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Posts posted by LordMidnightX

  1. 28 minutes ago, BansheePrime said:

    "more" Raknoid specific bounties? I did not realize we had any to start with. Also I hate to be that guy but... people are there to farm standing and get bounty rewards, not kill Raknoids who don't even have anything special as a reward for killing.

    That’s a good point the normal bounties are for that and the raknoids donÂ’t give good rewards. That does not mean a bounty to hunt the Raknoids or have a part of a bounty that had you kill them would not be great.

  2. H [IRL Laser Tag Squad] 2/35

     On the evening before Tennocon (July 6 @ 6PMish), my roommate and I have decided to try recruiting an in-real-life squad of Warframe players for a game of laser tag at Laser Quest, which is just a few blocks away from the convention center.

    Games are $9 each, or three for $20. The limit is 35 players at a time. Comment below if you want to meet up with us there, and I'll add your name to a list to create a group chat on Facebook Messenger to keep you all updated.

  3. 23 minutes ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

    People have asked for this for a long time. I'm not sure why it was never addressed.

    I wonder if they could have a prompt when selecting those nodes for:

    20 minutes/waves

    40 minutes/waves

    ∞ Infinite (which would let the team stay until the team decides to extract as normal)

    This would be nice to have so like minded people could get together, especially on fissures where I want to go at least a few rounds.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Nurmetya said:

    Well then that means Heavy Caliber is doing its job after all it'll give a boost to your overall damage at the cost of it breaking accuracies arms and legs and poking out an eye for good measure and on weapons that use a projectile bullet over a hitscan bullet the accuracy is affected even more, stick it on an Ogris and the damn thing will shoot in any direction but forwards.

    I love my heavy caliber on ogris it makes me feel alive XD

  5. 3 minutes ago, tprx said:

    And there should be a toggle so players who do not want to participate can avoid being distracted by the beacons.

    The beacons could appear on the star map as something akin to alerts. It could show what rewards you get by responding.

    And for players using the beacon, they get their mission "frozen" for a minute to wait to see if there's a responder.

    Beacon could be used only in the first minute of a mission, so responder actually gets to do something (Imagine activating the beacon just before the end of the mission. Free loot for every one who answers!)

    I agree with the opt out but maybe give a bit more then a minute. similar to how you can't join a mission after half is done or after wave 5 or so. That way the player gets a chance to realize they are in over their heads.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Eienlanzer said:

    I would love to help new players. This is a great idea. Scanning region and recruiting for help requests becomes daunting, and I would much rather click a help alert. 

    A small issue I see would be the blind jump into a help request without having the appropriate frame and weapons equipped. But that's rarely a issue when I bring Inaros. 

    true but you could still see the mission type which would help you decide

  7. 14 minutes ago, --Q--Captain said:

    I like the idea but my only concern is the limited number of veteran players.

    it would not take a mr 25 to run though the star chart missions though so there are plenty of players and if the rewards are decent then anyone mr 10+ would be able to help most of the time.

  8. So as most Veteran players know much of the star chart is dead most of the time, which means a new player trying to clear missions has to either wait for them to have good enough gear to clear a node or find help on recruiting or from a clan. 

    My idea would be a gear item that sends a help signal out so if a player ends up in a mission over their head they can drop the beacon and hope someone comes for them. They could be limited to a few beacons per day to avoid abuse and such. Also it would have to be explained by Ordis/Lotus/Teshin so the new players actually equip it to Gear, this would also help players learn what the gear actually is too.

    The Veteran players who respond to the beacon would earn some kind of reward as well, such as tokens toward boosters, even plat discounts, or other rewards. 

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