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Posts posted by felixsylvaris

  1. Limbo is good at defense, survival, and even rescue. So that covers a lot. However he is also very gimmicky, and you may not like him.

    If you want something for starchart: Rhino, Oberon, Nezha, Mesa, Inaros.Gara,  Basicly you want something tanky, which can take a beating, some form of cc also help.

    For defensive type missions: Limbo, Frost, Gara Maybe Khora. Something to cover the payload.

    Rescue: Oberon, Limbo, Gara, Trinity (something to heal the target)

    Exterminate and Survival are free choice. Whatever you like.

    Spy: Loki, Ivara, Ash, Nova.

    If you build your library then Loki, Rhino, Frost would really cover a lot of needs.

    However there could be modes when some other frames are better. Like Zephyr/Nova good for Bounties, Trinity, Oberon, Volt good for Eidelons, Saryn, Mesa, Equinox, Volt good for ESO, and so on. It is hard to nail everything with one hammer.

  2. Pabloframe

    Passive: Gain stacks, stacks are awesome

    1. Create funboi, gain fallower who draws agro from haters and enemies.

    2. Quality of life, All your moves are smooth for 30s, one handed, and low casting time.

    3. Synergy! Smashing your doubles the effect

    4. Awesouce. Your next cast deals double damage, double range, and double duration.

    Just a joke.

    But generally Nyx, Wukong, Titania, Vauban, Chroma need big love.

    Ember, Mag, Atlas need small love.

  3. I have a small issue with Spears animation, it looks like Nezha does unseccesful jumping jack, or slips on the banana peel. Maybe he is drunk (that explains the sliding). The spead animation is nice, but it could look more badass, and less slippery.

  4. The current relict is definetly better, since i still have some chance of getting right reward, and even can increase a chance with radiant. But now i can roll 3 more times from other players. The amount of farm is lower now.

    In the end you may still need to sell your junk to buy other people junk (the one you are looking for) since rngesus knows no mercy.

  5. il y a une heure, wiinston17 a dit :

    To all nezha users after rework, would you like to see blazing chakram become an exalted weapon? It would use thrown melee mods similar to a glaive.

    Along those lines, since exalted only applies to #4 abilities, we could switch his 2 and 4. 

    Now this is overreaching but his new 4 could be:

    1. A homing chakram that hits all enemies impaled by divine spears using the same mechanics of x2 chakram up to a max of 6 simutaneous discs.

    2. Chakram becomes a hover board (in anticipation of fortuna) leaving a blazing trail of fire and increased movement speed (unrealistic but one can hope)


    Right now Chakram main purpose is to apply vulnerbility, and i do not really need to do it more than once per body. Ideally using Sprears and then Chakkram to unleas chakram chain. However single cast is generally enought  for present group of enemies.

    So dont feel the need for Exalted Chakram.

    However more interesting glaives/throwing weapons... sure why not. Throwing melee has a lot of potencial.

  6. Il y a 4 heures, Droopsie a dit :

    Not sure what you mean by this? Mag is in a very good place, as for synergy; casting polarize on a magnetize bubble gives a massive damage boost, crush gives overshields & you can use pull to group enemies within the aoe of your other abilities...

    If they were to do a rework to force more synergy I think it would just make her unnecessarily complex


    Crush creating shards

    Pull using shards in some way (slash damage)

    Pul spawning orbs on live targets (pull too low damage to kill reliable way). Or energy orbs moved to crush.

    When casting pull and pointing at magnetize sphere, the sphere is apulling instead of mag.

    Magnetic abillities, has magnetic status chance.

  7. New slippery boi is fun. And fun is quite important. The mix of damage reduction, fire proc aoe, so mid duration cc and that orb chance result in some very useful frame. Especially good if you want to focus on using your weapons and less damage with abillities.

  8. DE once hear the voice of the people with Ember, with aim to stop Ember from killing low level alerts, and she is still preatty good at exacly that. And other than that it is hard to tell what she is good at, so  I would not trust annyone asking "nerf others".

    I hope there will be no rapid movments. At least wait for Fortuna/Railjack. Now ESO is overfocused, but bounties are less spores friendly. And neither are bosses/eidelons.

