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Posts posted by Novolunos

  1. On 2018-07-08 at 10:40 PM, zetheros1 said:

    I think I'm satisfied with the color distribution and the silhouette. Time to finish it up, and get working on the retopo.



    Oh I love this!! It has ears.. And so detailed! Wouldn't mind putting this on my Umbra. Can't wait for more.

  2. 16 hours ago, Kerberos-3 said:

    These cosmetics are pretty nice. It's a shame about the comments section for the Octavia one though. It's basically childish hatred incarnate at this point.

    Wish people would stop complaining and just enjoy this beautiful skin!

    My only concern with the pigtails is if they block menu visibility or a lot of visibility in general. (Like the wing syandanas go down when you open the menu because otherwise, you wouldn't be able to read it, stuff like that.) I bet that issue has been addressed though. Now just waiting for DE to accept this beauty!

  3. 9 hours ago, lukinu_u said:

    Here is the current state after today stream :

    I posted a draw of the helmet inside a spoiler on my previous post, but will post it again.

    Also, if you want your eyes to bleed, here are some pictures of the old version, made about 10 month ago :

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    Are you sure you want to see this ?




      Reveal hidden contents
    Really sure ?

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  4. 5 hours ago, alexmach1 said:

    Final Sculpt



    YASS! Man I wish I could have a skin with this too but this is beautiful all by itself!! Can't wait to see it colored! :)

    Btw does this beauty have a name?

  5. On 9/3/2017 at 7:34 PM, lukinu_u said:

    I came up with 2 syandana to complete the Mithra set.
    I will probably do both but would like to know which one your prefer to know where do I start :D

    EDIT : Here is a Strawpoll link to vote for the one you prefer :


    I honestly love both so much! I feel like the right one however if it was a little smaller I might like it better. As a person who almost mains Nezha that's really my only concern. But I'm sure you know that already and it would be something like Raiji and it wouldn't even affect his ring. I also wish the floating pistol shaped parts were more on the top of the syandana but that's just me. (I like them the way they are too! That's really just a suggestion.)

    As for the right one I love it! I don't have any complaints but for ever one you do (I hope both) I'm looking forward to it. I love Mithra so I really hope sometime in the future you will make more! :)

  6. 2 hours ago, fredaven said:

    I just died of laughter and went to heaven. Bless this skin and this video. Didn't know Nezha could be so smooth. I need more and I hope this won't be the last like this. XD

    Seriously, love the skin and hope it gets it I especially can't wait to buy it now! Once I get Atlas I'm getting that awesome skin as well.

    • Like 1
  7. Honestly in love with this Mirage skin. If I had this skin I might use are more often, even though I suck at her. I'd like to see Zephyrs fins/wings (Idk what they are) with that transparent style.

    Love the Atlas helm... wish I had him. Is this your only Halloween submission or will you possibly do more?

    Keep up the good submissions, I love your work and I look forward to more! 

  8. On 8/4/2017 at 5:44 PM, FrellingHazmot said:

    El progreso.

    Worked on legs and feet since forever. Have to work on the top part of the back yet.


    I agree with what lukinu_u (reminds me of Tron lol) and alexmach1 said. Along with that have you considered putting tiny strips of energy along the spine and separating the back of the legs into smaller parts. (I don't have all my art programs downloaded yet to show you what I mean and I'm not doing it with Paint :/) Sorry I know that's kinda unclear just a suggestion.

    Also, will you do the vanilla frames first and then move on to the others or is it just whatever?

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