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Posts posted by OswaldCobbleThot

  1. On 2019-12-22 at 7:57 PM, Spyro_Haze said:

    The more i think about 2 and 1 the more i realise its basically the same (command the ball) ability and it could be just combined into one. Tap to cast it as 1, hold to cast it as 2. It leaves a space for some utility ability for example pull enemies towards the ball and ragdoll them for short time/ push enemies away Mist with chance of blast status effect. 4 is basically a better 1 as i see it, not a fan of that.

    Hey! sorry for the VERY late reply! with the holidays I had forgotten I posted the thread! 

    I actually see your point with ability 1 and 2 and would agree they can be combined!

    I did plan on 4 being a better 1, with higher energy cost but also the added benefit of reducing the range that enemies will target mist. I saw 1 as more of a "on the move small nuke" which would be easily spam-able and allowed mist to keep her ball positioned where she needed it. and her 4 being a "my mini-map is currently red with enemies, my 1 isn't going to clear them before they murder me, and I have energy to blow" it wouldn't be efficient energy wise to spam it where her 1 would be.

    I appreciate the feedback though! you're right about all of your points! Then again there's not a whole lot of reason to pick out of the current meta frames anyways because they are too good at what they do. I tried to keep the idea for mist balanced but "balanced" doesn't compete with saryn/rhino/nova/mesa/wisp unfortunately

  2. Hey guys, I've been tossing around an idea in my head for a new frame and with the current devstreams teaser on a frame with a ball... I figured I'd repost my idea as the other one was archived! I always liked the way Yondu from Guardian of the Galaxy worked. But I always thought he was too brutish and bulky. I also felt we lacked a real ballerina or Gymnast warframe. So after about 30 days of throwing my ideas at a friend and asking her to critique them, I present to you: Mist. Please critique the idea, let me know what you would change or if you have different ideas for abilities or augments ( I really need an augment idea for the 4 ability.) 


    Mist is a Gymnastics/Ballerina styled frame who uses a combination of her ball and ability to dance through the fog/mist to dispatch enemies and quickly move around. Her inspiration heavily comes from Rhythmic Gymnastics using a ball, as well as Yondu’s Arrow from Guardians of the Galaxy. The thought was “What if these gymnasts ball could be used in the way that Yondu uses his arrow?”  Here are two videos showing both inspirations.

     Rhythmic Gymnastics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WE1wjescoTc

    Yondu - 

    Mist's ball would likely be slightly bigger than her head. When not being actively used while in Mist's possession the ball will either float idly but randomly around her (to more or less give the ball the illusion of being possibly sentient or AI-driven) or it should float above Mist's outstretched hand, rolling around randomly as if it was looking around. 

    When the ball is deployed it would float and bob around its Y-Axis. With the same "Randomly looking around" idle animation it would have if floating above her hand.

    Additionally, when the ball is deployed Mist will have a ribbon that she uses for added flair during "ball deployed" animations. It will also be a noticable indicator that Mist's ball is deployed.


    1 – Ball in Possession: Mist throws her ball at the target closest to the center of the screen (crosshair), Bouncing 0/1/2 times. (Impact Damage)

                Ball Deployed: Mist Directs her ball to fling at its closest enemy. Bouncing between targets 3/5/7 times. The ball stays at the location of the last target. (Impact Damage)


                Augment: Mists ball bounces 0/0/1 times (1/3/5 if deployed) but now deals its damage in a 1/2/3/4/5 meter area around the target.


    Notes: This is just her basic “I have a ball and I want to damage the thing” ability. No nifty tricks, there’s a ball, there’s an enemy face, there’s a ball to the enemy face. Whether or not the ball can hit the same enemy more than once per cast is up to balancing. My opinion on the matter is: The ball can hit the same enemy more than once, but not twice in a row. If the balls only option after a bounce is to hit the same target again then it stops. Also up to balancing, is whether or not the ball will target destructible such as caches during its flight.


    2  Ball in Possession: Mist Throws her ball. The ball stops at the first target or object hit, damaging it if it is an enemy. The ball may be picked up by walking over it.

                Ball Deployed: Mist orders the ball to a new location, after which the ball will fly directly there, passing through, and damaging enemies on its way. If the ball hits a non-destructible object, it stops.


