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Posts posted by ScottZi115

  1. So, overall, trying to balance status with critical damage so, that both are viable is a good move and should be done.  Some of these changes don't make sense or don't help improve the gameplay for status users.  Briefly I want to touch upon enemy shields and shield gating as well as armor and health because this directly applies to damage and status.  Each of the three different types of health bars, flesh, armor, shield, should interact with each status differently.  This allows you to have unique builds for different factions which is already in the game, but there is a way to make it more in depth.  We'll start with each status type first and then move on to how they could affect different health types and interact with them.  First off all the elemental types and physical types of damage should be viewed differently as they would act differently on certain health bars.  Shields should be more resilient to physical damage where as flesh would be weaker to physical.  Shields should be weak to puncture as a single point of impact would have a higher chance to pierce a shield, armor would be weaker to impact as the wearer would be crushed inside said armor, and flesh would be weaker to slashing weapons since the flesh is being gouged.

    Slash: Slash damage hitting through shields doesn't make sense so, shields making the user immune to slash proc (Not Damage) is a good change.  However, the slash proc shouldn't slash proc the shield.  Shields should block slash to help keep slash builds in check and to not run the late game.  It also makes sense from a science fiction standard as shields would block the user from physical damage so having slash be weakened against shield enemies helps keep it in check. Enemies with armor would take less slash damage since their armor would protect them from brunt of the slash attack.

    Impact: Impact shouldn't ragdoll, but instead have a stumble potential that when accumulated enough will stagger the enemy leaving them open to either a finisher from a melee weapon or take increased damage.  As well, it should do less damage to shields as explained in slash, but should have increased potency against armor users since the armor would just be crushed into the user actually causing more damage.

    Puncture: Although puncture cause enemies to do less damage, this is rarely seen to be used in high level gameplay as the main objective is either kill the enemy or be killed and worrying about the enemy hitting you becomes more important rather than the enemy doing less damage.  Instead, I offer the idea that puncture on flesh and armored enemies actually creates a weak point on them, probably the main region you were shooting and this allows the operator to do more damage in that area.  This becomes a miniature Banshee 2 and allows either the team or solo operator to do increased damage to the enemy they are attacking.  For shields as explained above, they would take less physical damage, however, puncture being a singular area of contact and damage should have the ability when proc'd to pierce shields and allow the enemy being punctured to receive increased damage to said area and allow that enemy to take elemental status to their armor and flesh instead of only the shield.

    Cold: Enemies hit by frost would have three different interactions based on their health bars and armor.  Having shields would make the enemy take neutral damage and slow proc would be harder to proc or not be able to proc due to the shields, the change would go to flesh and armor.  Flesh based health bars and enemies would take cold proc faster and slow for a higher and longer duration because of the reaction cold has to tissue.  Armored units would have their armor slow them and make it more brittle allowing them to take more damage.  Changes like this combo with impact which, in my scenario does more damage to armored units.  This allows certain elemental types to be used in pars to devastate different enemy types.

    Heat: Heat is in a good position currently, but the only change would be that it can't proc on shields and it would do neutral damage to shields.  Against armor it would behave the same and against flesh it would proc faster and do more damage.

    Toxin: Toxin should behave almost identically the same as slash, since they would both be much more efficient at fleshed enemies and not shielded or armored enemies.

    Electric: Electric would do normal damage to shielded enemies and have a lowered or zero chance to proc on them.  Flesh based enemies should have normal proc chances while being stunned for longer while enemies with armor should take more electric damage and be proc'd for a normal amount of time.  Also adding the change already applied where enemies that are cc'd can be re cc'd while still under the effects of electricity.

    Blast: Enemies affected by blast should have a small chance of being knocked down, with multiple blast proc's increasing the chance of the enemies being knocked down.  As well, blast should do more damage to shields, but have less status build up against them.  Against flesh it should be normal across the board and against armored enemies it should do more damage as a blast wave inside armor would make the blast wave more deadly.

    Corrosive: Being completely honest, I think the changes to corrosive was 100% the right call and change so, as such, I have no ideas, critiques, etc.

