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Posts posted by (PSN)dnbnick

  1. 1 minute ago, Andrew7811 said:

    How do I create a session for the rest of my clan to see here (i.e. the one on plato my mouse is hovering over)? I tried looking everywhere on the wiki but I couldn't find a good answer


    You just have to start a mission, if the mission is open and got space will show there

  2. On August 2, 2016 at 2:28 AM, ZAXNIGHTMARE said:

    bueno, pongo en este post mi opinion de este tipo de jugadores, no pretendo juzgar la forma de jugar de los demas, cada uno es feliz como juegue y lo respeto, lo aclaro.


    en los menos de 5 meses que llebo jugando warframe, me he visto con un peculiar tipo de jugador, como en el titulo dice, es un "pro de simulor" (el pro le añado su sarcasmo)

    porque pro? que me han hecho? se preguntaran de algun modo, no me han hecho nada, no adrede, y no es una queja claro ni "arena en la.....", pero este tipo de jugadores, digamos que son los solo runners, muchos no contamos con un buen internet y en menos de 1 minuto ya acaban la mision de exterminio, o en los sabotajes dejan a los que no han entrado al juego sin la recompensa el alijo, o los espionajes y la boveda de datos robada, y bueno, arruina la diversion de los demas, no mas dejando a los demas con las sobras y muchos casos sin el objetivo de sintesis o en medio dela activida dun enorme lag (ya dependiendo del pc de cada persona).


    por lo que me he fijado, suelen equipar la simulor synoid y mirage, por eficiencia de muertes y del uso del arma.


    y en este punto deseo saber de sus opiniones al respecto, si son este tipo de jugadores, si son del tipo de personas, y bueno, saber de sus anecdotas en un tema libre, pero con el debido respeto que todo merece.



    El problema para mi aqui es de toda la comunidad (Tanto los que usan la simulor como los que no) ya que la mayoria esta obsecionado por tener mas muertes que los demas, los que odian la simulor lo hacen xq los que la usan matan mas y los que la usan lo hacen para matar mas xD pasa lo mismo con ash. ¿Es que acaso dan premios por matar mas y no me entere?

  3. 10 hours ago, (PS4)slayerserenity said:

    All I am saying we should get PC latest update to console. That way we don't have to wait for another update then another update then update again. We should be looking forward for war within but this update should hold us even war within comes out in December or next year January which I could wait but at as long we get the latest version of specters of rail and all the cool stuff PC have now. Cause PC is now waiting for war within update.

    I know what you mean and i agree but is not that simple as "We deserve it because we wait" sadly the cut for or build was made in the hotfix 13 and that is what we getting plus some things of update 1.1 as DE said

  4. 17 hours ago, FueledByFire said:

    Quizá la idea sería que la dificultad fuera escalonada... cada vez enemigos más fuertes.... al modo de una balanza, si sos más fuerte, enemigos cada vez más fuertes... pero ya los de 30 que es el máximo e incluso para mí no son taaan fuertes.... :( en fin, gracias por contestar

    Aclaracion:  El nivel 30 no es el maximo de los enemigos

  5. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)strongsabertooth said:

    I am Mastery Rank six  and people are hosting missions that say MR12+ which i can take on by myself solo, but my point is why do people ask for MR. in the first place it doesn't mean skill at all you are just leveling your guns when i see a high leveled MR person i just see that they have leveled more guns than me. I decided to tell you how can i rank up mastery rank pretty fast and does adding Forma help to rank up your mastery rank and what if you buy a weapon, max it out, and sell it and buy it again and level it up can you raise your Mr that way?

    Mr dont mean skill but in most of the time means more experience, more time play, more mods and better weapons. Also in ps4 we still have the void and is way more probably a higher mastery rank will survive longher on endless runs. Don't always works this way but usually does

  6. Just now, wolfsongcry said:


    But older players should also be interested with interacting with them, showing them how to play. I think the clans should work harder on this, maybe with some kind or reward.

    Totally agree on that, sadly not all the clans do that, even worst i saw biggers clans just recruiting above certain mr totally leaving behind the chance to help new players 

  7. 12 minutes ago, (PS4)Bosnia_Akhalar said:

    I would like to have Game of the year edition / Premium Edition ( online & offline mode ), 60-100$, in offline mode, players have unlimited frame, weapon, ...slots, also operations, events become story quests, but no prime. and have multiplayer mode, where player participate in our current version, can have prime, have to buy slot for prime.

    who buy GOTY edition will have premium status, no need to buy slots for regular weapons, frames ..., and can keep regular items from offline mode, then transfer to online mode.

    Keep some players offline in a coop game... WONDERFUL 

  8. 13 minutes ago, (PS4)manuaresick21 said:

    The prime parts will be a lot easier to farm now because of the new relics system which in my opinion was a brilliant idea. But the bad thing about this is that the trading prices will go down quite a bit so for example Ash Prime Set from 140 plat currently will cost 70 plat when the update hits.

    That is not necessary true, we dont really know much about how it will impact on the trade market. Im sure some parts prices will be down but DE is not fool (I think lol) and there will be rare relics and that will maintain some prices, i hope

  9. 29 minutes ago, (PS4)slayerserenity said:

    Hope Monday -August 1, 2016 is the day DE release Spectors of Rail.

    love warframe but no new alerts with no new rewards. Just the same thing credits credits only or invasion infested play three times to get the reward. Hope Spectors of Rail have better newer alerts cause  this weekend was boring I felt dragging on to play warframe hoping something new was added.

    The build is not even in cert so we have to wait until 2nd week of august at least

  10. I really Don't get the topic, is a f2p how do you expect they get money? The game has improve amazingly in how microtransaction affect the gameplay (i still remember the 4 lifes per day cap) also im very grateful DE give us the trade alternative, i have every frame and almost 100 weapons and never put a single dollar, i even buy hunhows just by trading. You just cannot expect the game give you every update for FREE, every warframe for FREE, give you a trade market to earn plat just by playing and complain for a holster but i really think it would be good if they give you at least 3 slot instead of 2 but in the other han d they give you the starter plat.. Sorry if i spell wrong, i dont speak English 

  11. Vendo: carrier prime full 35pl

                  Orthos prime full 10pl

                  Scindo prime full 40pl

                  Nezha full 35pl 

                  Set de perforacion 500pl


    Si les interesa algun item comunicarse preferentemente via ps4

  12. 4 hours ago, (PS4)On3LiF3DBA- said:

    I don't Know If its just my Clans Dojo But since the update when we try to decorate we cant click on the objects to supply the Rescorce's. instead it will say edit  but it will be stuck there we cant leave the dojo or pull up any options we have to close app an reload up.,, is there any patches or HotFix coming for these problems?

    THIS. To exit dojo when this bug happen press the emoji button and then you can press options and exit 

  13. Buenos dias tennos!! El clan League of the shadows comienza a reclutar!! 

    Es un clan formado por mi que he mantenido cerrado para acelerar el desarrollo, ahora con los laborarios completos y todas las construcciones primordiales hechas he comenzado a reclutar, yo soy rango 20 y tengo mucha experiencia en el juego, acepto tennos de cualquier nivel ya que no tengo problema en ayudar. Actualmente he reclutado varios miembros y ya hemos conseguido nuestro primer trofeo de oro en rathum, y nos expandimos a sombra.

    Aca les dejo un video del dojo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARv6cfEygTU

    Principalmente buscamos gente activa con ganas de jugar y progresar, hacemos competencias con importantes premios todos los meses.

    Por otro lado buscamos clanes activos para nuestra alianza

    .Saludos tennos, los esperamos!

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