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Posts posted by (PSN)scene_cachet

  1. 5 hours ago, (XB1)Dr Desflurane said:

    Any similar plans for XBox One?  Connectivity in general has been less than optimal since the update.

    Probably a server downgrade for XB1 


    I went there. 



  2. Do the devs even try using their new systems with controllers?


    TBH the whole console experience could be improved and PS4 has a touch pad which can be utilized for a mouse mode to hover over things to show discriptions of mods or whatever else hover option is on PC. 

    Even Final Fantasy 14 allows console players to push down R3 to enter a mouse mode that you can navigate with your sticks to interact with your UI like you would on PC.

  3. It's actually terrible and should be addressed. 

    DE really needs to start optimizing things for consoles and controllers, not copy/paste PC and do nothing to improve the console experience. 

    Geez, got a friggen touch pad on the DS4 and they haven't even utilized a mouse function for things like hovering over mods in trade to see their stats etc. 

    Why does the chat user list need to be colapsable anyway and why can't I resize the window. 


    DE go play some Final Fantasy 14 for PS4 and see how their UI works for controller and take some notes. 

  4. I'm on 40 runs and still nothing... 


    Cool story bro that you knew the loot table sucked and weren't rewarding for the time spent but seriously.... How long does it actually take to change the loot table?


    Could have picked any other Tactical Alert and it would have been 1000x better than this. 


    P.S. Just signed up to this forum to complain about this.

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