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Posts posted by TinFoilMkIV

  1. well a good way to do this is to assume the tenno are all talking over radio so - even voice comands don't alert yoru pressence,

    and second - they could just make a huge list of different comands and we could pick and chose which ones we want to use what key - in the controll setup menu -

    just more comunication and team togetherness is all - about anything related is an improvment

    ie: daksouls gesture system but with added text messages for each command/action

  2. hotkey commands would be nice, especially considering how most situations where you ypwould want to use them there is nowhere near enough time to type even basic commands, assuming your team is even paying attention.

    Also adding hand gestures to go along with them would be a cool addition, or even having them seperate.

  3. as of now only mats, credits, and ammo drop from crates lockers

    also energy and health orbs from lockers and affinity orbs from crates

    so nothing particularly special really, and the ammount of credits isnt the problem, its that credits have little to no value beyond the early game.

  4. I agree we could certainly use a decent reason to do something other than simply smash everything on our way to the objective/extraction. I enjoy exploring and checking out the maps and hunting for loot, but it really is not very rewarding the way it is now. I don't think speedrunning it bad necessarily, there are good points for it, but it's not my prefered playstyle.

    If you need anyone to play with for non-speed runs feel free to add me.

  5. I mean something that doesnt require massive workarounds exploiting what was essentially an oversight to begin with, it also looks kinda funky, but I spose it does work for now.

    edit: also not a huge fan of "aerial sliding melee" attacks as they are now because of the huge delay before you can do anything afterwards.

  6. Also I'd like to comment that at least for soloing, the grineer faction seems to have gotten some kind of overal jump in difficulty last patch, some of the "idle spawns" and such can get ridiculous fairly fast in an otherwise easy mission.

    In other words, the devs messed with grineer spawn mechanics a bit with the last patch (I believe they actually noted this somewere, that due to people feeling that grineer were too easy and there were too few of them) and it went a bit too far at the moment.

  7. Oh right, I forgot to actually post here.

    As I said in the comments, its a good representation of what a beginner players experience will be like, but it didn't really showcase the other features enough. So I spose I'll list some things I'd like to see more of for a more complete gameplay preview.

    At least briefly show some of the other factions, doesnt have to be a full level playthrough, just some short bits showing the other two factions in action.

    Use different weapons, at least some pistol action would be nice, and most definately needs some more melee action (both normal and charge melee attacks, or at least some charge and mention the mechanic so people know its there).

    More use of powers to show that warframes are more than just another generic power armor with shields.

    try to show a bit of the more advanced moves and terrain actions/features like wallrunning, its okay to let people know that you aren't exactly good at some of the more advanced things and at least show some attempts and basic functionality, especially doing an early gameplay preview I at least am not expecting to see some amazing polished pro ninja parkour moves everywhere, but at least saying, "hey this stuff exists, I may not be great at it but its cool and there for you guys to check out" would be good to have.

  8. right now the difference is a smaller killbox (the area where it does max damage) than slash dash, but it seems to have a wider knockdown box around the sides (could be the same as excals, I haven't done any real testing), and at the endpoint where it finishes it has a larger aoe knockdown zone. But overall Slash Dash is the superior of the two skills as they stand now.

  9. I would say teleport does need a bit of a buff, so far I can think of three ways that would bring it up to par

    1. Stun hit, same as smokescreen but applied only to the target that was teleported to

    2. teleport behind the target, leaves an (invisible?) decoy for a half second that takes all the agro that was on ash at time of the teleport, or at least drop aggro from him on teleport.

    3. as is but does not have a cast animation, or does not interrupt current action while performed.

    personally I think 3 would be the coolest, would make it an interesting mobility option with several uses.

    As said before, shurikens feel like they need a bit of a rework for the difficulty to land solid hits on non-stationary target for the ammount of effect they have.