    Radiation: Radiation has never has a huge impact on the game and it deserves to be much better than what it has been for so long.  Radiation proc's on shield causes the shield to erode slowly and do normal damage against them.  Against armored enemies it would stack and proc on them until a cloud of radiation would form around them following them and damaging nearby enemies.  It would also do normal damage to armored enemies.  Against flesh based foes, it would do normal damage, but instead of a radiation cloud building up around them, it would make them susceptible to more damage as well as turn on their allies.  Small tick damage would also be acceptable against flesh.  Although radiation allows enemies to turn on each other, it is never enough of a change to make it extremely useful and these changes would hopefully make it more fun and viable.

    Magnetic: Another one of the less used elemental types in Warframe and one of the reasons is that it is nearly useless against armored and flesh based enemies.  What I offer is a complete change to it.  For one, against shields, magnetic after 5 to 7 proc's would completely remove the shield from enemy and do more damage to shields as well.  Against armored opponents it, when proc'd it would cause the main target to start pulling in other enemies grouping them up for either big damage or easier transitions between targets.  It would also do normal damage to armored opponents.  Against flesh enemies, it would do less damage, however, it would cause the enemies to either drop or jam their guns for a set duration.  This makes magnetic viable and functional versus all types of enemies, instead of just shielded foes.

    Viral: This is another status that honestly works in either its old setup or new setup.  As long as viral does more damage to the flesh then it is fine.  Armored enemies should take neutral damage from it all around though and shielded enemies should take less damage.  Almost the same as toxin and slash, but even better against flesh.

    Gas: This elemental status is hard to change or rework because on one side it becomes useless against anything other than shielded enemies, but on the other hand it only serves one function then and becomes a niche type of damage.  For this damage type though, the ability to hit through shields is already good enough against shields and normal damage would be perfectly fine there.  Against armored enemies it should make them less accurate and do slightly less damage.  Changing too much of this against flesh would make it broken since it already hits through shields, so that being said, it should apply tick damage that when constantly refreshed on the enemy increases the tick damage.  This makes it so, the more you shoot an enemy the more damage they take.  Allowing it to proc to other enemies is also a good bonus for it, so that it can be used against mobs instead of single interactions between enemies.

    Overall I think changing status elements and how they interact would be massive and stray away from the focus on critical damage.  The fact that elemental types are being given secondary effects now is a great move in the right direction.  Although, I doubt you'll take my ideas/critiques to heart, these are some thoughts I had that would make the elements more viable on status builds as well as how they interact and perform in the game.  These changes would also allow certain build centered around anything, but slash, toxin, and corrosive to be still be viable and give new elemental combos a chance to be extremely effective.  Thank you for taking the time to read this if you have and I look forward to future updates and QoL fixes.

  2. So this happened ever since the update yesterday or two days ago.  Anytime I try to connect to a squad or host a squad it immediately says migrating host and sends me into a solo mission.  What is this bug and how do I play online.  I'm tygint to finish this event and they way online is acting I won't have a chance now because of it.

  3. 8 hours ago, ljmadruga said:

    Chroma is a strong frame, but he is far from the strongest. There are plenty of other frames that can deal more damage than him, and plenty of other frames that absorb damage better than him.

    His primary method of survival is through his vex armor (and if you play him like me, his effigy). Vex armor requires chroma to take damage in order to build up his armor. Once the duration of vex armor is reached, the buffs to armor and damage disappear and must be built up again.

    The problem with this is that enemies at higher and higher levels will eventually deal enough damage to oneshot chroma when his vex armor wears off.

    You could use self damaging weapons, but most are more than likely to kill you and this method is highly impractical if you can’t pull it off in one shot.

    Valkyr and Nidus can both deal just as much if not more damage than chroma and are practically immortal. Limbo, Excalibur, and Mesa, while comparably squishy, deal monster amounts of damage while relying on alternative and effective means of survival.

    No Chroma is without a doubt the strongest warframe in the game.  The only thing he is missing is some type of life steal in his abilities and he would be unkillable.  If you added more damage to vex armor and etc there would be no point to play any other frame because he would never die.  Level 140 Heavy Gunners already deal at max 3 damage to you with max vex armor.  If your chroma is dying to these enemies then you are building wrong.  Throwing on Hirudo makes Chroma unkillable and allows him to sustain forever.  If you want to rework warframes that's fine, but don't rework and buff the best warframe in the game.  I would say shift your focus to the less played frames because clearly there is a reason they aren't being played.

