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Posts posted by TinFoilMkIV

  1. I can see your point as a relatively new player, however once you get into the game a bit, coming up with those materials and credits is not particularly hard. If they were as hard to get together as they are at the start of the game I might agree, but as it is now I have to say no.

    Also they're actually quite cheap to buy, 5$ gets you 75 platinum which gets you 3 reactors/catalysts with 15 platinum left over, which is quite a reasonable price in my opinion.

  2. +1 Bazillion internets.

    You have provided exactly the sort of information I was looking ofr and detailed analysis to back it up, in doing so you have shamed all the other responses.

    My conclusions:

    Loki and particularly Ash sound Right up my alley, I can start with excalibur, and switch to rhino if the grind for loki/ash is looking too long.

    Loki / Ash sound muchmore challenging to use in this way than rhino/excalibur, but more rewarding as well.

    I will just have to try some different weapons to find my niche on that.

    Well I do play mostly melee style a lot so I have experience there. I will say that farming loki parts will probably be pretty hard for a while until more people get geared up. Also definately try out other frames, it doesn't hurt much to work on a new one if you don't need to actively hunt for something else that you can't do at the same time, and I personally think its nice to have the options. Even with a similar playstyle its fun to have different options, as some frames can do things that none of the others can. And yea, melee weapons is mostly trying some that seem/look cool and seeing if you like them. I've been using the amphis lately as it looks really cool in action, although I generally prefer one of the single blade weapons for aesthetic purposes (sprinting past enemies while slicing them in half with charge attacks is always fun).

  3. It's somewhat hard to say what the comparison between end game grade melee and range is right now as the mod system now works significantly differently in terms of weapon power.

    Personally I believe it is completely viable to go essentially full melee (I say essentially because there will always be situations where you will want a decent range weapon on hand), although you will likely put yourself in more danger more frequently. If you know how to use your movement and the level to your advantage, as well as knowing your frames powers you should be able to keep up fine with melee (again assuming something isn't horribly broke at end game level that I don't know about).

    As for frame/weapon choice, that is highly playstyle dependent, I'll try to go over some that I'm familiar with.

    For frames I would reccomend a frame with a good panic button for when enemy spawns go crazy or something just plain goes wrong, since being in melee range will likely result in death othewise. A few that I can think of off the top of my head are Excalibur:Radial Blind, Rhino:Iron Skin, Ash/Loki:invisibility. As for some frame specifics, again from what I actually know decently.

    Excalibur: good mobility, can get around the battlefield fairly well, can take out potentially dangerous groups with slash dash, and has a solid panic button with Radial Blind, which stuns any enemy in its area for a fair ammount of time, enough to kill several of them or just get out of danger.

    Rhino: very durable, Iron Skin makes you effectively invincible and can be used to walk straight into enemies as well as a panic button to prevent impending death. Base speed is below average but has fair burst movement with Rhino Charge.

    Loki: Light and very fast, possibly the fastest frame as far as base movement speed goes. When playing multiplayer can easily get in and out while enemies are focusing on another player before they can react effectively. Cannot take many direct hits, but has invisibility which makes him untargetable and immune to most damage (some AoE attacks can still connect if an enemy throws one in your direction) as well as making melee attacks crit, great ability for rapidly killing enemies as well as getting out of trouble. Also has a decoy to distract enemies.

    Ash: Similar to loki but a bit more durable, smokescreen is similar to lokis invisibility except it lasts less time and has an AoE stun when it activates (note smokescreens duration is terrible at rank0/1, but is more than enough when maxed)

    Nyx: potentially viable melee choice. as Chaos is a decent panic button, stunning all enemies in range and causing them to generally ignore you until you attack them again, the weakness in melee is that chaos has a noticeable startup time, so you can be killed while activating. Absorption is a fair panic button, as its almost instant and makes you invulnerable for its duration, but it is rather costly so I would put chaos above it unless you're in a really bad spot.

    Those would be my personal top picks, but I believe most frames have potential to be played in a melee style if you know how to use their skills for it.

    As for weapons, basically the style and look you want.

    If you like running around rapidly slashing, I'd recomend one of the lighter weapons, most dual weapons are quite good at this, as well as being able to hit multiple targets. The Cronus and Heatsword (not dual) are both fairly good single blades for standard attacks.

    Heavy weapons will resist being interrupted while actively swinging both charge and normal attacks, however do note you will slow down when the charge attack starts up so they are less effective at trying to chase/stay mobile while charging.

    Then theres charge weapons, good for running around an popping up behind/infront of an enemy and taking them out in a single hit. Most of the weapons capable of a single charge hit kill do have fair charge time so you have to start before you get in range, depending on the weapon. Heavy weapons are very powerfull with charge attacks, but lack mobility of the lighter charge weapons. As we currently do not have an effective way to determine weapon base charge damage besides playtesting, this can be a bit harder to determine when picking a weapon. All the heavy weapons have similar charge abilities, other weapons I would recomend for charge attacks would be dual heatswords, the plasma sword, and the furax.

    I'm sure there are some good weapons I missed or am just unfamiliar with in there, you can ask around and probably find some other alternatives if you want. Also you don't need one of the weapons that are focused solely on one of those above stats to play that way, you can mix and match depending on how you want to play as well as mod your weapon, it doesn't hurt to have a melee weapon with both fair charge and normal attack abilities, although I will say getting a weapon to 1 hit kill with a charge attack is recomended if you want to focus a lot on charging.

  4. I looked up warframe on my steam account to see what their page was like today, and interestingly enough I did not see anything that indicated the game was still in beta. The lack of beta notices as well as it listed with a release date (the date it was released on steam) would tell me that this was a finished game if I did not already know better. I am somewhat concerned that this will cause problems with new steam players who don't realise that this is still very much a beta game.

