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Everything posted by Quantumorca1

  1. We have Condrocs, Kuakas, and Koi Ponds in the Dojo. These are great decorations that add to the liveliness and character of rooms. We can also place fish trophies in the dojo. I still feel, though, that clan rooms can suffer from a lack of liveliness. Rooms need more animation to bring themselves to life and make each room special. Aquariums would help this issue greatly, while also giving clan members something to contribute and collaborate over. Aquariums would come empty to begin with, and it would be up to the clan members to contribute fish. The fish should only be able to be taken out by the people who put them in there to prevent issues where fish get stolen. When fish are added, they should also have to get permission from a leader of the clan to do so, otherwise people would put in junk fish just to be annoying. There could be many different sizes of tanks, where some of the smaller ones would behave like the Orbiter aquariums in relation to the large fish. There should also be large aquariums where large-sized fish could actually move around (you could stick small fish in there too for the size comparison). I think there should also be an entire aquarium room, comparable to a walk-through exhibit in real, large aquariums. The floor would be glass like the biological room in the Orbiter, and the ceiling could be dome-shaped with fish swimming up and down the entire room. Alongside adding these, I think a feature should be added to place real dojo decorations inside of the aquariums or just allow us to clip inside to place decorations. It would be fine with me if the fish clipped through the objects, so long as we could do it. If we could see these added, I think that would be amazing!
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