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Posts posted by (PSN)Shinzo-Miramoto

  1. This is interesting to say the least. I would say that you would have to set it up for weapon categories instead of specific weapons E.G Shotgun, Rifle, Pistol, Thrown, Sniper just like you did for the first ability. Secondly I would change the fourth ability around slightly in that the ability itself is a single ally target and the augment allows for all allies in affinity range. I would not set it for unlimited range as it seems there would be a lot of complaint about it being to OP. Otherwise I think you might have the makings for a solid concept here. hope this helps these are just my thoughts. 

  2. Trading completed warframes and weapons is not a bad idea. The problem as listed in above post is easily solved by resetting the warframe to as if it were just built by the receiving player or when a completed warframe or weapon is traded it still needs to be crafted by the receiving player before it could be used. There are simple solutions to most problems that would be incurred by being able to trade completed warframes. Or even allow the trade of just completed components. I know I accidently crafted and extra Valkyr Prime piece and had to sell it for credits as there was no other way for me to get rid of it. Something along these lines wouldn't be unbearable if done propperly

  3. I have to say I am with most of everyone else on this thread. What I really don't understand is $2 for a single booster a total of three different boosters which would total $6 for all three boosters. So how does it come out to $6.50 for all three boosters. There is no incentive there generally speaking when you bundle things together you get them for a little cheaper than buying them alone so I don't understand the economics there.

  4. 58 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    In general, I am okay with your idea. I do not think we need it, but hey, that is just me.


    But the statement quoted. This in itself would completely destroy the market system you propose for me. What is the point in me making a listing on the in game market, when it is not better than a third party site? If I have to actually be on the game to make sales? You are better off sticking with the current system. Why, because we already have the system you propose with third party sites. DE has to spend time and money to develop and test a system. If it is not better than other systems, why bother?


    What you really want is any listing made to expire after X days. DE would define X. Such that, you list an item and it will only be purchasable for 14 days (example). The item is put into 'storage' when you list it. When a player buys it, they receive it in a mail. The seller receives the platinum in the mail. If you want this system, you must accept that inactive people will get some platinum.

    I didn't address this in my original reply. I agree with quoted post. but further more what does it matter who gets the plat if you get what you're paying for?

  5. I understand what everyone is talking about here in this post. While the trade channel does have filters some players abuse this or work around by simply typing in common filters into there listing. I for example tend to filter by WTS or WTB depending on what I am trying to do and have seen stuff come up where poeple will list a bunch of items that they are selling and then tack on a "WTB nothing" so that the filters will let it through to people who are selling stuff with the filter set for WTB. The trade chat is effective in its own right and if they implemented some kind of "auction house" or interface for listing items it doesn't mean you have to use it. I fyou would prefer trolling and digging through the trade chat then more power to you and you wouldn't have to use said interface. Just my thoughts here but I think both ways of doing this are effective in their own rights. I know sometimes I am in a hurry and not willing to troll the trade chat to find what I am looking for as I like to play the game and trade at the same time and some kind of interface would make this easier and other times I get on simply to troll the trade chat because I am bored and want/need to get rid of something. Again just my thoughts on this topic

  6. It's simple physics really...if you drop a grenade at your feet your going to die, if you shoot a rocket at the wall right next to you you are going to die. Rockets and grenades are meant for more long/medium range so you shouldn't be shooting them with people in your face, you should be dropped back from the fray not in the middle of it. just my opinion but i think this sums it up, nuff said

  7. This is an interesting concept to me. As far as where it is stored why not have deployed similarly to the archwing which is launched from the nose of the lisset. It could be set up similarly to be dropped to planet when the mission starts. Just my thoughts on this topic

  8. I like the idea of syndicate exclusivity and read somewhere in the list of replies about a trading hub, the easiest thing I can think of for this is some kind of auction house where you list the item or items you are wanting to sell/buy/trade. There would need to be some kind of inventory reduction when you list items so that they are removed from your inventory or marked somehow so that you could not accidentally get rid of them elsewhere. It would organize the trad channel better too. Just my thoughts of one solution

  9. i like this idea a lot actually. I am reminded of the Flash on how he could vibrate through solid objects and such. Having read what others have said I have nothing to really add or take away from this concept. I would really like to see some art for how the frame looks because to be honest all I can see in my head is the Flashes costume sorry for that. I have a frame concept as well and would appreciate any feed back for improvement. Link Below.....



  10. 15 hours ago, krc473 said:

    I strongly dislike the idea of introducing something like this.

    I will never find this concept appealing. I like that we need different frames for different things.


    No, this concept is not novel. I have maxed every frame but Gara, so would get all the abilities. Why would I use any frame but the mimic one?


    If you don't like this idea that's fine everyone is entitled to their opinion. I did put up another concept. Check it out and let me know what you think. Link below...



  11. what needs elaborating? I'm not sure how to make the cost of the abilities so that it is obtainable but not too easy. There needs to be some kind of balance there, that much I know. Open to suggestions for any and everything. little tweeks here and there any constructive critism is welcome. I have posted another concept in here as well that probably needs some tweeking also. Link below




  12. So after having read several threads about being able to build your own frame and blah blah blah. I had a thought......


    Copy Cat

    Passive: Photo Copy

    Allows Copy Cat to use the abilities of other warframes that have been maxed by the player.

    Just like in real life when you make a photo copy of something it doesn't turn out as good as the original so any abilities that Copy Cat uses would have to be scaled down so they were not as powerful as the original. You would be able to choose from any abilities of frames that you have personally maxed out and are in possession of. This would encourage the use of other frames and limit the selection of abilities to chose from. The Tenno would have to set up the abilities when they set they're load out. 