                Augment: Mists Ball now teleports to the new location (instead of flying), damaging targets in a 2/2/3 meter area around both the old and new locations. Explosions have 100% status proc.

    Notes: This is Mists ball re-positioning skill. Ball over here and you need it over there? Press 2, it will either fly or teleport to the new location. The ball can be picked up again by walking over it. I thought about maybe needing the action key being a requirement to pick up the ball but it would ruin the speed/flow of the game to have to continuously look down and press X or whatever. When the ball is in Mist's possession it idly floats around her, or more appropriately, above her outstretched hand.


    3 – Ball in Possession: Mist spins around with her ribbon floating outward. Dealing damage in a wide area around her (4/8/12 meters) and gaining 2/4/6% Evasion

              Ball Deployed: Mist disappears from view, reappearing on top of her ball. After which she performs her spin. The ball is picked up.


                Augment: Mist no longer deals damage with her spin, but instead shrouds herself and her allies in the mist, giving the group 10/12/15% evasion. and 15/20/25% movement speed.


    Notes: I envisioned this ability to be ‘THE’ gymnast or Ballerina move. Mist does a little spin with the ball in her hand, she lets it go and it travels outward in a circle with her doing an expanding AoE over the course of 2-3 seconds. It's also a great mobility and re-positioning tool for Mist. I’ll admit the Augment on the ability came from Mirage’s Eclipse paired with Agility Drift.


    4 – The Fog Closes in: Enemy view/engage range is severely reduced. Mist’s ball then targets and bounces between any enemies caught in the fog and in the balls LoS (and accessible by the ball)


                Augment: I don’t have any ideas at the moment.

    Notes: So, this is definitely what gives me the Yondu feel for mist. This link gives the exact scene I saw when I knew what Mists 4 ability had to be. 

      I mean just look at it. I imagine the ball just dashing from enemy to enemy just smacking them in the face and moving on. I also like the effect that it makes the enemy engagement range shorter. I don’t mean the range at which they are alerted, I mean the range at which they will have to be in relation to your location before they will open fire. I feel like that would synergize with many teams and farms that are currently in the game. I had an Argon farm yesterday where someone complained to another player who was standing in the open of our little dead-end hallway. The player was standing in the middle of the room which caused the ranged enemies to aggro on him outside of our Pilfer Hydroids tentacle range. Although at that point people would have to choose between Mist or Speedva 😛



    Passive Trait:

    When Mist is in possession of her ball she recovers from staggers and knockdowns much quicker. When Mist’s ball is deployed she moves quicker. Walking over the ball will pick it up.

    Alternate Passive Trait Idea

    When Mist is in possession of her ball she gains 20/35/50% additional shield. When Mist's ball is deployed she moves quicker. Walking over the ball will pick it up.


    Onto the journey of getting devs to see my lovely idea!


    • Like 2
  3. IGN: SilverShy

    MR : 25 

    Time Played: 875 hours

    Country: United States

    Started: May 2013, Founder

    Previous Clan: Tenno Against Red Text (clan founder and sole member up until a couple months ago)

    Discord: Aisling#0001

    Fun story, devs used to use red test to communicate with everyone anonymously (meaning, without their name showing up). They would give incredibly snarky responses to things people said in chat so I made the clan I'm in as a tongue in cheek response to it.

  4. 1 hour ago, Xzorn said:


    Yea I've mentioned on quite a few occasions that CC is still very useful and powerful. The problem is the game itself. Not the frames.

    We've gotten too strong and can simply smash our stats against a problem to make it go away without any real effort in actually playing the game.

    Many player just don't get our performance is far beyond lvl 100 these days. We need dangerous enemies and enemy level is just a simple measuring tool for stats to allow enemies to be dangerous. The rest is their design which for newer enemies is awful and cheesey. Outside some bugs Nyx was still a very good frame. Just not in the content DE has been making or I guess will continue to make. It frustrates me really since it's just removing play styles from the game.

    At any rate I like your ideas. There's been a lot of good ones but DE doesn't seem to listen sadly. As I mentioned we could just use Eximus as her utility force similar to how it used to play while also being a damage source. Just have to make sure the Eximus Elemental damage bonus is applied separate so it doesn't screw with proc weight. Also would be nice if essentially killing the enemy 100% of the time was optional. A good mind manipulator knows when you sacrifice the pawns and keep the rooks if you know what I mean. Bolts bouncing off Chaos would be a good option to it's now very limited use and I'd love to see the Disarm come back even if it's just part of the augmented version.

