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Posts posted by Ryddem

  1. But who really play's these fissures and take it seriously!? 

    The enemies are at level 10-40 man i mean comon, the old void was quite boring yes.. 

    But, what really saved it was the ever increasing difficulty and the sense of accomplishment. 

    What it lacked though was that t4 had tripple damage instead of just do the obvious and add more enemies eximus or modified what ever.. 


    The old void still had potential, it needed some tweaks but not as much as SoTR though. 


    Now instead of flameimg, please come with good arguments. i'm not here to best the witty remarks of hair-in-the-face-skinny-jeans-anime-dude's. 

    Thanks, and may peace be upon you! 

  2. 18 hours ago, (PS4)Dadissk said:

    I'm an ps4 for so I can't really tell how void 2.0 is working out right now but is saw prime time where they showed how it is supposed to work and although I don't like to judge it before playing it I did not like what I saw. Removing the Old Void entirely was a mistake although I like the new reward system. But staying in T4 survival for 1h + was challenging for me. Of course it was nice to get those primes as reward. 

    I've a question to you PC tennos. I heard during prime time that void keys are no longer necessary are they still used what are about the rewards? Are you still able to get prime parts from the old void? If keys are not longer used what rewards do you get during excavation missions? 

    Thanks in advance 

    The last fissure i did i stood in the corner with my inaros watching a gentelmen with the simulor and to be honest i dont think i ever even saw more than 3-5 enemies, and for the mission it self? well.. doing a level 25-30 capture mission what ever faction it may be.. isnt that fun. 

    If the old void was repetetive, then we need to make up a whole new word of the same meaning but that's multiplies the strenght of the word by atleast a thousand. 

    Warframe has become like having a r'tarded pony wich you love dearly, it's stupid AF but you still love it and can kind of ride it. 

  3. On 2016-07-17 at 8:09 AM, Brizmuth said:

    Earlier you said you had invested money in the game to get you where you were. You paid for the fast track and you got the end-game quickly so you quickly ran out of things you found interesting. In your eyes you completed the game. If you wanted a more fulfilling and extended experience you should have taken things slow.

    There's an insane amount of weapons and Frames to collect and max out, two raids to test yourself in, several endless game modes, and a recorded world record for you to beat. World record aside, if you've completed all that then you probably have a few hundred hours into the game assuming you didnt straight up buy everything you could. You definitely got more out of Warframe than you would most other games. At that point, there's no entitlement to any more challenge. You don't get to say' there needs to be more content!" at that point. For a free-to-play game you've gotten your fill and beyond.

    Yes, even more would be amazing. But there is still challenges out there. Youll probably have to go beyond your solo playstyle to get there though. Beat that world record or set one for another game mode. Try out a raid. "Challenge" yourself to collect and max out everything (available) in the game, MR 16 is definitely not as high as you can go. At this point you need to challenge your self. New content is coming but if you really want to make Warframe last for you, you've got to make your own endgame.

    I havent paid that much man chill.. 

    And i havent really bought weapons for that plat with the exception of the prisma cleavers. 

    I bought the mag prime vault pack and then like the first package of the prime accsess were you get the weapons and 1k plat, and a discount or 2 but other than that nothing. 

    But someone mentioned earlier about the players own skillcap and that it's really low, this i agree on and this is what i'm trying to say. 

    But if you had endless missions with modifiers and eximus units and ofcourse at a fairly high level there would be a challange AND NOT THAT THEY DO TRIPPLE THE AMMOUNT OF F'ING DAMAGE! sorry for caps but this is what they did with the void and i feel like the highest levels mission in the void now 1 shots my valkyr with 1,5k base armor + warcry and that's just beyond r*tarded, with that kind of feature only makes it more cheesier and lazy in design.

    I learned how and when to execute my melee combos and i learned when to stun a target and do a finnisher on him becouse of his high physical resistance, when at the same time i'm managing my health and energy and ofcourse in my case as i play Valkyr warcry. 