    Augment: Carbon Copy

    Removes the negative effect making the abilities just as good as the originals

    Dojo Training Kiosk:

    Here the Tenno would be able to buy abilities of frames that they have maxed and gotten rid of for a cost.(Platinum out right/massive credit cost plus some kind of qualifying exam to prove worthy of the ability)

    On top of all that once the abilities are set up....let's say three load outs worth.....there would be a cost again massive credits to change any abilities of that load out. Kind of like a respecing cost. Again just an idea and any feedback on how to make this frame better please let me know.

  13. 5 hours ago, (Xbox One)SupremeMorpheus said:

    The problem with that is that us console players have to hold the crouch button to crouch already, otherwise we just roll. And I believe there's no more room on the controller for additional keybinds

    Also, while some may not play the game at a fast pace, many do, and integrating a prone state can end up with frustrating points of accidentally going prone, losing all your speed and leaving you open to attack. I can already imagine a few frustrating deaths as a result, particularly in sorties where you're mostly just running through the mission

    you do have a point and myself being a console player can understand your point perfectly, that's why I said as an option for sniper rifle equipped and drawn only

  14. On 9/27/2017 at 10:31 PM, InDueTime-EN- said:

    Passive : Innate damage reduction is probably not a good idea. 2 immunity is definitely not a good idea. A reduction to the duration of these procs would be better. 

    1) change this one. We already have terrify, this is more powerful than that, and this is his 1st ability compared to Nekro's 3rd.

    2) Ash teleport?

    3) Ivara's prowl except it requires an augment to be have invisibility. 

    4) A combination of Ash Bladestorm and terrify. except he only damages 1 enemy. Is it melee? 


    Can't see picture. 

    I'm imagining Rengar from LoL. I like the concept.However, you're abilities are too similar to current warframe abilities that we have. 

    While the abilities of this concept do resemble that of other frames so does alot of others. For example, Loki, Ivara and Ash can all turn invisible. Rhino and Valkyre both have an ally buff that increases damage output. Also some helpful suggestions would be appreciated instead of just saying this is not a good idea or that won't work. be constructive not just demeaning. As I said in the OP my son and I worked on this concept and he did most of the work and he is only 15. Any suggestions are welcome and I will happily try and incorporate them into the frame. Thanks in advance.

  15. While warframe is a fast paced game not all players play it fast. This concept wouldn't be hard to integrate. There is already a crouch button and I hate to bring it up but in COD I do believe if you hold the crouch button down you go prone. It would work well in a group dynamic if someone liked playing a sniper. Getting to higher ground and going prone to cover your allies with some well placed shots. Of course it could even be limited as an option only if you have a sniper rifle equipped and drawn. I think it would fit some players play style.

  16. Alright so photobucket is being crazy stupid with this $400 to third party host so imma have to find another way to upload the art. stay tuned for it, if I ever figure it out

  17. On 6/26/2015 at 6:37 AM, daemonstar said:

    Thanks guys =D

    Yeah. I feel that too but wouldn't that be an awesome feature? maybe that's just stuff in the future. =D

    Running on walls wouldn't be to bad or hard to do as they have a wall latch that all frames already can do. it would simply be a matter of changing his latch duration to infinite or something along those lines. Very nice work. I came up with a frame with a similar ability to your pounce. Here's the link.....



  18. This is a concept I have been working on with my son over the last few weeks. I have no art skill but i did find an image while looking for some concept ideas which pretty much sums up how Nemean looked in my head. Credit to Artist: Bjorn Hurri. There is still a need for some icing on this cake but I thought I would see what every one thinks.....so here it goes.....


    Warframe Name: Namean

    Passive: Namean Skin: 25% damage reduction and immune to all slash and puncture status procs.

    1: Roar: Neman lets forth a mighty roar striking fear into the very hearts of those who here it. Enemies within 5/10/15 meters experience fear for 30 secs causing them to drop their weapons and flee.

                Augment Mod: Roar of the Pride: Any allies that here the roar gain 25% damage reduction and 25% damage increase to melee attacks.

    2: Pounce: Nemean leaps at his prey dealing massive damage to a single enemy with 100% chance to slash proc. If cast from Stalk a 50% refund of energy is received. If the target is unaware of Namean Pounce becomes an instant kill with 100% energy refund.

    3: Stalk: Nemean crouches low to the ground and becomes near silent as he stalks his prey. Nemean suffers a -30% movement speed, becomes near silent and harder to see and hit. This is a channel ability and continues to drain energy until cancelled by recast or Nemean exhausts his energy reserve.

                Augment Mod: invisible Hunter: Casting stalk grants 100% silent and invisability until an attack is made.

    4: Maul: Nemean knocks his prey to the ground  and pins them there with a barrage of attacks. Nemean takes no damage during this ability but can be knocked of his target. If target survives the onslaught a gaurenteed slash proc and target suffers from fear and flees for 30 secs. Any enemies that witness the onslaught suffer fear and flee for 15 secs. Damage calculation based on melee weapon equipped and mods contained there in.

                Augment Mod: Evicerate: Maul becomes a combination of Pounce and Maul were Nemean leaps at his target knocking them to the ground and pinning them there with a melee combo. Nemean can leap from target to target up 5x for a total of 5 targets. If Multiple targets are chosen then Maul deals less damage with each additional target.


    Concept Art:


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