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Posts posted by Yasha-7HS


    13 minutes ago, LOD07 said:

    damn… reading through this actually opened my eyes in terms of this entire topic. In my main thread I did put in enemy tactics (new enemies with abilites) as I do think that this is what the enemies are lacking of the most besides AI, variety within getting passed them or rid of them.

    I missed that, just the pet peeve of mine really distracted me when I was reading. 

    I'd love to see more interesting enemy ideas because that's the number one, above all else, that DE has been missing with their enemy designs. It's either a small enemy that does no damage, or a large enemy that does too much damage. Manics have been the closest to what I find an entertaining enemy, then they ruined it with invulnerability phases and how passive it is. They feel like they spawn a tile away from you and walk, and by that time I kill them by accident. I really recommend you put any and all ideas of enemy designs in the forums in detail (minus damage/health absolute values. Use approximations and relatives instead) and generally try not to take the feedback too harshly, because the one thing I notice I never really see on the forums are enemy ideas. 

    Edit: Boss designs have been shaping up, however. But, still, too many invulnerability phases instead of actual mechanics.

  2. TL;DR: No, no, and no. This system doesn't even come close to meeting and of the needs of this game, and will actively hurt public lobbies, increase power creep, and ruin more of the game than it even has a hope of fixing. 


    First and foremost: Holy hell your formatting is atrocious and makes it laborious just to read it since I spend more time scrolling than I do reading the words. Please stop double line-breaking. 

    1 hour ago, LOD07 said:

    You might argue that this isn´t new player friendly in terms of getting help by their high MR friend. However, a level 20 Enemy isn´t a thread for that MR or shouldn´t. So he basically would kill of everything he sees before his friend recognizes that there were enemies anyway.

    So you've never helped a low MR player, or been carried by a higher MR player, or are simply one of those people who consider "helping" as running through the mission as normal with someone specifically in your lobby. Understandably, yes that can be a case.

    In regards to that entire argument, it's simply untenable for a myriad of reasons, namely the contradictions in your post: 

    Somehow MR doesn't matter, yet you feel it appropriate to raise enemy levels globally.

    1. If MR doesn't matter, why is it being used solely as the threshold for the bar to be raised?
    2. There are many people who are completely terrible at the game, yet have been playing for a long time and leveled many things. We're now discriminating against completionists who don't or can't play the game seriously. 
    3. This system imposes a completely unnecessary difficulty curve for players of lower level who are randomly queued with higher MR players, even in sorties and arbitrations. 
    4. This system suddenly incentivizes not leveling MR because it comes at the consequence of having more difficult content.

    I'm against your system entirely, but even so there's a simple way to implement the idea you were trying to peddle. Individual damage and accuracy multipliers. That way, you can have a high MR player in the game taking the skill equivalent damage a low MR player would be taking in the same game. But, again, I'm entirely against this system because: Being a high MR player has no gameplay relevant bonuses. Having a lot of mods, endo, and credits can be done at MR 1 and there's not many weapons in this game that can not honestly take down a sortie besides MK-1 Furis and Stug(and no, there is no riven involved with this statement), and now they have a massive advantage due to simply... Ignoring the level button? In their own games, they have an easier time regardless of being highly skilled. I've played through multiple accounts, now I'm on this one who isn't max MR. Exactly why should it be easier for me to play the same exact mission even though I have the same weapons and mods? We're not in a game with a stat-bound leveling system; as I get closer to MR 30, I'm not suddenly also gaining Armor, vitality, power strength/duration/efficiency/range, or becoming faster except through what effects my knowledge and skill have made me. You can ignore endo, credits, and mods entirely and just sit in hydron with all of your weapons with absolutely no deficit to your MR. 

    Onto the Mod Changes

    1 hour ago, LOD07 said:

    What about Power Creep, aren´t we already too powerful:

    Yes we are, however with the MR or Difficulty adjustments facing of Level 100 enemies right at the start or even going into 150 Level territory is somehow difficult with some of our current mod setups (no Meta weapons, strategies included here as they will always exist no matter what you are trying to do against them). Therefore, I believe that something like that would help getting rid of the word power creep in general as then we would have something to shoot at with a good chunk of difficulty.

    Not. Even. Close. This is a fundamental misunderstanding of what power creep means, and the system you propose would in no way change what it is. Power Creep is defined as releasing content stronger than previous content, which includes -- but is not limited to -- Warframe, Weapons, Mods, and Enemies. Not including the "meta" is part of what makes your idea completely counter-intuitive of intention. The way to fix power creep is not increasing the power of mods, that adds to it. 

