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Posts posted by Allie_KO

  1. Has there been a fix for people who ended up being assigned the wrong ending due to the bugged choices? I was given moon ending for neutral, and my alignment was changed as a result. I didn't know this was a bug until today. It's not even the alignment change I want fixed, it's the ending art and transmission more than anything.

  2. All righty. Here's my thoughts on the mission's Good, Bad, and Ugly.

    The good:

    • The concept. A race against the corrupting influence of the Infested, managing resources until you can find what you need. Survival meets mobile defense.

    The bad:

    • The concept doesn't really work with endless missions. The rapid degradation of consoles doesn't make it harder, it makes it tedious.
    • Once a console is broken, it's broken for the rest of the mission, and slows everything down even further. A race against time becomes a race against "I need to go to work, cook dinner, go to the dentist, and I don't have time for this."
    • The rate of decay for both armor and consoles is horribly matched to the rate of decryption.

    The ugly:

    • Spawns, Drops, Nidus being a 15% drop chance when he's literally the only reason to play this mode as it exists now.
  3. 3 minutes ago, Hitexh said:

    Mr Jester,

    Do you think I have not notice that kind of weak defense?

    No Man SKy didnt come and tell you to "GO BUY THIS MOD OR YOU WILL BE A PLEB". Its an Open World Sandbox, there will always be rebalancing. Yes, No Man Sky did execute it poorly, since it shouldnot have been multiplayer to begin with, at least not until the upcoming DLC sorted out.

    Afterall that, I still admit that my tonkor is powerful. I Can accept for a slight nerf like damage -20% from the existing mod. But if its rerolled, that I will be very upset. You know that we are not paying/rerolling mod, for it to be rerolled again by DE, isnt it?

    Oh my god, dude.

  4. This is another problem I've noticed, and that's weapons being given effects they can't use because of the random generation. I've seen synapses get added slash damage, simulors be given extra impact, etc. If these are meant to make weapons that fall by the wayside get more use, then they definitely need to be tweaked to make sure they can actually GET used in the first place.

  5. What I don't understand, is that if this supposed to make us look back at our old arsenal, and give weapons we would otherwise ignore a chance, why would they exist for "meta" weapons like Tonkor in the first place? It doesn't really address or mitigate power creep, it ends up feeling like more mandatory damage mods, just to get an otherwise ignored weapon to be approaching the same level of use you could get out of something like a synoid simulor with less effort.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Zharun said:

    To all the butt-hurt people crying over OP Rivens for meta weapons -> read the latest dev workshop post (Spoiler: they are gonna get nerfed for top tier weapons and yes even existing ones)

    Okay, but that's a band-aid. The problem is that this could exist in the first place, coupled with its completely random setup. It's not that they're OP for meta weapons, it's that it continues to reinforce the issues with meta weapons in the first place, and doesn't address them at all. You could nerf these effects, but they still don't do anything to close the gap. It makes them mandatory to make an under-powered weapon viable in the first place, while not doing anything to begin with. No matter how many mods you force into a burston or a gorgon, it's never going to match or approach mirage-with-synoid-simulor or zephyr-with-tonkor. And that's the problem people have with them. It's a bad system that doesn't fix existing problems. It needs a lot of reworking, because a slot machine of OP or useless effects doesn't make for good gameplay.

    That, and we REALLY need to include number of rerolls put onto a mod when they're being traded, because lord knows it's not right to let people sell something that takes 9k kuva for a reroll as fresh.

  7. The other problem with Riven mods is that it makes less-useful weapons okay, and the top weapons impossible to scale for. You can't make karak better than a simulor, no matter how much damage you add to it with a riven mod, because the same mod can exist for a simulor, and even if it's one that's half of what the one for something like Karak can do, it's still miles ahead of another, less powerful weapon.

  8. The problem with riven mods is that there's no balance to them. It's a slot machine of powers that can lead to the kind of thing you see here:



    This isn't reasonable at all. This isn't even an improvement to gameplay, it's just taking the existing problems with things like mandatory damage mods, cranking it to 11, and snapping off the knob. This is a problem, and it needs to be stopped.

  9. I got five headshots in a single aim glide with a hobbled dragon key equipped. The most I've managed is two in a single glide doing infested survival. The requirements to unlock a mod I'll still need to rank with credits and endo just aren't worth it. It's incredibly frustrating that people get something as simple as "kill six sentients" but then there's this crap to deal with too.

    This is purely a recommendation to folks who are looking for a good screenshot.

    • Turn off bloom and glare.
    • Temporarily change the color of your orbiter to something friendly for color viewing. Choose colors that won't blend in with your operator or warframe.
    • When you're in color selection for an accessory or a warframe, you get the least cluttered frame (sorry for the pun), and some of the orbiter's effects are minimized.
    • Operator faces get blurred when you're highlighting their legs or waistband for a full-body shot. Stick with sleeves for an unobscured view of your voidchild.
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