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Posts posted by Yasha-7HS

  1. I just completed a three set with a random group. I checked before and after extracting, and confirmed that I received all my radiant and brilliant shards. I left the squad, and still had them. When I went to use them, it said they didn't exist. 

  2. Venari can and will heal these targets. The thing is, she has to be within a certain distance for her heal AoE to start. So if it's something that's constantly moving, like a player, it will often not start until she catches up, which could be never. I have tested her ability to heal lures and hijack targets, and they both work fine besides the fact that it's linked to a terrible AI with a small radius. 

  3. Reviving thread. 


    He continually casts Smoke Bomb with a very long duration, and it's near impossible to retaliate with ranged weapons. 

    Being so low level, I can't confront him with melee, he cancels Exalted Blade as well as being entirely unaffected by Radial Blind, Slash Dash and Radial Javelin while invisible since I can't have LoS on someone I can't see. He also casts Reckoning every fifteen seconds. It's not like it does anything, however being taken out of the game to sit and do nothing constantly while his shield regenerates his shield is not fun. The engagement isn't hard when he worked like he was supposed to, years ago the last time I remember facing a regular stalker. 

  4. 5 hours ago, ingrimmsche said:

    19% grammarflamers i will never understand  why a human thinks hes special because his grammar is perfect but ok if you have to compensate something maybe it helps idk

    No one thinks they're special because they have good grammar. We talk about people with bad grammar because it's hard to understand your point when you type like a 3 year old with no concept of how the English language works. It's much easier to understand what you're saying when I don't have to put effort into what your misspelled words are actually supposed to mean. 


    And yes, 3 year old was no exaggeration. I have baby cousins that actually speak better than you type. 

  5. Because making things too powerful reduces challenge, which eliminates fun. 

    E.G. Being Batman and climbing Mount Everest with your billion dollar suit and Grappling Hook would mean far less than the average Joe who climbed with nothing but two rusted ice picks and a half full oxygen tank. 


    If I can stand somewhere in a corner and just hold left click to win with absolutely no challenge, everything gets boring.

    "Hurr, don't use it." Don't drive your car to work. Don't use your stovetop to cook. Don't wear a jacket to keep warm. Why would you regress to S#&$tier tactics and less efficient equipment when you have the option to simply use it? This is why balance exists in video games; imposing difficulty on yourself ends up doing nothing for the vast majority of casual players, because not only do they feel no gratification from it, they simply won't do it. This is why they basically stopped making game winning cheat codes, because everyone just googled them and put the game down never to play it again. 

    "It's PvE; you're fighting computers." And? Do you play a game that just has the "win" button at the top right of the screen and find it fun? I'm doing anything, I want a reasonable challenge. I wouldn't find it fun if the computers just shot me through walls, I don't find it fun if I steam roll everything without actually feeling engaged. 



    7 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:
    17 hours ago, ingrimmsche said:

    now you have to jump out of your warframe (WARFRAME) to do a stupid voiddash to regenerate energy in the middle of a surv mission sure why not

    oh dear lord, DE are making you press BUTTONS? oh the Humanity!! I simply cannot bear to hear about these horrors you have endured! I mean it lasts for 30 seconds after it disappears, gives more energy than old Zenurik and has no cooldown but OH WOE IS YOU, not the buttons!! DEAR GOD NOT THE BUTTONS!!!

    Also, 10/10. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, (PS4)CannaWhoopazz13 said:

    You can buy a Serration for like 3plat or so

    For the love of Lotus, please do not BUY Serration. Anyone trying to make you fork up platinum for such an essential and common mod is a con artist. 

    Here are all the places you can obtain Serration from. 

    Excavation (T1, T2, T3)
    Interception (T1, T2)
    Survival (DS1, DS2, DS3, T1, T2, T3)
    Spy (Lua, T1, T2)
    Defense (DS)
    Electric Crawler (0.17%)
    Kuva Scorpion (0.22%)
    Nauseous Crawler (0.33%)
    Scorpion (0.22%)
    Orokin Tower Containers

    You should also try an obtain: 

    Pressure Point, Fury, Hornet Strike, Lethal Torrent, Barrel Diffusion, and Split chamber. All of these have a direct impact on how much damage you do. The game is currently pretty much balanced around these mods, in fact. Other than that, if you're not doing enough damage you need new weapons, or work on your Synergy. Rhino has a damage buff in his kit, use it. Valkyr has two abilities that force melee to do massive amounts of damage. Learn what they are. 


    25 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

    Kill it long range? Hide behind pillars? Buy Tigris blueprint from Market?

    No question mark. Period. You're having problems doing damage? I have a double-barreled, duplex triggered shotgun that don't need no (read: maybe a couple) damage mods that sounds perfect for you. Low tier content will surrender from the anticipation of being absolutely decimated. 

  7. You can use consumables to regenerate your health but you operator has, like, 100 HP? Large Team Restores became the norm, that's a lot of healing wasted, a lot of resources down the toilet, and not enough benefit.

    I believe there is a Focus tree that gives you this specific passive, but this should've been thought of back in Focus 1.0, back when we could first take our operators out of the Warframe. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, Xaelroa said:

    Neither do the speed spammers. Difference between you and them, however, is that you are actually putting thought into actively avoiding bad behaviors, while they continue regardless of requests to stop because "their playstyle" which isn't a playstyle, but rather is out and out griefing.

    Quite rude. Speed can be useful, but understandably if you built around having a particular speed it's massively annoying to get a Volt increasing it two or three times. But, it's also really inconvenient as a Volt to have to run away from all of your team just to use one of your abilities when its use it almost required because you built around its use. 

