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Posts posted by (XBOX)VanHaz

  1. The only thing I think rhino needs is a better passive, heavy landing is often both redundant and kind of annoying. Something like perhaps "momentum" giving rhino some knockback force when sprinting into enemies, or perhaps keeping his heavy landing but giving him a short buff to armor upon landing with a cool down. Otherwise, rhino is a pretty decent frame and one of my favorites, even without his augments, and has a lot of versatility (i tend to run a "speed rhino" for fun)

  2. One of the biggest problems with rivens was instilling the sense of need for them. Rivens were supposed to make low tier weapons viable, and they barely do that. Topped off with the fact that they can make high tier weapons more powerful, it becomes a bit of a trap. It's not that they are at all needed, but your left wanting to get the best riven you can for your favorite weapon (i got lucky with my grinlok riven) and end up dumping a large amount of time or plat into a big maybe. If rivens were exclusively QoL mods, and did nothing for crit, status, or damage, they would probably be better received, albeit less in demand and less profitable for DE. In all honesty, if you get a good one great, if you roll a couple times and it's still meh, id just leave it be. It's not always worth the headache.

  3. Considering he is more of a tech and strategy frame, his passive should better reflect that, and be more in line with his kit. Armor bonuses are next to useless on him, as it doesn't really add to his survivability. I could see things along the lines of faster holster rate and reload speeds, increased ammo pools, or bonus damage to enemies caught in his traps. One idea I haven't seen suggested might be a small energy regen based on enemies caught in Bastille or hit by tesla. 

    Otherwise, while I understand frustration with chromas passive, rhino I find to have a both near useless and irritating passive, but it does at least fit his archetype.

  4. Great job everyone for going gold for another event, and placing well into the top 50.

    For those looking for a clan, we still have lots of space available, and a great team looking forward to new members to squad up with. No MR requirements, you're welcome whether your a veteran player or new to the game. We ask only that you be respectful, active, and social. We also would prefer that players have a mic (makes communicating so much easier)

    We look forward to hearing from you tenno!

  5. I wouldn't say we are the bad guys, more like the good guys who do bad things for the "greater good."

    We are often tasked with protecting civilians, taking down dangerous war machines, and maintaining a balance of power within the system. And in a few instances we are even presented a choice. The fact is, who is good and who is bad is a matter of perspective, like new Loka, I feel are kind of bad guys when compared to steel meridian or perrin sequence. At best we are almost dark antiheroes, at worst, a necessary evil.

  6. A token system or tiered system, either would be great. They touched on sorties not so long ago, so I doubt more changes are gonna come real soon, but here's to hoping. Its better than it was, but it's far from perfect. I remember getting the same lense, over and over and over. Not even the endo or legendary cores. Even with the reward system still kind of screwy, there's always that chance, and sorties are fun enough to keep running either way. 

  7. If they wish to keep the option to change chromas element type, that's more than welcome, but it shouldn't be based off his energy color. I agree it screws up Fashionframe, plus the varied usefulness of his different elements, ice chroma shouldn't vastly outlast toxic chroma for example. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Lucavee said:

    IMO they need to revisit the whole clan system. cap, resource multiplier, everything.

    As it is right now, clan is just a place for you to socialize, get clan tech, and possibly raids.

    Largely yes. I know there are those who cling to the return of solar rail wars as a purpose, but the majority of the community does not seem to care or want them to return, at least not as they were. But clans and alliance should have, and need more in game purpose, and in my opinion, in-clan ranks should be expanded and given more individual purpose as well. This is a very social game, without a lot of social functionality. To see it expanded would give clans a lot more purpose and allure.

  9. 2 hours ago, Arniox said:

    TBH, I don't care about OP's low level clan questions. Ide be more interested in a planet or sun clan. Or a galaxy clan. Planet/sun clan should hold 10k players, and galaxy should hold 100k players. I feel like no one would ever have a need for Galaxy clan since the average player base each day is 40k. But a planet or sun clan could actually work.

    10k might be excessive, but 2k or even 3k I could see. Then raising the alliance cap to say 10k to accomodate. But while all of that sounds good in theory, clans would still need a rework, and alliances as well. Also, I'm not sure the numbers pc gets, but for consoles I don't think 10k member clans would really be practical.

  10. Between shadow and storm isn't so bad, between mountain and moon is a huge gap though. In addition to the capacity gaps, the steep jump in resources almost requires a full roster if your research isn't finished. A clan tier between mountain and moon would be more than reasonable, at a 600 capacity. Call it sky or ocean. 

    The clan system overall could use some touch ups. Ranks, clan tiers, member roles, and dojo functionality  all need to be looked at.

  11. The Exalted Oath is still recruiting, looking for veteran players and beginners alike. We are looking to grow our community, and help out members themselves grow as well. Our team has a lot to offer players at any point in their warframe experience, join today.

  12. On 4/27/2017 at 7:51 AM, (Xbox One)AcidForficula said:

    Do you still recruit? Is this clan Newbie friendly? I only started like 5 days ago. I am looking to play with someone and have someone show me the ropes. I do not need a massive clan where I will be just a number tbh. I may be new but i am willing and able to learn fast. Mastery 4, Max rank Excalibur,24 Valkyr and 12 Volt.   

