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Posts posted by Kierlak

  1. Frost IS a drastically better frame for defense and excavation. Oberon's pitiful healing and worthless carpet aren't going to help that hyper fragile extractor stay alive, but Frost's bubble will. If there was already a Frost in the group, then it wouldn't matter if you went on an Oberon, because the the actual important role has already been filled, so you can play around on your crippleframe and frolic as you please while Frost handles the real stuff. #MakeOberonGreatForTheFirstTime  #FrostBeatsHimAtLiterallyEverything

  2. 2 minutes ago, zephyr11221 said:

    Oberon's Armor buffs

    Too small to actually do anything, and tied to standing on a tiny little unprotected patch of land. Snow Globe trumps it overwhelmingly hard.


    4 minutes ago, zephyr11221 said:

    Smite Infusion

    Not worth using, and doubly not worth using on Oberon because he is starved in the extreme for mod space as is. And other frames have similar mods.


    6 minutes ago, zephyr11221 said:

    Bleedout slow

    Really? I mean, REALLY?! Frost can drop a globe on top of the fallen. No, it won't give you time to run all the way to a hallway hero, but it helps WAY more when doing the actual reviving under fire.


    7 minutes ago, zephyr11221 said:

    Status negation

    Snow Globe trumps it overwhelmingly hard.


    9 minutes ago, zephyr11221 said:


    Avalanche is a wide area total stun. That also strips armor.


    10 minutes ago, zephyr11221 said:

    Heal pads don't have infinite range, and don't heal for over 1k within a couple seconds.

    Renewal may have infinite range, but it takes a long time to actually get there if the range is actually more than a few feet. And pads can heal as much as you want, as fast as you want, just spam the button really fast.


    Frost with too many heal pads is better than Oberon. The truth may be hard to take, but it's the truth. Oberon is a cripple. A cripple with a criminally bad passive. Take Oberon behind the shed and put him out of our misery. It's the humane thing to do.

  3. 1 hour ago, zephyr11221 said:

    Yes, and? That doesn't mean he's bad, considering how he can be used in the same missions any other Frame can be used in. 

    And do a worse job than pretty much all of them. If you are willing to drop heal pads to take the place of Renewal, Frost will literally do everything Oberon does, better. Oberon can be replaced with a cheap consumable item.

  4. 5 hours ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

    Renewal, especially with the augment, is a great form of healing. Hallowed ground needs a buff, but Renewal has no issues, barring the bug it has. Smite and Reckoning are also great. I don't see why anybody would have an issue with them.


    Renewal is terrible. The other two frame heals, Bless and Scarab Swarm, have useful additional effects baked right into them, damage reduction and CC respectively, with no need for an augment. And I think they both cast faster as well. The additional effect Renewal has, making a bleedout timer longer, is mostly worthless because it's only real use is to give you more time to get to a hallway hero that croaked. If they were near you like they should be, you would just hit Reckoning and then revive them.


    You know how you take Renewal into the same league as Bless and Scarab Swarm? You roll Hallowed Ground's status clear benefit into Renewal, and then give it a much faster cast time. There, I fixed Renewal. Send me a check, DE.

  5. These Oberon fanboys just kill me. We want Oberon to be better and they are all like "NOOOOOOOOOOOO HE'S SO GOOOD RIGHT NOOOOWWWWWW NEVER CHANGE HIM EVER!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Even if you give him a pass on Smite and Reckoning as being "OK" (even though Avalanche S#&$s all over Reckoning), Hallowed Ground and Renewal are terrible abilities through and through. Stationary defensives needs to either be EXTREMELY defensive (Frost's bubble), or have another facet (Volt's shield crit multiplier), but HG's defensive abilities are seriously questionable. To make use of the status immunity, you have to stand in it....with no additional protection from the things trying to apply their status to you, because HG's armor buff is so pitiful as to be unnoticeable, and Renewal's glacial cast time, slow healing and auto turn off trifecta mark it as a perfectly terrible ability, immaculate in it's awfulness.


    Hallowed Ground and Renewal should be rolled into a single ability, and give him a completely new '2'.

  6. Chroma is an almost 100% selfish frame. Range gets used as a dump stat in favor of strength and duration because you really NEED to make the most of your Ward and Vex, seeing as you have to build them up every time you cast it. So those ward buffs for the group? They pretty much never see them. His newfound credit farming role is pretty much his only group contribution other than damage, which everyone does.

