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  1. Not gonna lie, this actually made me laugh from how ridiculous it is.
  2. I don't understand how that's relevant to the answer I got, not to mention since you like to assume, you should be able to assume I didn't get that message yesterday, was just informing the other guy what was the response I got, it happened 8 days ago and no, I'm not recovering anything I've lost due to a bug, don't understand why you are running defense out of nowhere.
  3. Well, sorry to inform you but the response I got was basically "thanks for letting us know, you can follow future updates here" no mentions of helping me at all, they don't really care about fixing anything you lost due to a bug I guess, especially since this bug isn't so prevalent, probably because no one plays railjack, it is what it is.
  4. Woke up to being banned for 2 weeks, as far as I could find, it's for either trading my beginner friend a bunch of stuff, or farming too much, and aside from 1 hour long disruptions, the most extreme farming session after that would be 6 hours of non stop railjack, how awesome it would be if the mission that destroyed my syndicate standing that I apparently won't be reimbursed for, also ends up banning me for 2 weeks. Will probably miss out on this weeks archon too, which sucks because I only have 2 shards so far and none of them are red. Returning to this game has been quite enjoyable, indeed.
  5. Nope, host was the same from start to finish, we went through a few different squad mates, and went back to dry dock a few times, but host never changed. We were doing skirmishes for 6 hours straight and I only noticed the standing loss in the mission rewards around 4 hours in, and when I first noticed it, it was already those values, not that it matters either, but I usually hit standing cap as soon as it resets, and I had already earned my daily standing for that day 12 hours before I started doing railjack missions. This should be either an extremely rare bug or there's just not enough people doing railjack, because it just doesn't make sense for people to not be raging about it everywhere, extremely hard to find any similar cases.
  6. Will I have to pay tributes all the way up to rank 5 again? This is getting worse and worse.
  7. @Tesla_Reloaded I initially considered opening a support ticket, but I read this: "Where to report a bug? Warframe Support is not where you should be going to report a bug in the game. The preferred method to report a bug is to post your report to the appropriate bug forum located on the Warframe Forums below." This information directed me here. Additionally, none of the ticket options seem to be a suitable choice for my issue, I don't really know what to choose. Do you think I should still open a ticket to attempt to recover the standing I lost?
  8. I haven't played in three years, but it's been almost a month since I came back. Also, you can see the little icon in Cephalon Suda, indicating that's where my pledge is. I'm just trying to set a parameter, saying that even if I screwed up, it couldn't hurt me that badly anyway. Hence, it's just a massive and weird bug. It seems that a lot of people think the daily cap only matters for standing you gain, not lose, which just doesn't make any sense to me, especially since the new and current system involve pledging. When it was sigils, you couldn't mess up at all. You had to reach the first levels of that syndicate to buy sigils to begin with. But imagine someone pledging to the wrong syndicate for a day and deleting days of work in a single endless mission. It just makes no sense that people even think this is a thing. If I have the correct pledge, which I do, then what causes this bug? That's what I really want to find out because doing Railjack means risking all my standing now, which sucks. Also, it should be noted that, considering how standing works, I would have to have "gained" standing with a syndicate that has -100% Cephalon Suda and -50% Arbiters of Hexis, and 100% / 50% for Red Veil and New Loka. There's no syndicate that offers that combination in the game, which further emphasizes that this is just a massive bug within Railjack missions.
  9. I was doing Railjack missions in a squad, and at one point, I noticed mission results showing -389k with Cephalon Suda and -197k with the Arbiters. I took a screen cap because I thought it was a funny bug. A few hours later, when I finally stopped farming and returned to my orbiter, the first thing I did was check the Syndicate panel to ease my mind. Then I proceeded to restart my game because I was sure it was just a visual bug. However, I had actually gone from being at 80k+ with level 5 Cephalon (I currently had Cephalon pledged) and 100k+ with level 5 Arbiters to -2 Cephalon and level 4 Arbiters with 5k standing. I've just returned to the game, so the whole pledge thing is new to me. But I had never pledged to anyone besides Arbiters or Suda. All my frames have either the Steel or Suda's sigil. I used to have Red Veil, Suda, Arbiters, and Steel all at level 5, but I gave up on maintaining Red Veil 5 when I recently returned. So now I only had those three at level 5 (Suda, Steel, Arbiters). Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am, since I used to juggle standing to be able to have four syndicates at level 5. You shouldn't lose standing beyond your daily cap earnings, so even if I had done anything wrong (I didn't, but I can't really prove that), I should have at most lost my daily cap, right? Also, could anyone direct me on what to do if this isn't the best channel for this? None of the ticket options made much sense to me for this bug, so I didn't know where to go.
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