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  1. True. I wouldn't mind some tweaking to make it more fair/simple/not a crutch But can't we gain affinity on duviry weapons and frames that we don't have? I don't know. Anyway, I'm just presenting the basic idea, it would be fun to bring friends in some Steel path mission, or even some higher level star chart missions, instead of replaying the start over and over until they give up in 2 weeks after being annoyed with the mod system
  2. I tried searching for it, but haven't seen it suggested anywhere, So I thought I might as well post it Has DE ever considered letting us lend a loadout to a friend? As in I want to do some high level missions, instead of babying mastery rank 2 players, so I could lend a specific loadout to my friend, or friends, for the duration of their session. Mission rewards and affinity are theirs to keep after the stages, but the loadout is not available after the user logs out. Also, frames and weapons lent in a loadout aren't available for the owner anymore until the borrower logs out or "returns" the loadout I'm aware I can play Duviri, but new players don't get any new mods from the mode, and it's very limiting in the farming of weapons and frames It has been 10 years, there's only so many times I can take making the Vor's prize or farming Rhino on the jackal again. That would be a godsend, And I think it could entice new players into looking at what's ultimately possible with warframes, and make them want to pursue that power
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