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Posts posted by ExaltedHysteria

  1. 24 minutes ago, EquesDei said:

    I love the subtle message behind it also, that being autistic doesn't mean being broken, and being autistic doesn't mean cannot be a leader. Because in our world, people love using the word $&*&*#(%& or autistic as a denigrating comment, and that affects the people who are actually autistic. Good job, DE

    yeah it was something I appreciated seeing (i am autistic myself, it's kinda disheartening to be seen as a problem :c ) it made me appreciate the quest even more tbh, though i love the horror and forced solo gameplay because of it - will for sure need to replay in the future c:

  2. SPOILERS just in case c:


    so we all get visited by mr "Hey kiddo" at the end of the chains of harrow.

    but I'm curious how everyone's operator acted? i know they all sat in different places depending on alignment i do believe, but did they act differently too?

    my alignment is Neutral/moon leaning last time i checked, my operator seemed to be smiling, sitting cross legged kinda bouncing then she did a creepy as hell headtilt.



    does everyone's act the same? or different?

  3. 4 hours ago, Burritochu said:

    I think DE missed a great opportunity with the operator. Considering Rell himself was a Tenno, you'd think our operator would comment on him or at least say something like "Rell? That freak?" or maybe "It can't be Rell, we [insert event here]". Dunno what they would've put in but it would've definitely been a nice touch.

    would have been nice to see, maybe getting all the voice actors again for a few lines was too difficult or something? busy on the main questline? idk.


    I really liked the quest tbh, also i really liked Rell - maybe it's also because i'm autistic and alot of the things mentioned (touch, difficulty with emotions etc) kinda struck a chord of familiarity hm. either way its a refreshing change - felt very Dead space-y in parts, I'll probably replay it again in the future.

  4. Considering I've played quite a few free to play games, I can safely say in my opinion Warframe is the farthest from pay to win than any other free to play game I've played that I can think of tbh - at most, it's a pay-to-bypass-grind if anything.

    and as someone who's had to farm for Vauban prime, the Kuva farming is laughable to me, it takes so little effort.

  5. 7 minutes ago, LuckySh0t501 said:

    This! A million times this. The Tenno were in the beginning portrayed as 1st class soliders, the elite, but it didn't stop there. They developed a culture, designed weapons etc. Now, they wake up from the second dream and all of a suden it's like they forgot everything. and became the whiny little pos.

    To be fair I think they are kinda amnesiac-ish since we spend TWW trying to remember stuff so? Plus the reactions might come from still being trapped in the body/mind of a child/teen despite being mentally much older? Idk - but yes I think the writing is a little bit here and there. (Though I can understand some reactions, I mean I'd be pissed about being up and betrayed to the guys we've been fighting for decades by someone who's a mentor figure - and likely be frustrated to be called a child when you feel much older in spirit/mental age - though with the body age we're stuck in it comes off more as petulance because of it hm)

  6. Tbh I like the story, child soldiers exposed to the void trying to find themselves/their way and remember more about what happened / we get more lore along the way? Sounds intriguing! More so than "gritty space hero was controlling our guys all along" or just "you were a simple amorphous entity discovered xyz and that's it" since I've seen these done to dust tbh. This is a concept I haven't seen done or rarely so if anything

  7. I've never received hate towards myself when I play him - but then most matches are usually silent unless I'm running with my clan - he's also one of my fav frames.

    i can see how people would find overuse of exalted blade annoying (what with the noise, the effects with a constant spam etc) - I tend to limit how much I use it since I don't feel the need to use it much anyway.

  8. I don't like the ring if only because visually it looks ugly and annoying to me but otherwise I've maimed Valkyr both before and after the changes - tbh she still plays mostly the same, I mean yeah I can't hysteria indefinitely but slap the rage mod on and your good to go pretty much.

    though to be fair I don't use hysteria much unless I'm gonna die, a teammate needs to be healed in a huge crowd of enemies or if there's a boss/juggernaut/stalker/etc that needs to be taken down (and fast usually since this game - or from the matches I seem to play - always runs at a break neck pace )

  9. So what did you expect them/want them to work on instead ???

    literally from the get go Warframe is about getting frames and weapons, if you don't want more frames then don't bother getting those frames.

    also pretty sure an open world at this point would need a LOT of work and overhauling to even do? Also it wouldn't super work with the whole 'flying around space' as you wouldn't be on one planet and thus would be even more work on DE if you wanted each planet to be 'open world' it's just not that kinda game from my point of view (I mean I can see them making outposts on planets or more stations - like the relays but different designs whatever - maybe down the line with more NPCs or something to talk too with quests or something but open world? Seems pretty out of reach from what I can see)

  10. I seriously thought the reasoning would be the heavy weight the name has in music rather than anything MLP related (which would just be weird to have referenced in Warframe, a violent sci fi space ninja game that's the farthest thing away from MLP as you can get? Idk)

    Adagio is a nice name but it doesn't fit bardframe considering the definition, something more in line with trance or trap music comes to mind when I think of the new frame (must be the colours and fast beats that give me that impression) - guess we'll just have to see what they come up with/decided on.

  11. I would have liked better scaling - I mean when I'm home from college I'll give getting more points another go but this event is burning me out fast and I'm sure a lot of people feel that way, hence less people wanting to participate etc.

    feel like they went maybe a little harsh on the threshold for moon clans considering not everyone is a "hardcore player" nor is everyone active all the time, forgive me if I sound nonsensical in any parts I'm very tired.

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