    It would be nice to see some buffs for Wukong, Titania, Vauban, Nyx, Atlas. Maybe some quality of life with Mag (more synergy) and Ember (less garbage). There is a case with Nezha, who was a very odd frame (weak Rhino) but after change is different Rhino. So Saryn popularity may be driven by limited content (ESO) and other Ember having identity crisis. (It is dps it is buff it is cc it is melee...).

    One thing which could happen with Saryn is to change max spores damage to something different than 100k. Tha bad part is that 100k is independent to our abillity power, so we can run 100% abillity power, and still reach 100k (more often 3k) And smash all other mods like overextend, steel fiber, rage, Molten Regeneration and son on.

    So my suggestion is to add/change max single spore damage to be 200 corrosive * Abillity power per spore. Note that you can have easy 3 spores on target. If you compare it with other auras, aoe, dots it is more or less what other frames do. Saryn has the gimmick that you need to spread it, recast, and it has wind up time (enemies may be dead before it reach any sensible value) or they may kill you before that. DE could also pick some other value than 200. Maybe 100 or 500, whatever seems balanced.

    With that the initial decay of 20% could be removed, to reward more carring about our desease.

    If Saryn ends to emberfied, Toxic lash could have values rised tolike 50%/100% since that is self only buff, so could be be good.

    Miasma Range could be cut a little to eithr 15m or 18m. Since 20m is very generous, especially since Saryn cut go deep (armouir and molt). And it is already stunning, so it do not need so much range.

    And that is it, you do not need to do reworks. Just small cut to values.

    After that... if you like Volt prepare for Onslaught of nerf community, you will be next.


  9. Il y a 11 heures, moostar95 a dit :

    Eso isn't bad because of saryn. its bad because spawn rate is awful. 


    Are you saying that rate of spawn is too slow. Yiik. They seems to be preatty fast. \

    Is it too fast? Isnt it the point of mode? It is a very derp mission type with specific setup.

    The thing is that you dont need to run it ever for anything. Eidelons are important since you may want amps. Normal Onslaught is important since you may want khora. But ESO is a derp mode by design. You dont need to max focus in 3 months, you may level it passivly, and have it done somewhre in the future.

  10. Term Meta is more useful when refering what are the most popular strategies to win the content. It is only part which is well know, so does not include all possible strategie, or even do not have to be the best.

    The funny thing is that new Nezha could be often better or more useful than Rhino some other frames, but ppl will still use Rhino by habbit.

  11. There is a situacion that you need level 100 for her multiplier start being important. And for normal content you may prefer general tanky nuker like Excalibur.

    There are minor issues, like her energy pool could be max possible (300 on prime) so she could use her abillities in more generous way.

    Sonic Boom could deal more damage, in the name of justice. It will probably never be primary dps abillity, however it could be on pair with other 25e blasts. The main thing with sonic boom is to gain space, so we can shoot that hot spots.

    What could really help is to swap Soundquake, and Resonatin quake, maybe with some extra stun due to shock. Being rooted is not very fun. 200 base damage is nothing special. There is also risk of being shoot outside the range which could be dealy. There could be instances when long lasting quake is good (some defensive missions) but normally you want some nuke damage, some stun (could be just 10sec) and keep shoting.

    Can equip resonating quake, however i think that resonating quake is more suitable, and normal soundquake is for special cases.

    Nevertheless, nyx, atlas, titania, wukong, Vauban deserve more attencion much quicker, so Banshee need to remain silent.

  12. We dont hear too much about Banshee, but she is not that bad, there is just not much content for her to shine, since for your everyday missions you need tanky nuker (like Excalibur), and some support buffer cc is just not needed unless you go endless missions, or some specific farm.

    I have some problems with Soundquake One thing is aesthetic, that it is drop the bass, not a scream. It is lost of opportunity, that Banshees scream or wail, howl, that is a signature move. The other thing is that it roots us in place, without godlike damage. I would rather take some form of sound miasma (from Saryn)  as base and then augment to make it channel root. Since for normal content shorter scream is better, but i may need sustain quake for some special modes.

    Augment tax is not fun.

  13. It is ok idea. Maybe we can use pull from inside the Magnetizze sphere, for radial pull, depending how it is easier to code.

    It would be nice if Crush would generate shards from bones. Or if pull was using spare shards for some slash damage.

