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Posts posted by Misgenesis

  1. So what exactly do you expect from it? To one shot enemies beyond level 100? Thats not what the game is balanced around and its EB/Talons that are the outliers.

    Serene Storm has a sweet spot at sortie level enemies. What it lacks in damage, and rightfully so, it makes up in CC.You can argue all you want about CC and its usefulness but its subjective to you. Dont like it? Use Excal, Valkyr or Wukong.

    Also just because hes behind a substantial grind doesnt mean it should reflect upon his powers.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Namoiram70 said:

    I must be missing something because my Desert Storm is hitting like a monster truck. I've been easily wiping out high level content with it alone and everything gets decimated around me. I almost feel like it can do too much damage at some points and i'm afraid of nerfs lol. 

    On top of my Baruuk doing massive damage he's also just doesn't die with massive Damage Reduction. I see a lot of people saying Baruuk is very weak but I must of found the right build because I decimate everything around me easily. 

    Seconding this. Level 80 enemies drop like flies on top of CC out the wazoo.

  3. 1 minute ago, -Sentient- said:

    This is the problem, its not about "learning to play her", the Mass Vitrify has more disadvantages than Snow globe

    1 - Cannot have multiple vitrify

    2 - The Wall can blind you by not letting you see clearly outside

    3 - and the mentioned above problem where in Open maps vitrify doesn't go into the ground, unlike frost globe.

    1, Much wider coverage/blocks enemies. Alternatively play Frost.

    2, Adjust energy color

    3, Play Frost

    Look man its not supposed to be a carbon copy of Snow Globe. Its an alternative to Globe. Better in some areas, worse at others.

  4. Just now, -Sentient- said:

    That hasn't anything to do with what the OP said

    ""henever I am on a map with uneven terrain, especially the Vallas, and use her 4 (Mass Vitrify) the bottom of the wall will very often not fully connect to the ground on all sides, leaving big gaps underneath where enemies are still free to pass or shoot through. It's pretty frustrating.


    It does, im trying to say ''learn to play her'' in a nice way. My point stands, Mass Vitrify is fine and balanced, Snow Globe exists to cover what Vitrify cant.

  5. Just now, -Sentient- said:

    Doesn't mean this problem have to stay like this

    It's funny because the warframe that was supposed to work better at PoE and even had a story with it sucks in it due to this.

    Never had a problem with Gara in either PoE or Vallis and would pick her over Frost anyday. You have Splinter Storm for extra protection.

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