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Posts posted by --RV--ohestnes

  1. 4 minutes ago, Weidro said:

    u might want to start searching here take ur time to read through all of it so u dont miss it accidently

    i know it was in the open beta and not in the closed so u dont need to check pre u7

    Fair enough, I only searched 2 years back and if it was in U7 I would have missed it and I owe you a big apology. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Weidro said:

    it used to be like this

    maybe they removed it because the majority didnt use it

    if u rly care check the patchnotes and rewatch the dev streams u should be able to find it in both

    Devstreams are irrelevant and there's nothing I can grep in any patch notes about this. They changed it yes, but not to anything near what you are describing. I don't want to be confrontational but if you want to meaningfully contribute to a conversation don't just make stuff up

  3. 1 minute ago, Weidro said:

    then ppl started to complain and DE was like: ok we half the price at half the time

    If this was true that'd be fine, but it's not. at 10% of the time remaining, the cost is still more than half of what it was at the beginning. At 50% of the time remaining, it's still 100% of the cost. 

  4. For some reason your quote of the previous thread just shows an endless loading sign on my browser, can't see it


    EDIT: Think I see what you did there :)

  5. I can see not touching prices of old equipment for the reasons mentioned. But rushing is a day to day expense not tied to any particular item, and it seems like bad business if someone like me is the average customer. Taking Vauban Prime as an example, it's very very hard to bring myself to pay 50% of what could have saved me 3 days of build time to save me 90 min. It's just bad value, and everyone loves value.

    I think changing the scaling would be a win-win. I'd probably rush a forma every other day to be honest if it was 1-2 plat with 30-60 min remaining and be happy to do so.

  6. Not sure if this has been covered before, but does anyone else think that the way the rush cost scales with time left to completion makes little sense? Forma starts at 10p to rush, takes 24 hours and with an hour left it's still 6p I believe. Frames take 3 days, start at 50 and with only an hour and change left to go on my Vauban Prime it's still close to 30 to rush it. I think the base cost to rush something is fine, it's just the scaling that annoys me. Personally I'd probably have sunk WAY more plat into rushing if it scaled somewhat more reasonably with time left. I'd be happy to pay a plat, maybe even 2 to get that forma that's 30 min from completion on a weapon before I head to bed. And tonight I'd have been happy to pay 10p to get Vauban P ready for a few hours of play before I hit the sack but 30 is a hard sell with 10% of the total build time left.

  7. Color me impressed. Not one of the top tier one either, simple $170 Acer Chromebook 15 (with Windows 10 installed obviously). Got to cut the resolution to 1024, turn off or to low most graphics options and be able to live with ~30 fps, but it's definitely playable (and not bad looking either). Wouldn't want to play extensively but it's fine to pop in and do an alert or similar

  8. Also as a side note I remember people initially at least *@##$ing about how they didn't feel like all powerful space ninjas any more, because the executioners were too powerful.You can bring that feel back with limbo just following them around, watching them flail around helplessly until you decide it's time to kill them :) 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Cyonan said:

    It definitely plays pretty well into his whole "Pull one target into the rift and obliterate it with rift surge's damage boost" style that he has which never worked well in the mass murder style of the rest of the game.

    Exactly. I don't even have a potato on him and it works really well. I've got nothing against Ash/Valkyr in this event but on your 50th go or thereabout you come up with ways to keep yourself amused.

  10. Anyone else feel like this event made him fun to play again? Running around invulnerable, picking your moment, getting a executioner into the rift and one or two shot'ing them with a good shotgun. Sure he doesn't kill as fast as a good valkyr or ash, but unless I'm in a squad with the other 3 in that set it's rare that I don't get more than 6 of the kills. I've been in groups with 3 ashes where they all just huddle around the energy spawn points and I can wander around the map enjoying myself. And as an added bonus, if you're in that group where everyone is out to prove themselves, just sit in the rift. You don't die, they get all the kills they crave.


  11. 1 hour ago, Konga said:

    Dude, seriously, how much is one? I would buy an imprint of this little dude in a heartbeat. Maybe even two imprints.

    He he, I'll give them to you. The fact that someone else might ... appreciate this thing makes me feel better about what I have to do

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