    Time zone CET

    If you wish to join still you would need to leave your current clan to receive an invite.

  13. 10 hours ago, (Xbox One)AcidForficula said:

    Do you still recruit? Is this clan Newbie friendly? I only started like 5 days ago. I am looking to play with someone and have someone show me the ropes. I do not need a massive clan where I will be just a number tbh. I may be new but i am willing and able to learn fast. Mastery 4, Max rank Excalibur,24 Valkyr and 12 Volt.   

    Time zone CET

    We are indeed still recruiting, I'll have an invite sent to you asap

  14. Make him tankier and fix the AI on his rumblers I completely agree with. His 2 should be able to cast more than just a single small wall. Either a much larger curved wall, or a wall per cast up to three or four would be good. His 3, honestly other than for extra loot is just meh. He should indeed have cc, but I don't feel like it quite fits. I think a localized seimic quake would fit nicely, fall in line with his kit, and offer more cc, just as long as it's mechanics can also affect flying enemies. Also, his passive, he should be entirely immune to stagger and knockdown, not just sort of immune

  15. I'd like to see the following

    An actual spear (and spear stance, pole arm stances are more akin to halberds)

    A nikana styled heavyblade, like an odachi.

    Infested heavyblade, nikana, and dual swords.

    Single shot primary crossbows, somewhere between a sniper rifle and a bow in terms of mechanics.

    Someone mentioned katar, which would be awesome, perhaps hookblades and tri-staves would also be fun additions.

  16. We are The Exalted Oath
    We have been quiet for some time, reorganizing, restructuring, and reevaluating members, our ranks, and our purpose. We are returning better, stronger, and more cohesive, with opportunities for players willing to put in time and effort. Our goals are simple, we are dedicated to our members, and to making the best of this clan and our time on warframe. We do not participate in the drama or supposed clan "warfare" and we aren't interested in any supposed movement or cause, except our own. We offer a place for players to play the game, for the sake of playing. To grow and achieve their goals, to learn from some of the most knowledgable and skilled players, and to make their own mark in warframe, to write their own story, leave their own legacy, and be a part of the community we seek to build here.

    Inactivity limits are set to seven days, unless given a heads up. We do not expect players to be exclusive to warframe, or on every single day, however we do expect players to be on weekly, and while on to be participatory. Players must be willing to be involved in the clan, it's events, and in game clan based competitions.

    The tenants of the Exalted Oath are as follows:
    Dedication, Order, Progression, Knowledge, Compassion, and Comraderie. These are what we expect from our members, and this is what we hold ourselves to. Respect and merit are everything in this clan, ranks are earned, not freely given for mastery rank or likeability. We hold no "punishment" rank, the absolute bottom rank is entry level. 

    The ranks are as follows:

    Keepers and leaders of the Exalted Oath. Able and willing to fulfill any role in the clan, and representing the tenants of the clan. They hold the highest authority, and the most responsibility.
    The second in line of leadership, authority, and the upholding of the clans tenants. These are the members who have demonstrated consistent dedication to the clan, and serve as the example all should follow. They have all but ruler privledges, able to dismiss members and moderate chat.
    Third in line of clan leadership, these members have demonstrated great loyalty and service to the clan, and act as mediators in the event of disputes, chat moderators, and oversee the functions of the lower ranks.
    These officers act as enforcers for the clan, it is their duty to uphold the clans tenants and promote activity in the clan, as well as serving as mentors for players of lower rank and/or mastery. They offer taxi's, assistance in map progression, aquisition of rescources or gear, and squad options for events, as well as overseeing and assisting Heralds in their duties.
    These officers act as a voice for the clan, promoting activity, informing players of clan events, contests, and news, as well as offering information as they are able to provide, and serving as the main source of recruiting within the clan.
    These are full fledge members of the clan, holding the starting officer rank in clan. They have demonstrated loyalty and involvement in the clan, and are expected to assist new players, and participate regularly in clan functions.
    Members of the clan who are considered casual players, yet loyal to the clan. These are the members who have not accepted or are not actively performing clan duties.
    The entry level rank of the clan, in which players prove themselves worthy of rank and move up, or are inactive and eventually removed. 

    If you are looking for a clan with both comraderie and dedication, that has opportunities for advancement, skilled and highly knowledgable players, and none of the drama or conflict of other clans and alliances, then here we are. You may contact Wolfblade, Hebrewhammer001, Graysmog, Nyxxed, or Tokio Crisis for an invite. We look forward to hearing from you. And remember, this is a game, we are here to have fun.

  17. 11 hours ago, (Xbox One)FiveFoldAngels said:

    My gamer tag is FiveFoldAngels and I'd like a chance to join your clan if you have a spot available. 

    Im currently mr 19 working towards 20. I am currently in a clan but it has since gone dormant. I only really get to get on 2 to 3 days a week due the my job and child but I do like to help and participate when I can. 

    We would be happy to have you on. I'll have an invite sent out to you Monday

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