    I want to believe so bad that they read the forums! But I also wanna believe they read council chat too but they don't :P

  5. 51 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    Admittedly not using Assimilate was also a matter of pride. I played her for years and against lvl 2,000 enemies in groups as their sole defense solution and didn't need it so why get lazy? Now though, doesn't seem like there's a choice. Her CC just isn't reliable enough anymore both with her kit and newer enemies.

    I agree, It really just comes down to meta. Current meta in non-defense type missions is to rush through as fast as possible and in defense missions its just more efficient to go to wave 20 or 20 minutes in survival, then restart the mission. and thats if some one even wants to play a defense mission because non-defense types are the better choice for the majority of the grind.


    Absorb and banshees 4 are just dead abilities now that you have to sit around in a mobility meta.

  6. 15 hours ago, XenMaster said:

    You need Simulacrum to test every augments and abilities.

    The Pacifying Bolts is ridiculously op when comes to cc enemy. Because any type of CC that hit on the "pacified" targets, they still have the effect of the pacified. So even if you proc "Blast" status effect on enemy to knockdown, they still pacified until the duration is gone or the player recast.

    So what you're saying is that if you pacify an enemy and then knock it down, it will remain knocked down until the pacify ends and then it still has to get up? Thats strong! Although still not good enough to warrant a mod slot for me :(

    12 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    Comically the buff from Mind Control you mention is already in the game. Nekros gets it.

    If you raise any particular Eximus he gains their aura effects. Immunity to Fire, Immunity to Toxic, Instant Shield Recharge, ect. For the derp of reason a damage buff for Nyx was sitting right in front of DE and for some reason they gave her that convoluted Absorb +%Additive Damage crap that makes no thematic sense for her. (Eximus also give their respective elemental types in bonus damage) though Nekros doesn't get that part, it's still right there for the taking...  literally.

    Pacifying Bolts used to be amazing when you could spam it. Now not so much. It's had a long term bug where the stun is interrupted by animation effects like an Impact proc which can mostly be avoided by Nyx using elemental weapons that work well for her anyways. Unfortunately they added an additional bug since her rework where it also ends when Chaos ends regardless of the remaining duration making it even worse. Can't affect more than 6 + Gets interrupted + Duration ends with Chaos.

    Chaos is actually better and worse. You can spam stun with it though you could do this before with a 13% Duration build so that's whatever but now you can only have one instance of the effect in play where as before you could have multiple across five rooms if you wanted. The removal of the Rad proc on her Bolts also leaves a window when re-casting allows her to be shot so along with all the other CC layers being removed from her kit Assimilate augment is now pretty much required which is also not very thematic.

    It's probably an unpopular opinion but I really dislike Assimilate. A well played Nyx never needed it because she never got hit and now it's a crutch to deal with all the immunity crap.

    I actually had no idea that you could only have one instance of it going at a time! I figured if you touched an enemy with it and moved to another room and cast it again the previous enemy would still be affected. Well now I see an issue with chaos! But this also gives me an idea for an augment change that would be useful. "If an enemy affected by chaos damages an enemy who is not affected by chaos, the unaffected enemy becomes affected"

    I've also never seen a nyx with assimilate. Then again the only time I see other players using Nyx its just to level her for mastery which is sad. I personally never used assimilate because I only use absorb when I'm pouring a drink or taking a drink, or checking my text messages. Absorb is literally just my "brb" button

  7. 4 hours ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

    But it's not. Pacifying Bolts stunlocks enemies for a generous amount of time. It doesn't cause them to fight each other. Try using it first

    I'll edit the post to change thoughts on this one after learning its a stunlock and not a confuse effect like chaos! Lemme try it out more. I'll admit when I was using it everything was dying within a couple seconds so I figured they were the same effect

    4 hours ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

    Agreed. Those values are too poor, though.

    I'm not sure what good values are, I just wanted to avoid any idea that I was trying to make Nyx overpowered instead of balancing her to the current state of the game. Hopefully if the idea is ever implemented they would test it thoroughly!