    You system fundamentally misunderstands how the game works at its very core. The lack of game difficulty comes mostly in the form of lacking enemy AI and abilities, and you don't add that difficulty by making enemies take more damage, do more damage, and never miss. I do endurance runs religiously, and even I can understand that the challenge isn't the game itself, it's how long I can manage not to make mistakes because this game is unable to counter me unless I put myself in a position to be countered. Raising enemy levels isn't going to make the game harder, and I even argue that it's just going to expose even more of the problem that DE has with their level scaling, damage, health and armor systems for enemies. 


  3. 17 hours ago, DoomFruit said:

    No, they're quite relevant. Quality of life is the whole purpose of this.

    In the terms of the full version of melee 3.0, that's what you're forgetting here. It's in Phases, with the end goal being Melee 3.0. If your point is "that's stupid" I agree but not to the point that I'll say the entire new phase is inferior due to relatively minor infractions to how you play the game.

    17 hours ago, DoomFruit said:

    No, it does. Take a Vectis or Exergis (easiest to demonstrate here because they're both single round weapons). Shoot once, run around for a bit (for instance, if you're getting in position to hit another enemy) and then shoot again. Note how your gun has reloaded in the interim.

    Then try again, but this time you shoot once, melee a few times and then keep running around. Then try to shoot again... you won't, because your gun's empty.

    That's lack of awareness. If I shoot my weapon until my mag empties, and then switch to my secondary until the enemy is dead, I can't blame that on secondaries being able to be swapped to, can I? Switch back to your weapon, all you have to do is press the aim or fire button for the smallest interval possible. 

    If we're going to complain about the melee system, we should complain about the melee system. Things you've listed aren't problems that the melee system makes, they exist around that weapon category, or the mechanic's category, not playing nice with other items in the first place. We're not going to make them fix the melee system by having them focus on how reloading works, or how syndicate procs don't reset when switching the active weapon. Because those aren't the problems the melee system made, or the feedback they're looking for. This is what I mean by them being irrelevant. I'm not saying they don't matter for the flow of the game, but that it means nothing to the melee system itself, and the feedback for it needs to be in their categories.

    Or maybe I'm just biased because I've mained Excalibur for 6 years, and when these same problems showed up in different ways (syndicate procs not resetting when I activate 4, reloads breaking when I quick swap through slash dash) and I've simply learned to play around all of these things by being more aware of my guns, counting shots, reloads and cooldowns.

    7 minutes ago, FrostDragoon said:

    I agree, except for the busted syndicate interactions.

    iirc, DE made those changes a week or two after syndicates and syndicate mods were implemented, because without such a cooldown they activated ALL of the time, and boosted players found they activated instantly when even in the swapping animation. 

    They nerfed boosted affinity interactions and made the cooldown exclusive to active weapons after that and then left it to rot. When I said people were asking for this to change for years, I honestly wasn't exaggerating as it really did hurt a lot of weapons. 

  4. On 2019-09-11 at 12:33 PM, DoomFruit said:

    4) Meleeing puts your scanner/mining laser/fishing spear away, meaning that you need to actively go back and pull it out of the gear wheel every single time you swing at an enemy.

    5) Syndicate procs on your guns don't work any more, because the moment you swing your sword, they stop charging up or draining to reset for the next blast.

    6) You can't alt-fire straight after meleeing. I notice this on the Corinth mainly because I use it a lot, other alt-fire weapons (azima?) would also likewise suffer.

    7) Automatic reload upon magazine depletion is blocked because the damn sword forced itself into my hand when I never asked for it.

    Listing mostly irrelevant QoL changes doesn't do anything for the argument. We could sit and go over for years about the minor problems both things had, namely some that even overlap with this, for example 5 has always existed, the only difference is that now it's not just when you switch to your archgun, secondary, synthesis scanner or spear, it's just additionally your melee. This isn't a melee problem, it's a syndicate proc problem that people have been asking to change forever now. 6 also existed before instant swapping because the animation for putting away your melee still existed, and locked a couple of actions. However, point for point it's still faster than the old system because you can simply tap the aim button, and then the alt-fire button. Corinth is currently my most used weapon, and often I'm juggling the airburst and radiation for melee stealth multipliers because it will reset alert levels. I've never had a problem using the alt-fire instantly after meleeing.  7 doesn't even exist. Unless you mean when you completely run out of ammo and the game forces you to change weapons, which is an option and not related or exclusive to melee, auto reload has worked just fine, and the use for holster reloading mods and set bonuses have become far more relevant and smooth. 