    An idea I had for smokescreen would be to keep the duration as is but apply the same invisibility buff to any ally within its range at half duration, it makes sense in the theme of the skill and would differentiate it from lokis personal stealth skill. More skills that can support teammates in ways beyond simply killing stuff is a good thing in my opinion.

    Also enemy agro while smokescreened seems to need a bit of work. I have yet to notice it in multiplayer, but in solo it seems some enemies can still find me, as some enemies will run around where I am instead of where smokescreen started at, and I have actually been attacked by an ancient disruptor several seconds after being invisible and sprinting halfway across a room and not attacking, and of course it actually hit me and still drained all my shields and energy.

  10. I dont know about the "less powerfull jump strike" part, but most definately would like to see a melee attack variation out of both the dodge roll and landing roll.

  11. part of it is how well equipped you are for a mission. Right now solo can be quite unforgiving, especially the grineer seem to have some rather crazy spawning habits for solo play. The other part is knowing how to use the environment and your skills better. Yes the obvious solution is to hide in the doorway and try to thin down the enemies before stepping out, but you can also use your mobility to get into the room and get around some of the terrain to a point where the whole room can't shoot at you, then focus on clearing the immediate threats, and keep on going.

    I've found that as I learn how to more effectively use my mobility options I can keep getting around even crowded rooms without putting myself into an instant deathtrap. As excalibur I'd say slash dash is your emergency movement as well as tight group clearing tool, but don't overlook blind, especially in those areas with enemies just everywhere, it can give you the time and space to get out of the doorway and get moving, as well as keep you alive if you accidentally put yourself into a really bad spot that wasn't as well covered as you thought.

    Anyways what you're experiencing is pretty common for newer players, and in fact I'd say a lot of even the higher level players, especially the rushers, never really learn to play much differently.

    I get the multiplayer thing, it bothers me sometimes as well. part of luck of the draw there, and you can always try to make friends with the people that dont, and/or join a clan of people that like to play more like you do.

    If you want to add me, I like to try out and level new equipment all the time, so I can certainly pick up some new gear and do some runs in lower rank areas with you.

    EDIT: also it has been noted that especially while solo, if you stay in one place too long the game will actually start spawning more enemies nearby.

  12. note that I said "looked at before the games full release", I am aware that these are not priority issues, but they shouldn't be completely ignored either. And yes I like the random secondary objectives, but that is not an excuse to ignore somewhat faulty funcionality between crossover objectives.

    I just want people to be aware that these exist, and add to the list if anyone finds other uncommon conflicts

    EDIT: @ above post, prime example of why these should be looked into when the devs have less critical things to worry about. While the lesser ones probably wont make people stop playing for the day straight up, they detract from the game experience and make it less fun when you encounter one of these uncommon faults with the system. Anything that is unintentional and has the potential to make people not want to play is something that needs to be looked at.

  13. This has been bothering me a lot lately, as the title says, while you are reloading you cannot interrupt the animation to do a dodge roll. As there are several things that can interupt a reaload, such as using a melee attack or some of the roll landing animations and such, it seems to me to be more of an oversight, and would be something I would like to see changed, which in my opinion would be "fixed" but I do not know the devs intentions here.

    Example of where this actually matters, say you're playing Rhino, fighting a boss like Hek, and your Gorgon finally runs out of ammo in its clip. The boss decides to target you, and your shields are low, theres cover a few feet to the side, but clearly reloading your giant machinegun is more important that rolling behind a box to avoid taking shotgun rounds to the face.

    So yes its not a critical issue or anything, but it feels very clunky when you get into one of those sitiuations, and undermines the already severly limited and debatable "usefullness" of the roll action even more.

  14. The first two arent issues.

    While it sucks that you have to drop one datamass is there really a problem with having to do a bit more walking?

    The marker is a bit annoying but it's not like it breaks the mission.

    The last one i have never actually experience but i do see how it can create problems.

    I do like your idea that the secondary objective could be optional and give you more XP.