  8. 2 minutes ago, Vilmera said:

    nice ideas.

    except 2 part. you underestimate Pacifying Bolts. coz: it's totally neutralize targets unlike chaos, it's faster, and it's cheaper, considering you don't always have to deal with large numbers of enemies

    Thank you for your reply! I didn't know pacifying bolts completely neutralizes targets! I read "confuse" which is what Chaos does so I assumed it was the same effect. Although in terms of faster and cheaper, its faster yes, It appears maybe twice as fast. But it only affects 6 targets where chaos will do a similar effect to EVERYTHING in a very large radius for only 17 more energy.


    The biggest issue with Pacifying Bolts is HONESTLY that you have to give up a mod slot for it, which is the same issue with almost all augments. and that is: 


    Its hard to justify giving up a mod slot for an augment when it can be used for greatly increased survivability or ability effectiveness.

  9. Hello!

    I've been playing with Nyx a lot lately and while I don't by any means think shes awful or useless I do think she could use a little bit of love on her abilities to make her a more viable and fun pick for the community in general. The following are my ideas!

    Passive:  I think her passive is fine, 20% less accuracy on enemies is great on paper, and I haven't been paying attention enough to know if its the passive Chaos that's kept me alive the majority of the time.If I were to do anything to make it I would have it make enemies within 20-30M be 20% less accurate, would be great for helping the team without buffing its numbers


    Mind Control(1):  Mind control is the ability I'd like to see changed the most.
         The Issue: While I think its great and all to go out and grab a bombard or heavy gunner, they aren't really amazing even with Mind Freak's 500% damage increase. Warframe is designed to give us tons of things to kill at once and the majority of the weapons and abilities are designed around dispatching lots of enemies quickly. While the enemies are designed around killing a single frame running around. This means mind controlling an enemy is really just another thing for enemies to shoot at while giving you a small amount of single target damage. Or you can just use Chaos to do the same thing and although a little less reliable on the complete control aspect, it affects everything in a huge radius. (66M for me) 

         My solution:  I don't actually propose damage increases, health increases, or any kind of other buff directly to the mind controlled mob. Instead, I'd like to see a decision being added when choosing a target other than "which deals the most damage" We do this by adding a buff depending on whats currently mind controlled. In


    • Blitz : 15% Knockdown Resistance, 25% more armor 
    • Energy Leech / Parasitic: 10% more Energy, 5/s Energy Regen
    • Arson / Caustic: +10% Fire damage
    • Guardian 15% Electricity/Magnetic resistance, 25% more Shield
    • Arctic: +10% Cold Damage
    • Leech / Sanguine: 25% more Health, 5/s Health Regen
    • Shock: +10% Electricity Damage
    • Venomous: +10% Toxin Damage
    • No Eximus Type/Normal:+5% Slash, Impact, and Puncture damage, +10% Armor.


    I feel like these numbers will make it so "Moar damage" is not the obvious choice. While yes, there is the opportunity for more damage from mind controlling one of those eximus types, there's significant survivability or utility gain from mind controlling a leech or guardian type. I also wanted to make sure the player wouldn't feel like they HAD to have an eximus mind controlled to get the best benefit, so a normal type gives bonus damage to all three normal damage types as well as a minor survivability boost. 

         Edit(4): Mind controlled mobs should also act like specters in that they should attempt to follow the player, and be able to be commanded to follow or hold position 

         Mind Freak: The mind freak mod could also use a small amount of love to warrant using it at all. My idea for the mod is to have it give +200% damage to any specters (Clem, Force, Cosmic, Chargers etc.) while a target is mind controlled. This not only adds usefulness to the mod itself, but will also give people more reason to use specters. Also can we please have specters and mind controlled mobs teleport when too far away from their owner?  they will be more useful in the "run through the entire game" meta.


    Psychic Bolts(2):

         The Issue: Psychic bolts effect is AMAZING. The issue is that it can be a little irritating to use, especially when its just a debuff hitting 6 targets who are going to die in 1 or 2 hits anyways. I like the effect, I like the idea, just needs a little change to make it perfect.

         My Solution: My idea for fixing Psychic Bolts is simple, give it a synergy effect with Chaos(3) I'd like to see it bounce off or multiply off targets affected by Chaos(3) much like Nezha with his 2 & 4. Have them bounce or multiply until they run out of targets or the next target is more than 20M away. This change would make it so the ability itself doesn't get overbuffed because you'd still need to blow the energy cost for Chaos. Either way, the vast majority of the targets will be dead in 1-2 shots regardless of having the bolts debuff on them.

