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Posts posted by AriaOfOurs

  1. I logged in after the hotfix (16.5.4) and was greeted by a letter from our dear Lotus..

    Free Kubrow stuff, including another Stasis Slot... 



    I checked the Genetic Foundry(are we calling it that yet?) part of my Liset, and I do indeed have another Stasis Slot.


  2. I'm really hoping they do rip the void apart like they once mentioned at TennoLive but seemed a little less sure of on the latest Dev Stream.

    If they do this, then the rewards will be sorted(hopefully not scattered) into the Solar System, and when a key is used(somehow?), it will access the proper drop table. There's a lot of work to be done to fix the Prime Part issue. At least we know where everything is for now.


    I actually don't think too much time would be consumed by deciding what goes where. I think the more time consuming part would be creating a system that works for Void keys in the Solar System to award the proper item.



    Set rewards would kill the trading economy and decrease the amount of time that u need to invest to get great things, so it's a bad idea.

    To add on to this.. I think prime parts could still be sorted into level tiers or different planets. You've got a good point, though. All this time, I never thought of prime parts being easier to get ruining the trading economy.

  3. An auction house would be neat, but it'd be hard to do right.

    Would there be a credit tax, a small cut of plat taken by the "auction house"?

    I agree that an Auction House would be neat, but there are so many little caveats that could ruin it.

  4. I'm thinking of 4 mod places with the thought that DE should make for every frame a total of 8 augment mods(so that every one can equip what he wants).

    That's a lot of augments.

    Like damn.


    instead we got somethink that is turning like a P2W because we can enhance the syandana too.


    You're saying pay to win, right?

    The raid is apparently pay to win, guys. One of the most difficult on release runs that requires 8 people and is a challenging experience grants a pay to win reward that barely changes gameplay at all.

    even though.. y'know... we can put the reward on helmets, like alternate helmets from alerts.. and Syandanas that can be purchased with platinum you can get from trading with other players..

  5. Remove defense missions

    Please no. Defense missions are fun and gives purpose to a lot of my 'frames.


    Remove drops from interception and create a random loot reward table for materials (added to the basic rewards but controlled to slow farming)

    "... create a random loot reward table for materials added to the basic rewards"

    But you just removed the basic rewards. I'm not quite sure what you mean.


    Adding a big (and I MEAN BIG) xp reward for spy missions based on detection

    It's already fine the way it is, as much as I'd love to see more affinity gained for an undetected hack. What is it now, 12k/16k high end?


    Boost credit rewards for capture and rescue

    This is the only thing I can really agree with. We just captured a major target, where's our bounty pay? or, we just rescued you, where's the pay from your boss?


    edit for cursed quote spacing

  6. I get that you have connection issues but that completely defeats the purpose of the relay...

    The purpose of the relay as I see it was mainly to get players to all come together and interact with eachother, as well as have a cool little hideout for all the Syndicates.

    Now, with the not-so-recent addition of our buddy Baro Ki'Teer and the Conclave.. and Darvo.. and the Sanctuary, people actually need to use the Relays for something, or a few somethings. I'm not saying this is a huge issue, but it should definitely be looked into.

  7. Maybe they changed it so it doesn't stack with the weekend buff.. or maybe any other credit multiplier.

    But, with no notes, we won't know.


    edit: it was really just a small hotfix, I don't know if they even bumped it up to 16.1.5.


    Fix pointed out here, thanks Prof_Blocks_007.

  8. DIsplay cases -- Open cabinets to organize all your event badges, sigils, trophies, etc. 


    Weapon Racks --  Place all your favorite weapons, event weapons, in all of their glorious colors) on display (I was thinking about frames too, but that might be lore-breaking) 

    Hell Yes please. I wanna see the cool weapons I've scored, or the legacy weapons I won't use hung on the wall. I want to see the Sigils I have at my disposal. I want a trophy wall. This would make my Liset so much more enjoyable.

  9. Here's an odd one.. not really sure if you can call it a bug, or just very precise timing:

    I was on the Grineer Asteroid tileset.. y'know, the one with all the vents, and at extraction, there's the gap from a ledge to the extraction point that you can fall in and get zoned out.

    I used Decoy/Switch Teleport onto the extraction point the same instant I fell into the gap and got zoned out, but it still counted me as being on extraction. It started to show the end mission screen, but all I got was a blank screen, save for the cursor and the game's built in FPS meter.

    It still gave me the rewards and ended the mission properly, but all I had was a blank screen until I was back at my ship.


  10. No it does not. And as many have pointed out, the RJ does not work as DE told us.

    You commented here...



    but you act like you didn't read it.

    Radial Javelin works exactly like DE Drew detailed; it's as finicky as stealth kills in defense missions.

  11. Im still waiting for the give part to come. Its completely undeniable that DE has made changes to the game that adversely affect many builds and play styles with no documentation or prior notice. Why?Im seeing more difficult content with more diminishing rewards and less tools and resources to accomplish them.

    If you're referring to the raid, it's supposed to be difficult. You're supposed to have a coordinated team willing to cooperate, not a group of seven other random people you could not care less about.


    Yes, they've made nerfs to the Synoid Gammacor that are a little more impactful than necessary.

    Yes, they've made another change to the Kohm. I think they need to change it back to how it was and leave it alone.

    Yes, they tweaked Excalibur. Already covered this.

    Stealth nerfs/undocumented changes were also covered, and a few were also fixed in today's first and second hotfixes.


    The give part is still coming. One common one we know about is Tenno Reinforcements, the new weapons and shinies to play with.  Another would be more content unlike raids; not frustrating or overly time consuming, like quests.

    I do agree that some Warframes need fine tuning and some need a little more than just "fine" tuning, in the form of buffs or straight up reworks. Maybe this will come when we finally get passives.


    edit, reply to Eisen: We are their customers and the ones who play their game; we are the community. They understand that we are people and not just their paycheck. Let me compare to Blizzard: When was the last time you saw something from them aside from Blizzcon or a forum post? You don't.

    They don't talk to and interact with their community like DE does.

  12. Thats a fantastic idea...Said no one ever

    I suggest you leave your feedback here.

    This is what they intended Radial Javelin to be from the beginning. Whether people thought it was a fantastic idea or not is beside the point. The community has spoken and it's up to DE to decide what to do. We all share this game, the players and the developers. There's gotta be some give and take. People have only been seeing the take, and that's what has them upset.

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