    Also "pull generates energy orbs" this is not happening, at least with sane builds. Since damage on pull is rather small (it is more for cc, control) and it is hard to kill with exacly pull. Maybe it could have separete % chance per body dead or alive. SO we can soak that energy from the living flesh.

  14. More important: Is Nezha fun to play and party?

    Slippery as always, better energy sustain, extra utility for team with orbs. Reduction damage good for normal content, Weapon damage multiplier (this one is good). Especially that orbs + damage buff for all is solid.

    Overall great codepiece.

  15. Fireball firepach is not bad, since enemies come in line, so someone will step in firepach. Problem is that damage from charging up adds very little in comparison to weapon damage, and does not affect firepach,Generally abillity damage falls off, and need some secondary effect to scale up levels.

    Flash Accelerand changes elements to complex, which could be not desired by other players, so it is not perfect.

    Fireblast cost a lot but does very little. Also Ember is otherwise squishy to sit in one place.

    There could be some interaction of abillities, like shooting fireball inside firering could explode it. Up to cnsideration.

    World on FIre overheat should gone. You need more damage? IDK maybe accelerand enemies? Ember already has "increase fire damage to targets" so overheat is prime garbage.

    On the other side it could affect 10 targets, so it will be slow cook cc abillity.


  16. If someone havent noticed Warframe is not call of duty clone, but killing swarms of enemies is part of whole premise. The whole power fantasy is part of game. You may clear the room with one button, doesnt matter the enemies will keep comming.

    What could happen is that some mission types could have boss invasion. Could be even planet bosses. Stuff like Stalker breaks the monotonny of mawing hordes of weaklings. Especially in mission types like survival, excavetion at some point there could drop the big bad boss to fight or run away from .

  17. il y a 17 minutes, frostjoke40 a dit :

    whats the best items for seeling for plats prime blueprints right??


    Bigger plat: COrrupted mods from Orokin Derelict, they have listed price of about 150p so that is nice

    Small money: any prime junk for 1-3p, small focus lenses from  eidelon planes, Syndicate mods for 10p

    use https://warframe.market since trade chat is only for the brave

  18. Community have love/hate relation with nukes. And do not express apreciecion for press button kill everithyng.

    So the safe design aproach is to give small tactical nukes, with damage just ok but on lowish side, but with interesting secondary effects which could amplify weapon damage. Stuns, staggers, marked with vulnerbility, armour, shield, health strip. Mind COntrol... ragdoll madness. Drop extra health/energy, give speed buff... there is several effect which could be tied to dps abillity and make it worthy, but not mindless.

    Other aproach is to change abillity into fancy sniper. Like "Cyclops frame" with abillity sniper rifle in the eyes, with powerfull beam shot which is sill shot, but deals over 9000 damage. Generally if something is a skill shot the acceptance for high damage is also higher.

    With example as Ember:

    High WoF damage is a problem, since you can sit and watch world burn, but using it off spreading fire status (cc) is ok, so ti could be buffed with amount of targets.

    Fireball is just abillity granade launcher (zarr) with charge mechanic, so it could possibly deal more damage. You cant nuke map with fireball.

  19. I like how mods tied up all valuable Saryn feedback into one topic. Nice and tidy.

    Saryn has a very nice kit, strong theme of status effect and toxicy. And how abillities work is good idea, but numbers are always up to discussion. She is very good in ESO, or "grineer" long survivals. Right now there is not much to do. But fortuna may prefer frames with more frontloaded damage. She is DPS frame which helps in team composition when you already have healer, support, buffer, cc.

    There is a problem with Spores max damage with max damage 100k, which is a bit more than any similar abillity, like Banshee quake Hydroid Barrage or Oberon Hallowed Ground (but this one could be buffed).

    Spores are also clunky, since need time to reach max damage, need spreading to have all 3 stacks, and daamge could go up and down really fast.

    Nevertheless spores max damage should be more like 200 corrosive * abillity power. Since that is value other frames perform + bonus for clunkiness.

    On the other hand there could be slower decay (no 20% hit) and toxic lash could hit harder.

    Maybe Corpus Shields and Infested Health should be buffed (doubled). Since right now Grineer and their armour all signifanct stronger enemy. Or slow down grineer armour scaling.

    However wait with changes for Fortuna data to see if Saryn is still a thing.

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