         Pacifying Bolts: Its bad it's REALLY bad. Why would I confuse 6 random enemies for 10 seconds for a 35 energy cost, and with a travel time on the bolts when I can use Chaos(3) for 52 energy, confuse every enemy in a 66.25M range for nearly 40s? Every Nyx player I've seen uses Chaos(3) when entering a new room or after wiping a room out anyways. So everythigns already confused, Pacifying Bolts is redundant to the point its completely useless as a mod.

              Edit(2): So I went in with stronger enemies and used pacifying bolts. Along with the feedback those who replied gave. Its confusion effect is DIFFERENT than Chao's effect. Pacifying bolts does just that, completely pacifies 6 targets. It definitely has niche uses as an "oh S#&$" button when you enter a room to see 3 bombards and a nox looking down your throat. But I still can't see justification for it over Vitality, or an overextend/stretch, or augur reach. mod slots are to valuable in my own opinion.

              My Solution:  Disclaimer: I'm using the Wiki for these numbers in this solution. Looking at a Level 40 Heavy Gunner.  Instead of the confusion aspect, lets have some damage depending on the amount of defenses stripped. A level 40 Heavy Gunner according to the wiki has 4908 Cloned flesh and 1576 Ferrite Armor for a total of 6484 and damage reduction of 84% for a total EHP of 30,697. My Nyx currently has 99% Defense strip. I propose that it should deal 99% of the before armor EHP to Before debuff EHP, so 99% of 6484 (6420)  damage done to the EHP of 30,697 bringing it down to 24,277 EHP. THEN the defense strip ticks. bringing it down to... however much EHP that is. 



    Chaos(3): This Ability is fine. This ability is arguably the only reason people play Nyx outside of her aesthetic.This ability needs to changes, its already perfect.

         The Issue: None

         My Solution: If you don't think its working you're not spamming it enough

         Chaos Sphere:  Its okay. I guess it has some use, it lets you spam Chaos(3) a lot less. But is it really worth the lost mod slot? Not in my opinion, Chaos(3) is already good enough to not need it and energy isn't exactly a rare resource outside of (E)SO

            edit(3):  Proposed change: Instead of the current effect I propose a "contagious" type effect. If an enemy affected by chaos damages an enemy who is not affected the Chaos effect will transfer to the unaffected enemy.


    Absorb(4): I haven't seen anyone use this ability in a very long time lets make it better!

         The Issue: When you're spamming Chaos(3) nothings hitting you anyways. when you've got something mind controlled that's even less things shooting at you. Not to mention everything is steamrolled anyways so that's zero things shooting at you. But assuming you're in a level 50+ game where things aren't instantly obliterated by breathing on them the issue still stands that Chaos(3) stops things from shooting at you, and enemies also have to be in LoS to be useful cause they kinda hafta shoot you for it to work. Additional issues pop up when considering M E T A. The games fast paced. Absorb requires you to be stationary, unless you wasted a mod slot on assimilate, which gives you the ability to crawl at 50% walk speed so you can move yourself slowly in the direction of the enemies who are currently busy shooting their allies in the face and ignoring you.

         My Solution: Lets first remove the stationary portion of the ability. Now we're slightly useful in the meta! Lets add some Synergy with Chaos(3) by having the "absorb" idea transfer to all confused enemies. That way while they are shooting at each other they will be building absorb up, Now we've solved the "no ones even looking at you anyways" issue with Absorb. Next lets change its whole effect. I've got THREE WHOLE ideas that could be fun:

    1.  Damage absorbed adds to a buff that increases you and your currently mind controlled targets and specters  damage as long as absorb is up.
    2.  Damage absorbed adds to a buff that increases the effectiveness of my proposed mind control effects. Meaning the buff you gain from having a specific target mind controlled is INCREASED
    3. Have the absorbed damage radiated in a radius around Nyx and her currently mind controlled target

    That remedies the limited usefulness that Absorb has, and also eliminates a potential for Nyx to just become a better equinox day form. Now we've got synergy between Nyx's 4 and her 1 and 3. What about synergy with 2? I GOT THAT COVERED.