    On 2019-09-11 at 12:33 PM, DoomFruit said:

    😎 You can't melee with an archgun out any more.


  5. 1 hour ago, FrostDragoon said:

    It's been... what? Almost a year? This system is strictly inferior to the previous with the exception of targeted ground slams. DE, please, PLEASE do something about this!

    There are only a handful of things that are "strictly inferior" to Melee 2.0

    1.) Manual blocking, which was used more for parkour than it was to actually block damage by most of the casual playerbase.

    2.) Held channeling, which hardly anyone ever used for more than life strike which isn't even used much anymore, not due to toggle channeling being the only option but due to having far more regeneration options that don't take any energy or a mod slot. 

    3.) Quick melee for a select amount of melee weapons. 

    Aside from quick melee, these are by far the smallest parts of melee that are now inferior. Gaining the ability to quickly swap to melee, and get additional speed and precision with slam attacks far outweighs these changes. *Originally, I did overvalue these mechanics but after a few months and numerous bug fixes, it did shape up to not be regression. If we're going to be completely honest, very few things actually changed with Melee. Most of the complaints made in threads are about the fact that it brought issues that already existed to the forefront, like how bad a lot of the stances were. 


    48 minutes ago, Uhkretor said:

    A reason for you to be missing Quick Melee is if DE did what the minority wanted: Complete removal of the Quick Melee, which is what makes sense. Melee materializing on the hands? As versatile as Void Energy is when used, short range teleport from the holster to the hand is stupid. Yet, it was made like that because~...

    ... There are only SO many buttons on a gamepad. So who do we blame for this broken reversed-to 1.0 Melee system that we call 2.9997? I blame gamepad users... In case the platform is a console, I blame the console companies both for making the consoles in the first place, but also for not updating their gamepads with 103 buttons + directional pad +2 analog sticks + 5 hand pedals.

    I can't tell if this is sarcasm or stupidity. If anyone's to blame, it's honestly DE's control scheme layout. When I played either of my two console accounts, I had buttons left in excess by changing it to something more logical than what DE defaults to. With a few simple revisions that they've been ignoring for years, there would be no need for this bias. It's already fixed extremely simply with some shift functions that anyone has access to. Developers not trusting their users' feedback on the matter and then having half the community blame them for problems that aren't their fault is idiocy at its finest.  

    48 minutes ago, Uhkretor said:

    And yet, the button that you use for Melee, is also Quick Melee, but with stances being used, which is -exactly- what the majority of the player base wanted ever since Melee 2.0 went live.

    Clearly, there must be two realities. I've seen plenty of people ask for the ability to change what default stance they use in quick melee, but what you seem to be ignoring is that there was a stance combo for some melees that actually have been removed, which if you didn't cut from the post you originally quoted, you might have noticed. Sparring weapons lost quite a nice base loop that they had for quick melee for something slower. So did fist, polearm, and staff melees. There has also been a sizable portion of the community that asks if these loops could've simply been added to the list of combos for all applicable stances. Are you going to blame console users if DE removes the first combo from all of these stances to replace it with the loop instead of doing what the community asked for? 

    Edit: No stances were removed, only unlisted combos. 

    Edit 2: Not enough clarification on my stance. Melee 2.999 is marginal, but still, irrefutably, improvement. 

  6. If I'm going to be completely honest, this post reeks of misinformation, bias, and ignorance/the lack of understanding his kit. 

    Unlike Trinity, who can generally support any team composition, Harrow's situational use supports high risk, high reward squads. A squad that often is in the forefront of the action to kill larger enemies such as bosses or mini-bosses with far increased damage. You don't use Harrow to support low risk, high reward squads such as a Mesa, Equinox, or Saryn since -- obviously -- you need low-tier enemies and considerable aiming skill to get the largest benefit from your abilities. Forcing yourself to contest with wide-reach Warframes is the same as bringing Hildyrn to shieldless, armorless enemies. You're working against synergy in its purest definition. 

    39 minutes ago, Asdryu said:

    Duration is really important for Harrow, so narrow minded? Nyes. Now you also need stretch because his 1st ability is the main opener and will grant you safety (when you're not surrounded), but you also need strength to boost the effectiveness of its abilities and you may also need efficiency because you already have to use 1 and 2 in combination, but maybe you should've used Thurible before to make the energy you need for your cycle, but also if enemies are already high level Harrow is already squishy and your 1st ability is the only cheap resource you have and... JESUS! You see?!

