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Posts posted by Rydia

  1. 8 minutes ago, Artek94 said:

    One question for clarification: how "rude" are we talking about?
    Example: i drop couple of F-bombs there and there, just in general sense as emotional exclamation or emotional enhancer (to show that i feel emotional about it), but its not directed at anyone?

    Something like "Its so #*!%ing inconvinient and bad... Here's why: ____ and here's how it could be improved: _____"

    If the profanity doesn't help your point in any substantive way, then do you really need it? Your comment above doesn't say, "[DE]Marcus, it's so #$^#$)^&$# inconvenient and bad..." but the implication is still there that you are saying DE did something inconvenient and bad. Why not simply say, "I find the mechanic time-consuming and not very engaging. Here's how it could be improved..."?

    There are plenty of good times for profanity, too, don't get me wrong. But is this one of them? Everything you say about Warframe could be read by a developer who actually wrote that line of code. Go the extra inch. Don't be another drop of poison in the online ocean.

    • Like 12
  2. Hello friendly forums,

    This is my participation in giving feedback on PoE. I do not think my ideas are unique or unthought-of, but I want to add my voice in a constructive fashion to the voices already here.

    General summary: the Plains of Eidolon is a great update, but it unfortunately suffers from severe integration and economy issues that divorce it from the main game, make it feel like an endgame area that desperately wants to be shown to new players, and a woeful amount of wiki work must be done to comprehend it at all.

    Positives with minor issues:

    1. Teralysts. This is my favorite boss fight in the game beyond even the newly revamped things like Ambulas or Nef Anyo event boss stuff. Why?

    • Dynamic, epic feeling with giant screaming beasts
    • Starfall attack is so cool I watch it and die instead of DPSing
    • Hectic but challenging to capture - good level of work to get "better outcome"
    • SPLENDID! design of Teralyst itself

    2. Fishing minigame: I find this enjoyable and fun. I would love to see minor QoL improvements, though.

    • Instead of having to hold down right click, perhaps make it a toggle - if you right click, the spear goes to a ready position and you can then "fire" to throw it. My finger hurts!
    • I find gathering levels fine.
    • I would like to see a less sharp "gated" approach to the fish. Maybe make certain fish show up rarely even if not baited.
    • Bait is confusing and unclear in purpose despite its descriptions.

    3. Mining minigame: I really like this a lot, actually. I wouldn't change anything! MORE WEIRD PATTERNS!

    4. Environment: really great art. I LOVE the following:

    • Skybox. 100% awesome and detailed.
    • Night/day feels. Really good atmosphere.
    • Sound design is pleasing.
    • Love the excellent use of verticality. Deep caves or high structures!
    • Critters = funny and neat.
    • Plants: would like to see more refinement on the art model for the nistlepods, they feel a bit off compared to the nice maprico bushes that blend in well.
    • Likewise, the iradite kinda feels just "there" sitting on the ground.

    Needs improvement:

    1. Mission add/join/drop: I suspect this is being worked on but I cannot run two bounties in a row. When I try the second bounty, I get dumped into a freeroam group instead and it does not work. Lots of loading hitches and smoothing needs doing here. Host migrations still lootwipe individuals if they happen to a mission group, or if someone crashes out and rejoins using the "you're interrupted, rejoin?" dialog box.

    2. Teralysts, amps, and Quill: I suspect there's more to come here, but they need more ways to be fought, more purposes outside grinding Quill reputation, and the entire amp ecosystem around them is not terribly compelling. Crafting them is unlike anything else we do for crafting, gilding is a strange process alien to the marketplace, and their costs are strange. I personally cannot get over needing fish brains to make an arm laser. Sentient core hunting is not especially fun on its own for solo players.

    3. Bounties: you have heard much on this. I concur. Getting a single cetus wisp for a t4 bounty when I found two DURING the bounty is not a good risk versus reward proposal. 7% drop on Gara when Nidus is nearly double that is also very bizarre. Plus, then once you have Gara, it is no fun to see more blueprints. I know they have a sale value, but maybe offer players who have mastery in a given warframe a secondary reward if they get a blueprint for it? Bounties are probably primarily reputation vehicles, but I do not feel satisfied by solely grinding rep like a classic MMO, which is what Plains of Eidolon's open world conjures to me. But it isn't! I can take a freaking Opticor and blow ships out of the sky whenever I want. THAT is the fun Warframe experience. THAT is what I love to grind.

