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Posts posted by BlazerEraser

  1. Just now, LazerSkink said:


    Let me guess:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Op now in frame.


    pretty much but mostly:


    The fact that we not only use our operators more, we basically fuse with our warframes now, i was like "YAAAAAAAAAAY" lol, it feels so damn awesome.


  2. 8 minutes ago, Berserkerkitten said:

    That's fair and I'm genuinely happy you enjoyed it, but I can also relate to the folks who had nothing to eat for a year and then didn't feel the love when they received their fun-sized snickers.

    touche, i was mostly satisfied story-wise, i saw the outcome gameplay wise :P.

  3. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

    That tends to happen when you kill end game, hype up an update for a year, then it only lasts like 2 hours and adds nothing significant to the game.

    I wouldn't say it added nothing significant, it was short but like, fun-sized snickers short.


  4. Despite the delays, gotta say this story quest is fan-tastic. Mind blowing even, not gonna spoil anything here but i practically "squuueeeed" when what i wanted actually happened.

    Notice people not very happy with the length of the content though, makes me wonder, are you jaded with the game? I was gone for about a month or so and came back just for this.

  5. 13 hours ago, F8ted said:

    There are many reasons for this. Resource pickup rate at 100% is nice, but you cannot control the rate at which restoration pickups are received. I honestly think there are 2 types of people here in warframe. I like to control how fast my guns pickup and mutate ammo, otherwise I waste many ammo drops. I like to control energy conversion to have a much higher uptime, impossible if you get an energy orb every time it's dropped. Once you have Arcane Energize, the rate at which energy is restored to the whole squad is so greatly increased, that there is tons of wasted energy if every energy orb is picked up as it drops. This is why I basically never use the carrier since other, more versatile options were presented. Now Kavats are 4cp in a can, and drop resources that were not there in the first place. Do you prefer wasting pickups or wasting time? Carrier vs others in a nutshell.

    you don't pick up ammo,health,energy if you are full. null argument.

  6. The only thing worth spending money on, imho, is on warframe & weapon slots. Once i got that 75% discount i got 1000p and spent most of it on slots. Worth it btw. If you are an active player potatoes won't be a problem, otherwise..20p is nothing.

  7. 3 hours ago, SurrealEdge said:

    Don't worry though, we have a whole month to wait for the update.

    But seriously, don't rush them, we don't want another Specters of the Rail launch day.

    to be fair, specters of the rail had way more changes than War Within will possibly have. They had to adjust a lot of starchart stuff, probably not so much here....like what's left? Just the main quest right?

  8. 10 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

    First, we ALREADY have nulifiers substitute, they're called comba and scrambus (and arctic eximus)

    and second, you didn't read all nulifiers thread because I saw some of them suggesting stuff else than "remove them and that's it"

    No, a substitute would imply you remove the Nulifiers for another form of debuff.

  9. I keep seeing people complain about Nulifiers ruining their fun, which in DE's eyes, that's intended since Tenno would be unstoppable otherwise.

    I never saw a suggestion for something else replacing nulifiers, just more ways to make them useless against Tenno, like allowing punch through through their bubble.

    So? Any suggestions? Bursa 2.0? 

  10. I don't recall they ever mentioned that Tennogen will be for plat on console on the Devstream.

    Is this merely a bait so you can talk about something else?

    Since you know, the other topic complaining about why consoles are getting stuff easier got locked (For gods sake, There isn't steam on consoles, how could they even make it work?).

  11. Spoiler
    On 6/18/2016 at 9:39 PM, Mr.ToastForPresident said:




    Maybe this bird they teased several years ago.

    An eagle companion would be so damn awesome, maybe it would also suck resources around since you know, flying and maybe controlling wind is its thing.

    Isn't it too soon to talk about new companions though?

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