    But the current system doesent let me use this skill at all since everything i touch dies a thounsands times over. 



  4. Yeah i totally agree, i mean i havent played that much archwing but i remember one of the last corpis missions i played i felt so in controll of my movement that i thought that they changed it, only problem though that somethings it was zoomed in too close but other than that i had no problems with it. 


    I personally prefer the way that it was, but i sure think it needed some tweaks and maybe some new missions to make it feel more meaningfull. 

  5. 1 hour ago, (PS4)AnaLoGMunKy said:

    No I dont get you. You grew up on e-sports, I was around before e-sports and I dont care for them. Personal opinion and personal taste. If you got to MR16 within 3 months, including standing still then you were fukin TANKING this game. Geez. I took 6 month breaks and came back to new content and enjoyed the content. I started on the PC waaay before and without anyone who knew what they were doing it was an immense task. Go play e-sports for a challenge because really, vs humans in an e-sport game is about the only place you will find one.


    I also think, that somewhere you are bending the truth with what you say. 3 months, MR16, played elite e-sports, says isnt that good at game, MR16 in 3 months. Sorry but something smells stinky with what you say.

    Go check my profile it'll be my 107 day tommorow and yes i have loged in everyday since i started. 


    i got to 15 in a matter of 2 month's it aint even hard i don't really see any problem with that, and as of late i havent played much at all. 

    I don't get why people get so upset when i say that the star map is too low-leveled wich it fing is i mean it's a fact it's not really a matter of opinion is it? 

    It doesent even go to level 50 damn it, in old void survival i started to have a problem around level 120ish and that's when they made tripple the amount of damage! 

    As it is of now it feels like playing the first levels in mario over and over again, getting attacked on the forums by these i dont know white knights it's like, i say "I feel like this and i don't really like just this one specific thing" and then the defenders of warframe comes like trying to argue why my feelings towards just that certain thing is wrong.. and oh they're salty aswell. it's getting really tiredsome not being able to have a proper discussion about things and problems on these forums. 

  6. Well, if you have accses to a dojo i advice you to get the split dual-dark swords as of now they are one of the top melee weapons, and for you who don't agree go try it. 

    I see nobody talking about them, but they got a buff in SoTR and trust me My prisma cleavers, dual kamas prime, dual ichors (Also get these) don't stand a chance. 

    I play only melee and dual swords are my weapon type of choice, screw the dual raza's and the dual zoren this is not 2013(u mad bruh? =)) and get the split dual dark sword and dual ichors until you can get Prisma cleavers and Dual kamas prime.

    Orthos prime is a great choice later on when you have primed reach and maiming strike but until you have its not really that good. 

    But oh man, primed reach and maiming strike on orthos prime is about the most satisfying thing i ever tried in warframe :P  

  7. 14 minutes ago, (PS4)AnaLoGMunKy said:

    Only MR16, lol! Only? Im ONLY MR14 and I have over 500 hours in this game. All MR says is you have levelled up many, many weapons, which you have.

    New players are not only MR16. The mid level content is not for new players. Hats off to you if you are good at the game but I doubt you got this in the first few months or even the first year because if you did, you are not like the majority of players who will never see a Syndicate weapon. It sounds like you have time and money to burn which is great but dont belittle the challenge most new players come to. Half the challenge is getting your head round the systems of play and the games incredible amount of content.

    I understand the frustration that comes with completing most everything a game has to offer but there is no game on earth that has gotten round this fact of life.

    Imagine if people played monopoly then said "hey, where is my endame" etc

    Most games, electronic or not, never have anything even CLOSE to the endgame content this game has.

    While your gripe is legitimate, I think peoples expectations are, as always, unreal. Some kind of fantasy world where games never stop (and btw, the games that dont ever stop can get just as boring, since mathematical percentage scaling is about the only way to do this right now, either that or user made content) and some kind of idealistic world where devs can churn out content faster than dedicated gamers can complete.


    i'm 106 days in to be honest that's like 3 month's? 