        Assimilate: Its bad a bad waste of a mod slot, and becomes useless with the proposed rework. Throw it out INSTEAD HOW ABOUT:

              Psychic Storm: The NEW augment for Nyx's Absorb. While Absorb is active up to 4/8/12 psychic bolts will not disappear after use but instead will follow Nyx, seeking out new targets until Absorb ends.



    So yes! This was my feedback and suggestions on Nyx. Once again I don't think shes a BAD frame I just think with a little love people will use her more!


    Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

    • Like 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, PatternistSlave said:

    Low price means time has less value compared to money. 

    this is not how the economics works. we'd be essentially deflating the value of plat meaning that plat itself is worth more. but the items are worth less. it balances out. all that changes is that the large number becomes a small number. same value, smaller numbers.

    But this is assuming that the value of items would change in such a drastic manner. which I'd put money on saying it wouldn't change as much as people think it would.

  11. 9 minutes ago, rune_me said:

    So pretty much how online trading works. When I buy something online, I have sites that list all online store's prices next to each other so I can compare them and always buy the cheapest. 

    Before online stores, we had catalogs send to our houses. We could compare those and make sure we got the cheapest one.

    So yeah, that's exactly how real trade already is. And no, prices hasn't tanked because of that. 

    Another thing people just aren't considering that's kind of annoying.

    They keep talking about "Prices are going to crash! I'll make less platinum! That's bad!"

    Yeah, so if prices crash are you now assuming that the prices of only the specific items YOU'RE selling will crash? no. if "The prices crash" it means "THE prices crash" your mod may now net you half the platinum it did before. but the prime set you wanted to buy is now worth half as much as well.

  12. 11 minutes ago, MystMan said:

    Capturing players simply for not being near allies makes no sense. 

    What doesn't make sense is that a highly trained team of assassins who are specifically trained to hunt tenno...can't.

    As I previously stated. as the controllers of the tenno, whatever we do in the meta are the actions that the tenno are taking in the universe. A highly trained assassin specifically designed to take out tenno would be trained on countering tactics used by Tenno. it makes complete sense.

    And the mechanic doesn't work against the people who are cooperating. it captures the person who ISN'T. and the way I see it... if you're the player zooming out far away from your teammates. and the 3 others are around each other. it's not that they aren't cooperating. its that you aren't cooperating.


    11 minutes ago, MystMan said:

      I made ONE post

    I admit fault here. Everone sofar has made the same argument so I subconsciously lumped you guys together as a hivemind. this whole "Don't add mechanics that counter a playstyle" argument is bad. Its honestly just saying "I don't want a game I can't auto-win" I haven't failed a mission in months and honestly the way people react to failing a single mission out of hundreds of wins is cancer. 

    It's easy to get defensive when no ones offering constructive criticism on the idea and instead just come in with "Your idea is S#&$ so I'm going to propose a completely different, and unrelated idea in your thread" MY threads about G3, and a mechanic I think will make them viable again. Not making a new assassin.



    11 minutes ago, MystMan said:

    The part where I mention designing a new assassin that can withstand our OP powers.
    It would need to be something that can attack us in both frame and operator mode.
    Stalker/G3/Zanuka are fine where they are, newer players will climb the same ladder we did.

    As for this, DE are slow at making entirely new content from scratch. I'd figure they are in the process of making new assassin designs anyways. But we've seen how fast they can pump out reworks or ability changes. Which is the big reason I'm suggesting a mechanic change and not a rework. They can have a mechanic change in a month. At their current pace, a rework will be out by December at the earliest.

  13. I just say they put an in-game marketplace that's almost exactly like warframe.market. You put the item up for x amount of plat. the person who wants it buys it, and the person who sells it gets the plat. Its the exact same system that we have in the game already but with the luxury of being able to actually play the game instead of needing to A) rush out of a mission in order to make a sell that's waiting. or B) sit in dojo for hours waiting for a sale to start.

    Seriously the only thing that system would change is the middle part where you need to go to trade chat/warframe.market. find the item you want. hope the person didn't forget to turn their warframe.market profile to invisible. then hope they aren't in a 30+ min survival run. After that you need to venture to their dojo and wait through all the load screens just to make a trade.

    make it so each sale counts as a trade. and after a certain amount of sales+trades the person listings are hidden from the market until reset. Any cons people think up against that system are probably superficial or extremely situational cons that are just scapegoats for "Marketplaces are confusing and I don't like them"

  14. 2 hours ago, MystMan said:

    Pretty much this.   Years ago when we had less and weaker weapons available these assassins were a valid concern every time they showed up.  We did less damage and the fights lasted longer.  