  4. So my first question is if the Warframe is intended to be a solo target frame.  It sounds like it is and if so I think the way the abilities are made make sense.  I would say though the abilities are too focused on single target damage and doesn't give him any advantages in all missions except Capture and Assassination, but with Assassination being changed to bosses with phases I feel as though your warframe is severely limited.

    Ideas to improve

    passive-I think the passive is awesome and can make this warframe very tanky.  However that being said, I would like to see the actual stats for the warframe so we can get a grasp on what his build types would be.  Passive is perfect don't change it.

    1.  Change this roar to your 2 and switch you r 2 to your 1.  I'll explain how 1 could be improved first then I'll talk about your two in the next segment.  Instead of your 1 causing weapons of enemies to drop make it so that your one makes them all take more damage from slash and puncture and more likely to be slash procced, or/and puncture procced.  This helps allies deal damage and you could also make it a buff to your teammates as opposed to the augment mod doing it.  The buff to your teammates should be either defense or damage not both to keep the ability balanced.

    2. The pounce ability could be similar to Atlas's 1 since he has a unique 1.  However instead of making you do more damage the more you use it you could make this ability like a bite of some sorts where you life steal and it stacks the more you pounce in succession.  I like the pounce ability concept but it does sound like ash's teleport so if it got some unique attributes seems like it would be a lot of fun to use.

    3. Instead of stalk maybe this could be his 4 and it would be similar to Valkyr and Excalibur instead though you stay low to the ground and fight like a lion as depicted in your concept art.  The stealth factor is cool but to me it doesn't flow with your 1 or passive which you want all of these to have synergy with each other.  If you don't these feel like just a bunch abilities that don't match the warframe or play style/

    4. His 4 seems like it is good for single target damage which is fine.  I just don't think it flows with his passive which makes him innately tanky.  Perhaps change the passive and rework all of the abilities for him to be a stealth character like one ability allows him to wall latch indefinitely and can leap from wall to wall with less detection automatically.  For his 4rth ability I would say either make his 3 this slot and pick a new 3 ability or change this ability to more of melee focus or aoe focus.


    Just some food for thought.  I like the idea.  If a few things were reworked and I  believe that if you have actually stats laid out it will help you be able to focus the abilities to sync as well with those.

    I hope this helped.

  5. I would love to give feedback.  To be honest a lot of the concepts mirror Flash in a lot of ways.  I saw that too.  I think the reason is that when you have speed based frames certain abilities tend to be similar in all aspects.

  6. Thank you first off for taking the time to review and give ideas.  I also am grateful that you like it.  I have just edited the build to be more reasonable with the speed increase and Dimensional Drift has been completely reworked.  Kinetic reflexes will also not be able to affect allies.  Your idea for an augment was good and that's a good place to see that part of the ability.  Her Time Remnants have also been reworked now maxing at 7 Specters and lasting only 35 seconds max.  Feel free to tell me how the changes are.

  7. This is the concept for my custom Warframe.  I would like to first say that if you have any critiques or suggestions please let me know so I can take them into consideration.  Also I do not have a picture unfortunately since I am not skilled enough to draw her as good as I'd like. If you are interested in helping me with that please let me know.  Pertaining to this Warframe certain abilities will have a Max Stats With Mods added with them.  This is in my build because some abilities need caps to make sure they do not become broken or over powered.  An example is Energy Drain being maxed for instance at .5 energy per second.  Subsequently if an ability has N/A that means that the cap for the ability is as high as the mods can increase it's stats.





    The property of matter by which it retains its state of rest or its velocity along a straight line so long as it is not acted upon by an external force.



                               Stats Unranked:

    • Armor 175
    • Energy 100
    • Health 125
    • Shield 225
    • Sprint Speed 1.3



                            Stats Level 30:

    • Armor 175
    • Energy 175
    • Health 250
    • Shield 450
    • Sprint Speed 1.3 


                        Passive Inertia's increased speed allow her to strike her foe with increased velocity making her physical blows more devastating.  A percentage of Inertia's movement speed is converted into melee damage.  This does not apply from gliding, rolling, and bullet jumping.  This effect is applied however from sprint speed mods and other buffs applied from other teammates.  ex. (Volt's 2, Zephyr's 3 with the augment mod)  The percentage for the conversion is 7.5% of your total movement speed. The conversion breaks as follows.