    4. Cetus joins: minor gripe: why do I get to see "full" instances of Cetus? Just hide them from my join list so I can click faster! This could be my ignorance, but why would you want to "choose" a given instance of Cetus if you're solo? If you're in a group, just use the host's instance group and join 'em all?

    5. TUTORIALS! PLEASE consider investing some valuable developer/UI/UX time in giving the plains a STRONG intro quest. THIS BADASS AREA NEEDS SHOWING. The Gara quest does a good job of introducing some concepts. INTRODUCE MORE! I freakin' love Vay Hek. Wouldn't it be sweet as heck to have a strong intro quest where you are taunted by him as you explore and establish your presence on the plains and showing you the mining, fishing, etc ropes? This area needs a new player experience on its own.

    6. Archwing. This was so disappointing to me - craft a segment and then craft a limited-use set of charges. I have accidentally stolen a launch use from someone else and it was awkward. I did not feel I was getting more powerful or gaining a new ability. I felt penalized for even trying - like I had to pay for the privilege of using something I'd already mastered. Archwing is a strange second mode tacked onto this game, and the plains were the dream place to use it. They still can be. Reconsider the system! Make projectiles that disable archwings instead "ground" a tenno for some seconds before they can relaunch, not burn a charge of some consumable! Make the zooming around in the sky AWESOME!

    7. Focus 2.0 is not impactful to me. The rare Eidolon lenses are an abstract, premium consumable and the system of nodes does not feel "vibrant" to me. It is a click-to-power system that reminds me of a World of Warcraft skill tree. The ART is amazing, but the impact is limited. Waybinding for one million? Such a massive focus cost I cannot even contemplate it. Perhaps I am too casual for this system, but if I am - it is an entire system I will never use and does not bring any engagement to my "operator" side.

    8. You will notice I did not mention Zaw/craftable weapons. I have not because I have not used them and found no compelling reason to do so when I have awesome prime weapons I may construct more easily and with less confusion as to what I am doing.

    Thank you for your time.

    tl;dr read it, I tried very hard to care and be thoughtful while writing this.

  3. Extremely dissatisfied with both the implementation and sequence of events to get Archwing on PoE:

    1. Craft segment that is nontrivially expensive.

    2. Wait.

    3. Discover upon crafting that the segment does not actually do anything. It enables me to craft something else. I had to wiki this. It was not obvious.

    4. The something else is a second layer of grind with limited uses. This was where I audibly groaned.

    Do not do this this way. Please either consider rebalancing costs or changing this sequence of events in some other way. This is not a fun part of the core gameplay loop. I WANT reasons to use Archwing in a game where it is not a widely used system. Gating it in this fashion does not incentivize its use or make it engaging.

    I know this has all been said before but I want to add my voice to the dissatisfaction here.

    I want my incremental gains in power to be exciting. I want something to finish building and make me better.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Mepheri said:

    you did not take a relic and clicked "go without relic" by mistake, you'd still get traces as long as you picked up 10 reactant but wouldnt get to choose a reward, be more careful next time :P

    If that's the truth I'll eat my hat! I definitely thought I had a relic equipped, but I tested it and got the same experience you described. I shall leave this post up as a testament to my idiocy and shame so others may know what I now know.

  5. In a mission completed just now, 5:46pm on 3/25, I received void traces but no reward is listed. If I got void traces, I should have qualified for a reward since I couldn't get traces unless I brought a relic and opened it, right? I don't think this should be possible. Screen attached. I have never had this happen before.

    Edit: I did see the "select a reward" screen but was unable to select anything and there were also only three rewards on the screen - I was not there. I didn't catch that screen, unfortunately.


  6. Do not like the clan requirements for the weapon. Am in a small clan. Even the other active members don't want to grind against that last mission with me.


    Do like the new mission.


    Do not really enjoy the pressure and way this event has been implemented. I do not like being unable to get a weapon because I play solo or pub games.

    This is like the Hema. It does not feel good.

  7. Hello there. This is probably between UI and gameplay, but I decided it makes more sense as potentially UI. Or maybe not!

    I would like to be able to press a button and skip dialog I have heard before. The two offenders for this that I keep coming back to are Cephalon Simaris' audio and Maroo's weekly bazaar quest audio. I must listen to them in their entirety every time, day after day. I like their voices, but I'd also like to be able to skip them.

    Thank you!

