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Posts posted by Putrid_Idiot

  1. 3 hours ago, phoenix1992 said:

    While we don't have the data (because DE will not release it), it is pretty safe to say that in the case of both Ember and Nova deluxe, tennogen items are overshadowing them in purchases.
    And tennogen are pain to acquire on PC (no platinum purchase, can't be gifted and so on).

    what do you mean? i buy tennogen all the time with no issues at all?
    are you using steam? use steam to launch warframe.

  2. On 10/18/2017 at 2:23 AM, IgnusDei said:

    So here are my two cents on the newer Ember Deluxe skin.

    It's technically not bad.

    I mean the individual parts are good - the clawed red gloves look cool, the crest has a repeating pattern that's kind of pleasing to the eye, the shoulders look high tech, and the colors contrast nicely with each other.

    Problem is, the parts don't quite belong with one another. In fact, as some people already pointed out, each part looked like it was borrowed from another warframe design. Thus, when put together they don't form a cohesive whole that says 'Woman of fire', or add up to a sum greater than the parts. Like Nova Asuri before it, Ember Deluxe looks like the end result of a design-by-committee process.

    even though i loved your design, and have been waiting for like.. close to year (or something?) to see it unveiled, i think this is a stupid evaluation.

    i'm not playing a floating arm, or just a crest, or a pair of floating shoulders walking around through any given map.
    the flow and design in its full composition is really what anyone should focus.

    just because 5 virtuoso musicians are together, doesn't mean they can write a good song.

    "The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts"

  3. 7 hours ago, Sonicbullitt said:

     I sure do hope that this could get some looking into, because it seems like a majority do not like what they currently have in store for ember's skin. Sure opinions and tastes are subjective, but when enough of the majority like that subjective thing, that thing in a way it sort of becomes "good" while sometimes it might technically have objective problems, most people will still like it. It's like a movie for example, when enough critics and viewers like a film, it tends to be considered on a whole that the movie is good. While said movie can have some objective flaws, normally the pros outweigh the cons.

    The market follows trends, even if a few people dislike something, if more people like it than not , the market will cater to the majority.  While this is just a thread with a handful of players speaking out their distaste for the skin and does not account for the entire player base, from what I gather most people preferred IgnusDei's concept for Ember's deluxe skin, especially with so many responses how hot this topic has become.

    Funny thing is I don't even play ember or am particularly a huge fan of her and yet I created a whole thread about it , which led to others creating their own, in reaction to the new skin.  It shows that even if you are indifferent to something you can still care about how that thing is handled. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I guess this shows how much passion and love for DE's game we the players and fans have.  It's normally the things you love the most that you criticise the most, because in doing so we seek to make a good thing great  

    This is why I cannot understand the mindset of blindly praising something regardless of faults and flaws and that anyone who dares speak out against it is considered bad and awful, you can still enjoy something while still criticizing it at the same time. 

    money aside, i honestly feel lied to.
    for something i waited very very patiently for.

  4. 17 hours ago, SolidBeast said:

    It amazes me that after all this time, some players still haven't caught on to the fact that DE embraces imperfections and deformities in their designs. In fact, they actively seek to add them in. The game has been built on unconventional, strange, and polarizing designs for years. It's part of its identity, and as such, this skin is part of Ember's identity as well. No one's subjective taste is going to seem "valid" here. There are people who like it, although I am not one of them - but maybe it will grow on me. Their impressions are no less important than any of the people "demanding justice for Ember" in this thread.

    sure, unconventional is nice. WITHIN REASON. because after all. as a company, they need our money to survive. they should want to cater to most for financial reasons without ditching too much of their artistic integrity. in this case, they are currently failing both of those in consideration of this skin.

    also its pretty disheartening to have a line of bad &#! skins, show us the art for the ember version of this line, and then just go
    the least they could do, is release this skin, and THEN never use any of ignus' designs..
    they gave us something to cling on, we all had an idea. waited very patiently, and got something that (even though this is "subjective") is arguably very inferior.

  5. 2 hours ago, DALOS said:

    The problem I see with ember deluxe has nothing to do with the skins themselves and more to do with the politics behind them. Everything about it was and still is shrouded in mystery and that deeply bothers me. More than it should.

    All I heard from the original concept designer was that "bridges were burned", and now he's no longer with them. No reason was given for why they had to get rid of the old one as far as I know and it's just a scandal that lingers in the background.

    As for the new skin, they said they were going to add more detail to it, so I remain optimistic as the only person who appreciates the detail and work put into the Nova skin.

    it doesnt need more detail, its need WAY WAY LESS

  6. i would wait a full year and get de's modified take on the deluxe rough draft they showed eons ago rather than that.... THING that they showcased at the devstream.
    ember is my favorite, and she is consistently turded on. after i saw that twitch stream i straight up sent faven_ps a personal message and thanked him for making good skins.
    that thing is so atrocious... and a lot of people agree. please.. de.. if you have any semblance of tact.. please redo it, release the old design, or just don't even release one. i would rather NOT have one than that be it...
    frost.. mag.. even messed up banshee deluxe are all leagues above that monstrosity..
    y'all seriously.. seriously need some help in your art department.
    -a buttsad ember main

  7. the big game breaker for me is not necessarily that people are trolling, its that i'm not interested in hearing the garbage other people try to come up with.
    as for limited notes on an octave its funny how they gave her that name and she doesn't even hit a full 12 notes. shoulda been named something like sonata, or even bard.
    the sound packs are what REALLY ruin this for me on a personal level. i can not believe how bad the grineer pack is..
    you're telling me there isn't ONE de team member that doesnt own at least a marshall jcm 800, or a 5150, or literally ANY decent guitar head, a cab, and a guitar. a tele, a gibson... literally ANYTHING would be better than that less-than-midi-in-quality piece of crap guitar sound they produced for the grineer. and with the amount of music software out there and axefx guitar modelers.. like.. thats what they came up with?

    there is some good that came with this.
    now that i have music permanently turned off, i never noticed that the shield ospreys make a little whirring sound as they fly by.

    the only people i have encountered that like this frame are filthy filthy casuals.
    no one in any of the discords community i'm a part of like it, and a few vehemently despise it.
    i am one of those few.

  8. i don't really understand how you can work on something for 2+ months and just drop the ball so hard.
    the packs are hilariously bad. i would be embarrassed if i were a sound engineer employed by DE.
    this needs a mute button for others (and/or yourself) like... yesterday.
    i can't wait to sell this frame for credits.

    will post gif of me doing so if this gets 30 upvotes.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Plasma_Panda said:

    why settle? so they can continue their habit of fixing half of a problem instead of the full one?

    because at this point, i am ATLEAST getting what i paid for, and that is a good minimum.
    extra credit would be to switch between vanilla and primed models via a toggle.
    i will miss my shiny ember graxx, but with her glitched out legs out and valkyr & saryn & nyx now not unbearable to look i think the trade off is in the purchaser's favor.
    now if faven wants to make us some PRIMED GRAXX, i would happily buy those skins as well.
    but if i'm being canon and lore conscious, there isn't such a thing as graxx prime. only true orokin frames can be primed. and no self respecting orokin encrusted frame would ever fraternize with grineer scum.

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