    This is a gross over-exaggeration of any situation Harrow is in. There is nearly no reason you should not have Thurible maintained, and the rest of these issues become non-existent, like other frames. This is about the same as over-complicating Nidus' kit by arguing you only have so much energy to cast either Virulence or Larvae, and only one of them will get you enough stacks and energy, but maybe you should use the other one to kill enough enemies to maybe drop an energy orb. In reality, these decisions can be calculated in less than one second, and are not very difficult to come to the most effective conclusion. 

    Simple synergy with weapon loadouts boost your effectiveness. A Zenistar or Glaive is the best choice for Harrow's kit as they are both wide reaching and capable of hitting headshots, one being able to do slow and steady damage for your penance to keep you alive. A Ferrox can keep enemies in place to keep this synergy going, as well as make it far easier to hit headshots and provide crowd control. A kitgun with pax seeker combines well with your disposition to aim high. 


    Maybe the only thing I can agree with you on is that the Augment for Thurible is one of many that belongs in the Exilus slot, but that's only because many of the augments should be eligible for the exilus slot. 

  7. Ironically, I work with computers a lot yet need to ask such a basic question. 

    Through the many years I've played Warframe, one thing remains consistent: Update speeds usually suck ass. 

    So I need elaboration on some of the launcher settings. Namely: 

    Does Multi-Threaded Rending turn off the option for the entire game, or just the Launcher? 

    Bulk Download, from what I've gathered from an older forum post, downloads all the update packages together and then unpacks them together, yet I've seen a massive amount of people reporting that disabling Bulk Download increases their download speed, with one or two mentions of a caveat that it should only increase those speeds on lower end connections. 

    Aggressive download, again from another forum post, is suggesting that it's launching multiple download requests. 


    I have no where near slow download speeds, and usually peak somewhere in the 700 mb range, with upload speeds at around 50-100. My rig isn't the best, but it's quite competent at handling this game at 144+ fps on ultra in moderate gameplay(read: Everyone spamming everything with 4 specters) 

    I use my hard drive solely for storage of less relevant data, such as pictures, videos, per-user downloads, and documents. All of the relevant game files and download locations are stored directly on my SSD with no other routing to delay or slow down the process. I've only made this change to routing irrelevant data off my SSD in the past year, and these download speeds have remained rather consistent. 

    I just wanna know why it took me more than 3 seconds to download a 100~ mb patch at speeds of 50kb/s with the best QoS settings I can maintain. 

  8. I mean, where's the option of being attached to her character, and still wanting her to die? I'm all for a two-way option, where we can either save the Lotus or kill her, but if I can be honest, if I wasn't attached to her character it wouldn't matter at all. 

    The most impactful deaths in videogames happen when you care about whoever dies, and thus the option of being attached to her character and still wanting to see the option of her dying is an important choice. 

  9. 9 hours ago, SordidDreams said:

    It doesn't matter how skilled you are, without boosters you're going to gain resources and XP at half the rate of someone who has them. What would you call that if not unbalanced?

    I mean, that would matter far more if the terms argued were months or more. A skilled player(read, someone who can do basic arithmetic) can gain XP for any weapon or frame in a matter of minutes, a quarter hour usually. It happens to be... About the same boosted, since the major determining factor of whether you become fully leveled or not is where the enemies are and how quickly you kill them, and then finish the mission. There's no amount of real money that's going to make completing the exterminate faster. If you're ignorant, this method is through stealth farming, and the method is pretty much static between being boosted and un-boosted. You'll finish the threshold faster boosted, yes, but you still have to kill the rest of the enemies and complete the mission to get your completion XP. You won't fully level a weapon with the ability to quit out regardless of being boosted or not. 

    Resources are usually not a problem, either, since everything other than Mutagen Samples and Tellerium drop so abundantly players have backups for literal years to come, and the credits to do so just the same. Being boosted only means how much excess you have. Ironically, some resources are static between boosted and unboosted players. 

    Boosters themselves, also, can still drop in-game for those willing to actually put in the effort, and so skilled players still have access to all of the boosted player's results. 