  8. Ways that Warframe has chosen to slow things down for resource/weapon/economy building reasons:

    1. Weapons that take other weapons to build.

    2. Massive resource spikes on building items (Vauban Prime with oxium).

    3. Introducing arbitrary resources such as cryotic, Nitian (the poster child for this - literally a time/chance gate).

    4. Clan research.

    Since they did not opt to introduce a new resource no one has for this gun, they had to decide: do we want everyone to be slowed down in getting this? They did. They thus raised the cost. I doubt this gun is 76 times more interesting/powerful than the Synapse, which takes a mere 65 mutagen samples to research.

    The core gameplay loop is farm - which is fine. I love farming. But I like new ways to farm. Kuva, for example, is fine. But this does not introduce a new loop for mutagen widgets. It does not introduce a new challenge or a new way to win at Warframe. It is a way to force people to play the missions they've always played in the ways they've always played them.

    Please reconsider this design philosophy, if not this core decision.

  9. The whole point of a loot grind is to roll the dice and have fun - feel like you're making progress toward a specific goal. Sorties offer Rivens as that goal - it's explicitly that goal.

    The ways in which sorties are run allow an individual to roll the dice for a very, very long time and get nothing that is unique or valuable. Forma, nitain, and endo are largely considered to be secondary in preference to other endgame things like Riven mods. You don't make "evergreen" goals totally random, because if you roll those dice badly, you could in theory never get one - and never, ever feel as if you're making progress toward some larger goal that will increase your power.

    Nitain is useless in itself unless you are part of another dice rolling system, like relics, because it, itself, is only a component. But in the relic grind, even if you get a prime blueprint or part you don't want, it's at least redeemable for ducats which you can buy rare or interesting items with. I like getting prime items even if they're not useful to me because ducats are fun to hoard and spend.

    Sorties offer no "second tier" of progress, of redeeming the items or resources you get and using them for a new purpose. Endo can come from the weekly Ayatan hunt or salvaging mods or finding it on normal missions. Even if it's SLOW AS HECK, offering players who don't roll big winner on sorties a way to make "progress" toward that evergreen goal is going to feel a lot better than simply trusting fate after grinding out some hard missions, don't you think? Let's not forget that Rivens themselves are ALSO totally random and pretty luck-based.

  10. I didn't really read about what Riven mods were until I got my first one and unveiled it - I got a terrible, terrible mod for a sentinel weapon I'd sold a long time ago. A sentinel rifle.

    It felt bad.

    A friend of mine also rolled their mod.

    Another sentinel weapon. For which they did the 30 headshots while taking no damage challenge.

    It felt really bad. It wasn't fun.

    So we decided to run a sortie and see if we could get another Riven mod to roll. Instead, we ran into a kuva siphon while duoing the exterminate part of the sortie. We were crushed and got no kuva by level 70 siphon guards. I did get 2000 endo, though.

    My playing companion then told me they were no longer interested in playing Warframe anymore. This wasn't a fun or engaging experience to run up against these mechanics and have no obvious reward, rhyme, or path to success.

    I've banked a lot of hours in Warframe, but this update has taken away any sense of control. Any sense of progression and achievement. Any sense that what I'm doing will have a payoff in an interesting way that will make me stronger. It isn't like other loot lotteries where I'm excited when I roll the dice.

    Reducing and changing how kuva is obtained is a good first step, but I have to say that the Brozime Riven mod video, while really nasty in some points, is essentially how I feel about these new "progression" mechanics. This dev workshop post is encouraging because it shows you guys are thinking about what to do to compromise between making it a totally defined reward path that offers you no economic/growth benefits and offering enough RNG that people must continue to play. I promise you I get that.

    I look forward to what I hope are aggressive iterations on the Riven system so it is more interactive, rewarding, and FEELS like an achievement when you unveil or reroll a mod.

    But if you bury it too hard and too deep beneath these kinds of disenfranchising mechanics, it sucks the fun right out.

    You might say... it's a fun siphon.

  11. 16 minutes ago, shootaman777 said:


    Sadly, this seems to be the only place to voice our feedback, and we will never know if it gets read by DE, or if we are just talking to ourselves.  The reason that we're here is that we care enough to at least try to be heard, so let's be hopeful that what we say here actually does make a difference.  

    If they didn't want this kind of thread, it wouldn't have been prompted by Rebecca. If anyone were to believe they did this in poor faith or to distract us, I cannot contemplate why that individual would bother to post here anyhow to mention that. I agree with you: assume good faith and act commensurately. Assume your feedback matters.