    And i've been standing still for quite some time aswell, i stopped leveling for about a month ago becouse the last month i've focused more on formaing my weapons that i liked. 


    Seriously dude, i grew up with e-sports... Back in the day we started of with counter-strike (first generation!) and i played at a semi-elite level my best friend though was one of the top players in sweden.. 

    I'm not saying i'm good at warframe still, i like to play this game and mess around with the weapons and mods and so on. 

    Sometimes i do play in the simalacrium becouse it's the only place where you can really utilize your cc's with the melee combos, and this is what i want.. 

    I wanna cc the heavy gunner while i turn around to execute a  multihit combo on 5 normal elites and then turn around to execute the cc'd heavy gunner <- that's quality gameplay. 

    As it is now i can't even begin a combo becouse they'll die even how low i'd hit with my melee weapon. 

    Get me? =/


    Now.. Baro brb =) 

  8. 2 minutes ago, fr4gb4ll said:

    so why should that be a hindrance to add more maps of vets? on the contrary: it would be wise for DE to keep long-time-players motivated to play the game - and no, even raids can't motivate me much anymore, for the difficulty of it depends only one the right choice of teammembers (and therefore their skill). once you have an able team, its the same  ol' stuff all over again.

    something like raids on a regular base would be ok (without the annoying keycrafting and even worse matchmaking/organizing). but a mr-barrier would be needed then, not because to exclude new players, but to save the sanity of those who wants to experience end-game-contend (and don't even start with those fools who actually does have most of all the stuff possible, have the skills but didn't do the mastery test just for a giggle - i don't like to suffer fools of any kind, so either they rank up or go somewhere else...)

    for those of us who did enjoy doing endless missions in survival, defense and interception, i really hope DE will do something that makes it worthwhile again. even with only one reward/player it should be possible - for example: with every new rotation, the chance to get a more rare drop from a relic increase even without the refining (which is intolerable grindy imho - at least those bloody traces should drop from every eximus anywhere outside those fissure-spawns). this way there would at least a little more reason to stay longer in a endless mission than until the first relic drops.

    sure, but i'd rather start with a hardcore stage than to mindlessly slaughter mobs for 60min or more to feel chalanged -  sadly our day still have only 24 hours and i would feel i wasted needlessly time and therefore i rather do something else entirely (e.g. NOT playing warframe).

    fazit: the OP does have a valid point here - now, after the update even more so than before.

    Thank you.

  9. 4 hours ago, (PS4)AnaLoGMunKy said:


    The standard difficulty of this game is something new players can only aspire to. Its still difficult to get into and unless you are some kind of genius, or have help with a clan or friends, you will never get anywhere in this game by yourself.

    wat? :S


    I'm only MR 16 but i have the "best" weapons an frames still.. 

    I started this game alone and until this day i play alone, well.. sometimes i help my friends but i play alone for the most part. 

    This game was indeed complicated at first, but i got a hang of it pretty easy and fast becouse i wanted to learn, not becouse i'm some kind of genius. 


    I don't cheese my way through the game, for the most part i play melee and that's what im focusing on that's warframe for me, i use all the weapons and stances i like so i don't only use the "meta" weapons, right now i'm happy as one can be after the recent dual dark-sword buff and trust me it goes hard! 

    Anyway, i like to learn all the moves that the stances has to offer, i build everything my own way, and i play test things and this is warframe for me, but when you red-crit an enemy for 20-50k and even double that with channeling and he has around 4k HP now it's not even fun anymore. This is my argument, i as a player is by no means better then the game but the weapons i have and the frames i use is. 

  10. But what are you all arguing against really? 

    I'm clearly not alone when i'm saying that there need to be more challangeing content, i mean there is not really something to argue agaisnt is there? 

    You don't even know how i play yet you asume that i cheese my way through the game with simulor or tonkor or whatever. 