    I'm not arguing that there aren't any advantages to paying, I'm arguing that the game isn't pay to win because you don't win anything because you've paid. You can buy the whole game, you still have to play it for it to be usable, just like everyone else, and hilariously you have to play to even use the plat to skip farming a lot of other things. Mainly, trading tax exists, and if you attempt to buy credits you'll spend a fortune before you're in a position to get even just all of the "meta" mods. I guess the main advantage is that a boosted player doesn't have to spend quite as much time in index. They only need to play for about 40 minutes as compared to everyone else's hour. 

    • Like 1
  10. While part of your argument makes sense, the "boost drop chances first" part of the argument, both of these items are almost entirely mundane. Lua lens might help farming focus through ESO a little bit faster, but what does that matter in the face of Eidolons still being the best focus farm possible? Aura formas are the little brother of regular formas, who've been in the market for quite some time and are far more impactful. Aura Forma, even though I love it to bits, is entirely underwhelming, has limited usage compared to effective strategies, and honestly didn't have that bad a drop rate. Nearly every arbitration run I do has one to three aura formas, I had two and I hardly run more than excavation, survival, and interception arbitrations just a handful of times every few weeks. 

    Regardless of that, with an in-game trading market, it's hard to argue that many people pay to win, especially considering the likelihood that DE makes the majority of its money from cosmetics and Prime Access (due to the exclusive cosmetics it contains). 

    Pay-to-win more obviously refers to methods where paying obtains items that are nearly impossible to have without. There are few items in this game that are that rare, more over paying for these weapons doesn't gain you an advantage over other players, as while the weapon is a major contributing factor, the mods you obtain is the great barrier that determines whether or not you win, and while some of them you can pay for officially, most of them you earn. 

  11. 32 minutes ago, RAZORUNNER said:

    Remember doing an awesome quest full of lore and fun and gaining a warframe blueprint as the reward. Or maybe doing a quest just because it was required for the story. Or doing a quest because your friend had a kubrow and you felt jealous. Recently Warframe really has become a farming simulator.

    No, it's been that since its introduction. The only difference between now and then is that we have more things to farm. 

    33 minutes ago, RAZORUNNER said:

    I understand that adding a quest for every single Warframe is hard, if not impossible at this point, and I also know that with Empyrean and the future updates are going to be insanely cool and looks to be highly lore drivin.

    Ok, then what exactly are we supposed to discuss here? The logistics of delaying every single Warframe or Lore relevant weapon until it has some way to lock obtaining and upgrading it behind an x time handicap? 

    35 minutes ago, RAZORUNNER said:

    I still felt like bringing this up now to stoke some controversy in the community.

    Some of these quests were in the process for years before being released. Half of them didn't actually introduce as much lore as many of the other sources we get it from, since they're just regular missions with vague foreshadowing and build-up. I'd rather have something actually new instead of a reintroduction to the same set of missions with some different words. A new game mode should take priority over a quest, if not, at the very least, released with the quest. 

  12. 41 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    Yea so I'm new (200+hrs) and I was reading the forums and not paying attention, I built my formad guandao for status, but later realized it has higher crit. So I built it for crits and omg it's so amazing.

    All those red numbers. 10k, 40k etc. I held my own in a survival on Sedna after everyone left I was so happy.

    So basically I'm asking if I'll be laughed at if I make a crit build towards the higher levels of gameplay. Not like I'll be there anytime soon but it'll help me decide which direction to go in the future.

    So, a little intuition goes a long way, and you're showing that by realizing the weapon's base stats favor crit. 

    The weapon does benefit from crit, however the people who said status is the go-to are both right and wrong as well. 

    Status is the best counter we have to enemy defenses through proper utilization of the elements: Heat, Cold, Toxin, Electric, Corrosive, Magnetic, Viral, Blast, and Radiation. Therefore, an enemy with extreme armor will make a solely crit or heavy base damage build useless. This is where status comes in and saves the day, by using Corrosive to strip that armor and do more effective damage. 

    However, the other side of the coin are weapons like Burston Prime, where it's a status monster, yet does little to no damage making it almost completely ineffective. 

    Your best build with the guando to have complete scaling potential is a hybrid build which utilizes both crit and status in moderate values to achieve the best results. The initial damage suffers, but the damage you do doesn't plateau as fast as using a simple combination of one or the other.  

  13. 23 minutes ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

    They are indeed an old mechanic from an old and different time.

    Can I be honest? That implies they were all useful at some point. Med-tower was always redundant and inferior to health pads, air strike never did damage and the same goes with the turret. The only air support we've ever had that matters is hack, and essentially only on rescue and spy missions. 