    *note this is not a thread to complain about warframe being on steam, just the issue of no clear notice of the game being in beta.

  5. I'd like to note that the split between people of the opinion that the hek is useless now and those that say its still one of the strongest guns tells me that the hek is actually balanced now, as opposed to pre 7.0 where the hek was hands down one of the, if not the, best guns in the game, and anyone disagreeing likely hadn't used it past rank 2.

    The hek actually has a tradeoff now, you get incredible burst damage with the best accuracy of any shotgun, but you have longer downtime for reloading and a smaller clip. You want sustainable damage, then get a strun, you want to destroy anything in your sight with 4 shots, then mod up your hek. A gun that has by far the top accuracy, damage output, and only marginally lesser clip size and reload time compared to any other weapon in its class is NOT balanced.


    imo the hek is fine how it is, it's actually balanced and isn't the ultimate weapon anymore. If you don't like the way it plays then maybe you should be looking into one of the other shotguns.

  6. A tip for upgrading your mods

    Duplicate mods fuse for pretty much dirt cheap and give great exp rate: 2 same level mods combine for a full level up

    Fusion cores seem to be the most costly and least efficient upgrade route, I'm honestly not sure why this is, you would think a generic upgrade resource would have some benefit, but as far as I'm aware it seems to be better just to sell them unless you're really desperate to rank up a mod, at least for rare fusion cores it seems.

    there's a system for how much exp/cost rate you get from fusin mods.

    I probably don't have this quite right but it goes something like this

    -Duplicate mods

    -same type mods*

    -same equip slot mod**

    -fusion cores/mods are not matching type or equip slots

    *mod type is the symbol in the corner

    ** ie: warframe, rifle, pistol, melee, etc...

    So if you have a bunch of mods you know you will never use, you can work on combining them to upgrade the stuff you actually want. Also don't just throw stuff in blindly because I told you to, you probably want to actually look at the price and exp rates before you go throwing a ton of mods together as I'm not entirely sure on the accuracry of my upgrade list there and how much of a difference is in the tiers of efficiency.

  7. Unfortunately this kind of gameplay seems to be quite popular in public games. I personally enjoy taking the levels a bit slower myself. I would recommend trying to get to know the people you come across who are willing to play more the way you like, and also look into joining a clan.

    My clan Outlaw Star is actually recruiting and we got a good number of active players that don't mind doing non-rushed runs if you're interested.

  8. I have to agree here, even though these maps are procedurally generated they definitely need a few more varied interations of the tilesets. I would also love to see a lot more variety in level aesthetic. I know it's early stages of the game but there definitely needs to be a lot more variety in regards to level design, it all gets a little samey after a while, almost reminds me of the first Halo game, once you had been through a few corridors on the map you've pretty much seen them all. Needs different arcitechture, different settings, different biomes. The same kinda goes for the mobs too. I'd happily download an extra few more gigs if there was a crap ton more monsters and more varied level design/locals.

    Don't worry, we will get more in the future.

    A few updates ago we only had the corpus ship, Then they added the Grineer Asteroid base, and we just got the Corpus Outpost. Considering how far the maps have come from only having the ship tileset I feel that it is safe to say we will have more awesome map tilesets coming in the future, not to mention new enemies are also practically a given.

  9. tbh best fix imo would be that teleporting pit zones should check for anything inside their area, not just when an object enters its area. The way it is now if something glitches or otherwise gets past the initial check it stays there.

    Also pits should, in my opinion, kill enemies and warp any drops back on to the stage as it does with players. At the least needs to warp mods and blueprints back up.

  10. check here please https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/15349-brokenbuggedunfinished-terrain-list/

    I'll try to locate the bugged moutain and get some recording of it for easier fixing. Could you give me more of a description of where it was?

    Also sometimes if you fall off the map outside the edge you can actually fall into nothingness which will instantly kill you with no chance for teammates to revive you so it is an important issue for newer players.

  11. just fyi, the stalker is vulnerable to Nyx's mind control skill. He was a great help clearing an entire wave of corpus on a defense mission =P.

    Although when I encountered him he was a bit buggy, as he was level 1 instead of 45 and was missing the head/helmet part of his model when I looked at him up close. Unfortunately I did have to kill him to get the next wave to start. It would have been epic to have the stalker assist us for an entire defense run, heh.

    EDIT: when I "killed" him he didnt actually die, he teleported out with a message when he was very low on hp and left no loot.

  12. Thanks for the update.I'll get around to re-confirming these when I get over playing through all the awesome new stuff you guys added enough to take some time out to do it.

    EDIT: as for the defense intro room videos, looks like I accidentally had them on private. Switched them all over to public videos, let me know if theres still a problem.

    Also the issue seems to be the the prefab (if you guys use those) for some of those alcoves with the corpus tracks, even in the new tileset some of these alcoves have the same missing collision.

    EDIT: if the blocking volume was added to the model of that alcove itself the issue should be fixed then in all of its instances, will have to check to see. Also adding invisible barriers to them makes me kinda sad, but does seem to be the best solution for keeping simplified collisions as well as not leaving semi-exploitable locations.

  13. I'm enjoying it quite a bit as well. It is hard going from borderline godly maxed rank gear to baseline stat gear, but after getting past that I feel like the new system is much better overall.

    The thing people are forgetting, or just not noticing, about the progression is your rank 30 gear will be instantly stronger the moment you find mods for it, low rank gear still needs to be leveled before it can even equip mods. It would be like starting the old mod system from scratch, if you find a rank 30 mod your rank 30 weapon instantly becomes that much stronger, but doesn nothing for a person without the rank 30 weapon to support it.

    Also I think most of us enjoying the game are too busy checking out the new stuff to post here. I actually only stopped by because my guilds teamspeak server just crashed.

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