    1.3 Movement Speed X .075 = .0975 which converts to 9% melee damage which can rounded up to 10%.  (Up to DE if that's the route they would want to go)

    Note: Inertia's passive is not a build up passive meaning it is active all the time giving you the constant damage increase.  This passive also is active regardless if Inertia is in motion or not.  This passive takes the movement speed of Inertia after all modifiers have been applied and applies the modifier to her melee weapon damage.


    1. Momentum: Inertia unlocks her speed inhibitors to give herself increased speed while creating a force around her to reduce incoming damage.  Gives a movement speed increase and reduces damage taken.  This is not an AoE and does not apply to allies.  This is a self buff. This is also a continuous ability so it will stay active until you cast it again or run out of energy.

                                     Stats Maxed Without Mods:

    • Movement Speed Increase 0.75/1/1.25/1.5 Maxing at 1.5
    • Damage Reduction 7.5/10/12.5/15 Maxing at 15%                                
    • Energy Cost on Cast 25
    • Energy Drain per Second 3

                                   Stats Maxed With Mods:

    • Movement Speed Increase N/A
    • Damage Reduction N/A
    • Energy Cost on Cast N/A
    • Energy Drain per Second 0.5

    2. Kinetic Reflexes:  Inertia enhances her reflexes making the world around her move slower and giving her  better reaction time.  Enemy movement and fire rate is reduced around Inertia while simultaneously increasing her own fire rate.  (This ability may be applied to allies in the radius of the ability, but I would need a definite yes or no from people considering it may make her too strong.)

                                   Stats Maxed Without Mods:

    • Enemy Fire Rate and Movement Speed Reduction 10/15/20/25 Maxing at 25%
    • Fire Rate Increase 5/10/15/20 Maxing at 20%
    • Radius 7.5/10/12.5/15 Maxing at 15 meters
    • Duration 10/13/16/20 Maxing at 20 seconds
    • Energy Cost on Cast 50

                                    Stats Maxed With Mods:

    • Enemy Fire Rate and Movement Speed Reduction N/A
    • Fire Rate Increase N/A
    • Radius N/A
    • Duration N/A
    • Energy Cost on Cast N/A

    3. Dimensional Drift:  Inertia starts vibrating her and the nearby space so fast they phase out of the normal dimensional plain they exist on.  While in the other dimensional plain Inertia and her allies are harder to hit and enemies being less likely to detect her and her allies.  Being in another dimensional plain gives Inertia and her allies the ability to run through enemies and ignore certain moves from enemiess. ie (Blitz eximus blast, pulls, arctic eximus slows.)  This ability only applies to allies in the radius of Inertia and is not a buff that lasts outside of the AoE.

                                   Stats Maxed Without Mods

    • Radius 3/6/9/12 Maxing at 12 meters
    • Chance of Damage Missing 10/13/16/20 Maxing at 20%
    • Enemy Detection Decrease 7/12/15/18 Maxing at 18%
    • Duration 6/10/13/16 Maxing at 16 seconds
    • Energy Cost on Cast 50

                                      Stats Maxed With Mods

    • Radius N/A
    • Chance of Damage Missing N/A
    • Enemy Detection Decrease N/A
    • Duration N/A
    • Energy Cost on Cast N/A

    4. Time Remnants:  Inertia starts moving so fast she creates doppelgangers of herself to help her fight.  Creates specters of Inertia mimicking the same weapons and look as Inertia.  Specters will draw aggro from enemies as well as fight back.  These specters will scale to enemy levels, but based on a constant percentage.  The specters levels will always be 3/4 of the enemy levels.  This prevents the specters from being too weak and from being too strong.  This level balance should keep them at a point where they damage and kill enemies as well as draw aggro to die off instead of you.  Specters will have a duration on them to prevent being alive for too long.  (If needed the specters can get a damage debuff if they are too strong.)  As a side note the specters will not follow the player and will act on their own accord, but will use the same combat mechanic as normal specters.