    • Like 3
  14. Firstly, Wisps spawn around almost every body of water possible. I haven't yet seen them around the Oceans or completely insignificant puddles, but I generally catch 3 every run. 

    Secondly, if you claim it took you 8 runs to get 5 more wisps, it sounds like you're taking shortcuts and getting frustrated rather than actually farming the wisps. I can point one or two runs every night were I can legitimately find nothing at all, but for me to go around 10 times and barely break even is exceedingly rare, and that's not factoring in Smeeta or resource boosters. 

    Lastly, they can be purchased from Quill Onkko for.. Essentially nothing. I have had a backlog of sentient cores for almost a year now, getting to max rank with Onkko is more about waiting rather than anything else. It's not like I've done hundreds and hundreds of Eidolon runs, maybe a few dozen, 60 at most. They don't need to be taken down any tiers at all, because then it would trivialize farming them entirely. They're truly not hard to obtain at all, not even tedious. You're just not running correctly. 

  15. Are you using the correct elements, and are you facing the same enemies in regular missions? 

    If you using something such as Magnetic gas in Sortie Elemental enhancement, the Quartakk is definitely going to take 2-3 reloads to kill anything. But, that's the only scenario where I could possibly see that being the case. I've been using the Quartakk for a while now, it hasn't failed to kill 120 bombards in two shots. 

  16. On 2019-06-03 at 11:13 AM, (XB1)A Excal Umbra said:


    While I can agree there should be some way to disable it, I cannot say it's obsolete in any capacity. 

    He kills things, he casts abilities for free. You press 5, and Umbra creates a free radial blind as well as using weapons like Zarr or Mutalist Cernos to great effect. 

  17. I suggest simply that Proton snap's activation method changes. 

    Activating on releasing a Wall Latch specifically would do much for the mod's usage in order to keep gameplay flow smooth and improve quality of life. This way, Proton Snap's activation can either be instant from grabbing a wall and immediately moving in to damage or at the end of your wall cling to have better synergy with the rest of the set. For example, Proton Jet would clearly rather you stay on the wall to make use of the bonuses, but in doing so you'll be running down Proton Snap's timer in the way it is now, almost requiring that you move to grapple another wall for two seconds to make full use of the mod. 

  18. Gale kick's mechanic of taking melee base damage and few mods was already added into the game several updates ago. Gale kick will not increase the damage dealt with jump kicks, but will knockdown enemies you manage to kill with a jump kick while doing no damage. 

    Gale kick is effectively bugged, as the mod itself adds no damage. 

    In addition to this bug report, I'll add feedback: 

    The mechanic intended for Gale kick is more than simply underwhelming. In the database, it's tagged "mighty kick" but has trouble defeating even level 30 corrupted butchers, and in accordance to how stuns, knockdowns, and animations work in this game won't properly CC any higher priority targets when you're doing this. In the scenario you have 2 level 15 butchers, a Bombard and a Heavy Gunner in a small cluster, killing one of the butchers is a challenge in and of itself due to knockdowns being allowed to effect you in the air. Say you find a way to counter this, being the motus set or primed sure footed, the animation of them doing the slam attack will prevent them from being knocked down. 

    In my opinion, there is no way for Gale Kick to be viable without changing the mechanics of how it works entirely if the current mechanics are any sort of indication on how it was supposed to function. With a 286% power strength Excalibur umbra with pressure point and steel charge using Exalted Blade, I got about 1366 damage on a level 30 Corrupted Butcher, which took 2-3 kicks to kill. The way you get gale kick says you'd be facing enemies above 30 consistently, and of far more variety and survivability than one of the lowest health units in the game. 

  19. As it stands, Garuda specter is almost entirely useless and actively detrimental to her own life. 

    Garuda, upon spawning, will immediately cast Bloodletting to reduce her HP to 50%. I can't attest to what this does for her "energy" as a specter, but I can say she will spam her 4 every minute or so. 

    That would be useful if she didn't have pitiful shields and permanent <50% HP. If you use Vazarin on her, within the minute she will again use Bloodletting. 

    I've noticed she will also never use Dread Mirror or Blood Altar, the latter being understandable as it would leave you trapped in missions where the last enemy needs to die. 

    Garuda Specters need to cast Dread Mirror often, and drop casting bloodletting at all or else the specter has no uses other than holding the guns you put on it for 50% the duration of any other base specter. 

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