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Posts posted by Chaos.Blades

  1. Also don't forget to reset state tables! I needed to do this on pfsense

    Diagnostics / States / Reset States

    Rebooting the router / PC / Game did not work!

    Resetting state tables may take a while and not automatically refresh the page. Click on the pfsense logo and wait for the home page to load.

  2. Google feed brought me here. I actually quit after 4 years due the the anxiety that is nightwave. Warframe felt like a job being told what to do and how long I had to do it. Being able to always have something to do and being able to have micro and macro goals is what kept me coming back every week for 4 years. Once nightwave came out I only had time to do things that felt like chores. April 12th was the last time I played. Still have no intention of coming back.

  3. The entire game is about doing whatever you want. Giving yourself micro and macro goals then NW comes along and tells you what to do and when you have to do it. On top of that, the activities are really just chores. Oh, let me do 10 Nightmare missions when I already have done all of that content and have all the rewards it gives. Oh, let me put gas on my mesa and kill 150 enemies. How... exciting. You know what I would rather be doing... Tridolons and Fissures but no. I only have so much time to play a week and NW takes most of that time. It is like DE is begging me to quit the game and it sucks. I have not had any time to do Tridolons or farm the new primes due to having a big list of chores to do. NW having exclusive items is the worst thing about it. 

    • Like 7
  4. 3 hours ago, Toran said:

    The rewards for all the fuzz are rather meh. As Veteran you don't need/want any of the stuff but maybe the disappointingly bland cosmetics and the Umbral forma.

    If they put things veterans really want in NW I would have to GG quit the game. I am way to far into the game to have this much stuff to do. I need that content drought to not get burnt out to the point of never coming back. Just forget about the fact I don't like being told what to do in game and having a time limit on that. I like to grind out new content then besides that maybe do an ESO or some relics every now and then. I definitely don't want to have a list of chores every single week. Some of them that require me to log in 3/4 days of the week. These people that are saying they like having something to do every week like I have over 3k hours and been around for almost 4 years and I still don't have 2x arcane energize. I still got stuff to do. If your done with the game to the point you can't find something to do like go outside for real lol.

  5. I pray to the Orokin God's there isn't anything in the ranks I want. I want to go back to doing what I want instead of being told what I have to do and how long I have to do it. The longer that goes on the sooner I am going to get burnt out.

    • Like 4
  6. 5 hours ago, Diavoros said:

    AFAIK the only other enemies that can hurt Limbo through the rift are the Stalker, Eidolons and some bosses, so those Saturn Six fugitives hurting Limbo through the rift is BS and should be fixed.

    A bunch of enemies from Orb Vallis as well. Seems to be new enemies added in the last year have a high chance of having some ability or just outright not being affected by the rift at all.

  7. Looks like work was put into this but no mention of it in the patch notes. Thank You!

    One bug. If you fish on dash wire you have to select fishing rod in gear wheel then do it a second time to un-equip the fishing rod instead of just once.

    Edit: Spoke too soon. This was fixed on POE but not Orb Vallis. All the OP bugs still apply to Orb Vallis.

  8. What really hooked me on Warframe is that I could do what I want whenever I want and I have all the time in the world to do it. Now I actively try not to log in due to the anxiety of having a big list of chores I don't want to do with timers counting down. I am a completionist but at the same time, I want to complete things on my own time. Up until now, the game has allowed me to do this. I know there is a timer ticking down how long I have before I won't get enough points to max out all 30 ranks and get the armor set. I have just completely burnt myself out on these tasks. It also feels bad when it tells me "Gild an Amp" but I have already gilded all the amps. This makes me feel like the time I spent on doing this was wasted. So basically I am doing this thing just to throw it away. Which is just cementing this in my brain as a chore list. It has just really had an overall negative effect on me where I avoid the game now. It also reminds me of work were you also get a list of mundane tasks to complete. I get off work to play Warframe to not be told what I have to do by someone anymore, not to get another list of tasks to complete in order to literally also get paid. What has been imagined cannot be unimagined. I now correlate Warframe with my job to some regard. This is not good.

    So like Steve said. You have a group of people that just want some direction and Nightwave is great. Then you have a group of people that don't want to be told what they have to do and how long they have to do it. I definitely got the negative end of this. If the ranks didn't have any exclusive content I would be at ease with ignoring it but like I said... completionist. At least 1 copy of every mod I have is maxed rank and I have them all but like 20 or so. This includes every prime mod. On one end "must have all the things", on the other "Bro, I'm straight-up not having a good time."

    • Like 2
  9. 8 hours ago, Loza03 said:

    Point of update: no more separated modes, entirety of melee and gunsplay available at all times.

    Your request: A separated mode.

    No reason we can't have both. No more separated modes is amazingballs 90% of the time. But the times when I want to go all melee and only bust out primary and secondary in specific situations it is a huge annoyance. I have to completely ditch primary and secondary weapons to lock in melee. It is just dumb.


    8 hours ago, (XB1)GameNerd300 said:

    How about we reserve all complaints about the new melee system until the entire melee system is overhauled? Yes, you may not like it now, but flooding the forums with your complaints veiled as feedback makes no sense at this current moment. Hell, they may fix the things folks have problems with with the next melee update and make something else much better.

    They are rolling out the changes in phases so that they don't get overwhelmed with feedback. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Loza03 said:

    Indeed. That is exactly what it is designed around.

    The dev's aren't going to go back on a phase of a rework because someone doesn't like their vision of Melee's future.

    Go back? I am not asking them to remove anything what so ever.

    • Like 1
  11. Pressing E constantly is annoying. Switching to melee attack on the mouse button while doing block combo can easily cause you to be forced out of melee. Aim Gliding forces you out of melee. Getting tired of shooting my gun when I want to swing my melee weapon. The new system is clearly designed around using both throughout a mission equally. Allow players to use melee primarily without forcing them to work around annoyances such as unequipping primary and secondaries or constantly being reminded you have a gun every time you aim glide.

    Allow us to Hold F to lock into melee only. This button function is no longer used. Everything else stays how it is.

    I want to use melee 99% of the time in some missions. I do not want to be constantly forced back into my guns when I only use them as situational weapons.

    Pressing E to exit archwing should just exit archwing not bring out melee when a gun is equipped as well.

    • Like 1
  12. If you have a loadout equipped that has a pet on it that is in stasis and you bring that pet out of stasis you have to load then exit the arsenal to get that pet equipped. This makes switching pet an even longer process.

    Switch Loadouts > Realize this loadout has a pet on it that is in stasis > Cancel mission queue > Tell party to wait > Put the current pet in stasis > Bring correct pet out of stasis > Realize pet sill isn't in loadout > load then exit arsenal > Re-queue mission.


    Stasis should be removed from the game.

  13. The Exploiter Fish and Gem drops have been great to make fishing and mining in Orb Vallis more of an optional activity rather than a requirement for those that don't particularly enjoy that content. Since Plague Star is POEs most similar event the boss for that event should have a similar drop table to make POE fishing and mining more optional as well.

    P.S. Plague Star when?
    P.P.S Plague Star should be an automatic event just less frequent than Ghouls.

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