                            Stats Maxed Without Mods

    • Remnants 1/3/5/7 Maxing at 7
    • Duration 20/25/30/35 Maxing at 35 seconds
    • Aggro Drawn Away from Inertia 20/30/40/50 Maxing at 50%
    • Remnants Level of Enemy Level 3/4
    • Energy Cost on Cast 100

                             Stats Maxed With Mods

    • Remnants 7
    • Duration N/A
    • Aggro Drawn Away from Inertia 80%
    • Remnants Level of Enemy Level 3/4
    • Energy Cost on Cast N/A




    This concept of the Warframe is something I was hoping to get as a melee user.  I hope that DE will look at this and take ideas from this Warframe or to just use this build.  I wanted this build to be fast and based around speed and melee which would feel like you are moving faster than everything around you.  If you have any suggestions feel free to let me know or comment below to give tips or fixes needed for this custom Warframe.  Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you liked my idea.  P.S. if anyone wants to help create the actually look for this Warframe please let me know so she can have a look to match her design.



  8. This is the concept for my custom Warframe.  I would like to first say that if you have any critiques or suggestions please let me know so I can take them into consideration.  Also I do not have a picture unfortunately since I am not skilled enough to draw her as good as I'd like. If you are interested in helping me with that please let me know.  Pertaining to this Warframe certain abilities will have a Max Stats With Mods added with them.  This is in my build because some abilities need caps to make sure they do not become broken or over powered.  An example is Energy Drain being maxed for instance at .5 energy per second.  Subsequently if an ability has N/A that means that the cap for the ability is as high as the mods can increase it's stats.





    The property of matter by which it retains its state of rest or its velocity along a straight line so long as it is not acted upon by an external force.



                               Stats Unranked:

    • Armor 175
    • Energy 100
    • Health 125
    • Shield 225
    • Sprint Speed 1.3



                            Stats Level 30:

    • Armor 175
    • Energy 175
    • Health 250
    • Shield 450
    • Sprint Speed 1.3 


                        PassiveInertia's increased speed allow her to strike her foe with increased velocity making her physical blows more devastating.  A percentage of Inertia's movement speed is converted into melee damage.  This does not apply from gliding, rolling, and bullet jumping.  This effect is applied however from sprint speed mods and other buffs applied from other teammates.  ex. (Volt's 2, Zephyr's 3 with the augment mod)  The percentage for the conversion is 7.5% of your total movement speed. The conversion breaks as follows.

    1.3 Movement Speed X .075 = .0975 which converts to 9% melee damage which can rounded up to 10%.  (Up to DE if that's the route they would want to go)

    Note: Inertia's passive is not a build up passive meaning it is active all the time giving you the constant damage increase.  This passive also is active regardless if Inertia is in motion or not.  This passive takes the movement speed of Inertia after all modifiers have been applied and applies the modifier to her melee weapon damage.



    1. Momentum: Inertia unlocks her speed inhibitors to give herself increased speed while creating a force around her to reduce incoming damage.  Gives a movement speed increase and reduces damage taken.  This is not an AoE and does not apply to allies.  This is a self buff. This is also a continuous ability so it will stay active until you cast it again or run out of energy.

                                     Stats Maxed Without Mods:

    • Movement Speed Increase 0.75/1/1.25/1.5 Maxing at 1.5
    • Damage Reduction 7.5/10/12.5/15 Maxing at 15%                                
    • Energy Cost on Cast 25
    • Energy Drain per Second 3

                                   Stats Maxed With Mods:

    • Movement Speed Increase N/A
    • Damage Reduction N/A
    • Energy Cost on Cast N/A
    • Energy Drain per Second 0.5

    2. Kinetic Reflexes:  Inertia enhances her reflexes making the world around her move slower and giving her  better reaction time.  Enemy movement and fire rate is reduced around Inertia while simultaneously increasing her own fire rate.

