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Posts posted by RS_Hesham

  1. 9 hours ago, AbhijitSM said:

    I play sorties 5-6 days in a week and so far none have dropped for me so pretty rare. I dunno when they are gonna do something about the abysmal drop table on sorties. 

    3 Riven types

    5 Normal lens

    5 Greater lens

    4 booster types

    2 Potatoes

    1 Exilus adapter

    4000 endo

    Anasa sculpture


    Legendary Core

    Thats 24 items which can drop for you on missions which you can only play once for a reward. Yeah its totally not diluted. Why not remove stuff like potatoes, Exilus adapter & forma ? Also remove 4k endo & boost the endo extracted from Anasa to 5-6k. Personally i think that stuff available in the game elsewhere shouldn't be put on sortie tables & it should have its own exclusive one. 

    Well i think it will be better if they put that as an extra reward and putting another reward instead of them like a new weapon or something else and since archwings mission can be in the sortie also i guess its fair ! :D 

  2. Ignis wraith for 15-20 p 

    Riven mods:


    +46.8% dmg to infested 

    +189.5% dmg

    +90% status chance 

    2 roll


    Twin vipers

    +130.4% ammo max

    +144.3% status duration 

    +127.5% crit dmg 

    +88.6% weapon recoil 

    4 roll


    pm offers here or in game 

  3. 8 hours ago, Repiru said:

    so there are no more solar rail fights happening up to this day? how can other clans/alliances get dark sectors now then?

    well the dark sector thing have been disabled for now and ya there will be a rework for that so just wait and see :D 

  4. 20 minutes ago, AoBaka said:

    Am i able to leave my curent clan and join a new one and still get the ignis wraith?

    My curent clan everybody stoped playing so i am the only one actually doing anything in a clan of around 15 people :( 

    So i would like if i could switch to a active clan and try my best there to get the ignis wraith.Is that possible?

    Well you can get the weapon if the clan already got the points for it but you can't help in the points 

  5. 1 minute ago, secret9005 said:

    The number shows the lowest scores to get into the Top 10%, but the numbers will probably increase the more people play. Your best bet is doing Victory Tier (if possible) if not then get into the Top 500 to ensure having the Ignis Wraith Research in your clan

    So as long as i am above that will be fine but most likely will have to reach the victory tier because its going to increase mmmmmmmmm k thx :D 

  6. 15 minutes ago, ThatCanadianDude said:

    This may be a rather meta question, but I'll ask it anyway: What's going on with Umbra? I got back into the game right Saryn Prime and it seemed as though it was a rather widespread topic. Now, nobody, not even you guys, talk about! Just been a little curious as to what's going on with that.

    few dev streams ago they said it will be this year but ya they said that last year also so who knows .....

  7. -Back in days you showed loading screen update and until now i didn't see anything new about that 

    -Is there anything new about the tenno shotgun 

    -Oberon and Hydroid and zephyr reworks to be something like the new reworks for volt or limbo ? + hydroid looks ugly as hell at lest oberon have good skin so its fine but for hydroid ..... can we at lest get a good skin for him + the rework ofc :D ?!

    -Excalibur umbra you said it will be this year but when ?! you said that last year as well so ?!!

  8. So i did make this clan like 1 month ago and we are 3 people atm Ghost tier so i just want 6 active players to join our clan to hf and do the events together or do what ever we did also almost finished all the researchs but still building the dojo so it will be good thing to find people to help in building :D and it will be better if you are MR +8 :3  :D so if you are interested type here or in game thx :3 :D 


  9. Just now, ChuckMaverick said:

    Ivara is the answer to so many questions and challenges in Warframe.

    As long as you go into Prowl far enough away from the target, it doesn't disqualify you for "using an ability".

    well there was no need to use ivara for that :D i just got rhino and Ignis and when the mission start just used the second ability once and then did the challenge ez :D but when i first did it i thought that it will fail if used an ability on the target not an ability while i am close to the target :D thats why i fail it 2 times in row :D but then it was ez :D 

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