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Posts posted by Hayabusa97

  1. Go into a Corpus mission that is around Jupiter level or higher and leave the alarms on, Bursas will spawn in 45-90 second intervals (each one slightly higher leveled than the last one). Isolators (the white ones that use a shotgun and shoot nullifier orbs) are the ones that drop Tempo Royale (drop chance is quite low). Might want to bring a tank (or just bring Ivara since you get 2 loot rolls in prowl) since these bastards are quite strong.

  2. 6 hours ago, Valathreon said:

    At least the Grineer were intelligent enough to not give any of their troops the Ma-S#&$e-y Wraith.

    Speaking of Wraith, it looks like the Lancers and Seekers no longer use the Karak Wraith and the Nukor respectively (they seem to use the Grinlok and Marlok, respectively)

  3. Link to Album

    I chose this star because it is the closest star to the solar system. I got this idea because I thought it would be a cool idea to journey through nearby star systems until Tau Ceti is reached which might not be that long of a journey since it is about 12 light years away and travel from Mercury (closest planet to sun) to Sedna (outer reaches of the solar system) in Warframe seems to be pretty damn fast). I might make this a series of posts if I'm bored enough (though I'm more likely to make it one big post because a series of posts might be considered spam due to my work ethic regarding this stuff)

    Also, I used Map view so while it isn't as pretty, it isn't crashing SpaceEngine as much, I only had 2-3 crashes compared to like 10 when I did Tau Ceti.

  4. 1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

    Completely agree. Infested missions are utterly tedious. Unfortunately DE thinks challenge means stripping players of tools and choices, as opposed to smarter AI, enemy team tactics, mini bosses and proper balance.

    Says a lot when I think fighting Bursas are a lot more fun than the current enemies. I wish DE would stop being so scared of rebalancing frames to remove the cheesiness so that they can get rid of the enemy cheese that they created (Because an Infested Eximus Survival Sortie is more fake difficulty than anything. Energy drainers making energy restores needed, Venom eximus ensuring you are stuck with a toxin proc the entire game, and Sanguine eximus joining infested Moas in stunlocking you to death is not a challenge.) So what if a bunch of pissed off cheesers make angry posts and say they leave, we all know they will just come back to the game later.

  5. Just now, TARINunit9 said:

    Dude, it's freaking Tau Ceti unless the devs explicitly say otherwise. Tau Ceti might not be blue IRL, but neither is Pluto and that didn't stop the devs from very deliberately not changing Pluto's icon in the starmap

    That and us somehow being able to walk on the surface of Neptune even though it is an Ice Giant (though it might be because the tilesets used for Neptune are placeholders)

  6. http://imgur.com/a/9pKQg

    Locations included are the Star itself, all the planets, and the moons that are not asteroids.

    Getting these were a PITA due to the program freezing at several points (my computer sucks) but overall they turned out good (even though they are around 1200x700 images)

    I took these screenshots because it is likely we will explore the Tau system some time in the future (my money is next year not including delays to WW and Umbra unless Umbra involves heading to the Tau system)

    As for what to do with them, I don't know. I just posted these to see what ideas other people can come up with.


    I didn't post them as individual images because I have small details written for each location (also, the star is the only thing not part of the procedural generation for the system so this might be inaccurate)

  7. 2 hours ago, Katinka said:

    Black and red are usually considered warning colours in nature, signifying poisonous or venomous creatures.

    I thought it was bright colors on creatures that signify that this animal is something you really shouldn't eat (either because it is not edible or because it is poisonous)

    Venomous creatures also tend to be a variety of colors (the only black and red venomous creatures I know of are widow spiders such as the black widow and redback)

  8. 10 hours ago, Dogefighter said:

    We don't see too many corrupted janitors

    And leaving your giant magical spaceship floating around in the logic-defying pit that is the Void for thousands of years with no maintenance is a good way to get some okay-sized mineral deposits doing.

    And considering the temperature Argon becomes solid (around -199C or something), I'm amazed there aren't any areas in the void towers that are frozen over. Then again, the Void likes to tell physics and maybe chemistry to go F*** itself.

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