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Posts posted by Pepperdy

  1. 8 minutes ago, bad4youLT said:

    as much as I love new content i dont want DEvs to brake their coding fingers by rushing new content

    Well I think if they maybe slowed down on putting out new weapons (like i'm rank 15 with maybe another 60 weapons to build) and focused hard on just lore would be nice. I know making cinemas like that can take months, but imagine the amount of content they would have if they didn't keep throwing out experience fodder. Although I love the idea of the weapons most of them don't do enough end game dmg that I usually focus on.

  2. So I've noticed that they don't make updates as much as they use to. Once every 3 months in the beginning, although those updates weren't as big as what they are planning to have U19 to be.

    I'm hoping they will go back to chopping updates up so we have something to entertain us every one to two months. Because U18 was in December.... 6 months ago x.x

    Even though we got a lot of warframes & weapons in that time. I'd like to see them focusing more on the lore. Which I'm still confused about.

    I'm worried because Steve said the new cinema will leave us with more questions. I love mysteries, but I'd like to know if they even know what the lore is about anymore.

    Please comment if I missed out on any information that would answer my questions, or if you guys or just as confused as I am.

  3. Well I hope everything works out for you.

    I've never had to deal with something like this, but from what i've heard is the support team is hard to deal with.

    One account i've seen is banned until 2035, but that was for "suspicious behavior" . Which is still extreme, 19 years ! I'm scared to piss off anyone on here now.

  4. Vauban was originally an alert warframe. It makes sense that in his Prime form that he would rely on an alert drop to build him.

    They talked about being able to trade resources very early on, around update 8. And they said NO because it'd take away from a lot of the game.

    If people had realized with saryn prime, that nitan will be used a lot more. If people actually did those alerts this wouldn't be a problem. But hey no one uses their head anymore. They just want to have everything and do no work for it. It's filling the forms with complaints, which is annoying.

  5. Honestly what is making me not want to farm his chassis is people in recruiting who won't listen to advice on who is best to take to speed up the defense process. Like why are people insisting on taking inaros? I love him, but for defense I feel he slows the process more than he helps it. Loki? I get the need for disarm, and it's great to help with newer players in T4 D but I also just see him sitting there not doing much to help.

    I usually solo T4D now, and although it takes longer it's less of a hassle to deal with the community of people who refuse to listen to each other half the time.

  6. 54 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

    Vauban is the alert frame. His Prime requires you to also do alerts. That's just how it is.

    This is the only thing that makes sense. Totally didn't see it this way.

    But honestly by the time people get the parts for vauban they'll have the nitain.

  7. I really enjoy Warframe, it's one of the 3 games my computer can run, so I spend a majority of my time on it. Total of 1000 hours over the past 7 months. While playing I spend a lot of time thinking about small things that can really impact the game. For example:

    1. The Drop table for the void - Some items have multiple locations for farming, and others only have one. I feel like two locations should be mandatory so that the chat isn't filled with "LF T3S/T3SAB/etc.."
    2. Control modules - Control modules color should no longer be green. It isn't used like a rare resource so it shouldn't be treated like one. Instead of it being the "rare" resource drop on Neptune, neural sensors should be. 
    3. Alloy Plates - Give me something to do with this junk, only thing I seem to be using them for is to build neurodes.
    4. Void Keys - Give us the option to fuse our keys into rarer keys, or sell the for credits. I don't need over one hundred tower 1 keys, and I'll never do that many vault runs.
    5.  Reward system - Give us a challenge that can allow us to earn plat. Make us kill 500,000 corrupted MOA. We spend hours playing, a simple reward for higher achievements would keep me around even longer. Not to mention give those who have completed the quests something to strive for. 
    6. Rotations - Simply removing formas from Rotation B, and C would make thousands of us happier.
    7. Formas - Either cut the build time to 12 hours, or not have formas drop in 22 locations. Just not having 22 drop locations for formas would be nice.
    8. Syndicates - Possibly adding in warframes, more warframe accessories, skins, or even lore missions would actually make me more excited about getting syndicate points.
    9.  Alerts - Reducing the amount of credit alerts, or increasing the amount of credits we will get from those alerts.

    I might think of more ideas, and would love to add your guys ideas to this list.

  8. I've been playing solo for weeks because of this. Host migrations cause me to crash half the time, the other half I sit there for 5 minutes just to get the "host migration failed"

  9. I spend most my time soloing, mostly because people don't like to stay in a mission as long as I do, or get bored easily. So i've been looking for friends who don't mind spending an hour in a survival, or going to wave 60 in a defense. Pretty much just need people who are bored, and looking for a challenge on here.

    After pretty much 600 hours of soloing I got bored of being alone.


  10. My main concern is the drop rates and locations of Vauban Prime parts. How come Nyx has 2 to 3 keys for each part, a total of 9, but vauban has a total of 4 keys to farm from? And not to mention formas have 22 drop locations.

    I have to spend hours on Titan to farm the keys, then another hour to farm the drop. I use to have my boyfriend to help me, but he is so fed up with the game and the drop rate that he only plays when a new update/warframe comes out. None of my friends play this anymore because they don't have the patience to sit here for hours farming defense just to not get anything besides formas and ducats.

    The drop table needs to be fixed, forma drops should be at 10 keys (the fact that Mobile defense all have forma drops is annoying)

    Keys should be like mods where you can fuse them for a chance to make better keys. I don't need 120 T1 Defense keys.

    This has been my only real complaint since day one, i'm not too picky. I get Warframe needs to make money, but people do get bored of farming for hours. There are so many warframes I'd pay to have deluxe skins for.

  11. Just now, Wynn said:

    I could be doing it wrong when I look the other day, but the DE app doesn't let you be alerted for  Nitain with out all resources coming up.

    Everyone that's ok with the Vauban mats, still have not answered why hes so much more then Saryn a Prime from a few month? I mean are Primes just going to cost more and more.

    The app I use is called warframe alerts, it allows you to customize which alerts you want to be notified of, so I took out credit alerts, and some helmet/weapon alerts, so Nitain is highlighted for me a lot.

    I think they are just trying to favor their dedicated players, the ones who get on almost daily, and do all the alerts and challenges. Where as they are making their less dedicated players pay money if they really want the new items.

    The only people who are complaining are the people who don't see Vauban to be worth it. Saryn, they were mad about the Nitain costs, but they love saryn so it wasn't a big issue. I had zero Nitain when Vauban was released now I'm at 10, so really it's just a matter of how badly people want it, which I believe they are trying to test out.

    Like do you want to spend $70 or just spend more time on our game?

  12. Honestly I find this fair, how is it fun if you farm something, and can instantly build it, level it, then have it sit in your arsenal until you decide you want to play it. If you really want it you should have to work hard for it. More than 50% of people have a full time job and play this game, but if they can get on just for a few hours and BOOM have all the new items, build it, and log off not to get back on until new things are released is dumb. They want you to play their game, which the players do drop between updates, so they have to keep them stuck to their game as much as they can.

    There is an app on your phone you can install to be notified of Nitain alerts, which drop about 6-8 times a day. But why would they increase that amount when they have other things to place in alerts?

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