    They still are very much dangerous for newer players with <100h playtime.  These players will take a long time to afford to max their R10 mods for their weapons and their frames and finding those rare must-have mods. Before that time comes, they are weaker, less durable and their skills need a lot of sharpening through experience and wisdom. This journey to become endgame-strong is the meat of the game. These are the same players you see complain about "junction/raptor/spy/sortie is too hard". Veteran players who moved beyond all that after thousands of hours destroy everything the star chart has to offer and that's ok. It's quite normal for a game to have a difficulty threshold.  A game can't keep getting infinitely more difficult.

    They can't change old-game content to suddenly become harder.  Because that would mean newer players will have to overcome a much steeper difficulty curve compared to what we veterans went through to be where we are now.

    We're better off having a new assassin designed from scratch that only attacks endgame veterans and actually poses a threat despite our cheese gear and operator abilities. Don't ask me however how the game can measure our "veteranhood" to qualify.


    Except with my suggested change it doesn't make the assassin much harder for new players. it doesn't make them do more damage. it just locks down a certain meta playstyle on the extremely rare offchance that they show up.

    That's why the idea is so great in my opinion. If you buffed their damage or health to be hard for vet players they would be near impossible for new players. but this change doesn't do that. Instead like I've stated many times before. It locks down a very specific scenario that a very specific group of players play out.

    You know, the more you go against my idea claiming it's not good the more it makes me feel that you might be that player who zooms off leaving their team behind and you just don't want an idea that would dare counter your playstyle implemented 😉


    It doesn't require a full remake at this point. a simple added mechanic would be a good start. Specifically, a mechanic that locks down players who can't/won't bother to be within 10 rooms of their teammates.

  15. I love the idea of having a day/night cycle clock.

    With the release of Venus hopefully being sometime this year I would love to see a clock for day/night implemented in ship.

    Personally I think the communication node is extremely useless and at most just annoying. I would love to have the ability to change that module to a "Solar system clock" which will give you a readout of maybe 

    You local time + Cetus/earth node time + Venus Time (when it releases)

  16. 12 minutes ago, NekroArts said:

    Now I'm concern with your proposal as it automatically screws the players over without giving them at least a chance to survive the encounter.

    Their chance to survive the encounter would be the entire buildup before they arrive. The whole point of the mechanic is to force players to either group up or face consequences. It also perfectly plays off G3s purpose on being trained specifically to hunt tenno. With players being the Tenno and meta playstyles being the actions the tenno take, then it would make sense that the G3 would be trained to deal with players who bolt off solo leaving the rest of the team alone.

    it's a single, uncommon encounter which has no downside. The chances of you being adversely affected by G3 showing up is extremely slim. The assassins in this game fail as assassins. I haven't seen them successfully carry out an assassination in months, most of the time they simply fall over.

    Besides, all those proposals don't make them any more difficult it just makes it so their inevitable death is just prolonged. Assassins should be scary, at the moment none of the three assassination encounters matter to anyone. People will show up for the free chance at rare drops but that's all, and that's sad. We need people to show up to the encounter because they actually matter for something else than being a loot pinata.

    I stick firmly to my proposal. It is punishing, and highly effective. as a professional assassin should be.

    EDIT: This change only affects one playstyle. and that's the player who darts off alone, So not only is it a rare encounter but it only really works against a small subset of players. so the only people who would honestly see this as a bad change are those who speed off alone and leave their team... in a co-op game. which is another reason why the change would fit well in the game, it's a coop game this mechanic only affects players who don't play it as a team. its no worse than when a player darts off alone and gets killed too far from the team, except this encounter is much less common.

  17. Today in Region Prime we were discussing how the G3 and Stalker encounters are simply not scary nor are they hard.

    Stalkers issue is that he will focus his target so hard that the other three players can just beat him down while the targeted player can hide in void mode or invisibility (so much for an elite assassin?)

    Who are the G3 though? Well. the Grustrag Three are elite grineer who were eventually trained SPECIFICALLY to hunt Tenno. 

    But G3 has many issues. They can be CC'd. they are pretty squishy, and they are only scary if they actually manage to survive long enough to kill someone and then survive long enough to have that person caged.