    I've read a lot of the thread and hope they read it, too - they know they have reduced players in power rather substantially in certain circumstances, but done nothing to accommodate the broken mechanics players were struggling against in the first place. This is a combination that will get you angry players (and please individuals who love the challenge, and so on). It is unfortunately one of the two areas Warframe is weakest - balance. The other, UI, is especially evident with Archwing stuff and the innumerable odd UI/QoL problems that people track.

    I hope the lessons learned here will allow them to grow in balancing the game more effectively, because this is a long-deferred problem they are struggling against... all while having to make new content to keep long-timers interested. The insane costs of Vauban Prime and the Focus beta show that content is being stretched as well.

  12. Then that's why. It's like an invasion - you only get to accumulate support for one side. Nef or Alad, but not both. If you have 2 "points" for Nef (meaning you supported Nef three times each on two prior invasions), then run one for Alad, you end up with a total of only one "point" in Nef's favor.




  13. He's perfect. PERFECT!


    His website (I think):




    He even says he's a ninja. Just like the Tenno. And look at the long resume.


    But I give major props to all the voice acting - I've loved Alad V, new Nef Anyo, Tyl Regor, Simaris, and the PvP enclave guy. I ain't trolling when I say I like Ordis' cringey jokes, either. All of them are really nice.

  14. Alright. I get WAR-247476 constantly when joining relays - AMD (edit: HD7800 series) card, using newest beta drivers OR using older drivers. Doesn't matter which. I ONLY crash upon entering relays, it seems like. I thought alt-tabbing was somehow important, but it isn't.


    Turning off DX11 and DX10 instantly stopped the crashing.


    Turning on ONLY DX10, crash instantly came back.


    Multithreading on the whole time. I'll try turning it off and using DX10/11 next.


    How super weird.




    Son of a daughter, this is annoying. I could not get it to crash when I turned off multithreading and turned DX10/11 back on, but then I turned everything back on and was able to do things fine without any crashes.


    I uselessly conclude I am confused.

  15. One of the Cephalon Suda dailies for today, 2.8.2015, appears to be quite strange. It was a mission on Hellas, Mars, typed Exterminate.


    It says it is an exterminate mission, but is in fact typed as an Invasion mission. During the intro, Suda welcomes us, then Lotus pops in and says we work with the Corpus - kill all Grineer. However, we then are able to kill both Corpus and Grineer, and both count toward the Extermination total.


    Search as we may, we also found no evidence of any Suda tokens spawning in the mission whatsoever. Upon mission completion, we did receive the proper amount of standing.


    I was not the host. The host appeared to have the same experience as me.

  16. This is a fascinating read, agreed! If that compression is as impressive as it sounds... this is really a major advance! Networking is really hard to do right, and you never hear about how everything is fine. You really just hear when it's bad.


    Here's hoping that this change goes in smooth and calmly. No hype train, just well-wishes on this. This is the kind of stuff that determines the long-term health of Warframe - making sure its underpinnings are fast, efficient, and compatible.


    So much research and work.


    Thank you for enlightening us and your constant efforts! It's really appreciated. Can't wait to test the results with the next update.

  17. I'm bringing this back to life as I saw Nullifier Crewman on Themisto, today, 12.7.2014, when running Alad V. Based on the patch notes from recent changes, I'm not certain if they're supposed to be ingame or not at this point. I also saw some weird new types of Ospreys, including a "Searing Osprey" which looked like it was fully functioning and launched weird mines.

  18. Agreed. It's like they are wanting to do a 180 on their whole game, and it's really frustrating to see them constricting options more and more. With the nightmare mode quest missions, this new corpus unit (which wasn't in patch notes), and just general trickery makes me wonder if anyone except Valkyr will be viable in 6 months.


    And even Valkyr is not so great - their spheres turn off Hysteria as soon as you run in, and with the odd duration on their power block... I got to use it once in four waves of enemies. I think they're an interesting challenge as it stands, but I am certain they are not blocking powers correctly at this time if you're a client rather than a host. We did a bit more testing and the host seemed to get their powers back as soon as the crewman was dead/the host wasn't in the sphere.

  19. I'm running Callisto on Jupiter and ran into these weird backpack-toting Nullifier Crewman guys that are pretty darn hardcore. I'd never seen them before today!


    They prevent power use, but they seem to do it for a random and odd duration - long after they're dead and their anti-ability sphere is gone. There's no visual indicator I see of their debuff on me, and I can't tell when it's OK to use my power again. I'm assuming this is a bug - my host never got powerblocked at all, and I spent 90% of the four-wave interception we did without any powers at all.

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