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Posts posted by Kierlak

  1. Status is largely worthless. Corrosive takes too long to do it's work, and is superseded by CP anyway. Fire and Slash deal pretty low amounts of damage, unless they are fueled by a large CRIT. Viral is the only standout status effect, and it doesn't work on any boss as far as I can tell.

    Status is a seriously flawed mechanic, with the various damage types fighting each other to even have a chance of proccing. Crit is either a yes or a no: The shot/hit either crits or not. Status is a yes or a no, AND a maybe: You have to roll above your status chance to have anything happen at all, and then your elements fight amongst themselves to see what comes out. You can fire an entire magazine and never see a slash/corrosive proc unless you have some OVERWHELMING amount of status chance. That's pretty damn crappy.

  2. 5 hours ago, (PS4)Squarehead08 said:

    Saryn is fantastic

    No, she is not. Spores are clunky and buggy, Molt is fragile to the point of not making any sense, and Miasma does poor damage in far too small an area even if you have both procs on all the targets. Saryn is a barely functional mess.

  3. 2 hours ago, WrathAscending said:

    Other Warframes manage without those too.



    Atlas, Chroma, Loki, Nekros, Trinity, Valkyr, and Wukong are the only frames without mostly effective AoE/crowd killing. Of those, Chroma can be nearly invulnerable, Loki can be permanently invisible, Nekros invents more loot, Trinity has the only effective heal and infinite energy, and Valkyr and Wukong are actually invincible. Atlas is the only frame that has no AoE as well as no other over the top strength to cover that gap. It's not a coincidence that Atlas isn't a very good frame when it comes right down to it. A manually operated Slash Dash isn't all that great in the end.

  4. 8 minutes ago, WrathAscending said:

    I would swap Teleport to his 4th skill and make it incorporate the Fatal Teleport augment by default.

    Then try to figure out a new 3rd. If Saryn didn't exist a skill for poisoning his melee weapons would be the natural option.

     And leave Ash with no AoE/crowd kill ability. No thanks.

  5. Because all of the hipster Mirage+Synoid Simulor mains don't like it when anything else deals any appreciable damage while they are in the group.


    And also because it's become the 'cool thing' to hate on effective weapons(Tonkor)/frames(Ash)/strategies(anything that isn't jumping around in the open on a Limbo, making the game unplayable for the rest of the group), and entirely too many people jump on that bandwagon.

  6. 1 hour ago, Lord_Azrael said:

    Which is why things like Peacemaker and Exalted Blade get nerfed. So that this isn't as effective.

    Besides, what you're describing is usually pretty boring! I generally avoid such meta set-ups unless there's a specific (and good) reason.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Saryn used to just cast Miasma? As in that was the only ability she used? Just a burst of AoE damage, with nothing else attached. That sounds drastically more mobile than what Saryn is now, chained to a Molt, spamming an unholy amount of spores onto it to generate enough damage to try and justify her insane energy inefficiency. DE's inconsistency does not help their case, saying one thing and having reality be something different.


    And yes, snow globe camping is boring, but it is very effective. And effective is the key word, because when people are staring run number 100+ for parts for item X, they have zero interest in flavor, or style, or fun, they simply want this part of the grind done. The 'meta' allows players to inflict the next round of torture on themselves with as little extraneous movement as possible, lessening the pain just that little bit as they get another stack of silver cores on a C rotation.

  7. 7 hours ago, Lord_Azrael said:

    Standing still in one place is not how we are supposed to play warframe at all.

    In theory, yes, you are right. But in reality you get more done sitting more or less still, with a buffer, a nuker, a Trinity and a utility. Bring your hyper specialized build, play your part and hang out under the snow globe, and you are simply more effective than playing the badass space ninja, jumping around trying to ninja all over the bad mans.

  8. It's a design flaw, to be sure. Banshee, Saryn, Mesa, Ash, and Excaliber and Ember to some extent, and probably more that escape my memory right now, work best when they stand more or less still and do one thing over and over. And then the game seeks to punish you for playing the frames the way they perform best.

  9. 10 hours ago, (XB1)KINGJOE121 said:

    In semi auto it get its crit chance doubled so thats ur crit build

    It's crit multiplier and base damage don't begin to be high enough to support that. In semi auto is has a seriously truncated RoF, so to make that up, it would need to hit EXTREMELY hard, like Dex Sybaris crit hard.

    Besides, crit is the territory of the Soma family, they do it a lot better. It should have probably been a status gun, with something like 30% base in full auto, and probably something like 100% chance to proc all 3 IPS effects plus like 50% to proc one of it's element effects in semi auto.

  10. Atlas doesn't suck. Atlas has a very overpowered pony that knows one trick, and three all but useless abilities except in the most contrived circumstances, is locked behind one of the worst grinds in the game (Juggernaut farming and AW nonsense), brings team 'utility' that is usually more harm than good, and looks like the south end of a north bound kangaroo. But he totally doesn't suck, because dealing angry retard levels of damage while being immune to incoming damage is something that means Ash needs a nerf to soothe hipster fee-fees, but it just makes Altas not suck.

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