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Posts posted by Pepperdy

  1. Lets just make it so DE has a harder time making money, lets not pay for the people who create the content. Why don't we just shut down DE and warframe down all together, I mean who wants a free to play game anyways? Great idea, bravo. They already make it super easy to earn in game currency, just chill, stop asking for everything to be handed at to you, just because you think you are a special cookie who deserves it.

    The new players can play the regular warframe. The Prime variant is only slightly better in stats, and with so many specialized skins coming out people won't have the excuse "but primes look better" There is literally no other reason for wanting the prime version than "I want to have everything" boohoo. The rest of us who never got excalibur prime got over it, the new players can too.

  2. 4 hours ago, Freezing-Dragon said:


    I'm tired of the 'Vault' system.

    It's not fair for some players who just started.

    Most of the vaulted primes are USEFUL..

    The regular warframes are just as good, just because primes have bonus energy, or armor doesn't mean that those are the only kind that are playable. People like you make it seem like having the regular warframes are a waste of time. The new players will be fine, just like the people who missed out on excalibur prime are fine.

  3. Now I am assuming this is a bug, because this is the first time I've encountered such a massive map for a syndicate mission. It was an exterminate, and I was close to getting max standing with the Steel meridian, so I made it my goal to find every medallion... until when I got to the 3rd one and realize how ridiculous this was going to get.


    So this is my first picture after picking up the 3rd one, I was taken so far off course from the original exterminate that I started to question what was going on.


    After the 4th, the whole map was hardly even showing the extent of it.


    After I had found the 6th I had given up, if you look closely you see I still had another big room to explore, and a few smaller ones. I was so annoyed at that point, also because the rest of the map had been cut off.

    Anyways, possible bug? Hopefully an easy fix to avoid massive maps like this for just a simple syndicate exterminate.

  4. So I've always dreamed of becoming a video game designer, as I kid I remember drawing characters for a video game I wanted to make. So now as an adult I looked into going to an art school,which would cost me anywhere between $80,000-$100,000. 


    My first thought was when I saw that price was "I can't imagine, spending that much money, just to make a video game that people who pick apart as if it was some kind of weird animal."I thoughtback to this community, and even though it is full of people who are so kind to each other, they are so hateful towards DE half the time. I thought about all the negativity I heard from other games,and I threw my dream out the window. Nope. Won't do it, so I give my respect to DE, half of them probably went to art school back when it was cheaper, but still, I couldn't imagine taking mydream and turning it into something people will just walk all over, spit on, and toss away.


    And so i've decided to become a housewife instead. That way only one person can tell me how bad I am at my job.

  5. I had to factory reset my computer the other day and ever since then I can't slide or bullet jump in the game.

    I had to reset my in game options after the factory reset, but my controls are still the same as they have always been.

    I don't know if it's the game, or if it's my computer, so if anyone knows what might be the problem that'd be great help.

  6. 1) Can we possibly get a search bar for our relics? For example "Nyx prime systems" shows all the relics that hold that, and those relics drop locations.

    2) 10 years ago did you ever think you'd be the creators of such a popular and much loved game?

  7. I can't seem to find the Commander in my daily quest. Apparently he isn't showing up in any of the grienner quests i'm going on.

    I've tried different levels and different planets. I don't know if it's a bug or if I need to go to a specific place to be able to scan.

    I'll report it as a bug report unless someone knows what is wrong with it.


  8. 1 hour ago, Krysyth said:

    I cannot agree with the idea of AI opponents, though, especially ones that reward Conclave standing. I don't even think Lunaro should reward the player with Conclave standing since it is so flagrantly not Conclave.

    If anything they should give points for fighting AI, but less than the points compared to PVP. That way we can practice, and still have it be rewarding.

    And obviously give the option to PvP or PV AI. They are giving us the option to 3v3 or 1v1 in Lunaro, so giving more options would benefit a range of players. Not everyone likes the same things, but it's not hard to please massive groups.

    That way new players aren't destroyed in conclave and completely give up on it, like I did, rank 16 and i'm only just giving it a second try, because my first experience was so bad.

    I get why you don't agree, but AI is more new player friendly, which warframe is starting to get more new players with every new update. It's not fun to get wrecked by someone who clearly plays conclave more, it ruins the experience, like most other games, no kid is going to want to play against a collage athlete who obviously doesn't know how to "go easy".

    Most games I see some jerk just murder a MR 1 dude for fun, until the kid finally rage quits. AI should've been a thing already, that way people don't have to wait for matches, or grind until they are on the same level as other players. It's pretty much making conclave content untouchable for even someone like me.

  9. I enjoy the thought of conclave, it looks pretty fun, except no one plays it. Which thank you DE for attempting to bring it back, I personally don't like Lunaro, its a good idea, I just personally do not enjoy it.

    It'd like the option to fight AI, they proved it could be done with Rathuum, which was SO much fun!

    I'd like to have it like League of legends where you can have a custom match against bots and go full ap alistar, because you really don't care to be bullied by teammates for taking full ap alistar mid... I just need a place where I can test out builds, and what works best.

    I just want to be able to play conclave, and it looks like the only way to do that is either force myself to play Lunaro, or ask for AI. I don't know maybe I'll like Lunaro when it gets a few more fixes, but I play video games, because I suck at sports, so why play a sport in a video game?

    I know DE has a lot of stuff coming out, but just take Rathuum and put it into Conclave after U19. Please and thank you, I don't want to see conclave die. I want those rewards, and I want to fight to get it!


  10. Lunaro :

    Maybe telling people if they are throwing the wrong way or what team they are on, because apparently it isn't clear enough? I had multiple games where someone was either trolling or didn't realize what side they were on.

    Working on making sure it isn't a 3v1. When multiple people leave because they hate losing, and it ends up becoming a boring 3v1 maybe give an enemy team member to the other team, or let us vote on a surrender so we don't have to waste 10 minutes of just watching the other team score goals.

    Make it so we can decide what role we want to play, (left offensive, right offensive, defender)

    Changing it to a 3v3 because it's too small of a map to have it be 4v4 (in my personal opinion)

    Making it so people have to wait to join the game until they are even sides. So we don't have a 3v2, which is an automatic lose 80% of the time.

    People who are really good at the game mode are separated from people still getting a hang of it. It's boring watching people make goals every second, and it's boring to sit there and make goals every second. It's kinda like a collage player vs an elementary school kid.


    --- I know you are just testing things out, it's really impressive for what it is, I do enjoy it, just wanted to give my 2 cents on it.

    Keep up the good work DE, much love, and thank you. Can't wait for the rest of your hard work to come out.

    Other conclave games :

    Allowing us to vs. bots? Would be fun since not a lot of people play conclave, I know it takes away from the pvp part of it, but I haven't been able to enjoy conclave since no one joins the games. I don't want you guys to just throw away the other maps, and i'm worried people will also get bored of lunaro a few months down the road, so to maybe keep it alive for the players who want the rewards, bots would be a great addition. Please please consider something like this.

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