                                   Stats Maxed Without Mods:

    • Enemy Fire Rate and Movement Speed Reduction 10/15/20/25 Maxing at 25%
    • Fire Rate Increase 5/10/15/20 Maxing at 20%
    • Radius 7.5/10/12.5/15 Maxing at 15 meters
    • Duration 10/13/16/20 Maxing at 20 seconds
    • Energy Cost on Cast 50

                                    Stats Maxed With Mods:

    • Enemy Fire Rate and Movement Speed Reduction N/A
    • Fire Rate Increase N/A
    • Radius N/A
    • Duration N/A
    • Energy Cost on Cast N/A

    3. Dimensional Drift:  Inertia starts vibrating her and the nearby space so fast they phase out of the normal dimensional plain they exist on.  While in the other dimensional plain Inertia and her allies are harder to hit and enemies being less likely to detect her and her allies.  Being in another dimensional plain gives Inertia and her allies the ability to run through enemies and ignore certain moves from enemiess. ie (Blitz eximus blast, pulls, arctic eximus slows.)  This ability only applies to allies in the radius of Inertia and is not a buff that lasts outside of the AoE.

                                   Stats Maxed Without Mods

    • Radius 3/6/9/12 Maxing at 12 meters
    • Chance of Damage Missing 10/13/16/20 Maxing at 20%
    • Enemy Detection Decrease 7/12/15/18 Maxing at 18%
    • Duration 6/10/13/16 Maxing at 16 seconds
    • Energy Cost on Cast 50

                                      Stats Maxed With Mods

    • Radius N/A
    • Chance of Damage Missing N/A
    • Enemy Detection Decrease N/A
    • Duration N/A
    • Energy Cost on Cast N/A

    4. Time Remnants:  Inertia starts moving so fast she creates doppelgangers of herself to help her fight.  Creates specters of Inertia mimicking the same weapons and look as Inertia.  Specters will draw aggro from enemies as well as fight back.  These specters will scale to enemy levels, but based on a constant percentage.  The specters levels will always be 3/4 of the enemy levels.  This prevents the specters from being too weak and from being too strong.  This level balance should keep them at a point where they damage and kill enemies as well as draw aggro to die off instead of you.  Specters will have a duration on them to prevent being alive for too long.  (If needed the specters can get a damage debuff if they are too strong.)  As a side note the specters will not follow the player and will act on their own accord, but will use the same combat mechanic as normal specters.

                            Stats Maxed Without Mods

    • Remnants 1/3/5/7 Maxing at 7
    • Duration 20/25/30/35 Maxing at 35 seconds
    • Aggro Drawn Away from Inertia 20/30/40/50 Maxing at 50%
    • Remnants Level of Enemy Level 3/4
    • Energy Cost on Cast 100

                             Stats Maxed With Mods

    • Remnants 7
    • Duration N/A
    • Aggro Drawn Away from Inertia 80%
    • Remnants Level of Enemy Level 3/4
    • Energy Cost on Cast N/A




    This concept of the Warframe is something I was hoping to get as a melee user.  I hope that DE will look at this and take ideas from this Warframe or to just use this build.  I wanted this build to be fast and based around speed and melee which would feel like you are moving faster than everything around you.  If you have any suggestions feel free to let me know or comment below to give tips or fixes needed for this custom Warframe.  Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you liked my idea.  P.S. if anyone wants to help create the actually look for this Warframe please let me know so she can have a look to match her design.






  9. Sure that would be helpful.  I don't want to post something either yet because I have an idea for the look of her and some sketched started.  I just need someone who is really good to help me.  If I could get a referral that would be very helpful.  Thank you

  10. I have a concept for a custom Warframe Skin but I need someone who has talent in drawing to help make this warframe come to life.  I have the rest of the warframe thought up (Abilities, Stats)  If anyone would be interested in helping please let me know.  Full creative design would go to you and I would make sure you got credit for drawing the Warframe.

  11. I have a concept for a custom Warframe Skin but I need someone who has talent in drawing to help make this warframe come to life.  I have the rest of the warframe thought up (Abilities, Stats)  If anyone would be interested in helping please let me know.  Full creative design would go to you and I would make sure you got credit for drawing the Warframe.

  12. I never got the Ether Daggers bp from completing the quest stolen dreams.  I am trying to max all the weapons in the game currently and since this is a quest only bp it is impossible for me to do that now since I was never given the bp.  I was wondering if there would be anyway for me to get a second one somehow or be able to just buy it.

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