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Posts posted by AnonNyx

  1. 4 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

    But I guess it's real o.o

    In a way it makes sense.  I can see this new mode being a gateway into the current Conclave PvP.  It will allow you to get a better feel for it and the opportunity to work for the Conclave mods without feeling like you are under-powered. (and personally I do like Rocket League)

    But I guess we will wait and see.  I'll reserve judgments until after its released and I've tried it out.

  2. I think that one of my favourite comments that Steve made was in relation to a Reddit post that seriously made him check his Firewall. Lol.

    I think that new frame will be released along with the new content that was posted.

    Overall very pleased about what's coming down the pipe and the Conclave changes as I'm bawls at shooting other Tenno.

  3. Which is odd as the Wiki doesn't say that they aren't found there, but the more you know eh?

    I've found that the Moon Spy mission had the greater chance of spawning more than one Ascension Room.  On one run we had two spawn and the Music Room test so all around it was s good run.  I know that it doesn't lend well to your desire to run through these missions quickly, but though I'd offer what I found when I run it.  Plus there is the added bonus from the spy of getting rare stance mods.

  4. Which is odd as the Wiki doesn't say that they aren't found there, but the more you know eh?

    I've found that the Moon Spy mission had the greater chance of spawning more than one Ascension Room.  On one run we had two spawn and the Music Room test so all around it was s good run.  I know that it doesn't lend well to your desire to run through these missions quickly, but though I'd offer what I found when I run it.  Plus there is the added bonus from the spy of getting rare stance mods.

  5. 45 minutes ago, (XB1)CleverCalf80249 said:

    suspended from communication

    Wouldn't this be indicative of your problem?  If you were suspended from communications, I would believe that it mean all forms, sending and receiving.  If it is the case that your suspension is over then the support ticket would be the best option (or maybe it goes off of login timers).  Not much else we can do from here, sorry.

  6. This has been discussed quite in depth already and was mentioned on a recent Devstream

    Their answer was No, but it could change in the future (as it did with some other things).  I'll try and find that episode.

    EDIT: Devstream 71 @ 51:06



  7. This is to add to the support ticket with the EE.log file I submitted.

    Mission: Moon Spy Pavlov, Earth
    Room: C, Main chamber
    Console: The one to access the laser rooms on the left of the terminal (past Earth)

    I had bullet jumped to the console as it popped up and landed on what seems to be the activation panel to start the hack (not truly on top of the partition that popped up, but still off the ground). After successfully hacking it, the partition went back into the ground taking me with it.  No matter what I did (Parkour, unstuck command) I could not get out.  Had to abort the mission.

    Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/qq2bQ

  8. 1 hour ago, (PS4)MelodiousMelody said:

    I think I'll have to wait on that, seems like the new mods are going for a lot atm.

    You can participate in the event yourself.  Wherever they spawn you go to that node and defeat them when they spawn. There is no limit to the amount of times you can participate.  Ideally you would find a group to farm with, but can do it with randoms.  I know that people like to leave if they don't get the mod they drop.

  9. 21 minutes ago, ADirtyMonk said:

    Body count was an acolyte mod drop that extends your combo timer for 12s at max rank. It's absolutely essential if you want to use primarily melee. If you're just using the quick attacks from time to time and guns most of the time it's not so essential.

    It was part of the Shadow Debt event that should be/just happened on PS4 and XB1 so you should focus on that to obtain the mods (Blood Rush + Body Count).  If it is over then you will have to check the market to see whom is selling the extra Body Count.

  10. It could also be the mission type. Some people will bring certain frames for specific missions to help along with their success in clearing it faster.  Exterminate? WoF Ember (as described above). Spy? Loki and Ivara. Defense/need to protect something? Frost (though Vaubaun for infested).

    Also some may not have access to the frames they wish to play either.  Generally the matchmaking will pair you with someone of similar MR, and they may be farming or working their way to components for the frame they wish. 

    And some frames are just more fun for people to play.  I personally enjoy playing my Volt Prime on endless missions with Shocking Speed and Scindo Prime. Spin-2-Win. Others may not know the frames kit very well or how to use it to maximize game play (which is true for me and Oberon). Lastly some frames are very niche in their roles. Banshee can put out high DPS (via her abilities) but is super squishy and generally is found in pre-made parties.

    As for auction house/market place, take a look at warframe.market. It's set up pretty well for listing what you have for sale and looking for stuff to buy.

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