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Posts posted by OldBoone

  1. True. I wouldn't mind some tweaking to make it more fair/simple/not a crutch

    But can't we gain affinity on duviry weapons and frames that we don't have? I don't know. Anyway, I'm just presenting the basic idea, it would be fun to bring friends in some Steel path mission, or even some higher level star chart missions, instead of replaying the start over and over until they give up in 2 weeks after being annoyed with the mod system

  2. I tried searching for it, but haven't seen it suggested anywhere, So I thought I might as well post it

    Has DE ever considered letting us lend a loadout to a friend? As in I want to do some high level missions, instead of babying mastery rank 2 players, so I could lend a specific loadout to my friend, or friends, for the duration of their session. Mission rewards and affinity are theirs to keep after the stages, but the loadout is not available after the user logs out. Also, frames and weapons lent in a loadout aren't available for the owner anymore until the borrower logs out or "returns" the loadout

    I'm aware I can play Duviri, but new players don't get any new mods from the mode, and it's very limiting in the farming of weapons and frames

    It has been 10 years, there's only so many times I can take making the Vor's prize or farming Rhino on the jackal again. That would be a godsend, And I think it could entice new players into looking at what's ultimately possible with warframes, and make them want to pursue that power

  3. 10 minutes ago, (PSN)max141064 said:

    they already are? 

    it's not like it's a click of a button to make a game fully crossplay, it takes time and a whole lot of work. lol

    As a sysadmin with 20 years experience, I know that porting systems can be a hassle. But the connection is no mistery. There are no playstation bits that need to be converted in xbox bit on the network. And it's not a wild bet that the user data is stored in the same database format. The challenge would be in merging, and cross play, as you have to account for duplicate user names, differences through systems universe states and such. That I believe will be a proper mess

    Now, giving an xbox access to a playstation database to load the player, so he can use his playstation save on an xbox, shouldn't be as daunting, unless DE has split in the past into 3 companies that each developed the same game with feature parity but with wildly different technologies. Just block the player from trading and buying while not on the creation platform, as it would mess up the economy as is right now.

    The real problem, for cross save, is lawyers. For cross play and even more so merging, it can be a technical challenge. We have version parity right now, it's not like a cross save can complete an event that is unexistant on the main platform. But I'd imagine Sony would be furious if I booted the game on PC to buy cheap plat then booted it on the PS5 to play. Guess wich one is easier to fix

    • Like 2
  4. On 2022-04-19 at 9:12 AM, VieniSu said:

    Maybe that will be a tennocon reveal :) I'm still hoping for a merge for my switch and pc account.

    I don't mind the time it takes, what drives me crazy is the non-commitment to merge or no merge. Yes, Steve said that they are trying, that they are looking into it, but that is in no way a commitment to do it. So, I'm lost in a limbo, not sure if it's worth it to play on my bad account on ps5, of if I'm stuck playing 20-30 fps on my old notebook. So, I'm just not playing until they come with a definitive "Yes we are merging"


    That's all I need to know for sure. I'm not playing to have my efforts go to waste

  5. On 2021-11-17 at 6:08 PM, (NSW)OphiTheVioletKeeper said:



    you all realize development takes time right? like, as in not something we can get in the snap of a finger or whenever we want? they are trying their best, they've already said New War is coming first, bugs happen, code is not perfect, and if it takes time then fine. Love the community but everyone's so impatient sometimes.

    Cross PLAY don't really take that much dev. Lawyers though, lots of those

    Merge is another story

  6. 1 hour ago, (NSW)mrEkli said:

    The merging is a technical issue on DE's servers since they're all technically different accounts like my (NSW) mrEkli is not (PSN) mrEkli is not mrEkli accounts. But they are still also somehow connected on the forums (who knows). It's kind of a different issue than the networking but more of a storage / verification issue.

    It's entirely possible for them to open the gates and allow us to play from any account on any platform and leave merging for later. I wouldn't mind this at all as long as I could be sure my non-primary accounts could be left alone or preserved until merging is ready.

    This issue is making me so anxious, I'd even be fine to be completely plat locked until the merge is final. I have the option of playing my good account on 720p 20 fps, or my sucky "maybe will be deleted" account on the PS5. Playing when you don't know if your effort is worth it is no fun. It really sucks and I don't know what to do for now. I keep checking this thread to see if there's new info.

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  7. 18 hours ago, vanaukas said:

    Put him ina  fron of a PC and search some videos about coding, networking protocols, 3d design and how business contracts works (I'm 100% sure Tencent did something in that regard, look for the Epic games VS apple lawsuit), he probably will understand why "it takes FOREVER..........."

    I don't want to be "that guy" but the networking part is done, aside to pointing to what servers and databases the game would access. There's no PlayStation bits or Nintendo data running on the internet, it's the same game code, we can't connect to each other purely for business decisions. Sure there is different code on each port, but I really doubt they recreated the networking for each one

    The issue now, is merging the player databases, as in, if someone had an unique name on PS4 and someone had that same unique name on PC, a problem created precisely because these instances were created separately...

    Lawyers and businessmen were the real enemies all along. 

  8. I'm not even holding for the actual feature, I just want to know HOW it's going to play out. I got a PS5, and I don't know if I keep playing on this account that I may just trash when I get access to my "good" account. If they confirmed with us "yes it will be a merge" or "no it wont" I would know what to do

    We have a tweet from Steve, but that's just what he WANTS to do. There will be a lot of lawyer talk before that is really decided. Tech-wise it's not that daunting.

  9. On 2021-08-27 at 10:13 PM, (PSN)kelamor said:

    So with the announcement of future crossplay I find myself in a state of limbo. I have accounts on 3 seperate platforms(PC, PSN, XBox) and a ton of money spent on all 3. It is my hope that with DE implementing this that they are working on a way to merge the account rather than override the existing account. Or at the very least a way for the players like myself with multiple accounts to be recompensated for all market purchased items. I find myself wanting to play on the PC where I am MR 14, but my PSN account is MR 17 almost 18. So if DE is going the override route I’m essentially wasting any time spent playing on the PC.

    I'm in a similar place, I have a MR27 on PC, but haven't been able to play there for about an year because reasons. I'm MR17 on PS4, and since that one is available, I started playing on it. Got the new frames on it (Lavos / Yarelli / Sevagoth) but now I don't know what to do. Do I keep playing on PS4? Do I wait so I replace that account with the one from PC? It's got to the point that I mostly left Warframe on hold until this is resolved, but I'd very much want to play the new war when available

    One tweet from Steve is hardly a roadmap for what's going to happen, if DE could give us some information, it would be great. I'm not playing until then, and I'll keep an eye on this thread.

    I wouldn't mind at all if my PC plat only showed on PC, or some limitations, if I have to blow up one dojo, I just want answers, something concrete to plan my playing accordingly

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  10. On 11/13/2016 at 1:45 AM, PeaceSpectre said:

    Is there going to be a fix for ALL OF US who played The War within then got a Crash and skipped ALL THE QUEST? at least making it replayable since I dont even got the chance to do The Boss fight or the last Cinematic


    I had the same issue.
    Lots of hype, waited awake until 3 AM in Brazil, so I could finally do the quest.
    Then the gamepad assignments were broken for the operator skills. I had to ask in the chat what buttons they were using on the keyboard and awkwardly use my notebook keyboard next to my 60'TV. I tell you, I could hardly see, because the angle sucked so bad.

    Then the game crashed and skipped a lot of the quest. Man.. that was a bad day :( I think I'm taking a break from WF

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