  7. 1 hour ago, Rhekemi said:

    A resource cost reduction is not the only answer.

    No, it absolutely needs to be part of any solution used. 5000 samples is an absurd number, so astronomically higher than everything else that no one with any sense will ever support it. 500 samples would have been astoundingly high, as much as everything else combined, 5000 is just DE being antagonistic.

  8. He's one of the worst frames in the game. The mechanics of his abilities sabotage him into being stuck in the bottom of the barrel. Overly long cast times, excessively slow healing, and poor damage, combined with being bizarrely fragile for what was touted as a 'paladin' frame. You can take him anywhere, but you end up putting in twice the effort for half the reward compared to an actual good frame.

  9. 8 minutes ago, ravend said:

    The true problem is the player base, looking for cheats and exploits.


    Are you equating Draco with a cheat or an exploit? Just so we can be clear of just how far off the deep end you are.

  10. 1 hour ago, Skaleek said:

    Go into a players weapon stats -> Check their stats -> 0 kills on 90% of their weapons? Yeah Draco Leech, no you aren't invited to Jordas or Law. It's called karma and it'll catch up to you at some point.


    I wonder if you can see just how ridiculous you look. Talking about KARMA, of all things, that will inflict itself on all these evil people that had the galling temerity to dare to not do everything the hard, tedious, way. How very dare they?!

  11. 57 minutes ago, Govictory said:

    yep i see you are going to disregard the rest of my post, that is fine i guess it is not like i gave ideas how he can be improved to fit the paladin/druid role he was designed to fill or anything. Nah that can't be it is just too many random words i guess


    I'm disregarding it because I want Oberon to be an actual good frame, and it will take a lot more than some number shuffling to make that a reality.

  12. 55 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:


    ...Seems like I struck a nerve.

    You are welcome to your opinions and they can be as edgy as they want to be.

    That won't make them right or action-worthy.

    It just makes them loud.



    Given your insane defense of what is plainly a garbage frame to anyone that isn't blind, I'm pretty sure the one with the pinched nerve is you.

  13. 1 hour ago, Padre_Akais said:


    None of what you just said is true.


    If you are playing with a proper build... Oberon is anything other than fragile.

    Decent Armor, Good self-heal and a blind= Squishy? Negative.

    DPS and QoL synergy are his biggest issues... And because he heals, he probably won't get much DPS.

    If you are sitting inside HG... You are doing it for armor you don't need... and are doing it wrong. ( I would argue that the synergy offered is more of a trap than anything else)

    Stat-wise, he's fine: Good HP, Energy, and Armor allowing him to be built in multiple directions. 

    Oberon has a higher skill req than most frames and your descriptions sound like you are having troubles there.


    Everything I said is true. Oberon is trash. He is not high skill, he is trash. He is not a jack of all trades, he is trash. Pretending that he is not trash is hipster nonsense. Attempting to be a special snowflake by clinging to and defending one of the worst frames in the game does not change the reality that Oberon is one of the worst frames in the game. He needs a full rework, and that is all there is to it.

  14. 18 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    I wouldn't call Oberon "trash tier"—He's a mid-tier jack-of-all trades frame with a need for some QoL tuning and refinement. His issues highlight why I wish there were frame specific sub-forums, tbh. 

    ...But I would agree that Hydroid is in considerably worse condition.


    Oberon can ONLY be called trash tier. He's fragile. He's immobile (if you actually want to use hallowed ground). He needs more of all the stats than you can actually get. He's as much an energy vacuum as Saryn, but with drastically less result for the expenditure.


    Oberon does not need QoL tweaks, he needs a redesign. And Hydroid needs...deleting or something.

  15. 12 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:


    (Hydroid is questionable...

     Hydroid is not questionable. Hydroid barely exists as a warframe. Hydroid has no relevance AT ALL outside of Pilfering Swarm. Oberon is trash tier, but Hydroid is worse than trash tier.

  16. 1 hour ago, LegionCynex said:

     this is what people disliked and didn't approve of.



    No, it's what a few pitiful nerds intent on forcing everyone to play how they like to play didn't approve of. The rest of us approved of it because it did a very good job of cutting out a lot of unpleasant time spent with crappy items.

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