    19 minutes ago, funtimehippie said:

    first you say you dont care for a reward, then you say you want a goal, which rewards were the goal, hell even the challenge can be considered a "goal"

    I don't get it.. are you slow? i'm getting really annoyed becouse i need to make the same argument over and over again, stop taking what i say out of content. 

    Ofcourse i want it to be so kind of a goal, thats why we all play whats the damn problem? 

  11. 8 minutes ago, SaXToM said:

    "Right now i'm only doing the sorties becouse it's the only thing to even resemble something as an end-game or meta or what ever you want to call it, i don't really care about the rewards."


    So if you don't care about rewards, the void is still a place to test yourself and your weapons. You can make 2000 waves defense, 3000hrs in survival..... So on. 

    If you want a prime part 10 min i think it's ok . And you can have a life too.


    I would play them but as everyone else playing games i want a GOAL, not only going hours in survival just becouse..

    Then i could just stand in the simalacrium couldnt i?


  12. 1 minute ago, ragingdeamon said:

    exactly what missions did you play before the update then? the old T4 void was at level 40-45 and went up from there, and there are endless missions that do just that in the void maps right now.

    Before SoTR what i did was i played void survival/defence either alone or with friends. and i used to run survival for about 1 - 1 1/2 hour. 

    I didnt really like the old system becouse i had to wait about 45 minutes everytime before it got challengeing, this is what i want realy. 

    I want there to exist maybe a couple of planets and even with this system we have right now, but they would atleast be of sortie difficulty, do you get me? 

    I will say it again, I LOVE THIS GAME! get it? i'm not flaming i'm not trying to bad mouth DE or anything, all i'm saying is that the focused so much on the experience for the new player that they forgot about the more experienced players, and i'm all for helping new players and i think there should be more of a direction in this game wich they added it sotr.

    But! there should also be content for player that have played for a longer time, i mean the new player will eventually get there aswell so this affects everbody. 


  13. 6 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

    When was there ever any challenge? Almost all the difficulty is this game has relied on bullet sponges and instakills.

    Challenge lies in enemy design, and that hasn't changed.

    One shouldn't call people salty when they express their opinions as if it contributes something. It doesn't. It shatters your credibility.

    He was salty what's your problem? 

  14. 1 minute ago, ragingdeamon said:

    there are still endless high level missions in the starchart, the void in particular starts at very high level. but that is not the point, is it?

    you want to be rewarded for having maxed out and optimized all your gear because you felt rewarded before. well guess what, you weren't. you could go on T4 survival for two hours, but you just had mildly more chances than the people that just went 20-40 minutes then used another key. the game never wants you to put 6 formas on your weapons and be prepared for level 150+ enemies, so it won't reward you for things that it never asked you to do.

    What? My gear clearly out match everything on starmap and this is where i have a problem!

    I don't even understand why people get so defensive in the first place, i love this game but you can't even say something negative about it becouse people like you run up and defend something that isnt even yours, i mean you don't even have an argument.

    It's a fact that the enemies are low-leveled, ask anyone and they'll say that fashion frame is what they do. 

    All i want is to play the game but i would have no problem if let's say pluto was like 60-70 and maybe some nodes modified with like extra elemental resistance (just an example)r 

  15. 3 minutes ago, VKhaun said:

    People keep asking where to farm things, where the new Draco is and whining that it's too hard to level stuff.

    Meanwhile I forma my gear, use the free points from MR to throw mods on, and go play all over the star chart to get XP while finding stuff and being challenged at the same time. No, not everyone is MR22 but people who aren't MR22 have plenty of good weapons to forma and you don't need MR22 to get a usable number of points, especially if we're talking about this at the same time as wanting to feel challenged. Frames and melee are actually kind of silly with additional points from auras and stances.

    People need to stop trying so @(*()&#036; hard to not play the game and just play the damn game.

