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Posts posted by Sefercil

  1. Personally I would still prefer a toggle to have the previous quick melee. And even with what you suggest Steel_Rook, that would mean you can't attack while aim gliding with melee. It would lead to some frustrating timing (like making sure you aren't moving while in Ivara Prowl to bullet jump without breaking prowl). I actually would frequently aim glide while attacking in the air with Sigma and Octatnis, to throw the shield out. Aim gliding helped with positioning to make sure I hit the target I wanted to. Never mind aim gliding to make sure you position yourself and the cursor well to slam attack when and where you want (as Zephyr aim glide is fairly important to help with targeting your 1). It was far more convenient before, and I find myself constantly messing up and dropping things or swapping when I don't want to at all. Right click (blocking) with Redeemer also helped me stabilize my hand better for accuracy (more muscles engaged on the mouse means firmer grip/more control), never mind how a number of combos are not possible now without being able to block intentionally (which I understand would be fixed in the full release of Melee 3.0). You shoot differently with Redeemer mid block too (combo related I think).

    Ultimately I think taking away agency on the player's part for such an important function is a bad idea. It feels cruddy, and I miss being able to aim glide to position better and attack from that glide (I think it also helps with glaives, which is also a favorite of mine). Positioning is key with melee, and gliding helped in that. I really appreciate what they were trying to do, and maybe if the previous controls never existed I would feel better about these. But I still feel like the weapon swapping being forced on right click (or left if you don't have the toggle on) stinks. It takes a lot away to also make gliding impossible from melee. It seems there's just going to be a lot of unnecessary, distracting and frustrating weapon swapping from here on out.

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  2. I think an auto block mod is fair enough since it takes an entire function and makes it near trivial to consider. It's good (situationally) when used in conjunction with other mods or weapons that have bonuses when you block. An example is absorbing damage from block to put into next melee strike, or Avenging Truth (Silva and Aegis). Electromagnetic Shielding is now very limited and almost becomes useless since it redirects damage other players get to you while you are blocking, so it's preemptive. But now you can't choose to block, and if enemies are hitting other people (and you can't use Guardian Derision anymore since it's a preemptive blocking mod that requires blocking to redirect enemy attacks), then nobody is hitting you to activate your auto block (of few are and you have to wait until they do). This sort of play style, to redirect attacks and damage, is nice for tanking and protecting allies. Especially when used with a Trinity, Chroma or Nyx (since they can absorb damage and use it against enemies). I actually have Guardian Derision and Electromagnetic Shielding in my A config for Ack and Brunt.

    It depends ultimately on being willing to sacrifice other mods for a different function, a different play style. Focusing on blocking and making it less effort or using block-involving mods are a viable play style for some people. It isn't exactly "meta" or optimal for outright killing enemies (why block and waste time when you could be killing? no need for blocking then!). It's typical to build for damage, maybe with a special mod here or there. But that isn't always the point for many builds and play styles.

    I agree on quick melee. I used it to do exactly that, to quickly melee when I didn't want to swap over to melee overall. Little infested dude coming to interrupt your moment of reprieve or reload? Quick melee. It was really useful, and essentially every other melee change would be highly welcomed (especially unifying combos). I already had a button to equip melee specifically (middle mouse). To have no option to just quickly slap something that got too close without outright changing my weapon is frustrating. As it stands, I have left click to melee, and if I use right click to quickly swap back to primary, I'm now staring down a sniper scope and disoriented (never mind no aim glide).

    (And regarding seeming overly positive at the end, I tend to do that naturally. That's my own personality, not the result of gaming feedback culture. I have personal reasons for it. I tend to be thorough about my feelings and like to address as many aspects of a subject as I can. Long winded and unnecessary in a way, I'm aware. But it was a part of making it clear that these changes have disturbed me quite a bit, despite being essentially silent otherwise through years of updates. I'm shook).

  3. I have 3 points to make in this post. Preemptive TL;DR Essentially I want the option to revert changes, via toggle or otherwise. This is about melee blocking now being automatic as opposed to previously being a keybind, not being able to aim glide with melee out anymore (it swaps to primary/secondary aim), and the UI for the abilities screen being de-cluttered for a new "now-hover-to-see-what-you-wanted-to-see" functionality.

    To be honest, I really don't like Melee blocking being taken away outside of an automatic reaction. I'd like to choose when to block. There was a mod for auto blocking, never mind some mods and player tactics now being nullified or inconvenienced (Guardian Derision and charging Vex Armor with melee out. with melee out, due to damage reduction, it takes longer to charge it. tested briefly). I really want to be able to choose when to absorb full enemy damage, like as a Rhino charging the first few seconds of Iron Skin, without having to switch weapon type just to do so efficiently. Regardless, I want to choose when I block and when I don't. Maybe toggle auto block in options or in game? I'm still iffy on auto equipping melee when all I want to do is aim glide (previously by blocking in the air) and continue with melee out.