    An issue doesn't have to be game breaking to be an issue. Its a matter of cleaning up the missions and making them function smoothly, who wants to be forced to trek back across a huge map just because the random mission generator decided to be a jerk to you? They detract from the overall experience of the game.

    While not essential to game function I believe these are things that really should be looked at before the games full release

    EDIT: edited first post because I agree the timed mission is a lot more significant than the solo datamass issue, I remembered it after writing the first two.

  15. honestly containers in general feel like they need some sort of buff or increased incentives. Right now they're really only worth scavenging through for the chance of rubedo/alloy plates you can occasionally get out of them in the areas that even drop them. The credits are not particularly noteworth at low levels, and at higher levels credits are irrelevant to anything really. The ammo can be convenient, but if you're looking for them for ammo, then you probably need to look at your equipment setup. Energy/Health orbs are nice too, but you're likely to use as much as you gain by going out of your way to search for these beyond the main mission path.

    I forget where, but at some point I remember reading the message about searching areas to find rare mods and blueprints, right now mods only drop from enemies, and blueprints only from bosses and ? rewards, boxes and chests (and to a lesser degree exploring) dont really come into the picture for acquiring any kind of equipment or much of anything of relevance to progression.

    So yes, rare boxes/lockers sounds like a great idea to me, as well as making lockers more interesting to look for, right now I just do it because I personally like to hunt for stuff like that and some completionist tendencies (as well as the misguided belief that credits are of any value to me anymore).

  16. The system itself for multiple objectives is fine with me, but there are some aspects that need to be cleaned up yet.

    1. Timed Primary missions. It can be problematic when you complete an objective and get a 5 minute to escape timer, only to recieve a new objective that obsolutely must be completed before you can leave, and the rng decides to put it on the far end of a ridiculously huge map setup. These can range from fun challenge, to practically impossible without extremely fast frames. Again these can be okay if there are aditional restrictions added to the level generation when creating theses scenarios, or have secondary objectives be removed from all timed primary objectives. Another option would also be to have the secondary objective be optional in this scenario with some kind of bonus for completing it.

    2. Multiple datamass types while solo. Just now, while soloing a spy mission, after grabbing the 4th datamass, a new one spawned on the floor right next to the one that I just hacked and was about to pick up. So it was the virus/hacked datamass for the sabotage mission to take it to the main computer. The problem was, you cannot carry this datamass with the stolen datamasses, and as I was solo, I was forced to leave my hacked datamasses where they were to continue the mission. Now fortunately in this case the path back to the exit took me right by the original datamasses, and it wasn't really an inconvenience, however, just to test, I left them at the entrance to the extraction area and was unable to complete the mission without them. This would be a problem if things had not worked out so nicely in the mission random setup.

    In other words this mission combination needs to be looked at and/or removed from possible random scenarios for solo play

    3. Extermination secondary missions. Currently getting extermination as a secondary objective completely cancels the original mission. The problem here is when the original mission involved datamasses, as they are not removed from the game, and continue to have objective markers placed on them. Personally I would leave them in, people can carry them around all they want, but they really should have their objective marker removed if they are no longer required to complete the mission.

  17. I would say there is still a lot of optimizing left to do like other betas I am playing. The issue will not ever go away as how the game relies on the peer-to-peer system it will also be based off the hosts computer setup as well. This is why some matches have no lag and others have heavy lag.

    Not true, as stated above they need to fix the triggers for when to start and stop automatic fire. The framerate issues will always exist for medium/lower end machines in some of the more extreme cases, as there is only so much optimization you can do, but the actual issue the thread was about can be fixed.

  18. actually it can be fixed by having the games fire command start on mouse click and only register you as not firing when you release click, that way slowdowns that interrupt your commands will not cause the game to think you're pressing click on every frame instead of holding as it should for automatic weapons. Then you can tie the firing timers for the guns to an actual timer based script as opposed to frame based scripts, its actually not that hard, likely an oversight with the triggers for when the game is told to stop and start automatic fire.

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