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Posts posted by sinisteran

  1. So I posted this on reddit first but here it goes. This is also my first post in the forum because the quest somehow just meshed with me and I felt like I had to say something to somebody.

    Here it goes.

    So...I've never done this before but I feel that this quest has warranted me to have my say. First of all, I wanna thank DE for the quest despite the [DE]lays. The quest resonated with me more than I thought. Some Tenno thought it was short and pointless, but as someone that has played for 3 years...Lets just say my feelings were different. I dont expect DE, space mom or anyone will read or take interest in this probably very long review, but here it goes.

    To start, I am not talking about the new systems. One is just blatant RNG gambling and the other is useless, squishy and unpolished. I am here to talk about the story. As a Tenno that played for 3 years and didn't buy the founder's package because I did not have faith in this game back then, I was blown away by the Second dream. We turned from silent enforcers that killed for our own benefits or for Lotus to well...kids. The Second dream gave us all a face but not a personality. We still blindly followed Space moms orders without a single question.

    The War within changed that. From the start to finish we hated being called children or child. We hated the fact that things were hidden by our parental figure, just like in real world where our parents simply withheld things because they thought they knew better. The War Within is the story of the child growing up and becoming an adult. The quest literally starts with us following space mom's orders, go here, track this, follow him. But then we had enough, instead of leaving the asteroid field as instructed we rebelled and entered anyway, like an unruly teenager. Then our story begins. Teshin, the queens they dont really matter in the grand scheme of things. This quest taught us to face our fears, our past and much more. We began to have a personality of our own choosing which would actually affect things in the long run. Whether that be yin or yang, it was our own choice. For the first time ever, space mom wasnt there to instruct us to do A or B. We made our own choices by our own accord. In short we grew up. Became adults and no longer a kid. This wasnt only metaphorical. We used to cower in our ships and send out our Warframes as drones. But now we are one with the frame, a suit of armour, like Iron man somewhat. We now have the courage and strength to be out there fighting in the real world and not hide behind a metal puppet. And isn't that what growing up is about? To no longer hide in our comfort zones and face the good and bad of the real world, make our own good and bad choices? To me thats what the story told me. Look how far we have come, from the end of the Second dream, from being carried by our frame and cowering, crawling in fear in sight of the stalker to now fighting in the front lines without hesitation.

    Oh and that end conversation with Space mom...She admits that she isnt perfect and did what she thought was right by hiding our memories. After the end of the quest, she knows we are no longer kids, we grew up and we deserve to know the truth. Hopefully DE carries on this theme of becoming our own person and doesn't screw it up.

    Maybe the War within resonated with me more than it should. Maybe I over read into things due to me once studying English literature. Maybe I am feeling more attached to this quest because I too grew over the last 3 years quite significantly. From an overly privileged kid in law school without any student loans due to my wealthy parents, to me now living and fighting in the grown up world alone. So yeah...TLDR, the War within is not a grand spectacle, dont expect a literal war or anything of that matter. But what it is, is a great story about growing up and becoming yourself, making choices that are either good,neutral or bad. But no longer shackled by our parents. It is a story of adolescence.

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