    I also really don't like the new ability screen. The point, and greatest attribute, was to display all the info you needed on your abilities. I want to see everything I need in a glance. I appreciate the new icons we can hover over in the upgrade screen (that's efficiency). But now if I change a stat, I have to hover over every ability one by one and hope my ADHD brain remembers (yes, diagnosed, and always struggling with remembering numbers. yes, even within a few seconds of seeing them). The option to simply look at a screen full of the info I needed to compare pros and cons when I change a stat is gone. I really needed that. I really appreciated that.

    I do like the other changes for the most part. And I was really excited for the content update. But I haven't even touched it yet, despite getting home late, waiting anxiously for the update (then the hotfix as soon as I logged in haha), and despite always jumping in to new content as soon as I can when updates are dropped. I've never really said so much before on the forums either, so I think that counts for a lot. I'm genuinely bothered by changes taking away control and convenience for "flow" and aesthetics. I'd rather have the option to determine how I engage enemies and control my frame. Even if it's a toggle. (technically, I'd like quick melee back as well since it was used to do just that,  quick melee. I can dream)

    I've been so frustrated with games that sacrifice efficiency/convenience and player agency for aesthetics and automation. Please provide an option to revert to previous display options and allow us to bind block to a key again (I was one of the players who rebound melee to left mouse button, right button was my block). I just feel like these changes have stepped on my toes, and in some cases outright hindered me for being less than typically able when it comes to assessing and comparing information. It's genuinely difficult for me, and it feels like a downgrade overall. When displaying information, I always appreciate and prefer Convenience>Aesthetic. 

    I appreciate all that you do, and I've spent thousands of hours delighted and immersing myself in this meticulously crafted universe. I adore this game like no other, and I've never spent so much time on anything else before. I hope you don't take my criticism as an insult or negativity, but I do want my voice to be heard as a player. Ultimately I may just have to get used to these changes (though I really really hope the abilities screen changes), and I'm willing to learn something new if I have no other choice. Regardless, thank you.

  4. Using a skill, I think specifically exalted blade (but it could possibly be all of them), would sometimes lock up the character/Warframe so it could only run around and jump.

    I was using Excalibur in an infestation mission on Sedna (PHORID: Manifestation) (One time it happened during a defense mission, but I'm not sure where. It was infestation though). The node was Selkie and it was a survival mission.
    I was equipped with Latron, Furis, and Obex (Primary, Secondary, and melee).

    For my bindings (not sure if this matters): I had my abilities individually set to the 1,2,3, and 4 keys on my keyboard, with "Q" to activate a ability and the scroll wheel to switch between them. "E" was for melee. I have a 7 button mouse with two buttons on the side that I bound pulling out my melee weapon and using the first gear slot to (mouse 4 and mouse 5).

    To be more specific, I would be a little panicked trying to quickly use an ability (usually the 3rd and more often the 4th skill) around the time before or after I tried to use melee, or shoot a gun. I would seem to start to use the abilities or something (I'm not really sure what the animation was doing) but the frame would lock up and I could not shoot, switch weapons, use melee, or activate things (though that was not always the case, as sometimes I could activate things like lockers, and sometimes I couldn't). It happened when I alternated between using the 1,2,3,4 keys and my "Q" ability activation key, possibly for both activating and deactivating an ability (exalted blade to be specific). I would not be able to revive teammates either. I could still jump, move around, crouch (I think), and move around in general like normal. It wouldn't unlock the character's abilities or forms of attack until I was knocked down and needed to be revived. I could then attack with my secondary weapon, but I think over half the time this happened, I would be locked up again (like before I was knocked down) after a teammate revived me. Sometimes I would be free again to play normally, but it was not guaranteed. It happened at least 4-5 times, each time slightly different (1-2 times I was able to attack again after being revived, or other times it seemed as though I was fixed but something else happened).

    Two instances that are closely related concerning how they may have happened (involving not being able to attack after trying to use an ability), but I was not holding the energy-beam sword (exalted blade) and just had my Obex visible. In one instance, my Warframe acted as though I was using exalted blade but it didn't use energy one time (I think), and the other time I kept sheathing and unsheathing the invisible blade like I was activating/deactivating the ability every time I stopped using melee, even though I wasn't. This stopped after I held still for a little while. It was during the defense mission I previously mentioned.

    The second instance was during the Sedna survival mission. I had the issue with not being able to attack, and when I was revived, I could suddenly attack with both my Obex and exalted blade. I alternated between the two (depending on the time between pressing the key I think) and I could see the energy blade when I wasn't punching. I don't remember if it used energy or not. That's all the info I can really give for this bug and I only have randomly taken pictures using Steam's screenshot utility. I have no video, but I will try to recreate the situation and capture it.

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