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Posts posted by Demoonic

  1. 3 years of waiting has culminated. 300+ pages of speculation, rumors, tin-foil hatting and hype. What a journey this has been, for everyone involved. I know this thread will probably keep going after Excal finally drops, since we're supposed to be getting more Umbras in the future. But for me, this is the end of the long road. It's been an honor to have shared in this experience with everyone. I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.

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  2. More than likely, yes. Realistically....eeeeehhh? yes? You can never tell with DE, but steve/the rest of the dev team have been giving us a lot of juicy sneak peeks into the development of the quest. I guess that means it's full steam ahead for the sacrifice?

    EDIT: The Sacrifice will come before any other major update, just for clarification. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Aleksi134 said:

    Its funny that the most people i see going out their way against umbra is founders.

    *loud gross coughing* 


  4. 4 hours ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

    Unbelievable. TWW was announced at TennoCon and released in the same year. The Sacrifice will have been delayed for a whole year if it really does come out after TC. They said they wanted to get it out before Plains of Venus. What on earth is taking them so long after all this time...

    I've been asking that same question for a year and a half, and I can't figure out a logical explanation. Other than PoE and the eidolons eating most of their dev time. 

  5. 4 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:


    3.  You just got a FREE new Excal skin equivalent to what China had to pay for.

    True. But the reason I like Umbra so much is because he doesn't suffer from the early primes lack of added detail. Excal has no bulk on him when compared to like, vauban and vauban prime. Dexcal looks really cool but it's just a reskin, kinda hoped they would remodel him with the skin (thats the impression I got from the concept art)

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