    If I remember correctly, you can actually simply backflip in order to remove the buff, and move at whatever your normal speed was. I don't know of many Volts that press the button without the timer being near completion. 

  9. 49 minutes ago, motorfirebox said:

    Heya. They've done a lot to grind the new user cliff into something more of a ramp (when I joined, you picked your initial frame and weapons, and then they dumped you into the Liset with no other guidance), but there's certainly a lot more that could be done. I think the crowd sourced tutorials are probably the best option, especially since DE already extensively partners with YouTube content creators. Adding more tutorial missions is an "eventually" sort of thing... it doesn't seem like DE has quite yet nailed down the production process for rolling out quests quickly. But at least quests usually aren't game-breakingly buggy anymore! Most of the time!

    Back then there was also a lot less complexity. Bullet Jumping wasn't a thing, parkour was exceptionally linear, far less mission types and less mission complexity on common types. 


    It was updated to a point before bullet jump, and that's where a lot of the problem also comes in. There is no movement tutorial given to you in the required tutorial. You learn bullet jump, nothing else. I do know there is a tutorial for that in the codex, but unless you actually know it's there and a playable mission, there's approximately 25% chance that you'll play it. Another large problem is that the game explains that there is a modding system, but they only show it for warframes. No one tells the new players about the more complex modding of weapons which required particular elements against certain enemies. 

    Having just started this game again coming from console, it's exactly the problems we've been talking about for months. They keep EXPANDING, but they aren't going back and re-explaining or polishing. We have a lot of half-baked systems in this game that are in desperate need of scrubbing, that truly needs to be addressed before making a second PoE.  

  10. 11 hours ago, JuicyPop said:

    tl;dr: Don't worry, DE has a financial incentive to keep the console end rolling. 

    But do they really? Already, there are bonuses that come from dropping console support entirely. 

    Think about it, if they dropped console support they wouldn't have to pay for certification process anymore, the employees who I assume are only there for console conversion could work on the PC version, and they could certainly probably upgrade the game more readily. They have to think about the console version each time they make an upgrade. 


    As far as I know, PC has the most players of warframe, and definitely the largest playerbase of the three. I used to think it was around a 33% split for each, but honestly that wouldn't make sense. Maybe even if Warframe follows forward on the next console, if they playerbase gets split we might just see console support end, with account information (minus platform exclusives) just being transferred to PC in wait, in case anyone decides to switch. I do acknowledge this: 

    10 hours ago, Jorak_Falconstar said:

    as far as I'm aware this can never happen due to the way Sony and Microsoft hold their databases for account details etc which is why console to PC migration has never been offered previously

    but I don't believe it's any technical blockage, but rather Sony and Microsoft saying no because they don't want to lose the money. 

  11. 9 hours ago, Yagamilight123 said:

      "the massive amount of weapons that are now no longer obtainable " .... ? founders things are the only that are not going to be available for you in the future , its hardly a "massive amount" .

    Honestly, being obtainable in the future doesn't help me right now. Waiting three hundred days for a really good weapon, or waiting months for an event that brings it back is being no longer obtainable. It's like someone telling you there's a finish line somewhere on the horizon, and you run for it. No matter how long you run, you never find it. The person who told you about the finish line has yet to draw it. The finish is not obtainable until it exists, and no matter how far you run it's always going to be ahead of where you are now, making all your work beforehand feel pointless. 

    I understand we play this game for the long term -- I'm the one who made a post talking about the next generation of console that hasn't even been announced yet -- but burnouts are rampant in this game. Not having the goal even visible right now, and not knowing when it's going to be in the future, does NOT help someone continue playing this game. 

  12. So, I just had a thought. Consoles constantly change hardware in the fashion of becoming the next best thing. Playstation five, Xbox two, whatever. Usually, we don't keep these games that live so long, and even if we do our playerbase is separated. The new platform is unable to interact with the previous platform. 


    Currently, I'm only keeping my PS4 because Warframe is way harder to get into than it used to be. All my daily login progress, the massive amount of weapons that are now no longer obtainable, exclusive skins blah blah. But (though I don't know if they will make a PS5?) what happens when the next platform upgrade comes out and Warframe can't go forward? Or, even if it does it has only 50/50 of the playerbase, because the other half didn't upgrade, or liked the PS4 better because they have games they enjoy still playing only there. 


    I'm not trying to spell doom and gloom, but it was a thought that I had after moving to PC in general. Here, you can change PCs, go a lot of places in the world, whatever. In twenty years, if Warframe still exists it doesn't matter at all. But with each upgrade for consoles, people stay behind or switch sides, changing from Xbox to Playstation to PC or all three. I'd like to hear what everyone thinks, because honestly as I thought about it I was a bit annoyed. Especially because of Sony and Microsoft, things like account transferals are currently a no-go. Or, the far more reasonable option of having synced accounts so that it doesn't matter what you play on.

    I'd kind of like to hear from the developers on this. What I think will happen is that accounts on a platform transfer to the next generation, assuming the game always continues to the next generation. But, as that happens the playerbase for each generation is going to bleed. I'm not counting in new players, because welcoming people into this game is already a nightmare. 

  13. I began this game on Console. MR 22 on Console currently, in-fact. But I got a PC capable of running and slowly want to convert, since I know the account transferal won't be happening again any time soon. 

    If anyone could give me names, or even better links, to tools or add-ons they use for Warframe -- or games in general -- that would be helpful. 

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