    I don't care about draco and i don't care about farm, all i want to do is kills stuff that might be able to kill me aswell. 

    And i am  playing the game. i'm doing it all wheter its fissures, leveleing frames and weapons, junctions, syndicates, sorties i'm doing everything daily. 

    I don't get what it is you're defending i'm just trying to have a discussion about something. 

    Why so salty?

  16. Listen, i have invested alot of f'ing time and cash into this game to be good at it, to be able to play through challangeing content..

    But as it is now there isnt any challange at all, you mentioned bursas and combas and what not.. they are hard at higer levels not at 30-40. 


    I want to play the game that i prepared for. 

  17. Let's talk about this honestly, beside the sorties what else is there to do? 

    I mean, the fissures are even more repetetive than the old void ever was and it's not even much of a challange not even at the hardest level. 

    Is there ever going to be a planet where the enemies are around the same difficulty as the sorties?

    Right now i'm only doing the sorties becouse it's the only thing to even resemble something as an end-game or meta or what ever you want to call it, i don't really care about the rewards. 

    I mean the standard difficulty of this game only fits for new players. 


    What are your thoughts about this?  


  18. I don't know man i like the fissure thing except that i can't play my e-war valkyr anymore but i kinda like some of the features to be honest..

    I mean, have you tried the dual darkswords yet? it's fast it hits hard AF with corrosive/radiation crit and some status build and with excal =) 

    The stradavar is actually usefull now. but i'm pretty bummed that there was no weapons stances or weapons or any changes to melee and focus at all (except for the sai weapon and dual dagger stance) i wonder what happened to the tonfa stance that they showed at the same time as the dual dagger stance.

    Endless mission is now useless wich was for me my definition of end-game really.. now the hardest enemies are between level 45-50. 

    I might be wrong and really hope i am, but i havent seen any enemies that's higher than level 49 in the star map missions. 

    I mean whats the point of having more low level planets than planets with fairly mid-high level enemies.

    I would like the missions to start of with enemies around level 60-70 and/or higher, it could be optional but seriously, before the SotR update you had to butcher your way for an hour before it got interesting. 


  19. 2 hours ago, JRMC said:



    Hey dude. 

    I agree with you on all points BUT and it's a big but (Not as big as Banshee's though)

    This is not only exclusive to warframe but i've seen it on all the forums of the games that i have played through the years, there is no escaping it because it's human nature. 

    Some people forget to be constructive and properly explain their point of view, and a huge ammount of these threads are probably written by someone that dosent even posses the abillity to give constructive feedback to begin with, many of them also don't even comprehend how to not be an a-hole if you know what i mean. 

    There's alot of immaturity aswell, and my point is, no matter what it is you can't satisfy everyone so this kind of toxic behaviour will always exist, you just have to look past it. 


  20. I'm on a train and on my mobilephone so im going to make this quick, just hear me out. 

    So i mainly use valkyr she is my absolute favourite warframe by far.

    But, i always go for the same build on her wich is an warcry build for attack speed this means that im slow as hell without warcry so getting dispelled is something i always trying to avoid. 

    Before the nullifiers were manageble but as it is now playing e-war valkyr is nezxt to impossible when youre constantly standning in not just one but often multiple bubbles you cant really do what houre there to do. 

    Make the nullifiera diapell only the exalted abillities or atleast remove war cry.. Or better yet why not just remove em? 

  21. Oh and i also got something to say on this topic.


    For people wo have seen my post i know that i'm a bit repetetive but please bare with me!

    So i usually play full melee and i actually love te stances in this game but there is some stances that in my opinion is rendered useless because of 1(or more) garbage move.

    Like the crossing snake stance, you always execute one of the combos because it contains the forward button and and this single move just breaks the flow and hijacks your movement to lash out in slomo i think you all know what move i speak of namely Lacerating Leap. 

    If it wasnt for this move i would actually like to use the crossing-snakes stance seeing that it's the only other dualsword stance in the game!

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