    My simple solution to this issue is to have it so G3 will snare whoever is not within a certain range of another player, sort of like the spawn condition for the maniacs. basically how it works in full is this:

    1. The G3 warnings play (staticy lotus, flashy lights, and whatnot)
    2. Any players not within the certain range of another player will get a Visual effect around them. similar to when they are being slowed by an eximus.

    3. as the G3 warnings progress the visual effect becomes more and more obvious. as if saying "yeah hey you're not close enough to an ally you're about to get caught..."

    4.Once G3 drop in any players who have not met up with another player is captured. in a similar manner to how G3 captures you after you're down.

    5. wants all three of the G3 has been defeated all captured players are released.

    I feel this simple change to the G3 will make them much more effective and respected as assassins. I also feel that it highlights the fact that the G3 were designed specifically to hunt tenno. if you think about it: how many times are you in a mission when suddenly one of the players bolts way ahead of everyone else, bypassing all enemies, all loot, using elevators without waiting for the team, etc. The G3, being elite assassins would likely be prepared for that and have a tool against it. Currently, that's one of the Manics spawn conditions. A player who's ventured far from his allies. Don't you think the G3 would have also figured that out to be a good exploit?


    I will also admit it would give me a good laugh when that person who ran off leaving everyone behind on elevators and such gets grabbed by the G3. That player is often the guy who doesn't even have to try in matches because everything he stares at melts. So as a result of capturing him the other 3 players have a slightly harder time with the G3 since the "Melt everything within 3 rooms of me" guy is no longer in the equation.

  18. 18 hours ago, SilentMobius said:

    When you say "images" you're not looking for visuals are you? because nothing visual was concepted in the DC regarding nova, it was strictly 

    • Pick a theme: "Antimatter" won,
    • Vote on each power,
    • Vote on a name

    There was nothing visual about it.

    Going back through all the threads I think my memory was flawed. The flood complaints I remember about nova existed but I thought they were on a thread detailing different visual concepts. instead 50% of them were complaints that she was a she :P

  19. 50 minutes ago, WhiteCr0w said:

    Hey, this is pretty great. It's a great theme that you've outlined pretty well, and I feel like she could be a counterpart to a Nezha, Octavia, Nova style of play. The abilities you have are interesting and could certainly work in my opinion, especially the Augments. They're actually useful! I feel like a "survivability" ability may be missing however. Nearly every Frame has at least one ability that can buff themselves or squadmates that aid in their survival. Your Augment for 3 with Evasion kind of accomplishes that, but I feel she may need more.

    Her 1, 2, and 4 seem great for damage capabilities, especially with the option for AoE/explosive effects with the augments, so I feel there is room for a defensive ability, or perhaps even a strong enemy debuff. I'm having trouble coming up with an offensive ability revolving around gymnastics or a ballerina, so maybe that could be the defensive ability. A large buff to Evasion, parkour speed and wall latch could fit the theme. Maybe even a unique mechanic that while she is performing a parkour movement, she takes no damage, so it could be a minor invuln as well that encourages rapid movement. Just a rough idea!


    I actually like the idea of having defensive stats attached to her parkour movements. maybe even an innate armor or shield buff when the ball is in her possession. That could also give players a decision between throwing the ball out to get some damage or keeping the ball on her person so that they may survive better. Since mists abilities are already significantly weaker when she has her ball in possession I feel like it would be a good trade-off and offer incentive to switch between the two. I'm going to alter the main post with some of these ideas! Thanks!

  20. 1 hour ago, WhiteCr0w said:

    I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but this was my Design Council submission for Nova back in 2013: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/44621-design-council-warframe-phase-1-sandbox/?page=10&tab=comments#comment-474490


    I remember it being mentioned on a few Devstreams, and I don't recall if it actually won, but the similarities are there.

    Images if you can't see the link:

    Looking at the polls now, yeah it pretty much won. Thank you again for everyone that voted!


    Well if it isn't one of the people that made one of my top 3 favorite frames a reality. Thank you for your design! I just vaguely remember them asking the council which design they liked better and showing two or three concepts. then a bunch of people got angry over it looking like a cartoon character. My memory might be playing tricks on me though.

    I like your ability to design frames though. Would you be willing to take a look at my design and critique the heck out of it?

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