This is the beginning of the end game. Enemies are usually 50+ and will hit hard. All of Mot advices apply here.
    Bring your best frames : not that frame that you press 1 to kill every lvl 30 on the map (example is Ember), because they will survive.

    Besides, dying is annoying not only for you, but for your team mates because it disrupts whatever important thing they are doing.
    Think about it when going to level in Hydron. Can you survive and not die every minute?
    If you can't, please go to Io (Jupiter). It's an awesome place to level.
    If you still die in Io, theres Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury defense missions.

    Thank you.

    So now you're Mr. Perfect who never dies eh? And you put 2 sets of arcane guardian on everytime you go to Hydron? Imo your post sounds pretty condescending, Things happen, Players die, if you're so annoyed by it, leave them on the floor to bleed out, or leave the lobby when you see all the players are on unleveled frames no good weapons and low MR, OR, go recruit for Hydron instead of matchmaking to randoms, this way you can choose your own team, I understand that you think you are trying to help or give some sort of advice, but honestly I don't really see anywhere that you gave advice that people don't already know ... Also, I'm willing to bet you at one point in your warframe career have done everything that you just advised against, I mean, who hasn't, Don't be a hypocrite.

  16. 1 hour ago, BetaNoire said:

    I thought survival was all about how strong your weapons were.

    Until I did Mot for the Harrow quest unlock.

    My Rhino's Tigris could still 1 shot every single thing, but their increased damage still blew me up. Even with Rhinoskin.


    What lvl do they reach at 2 hours? 

    Nah I would say weapons play a small part most of the fight when you get over 2hrs is boredom and CC, at a certain point, the whole team is just spamming cc and team shooting piles of level 384s(random number) lol and usually a few die out of every pile so you CAN get LS, but piles are refilled faster than you're killing, so.... really it's the CC.. when the tonkor was non self-damage, and the synoid simulor was not ... reworked.. it was a lot simpler, Also to answer your question they're definitely around 200-300 at 2h on mot.

  17. I'd lump mostly all of the bosses that HAVEN'T been reworked (Besides Jordas) in as the worst boss, for obvious reasons, spawn in, rush the boss, shoot twice, dead, before the team can even arrive you're already running for extraction, See? Lol. For the worst frame? Nah, No comment. Also, with posts like this, they're so provocative lol

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